Wessex League: Taunton Chapter 2018

Date September 29, 2018
Country United Kingdom
City Taunton

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 86 35
Women's Steel Longsword 20 8
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger 48 20
Mixed Steel Sabre 58 19
Women's Steel Sabre 21 7
Mixed Steel Sidesword & Buckler 56 22

Fighters in event

Dorian Canham De Feu et d'Acier
Sean Jauss Bath Historical Martial Arts
Stefano Conese Scherma Storica Lecce
Emilia Skirmuntt The School of the Sword
Chloe Headdon Academy of Historical Fencing
Jordan Eyre Academy of Historical Fencing
Dave McPherson Alpha Weapons Academy
Michael Smallridge Auckland Longsword
Pedro San Miguel Ausardia HEMA Club
Jack Edwards Bath Historical Martial Arts
Philip Mitchell Cambridge HEMA
David Young Clashing Steel Longsword Club
Jo Wimborne Edel Fencing Academy
Daniel Jones Edel Fencing Academy
Amber Chester London Historical Fencing Club
Jamie MacIver London Historical Fencing Club
James Warren Michigan Medieval Combat Association
Edmund Withnell Order of the Blade
Amir Sheikh-Warak Schola Gladiatoria
Mark Brown Taunton Longswords
Sam Rasmussen Taunton Longswords
Douglas Mclean Taunton Longswords
Adam Boulton Taunton Longswords
Elizabeth Kirkpatrick Taunton Longswords
Luke Loader Taunton Longswords
Nicole Stanfield Caile Taunton Longswords
Richard Seymour Taunton Longswords
Dave Aston Taunton Longswords
Jay Maxwell Tempus Fugitives
Matthew Holden-Williams Tempus Fugitives
Thomas Pittwood The Iron Door Collective
John Waller The School of the Sword
James Barker The School of the Sword
Fran Terminiello The School of the Sword
Adrian Faulkner The School of the Sword
Matthew Crane The School of the Sword
Apollon Makropoulos The School of the Sword
Stewart Hotston The School of the Sword
Chris Hartley The School of the Sword
Robert Williams The School of the Sword
Andy Bone The School of the Sword
Paul Grayson Thetford Sword Club
Gethyn Long Virtus Sword School
Richard Welsby Virtus Sword School
Bailey Burdett Virtus Sword School
Leo Brown Virtus Sword School
Iona Twiston-Davies Virtus Sword School
Maria Makarova Waterloo Sparring Group
Rowan Skilbeck Waterloo Sparring Group


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Adam Boulton Jack Edwards DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Bailey Burdett Sam Rasmussen WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Jack Edwards Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Sam Rasmussen Adam Boulton LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Jamie MacIver Bailey Burdett WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Sam Rasmussen Jack Edwards WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Jamie MacIver Sam Rasmussen WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Bailey Burdett Adam Boulton WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Jamie MacIver Adam Boulton WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Bailey Burdett Jack Edwards WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Emilia Skirmuntt Stefano Conese LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Luke Loader Gethyn Long WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Stefano Conese Daniel Jones LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Luke Loader Emilia Skirmuntt LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Gethyn Long Daniel Jones DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Luke Loader Stefano Conese WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Daniel Jones Luke Loader WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Emilia Skirmuntt Gethyn Long LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Daniel Jones Emilia Skirmuntt WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Stefano Conese Gethyn Long LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Jordan Eyre Amber Chester WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Richard Seymour Chris Hartley LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Amber Chester Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Richard Seymour Jordan Eyre LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Chris Hartley Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Richard Seymour Amber Chester LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Pedro San Miguel Richard Seymour WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Jordan Eyre Chris Hartley WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Pedro San Miguel Jordan Eyre WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Amber Chester Chris Hartley LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Philip Mitchell Douglas Mclean WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Richard Welsby Elizabeth Kirkpatrick WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Robert Williams Douglas Mclean WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Philip Mitchell Elizabeth Kirkpatrick WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Robert Williams Richard Welsby WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Douglas Mclean Elizabeth Kirkpatrick WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Robert Williams Elizabeth Kirkpatrick WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Philip Mitchell Richard Welsby LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Robert Williams Philip Mitchell WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Richard Welsby Douglas Mclean WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Sean Jauss Iona Twiston-Davies WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Dave Aston Thomas Pittwood LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Rowan Skilbeck Iona Twiston-Davies WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Sean Jauss Thomas Pittwood WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Dave Aston Rowan Skilbeck LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Thomas Pittwood Iona Twiston-Davies WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Rowan Skilbeck Thomas Pittwood WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Dave Aston Sean Jauss LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Rowan Skilbeck Sean Jauss WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Dave Aston Iona Twiston-Davies LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Matthew Holden-Williams David Young WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Nicole Stanfield Caile James Warren LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Michael Smallridge David Young WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Nicole Stanfield Caile Matthew Holden-Williams LOSS WIN
Pool 6 James Warren Michael Smallridge LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Nicole Stanfield Caile David Young LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Michael Smallridge Nicole Stanfield Caile WIN LOSS
Pool 6 James Warren Matthew Holden-Williams LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Michael Smallridge Matthew Holden-Williams WIN LOSS
Pool 6 James Warren David Young WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Edmund Withnell Mark Brown WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Leo Brown Paul Grayson WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Amir Sheikh-Warak Mark Brown WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Paul Grayson Edmund Withnell LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Amir Sheikh-Warak Leo Brown WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Mark Brown Paul Grayson WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Amir Sheikh-Warak Paul Grayson WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Leo Brown Edmund Withnell LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Edmund Withnell Amir Sheikh-Warak WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Mark Brown Leo Brown WIN LOSS
Eighthfinal Jamie MacIver Philip Mitchell WIN LOSS
Eighthfinal Bailey Burdett Sean Jauss LOSS WIN
Eighthfinal Edmund Withnell Richard Welsby WIN LOSS
Eighthfinal Matthew Holden-Williams Robert Williams LOSS WIN
Eighthfinal Pedro San Miguel Thomas Pittwood WIN LOSS
Eighthfinal Daniel Jones Amir Sheikh-Warak LOSS WIN
Eighthfinal Michael Smallridge Gethyn Long WIN LOSS
Eighthfinal Jordan Eyre Rowan Skilbeck LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal Jamie MacIver Sean Jauss WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal Edmund Withnell Robert Williams WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal Amir Sheikh-Warak Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal Michael Smallridge Rowan Skilbeck WIN LOSS
Semifinal Edmund Withnell Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Semifinal Pedro San Miguel Michael Smallridge LOSS WIN
Final Edmund Withnell Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Final Jamie MacIver Michael Smallridge LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Elizabeth Kirkpatrick Maria Makarova LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Emilia Skirmuntt Amber Chester WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Amber Chester Maria Makarova LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Emilia Skirmuntt Elizabeth Kirkpatrick WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Emilia Skirmuntt Maria Makarova LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Amber Chester Elizabeth Kirkpatrick WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Jo Wimborne Iona Twiston-Davies LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Nicole Stanfield Caile Fran Terminiello LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jo Wimborne Nicole Stanfield Caile WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Fran Terminiello Iona Twiston-Davies WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Jo Wimborne Fran Terminiello WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Nicole Stanfield Caile Iona Twiston-Davies LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal Nicole Stanfield Caile Maria Makarova LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal Jo Wimborne Emilia Skirmuntt LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal Fran Terminiello Elizabeth Kirkpatrick WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal Iona Twiston-Davies Amber Chester LOSS WIN
Semifinal Maria Makarova Emilia Skirmuntt WIN LOSS
Semifinal Amber Chester Fran Terminiello LOSS WIN
Final Emilia Skirmuntt Amber Chester WIN LOSS
Final Fran Terminiello Maria Makarova LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Adrian Faulkner Emilia Skirmuntt DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 James Barker Matthew Holden-Williams LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Emilia Skirmuntt Michael Smallridge LOSS WIN
Pool 1 James Barker Adrian Faulkner LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Michael Smallridge Matthew Holden-Williams WIN LOSS
Pool 1 James Barker Emilia Skirmuntt LOSS WIN
Pool 1 James Barker Michael Smallridge LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Adrian Faulkner Matthew Holden-Williams WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Michael Smallridge Adrian Faulkner LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Emilia Skirmuntt Matthew Holden-Williams LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Leo Brown Apollon Makropoulos LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jordan Eyre Fran Terminiello LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Leo Brown Stewart Hotston LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Apollon Makropoulos Fran Terminiello WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Jordan Eyre Stewart Hotston WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Leo Brown Fran Terminiello LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Stewart Hotston Fran Terminiello WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Jordan Eyre Apollon Makropoulos LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Stewart Hotston Apollon Makropoulos WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Leo Brown Jordan Eyre LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Dorian Canham John Waller WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Andy Bone Sean Jauss LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Matthew Crane John Waller WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Sean Jauss Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Andy Bone Matthew Crane LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Sean Jauss John Waller WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Matthew Crane Sean Jauss WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Andy Bone Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Matthew Crane Dorian Canham WIN LOSS
Pool 3 John Waller Andy Bone DRAW DRAW
Pool 4 Gethyn Long Maria Makarova LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Dave McPherson Chris Hartley WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Jay Maxwell Gethyn Long WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Chris Hartley Maria Makarova LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Dave McPherson Jay Maxwell LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Chris Hartley Gethyn Long WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Jay Maxwell Chris Hartley WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Dave McPherson Maria Makarova LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Jay Maxwell Maria Makarova WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Dave McPherson Gethyn Long WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal Matthew Crane Dorian Canham WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal Maria Makarova Michael Smallridge WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal Jay Maxwell Apollon Makropoulos WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal Stewart Hotston Adrian Faulkner LOSS WIN
Semifinal Maria Makarova Matthew Crane LOSS WIN
Semifinal Adrian Faulkner Jay Maxwell WIN LOSS
Final Maria Makarova Jay Maxwell LOSS WIN
Final Matthew Crane Adrian Faulkner WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Dave Aston Amir Sheikh-Warak LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Sam Rasmussen Dave McPherson LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Sean Jauss Matthew Holden-Williams WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Sam Rasmussen Amir Sheikh-Warak LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Dave Aston Matthew Holden-Williams LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Sean Jauss Dave McPherson WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Matthew Holden-Williams Amir Sheikh-Warak LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Sam Rasmussen Sean Jauss LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Dave Aston Dave McPherson LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Amir Sheikh-Warak Sean Jauss WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Dave McPherson Matthew Holden-Williams DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Dave Aston Sam Rasmussen LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Amir Sheikh-Warak Dave McPherson WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Dave Aston Sean Jauss LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Matthew Holden-Williams Sam Rasmussen WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Jordan Eyre Daniel Jones WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Andy Bone Thomas Pittwood LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jamie MacIver Jack Edwards WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Daniel Jones Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jordan Eyre Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jack Edwards Thomas Pittwood WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Andy Bone Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Daniel Jones Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jordan Eyre Thomas Pittwood LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Pedro San Miguel Jamie MacIver WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Andy Bone Jack Edwards WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Pedro San Miguel Jack Edwards WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Thomas Pittwood Jamie MacIver DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Andy Bone Jordan Eyre LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Pedro San Miguel Thomas Pittwood WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Jack Edwards Jordan Eyre LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Pedro San Miguel Jordan Eyre WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Andy Bone Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Michael Smallridge Dorian Canham DRAW DRAW
Pool 3 Douglas Mclean Robert Williams LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Chris Hartley James Warren WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Douglas Mclean Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Michael Smallridge James Warren WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Robert Williams Chris Hartley WIN LOSS
Pool 3 James Warren Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Chris Hartley Douglas Mclean WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Robert Williams Michael Smallridge WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Dorian Canham Chris Hartley WIN LOSS
Pool 3 James Warren Robert Williams LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Michael Smallridge Douglas Mclean WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Robert Williams Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Michael Smallridge Chris Hartley WIN LOSS
Pool 3 James Warren Douglas Mclean LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal Pedro San Miguel Matthew Holden-Williams WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal Robert Williams Sean Jauss WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal Sean Jauss Robert Williams LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal Robert Williams Sean Jauss WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal Amir Sheikh-Warak Michael Smallridge WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal Jamie MacIver Dorian Canham WIN LOSS
Semifinal Robert Williams Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Semifinal Amir Sheikh-Warak Jamie MacIver WIN LOSS
Final Robert Williams Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Final Amir Sheikh-Warak Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Chloe Headdon Emilia Skirmuntt LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Fran Terminiello Amber Chester WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Elizabeth Kirkpatrick Jo Wimborne LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Maria Makarova Chloe Headdon LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Jo Wimborne Emilia Skirmuntt LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Elizabeth Kirkpatrick Amber Chester LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Fran Terminiello Maria Makarova WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Chloe Headdon Jo Wimborne WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Amber Chester Emilia Skirmuntt LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Jo Wimborne Maria Makarova LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Fran Terminiello Elizabeth Kirkpatrick WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Amber Chester Chloe Headdon WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Maria Makarova Elizabeth Kirkpatrick WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Jo Wimborne Amber Chester WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Fran Terminiello Emilia Skirmuntt LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Amber Chester Maria Makarova LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Elizabeth Kirkpatrick Emilia Skirmuntt LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Chloe Headdon Fran Terminiello LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Emilia Skirmuntt Maria Makarova LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Elizabeth Kirkpatrick Chloe Headdon LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Jo Wimborne Fran Terminiello LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Dorian Canham Stewart Hotston WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Jordan Eyre Jack Edwards WIN LOSS
Pool 1 John Waller Matthew Holden-Williams LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Dorian Canham Jack Edwards WIN LOSS
Pool 1 John Waller Stewart Hotston LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Matthew Holden-Williams Jordan Eyre WIN LOSS
Pool 1 John Waller Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Jack Edwards Matthew Holden-Williams LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Stewart Hotston Jordan Eyre WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Dorian Canham Matthew Holden-Williams WIN LOSS
Pool 1 John Waller Jordan Eyre WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Stewart Hotston Jack Edwards WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Jordan Eyre Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Stewart Hotston Matthew Holden-Williams WIN LOSS
Pool 1 John Waller Jack Edwards WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Michael Smallridge David Young WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Robert Williams Adam Boulton WIN LOSS
Pool 2 David Young Jay Maxwell LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Adam Boulton Michael Smallridge LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jay Maxwell Robert Williams WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Adam Boulton Jay Maxwell LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Michael Smallridge Robert Williams DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Michael Smallridge Jay Maxwell LOSS WIN
Pool 3 James Barker Chris Hartley LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Sean Jauss Dave McPherson LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Chris Hartley Sean Jauss LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Dave McPherson Apollon Makropoulos WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Sean Jauss Apollon Makropoulos LOSS WIN
Pool 3 James Barker Dave McPherson LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Chris Hartley Apollon Makropoulos WIN LOSS
Pool 3 James Barker Sean Jauss LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Chris Hartley Dave McPherson DRAW DRAW
Pool 3 James Barker Apollon Makropoulos LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Adrian Faulkner Mark Brown WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Daniel Jones Jo Wimborne WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Sam Rasmussen Andy Bone LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Adrian Faulkner Jo Wimborne WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Mark Brown Andy Bone LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Daniel Jones Sam Rasmussen LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Andy Bone Adrian Faulkner LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Jo Wimborne Sam Rasmussen LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Mark Brown Daniel Jones LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Adrian Faulkner Sam Rasmussen WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Andy Bone Daniel Jones WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Jo Wimborne Mark Brown LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Adrian Faulkner Daniel Jones WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Mark Brown Sam Rasmussen WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Jo Wimborne Andy Bone LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal Michael Smallridge Jay Maxwell LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal Andy Bone Stewart Hotston LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal Robert Williams Adrian Faulkner LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal Dave McPherson Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Semifinal Jay Maxwell Stewart Hotston WIN LOSS
Semifinal Dorian Canham Adrian Faulkner LOSS WIN
Final Dorian Canham Stewart Hotston LOSS WIN
Final Jay Maxwell Adrian Faulkner WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Wessex League: Taunton Chapter 2018

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
52 20 Michael Smallridge Auckland Longsword 1697.6 38.7
59 14 Jamie MacIver London Historical Fencing Club 1685.1 27.8
84 68 Rowan Skilbeck Waterloo Sparring Group 1648.1 77.4
112 101 Pedro San Miguel Ausardia HEMA Club 1609 78.2
348 102 Edmund Withnell Order of the Blade 1469 56.3
399 99 Amir Sheikh-Warak Schola Gladiatoria 1442.8 51.3
492 84 Robert Williams The School of the Sword 1404.7 38.6
498 47 Daniel Jones Edel Fencing Academy 1402 24.7
580 60 Sean Jauss Bath Historical Martial Arts 1377.6 34.1
781 431 Matthew Holden-Williams Tempus Fugitives 1310.8 135.7
1056 64 Jordan Eyre Academy of Historical Fencing 1236.1 36.2
1099 265 Emilia Skirmuntt The School of the Sword 1225.3 59
1231 258 David Young Clashing Steel Longsword Club 1192 52.1
1247 317 Philip Mitchell Cambridge HEMA 1187.3 93.6
1339 506 Gethyn Long Virtus Sword School 1166 135.7
1477 James Warren Michigan Medieval Combat Association 1131.2
1555 Bailey Burdett Virtus Sword School 1114.5
1607 273 Mark Brown Taunton Longswords 1103 84
1628 Luke Loader Taunton Longswords 1098.7
1736 29 Thomas Pittwood The Iron Door Collective 1076.2 24.6
1766 Chris Hartley The School of the Sword 1071.1
1999 888 Richard Welsby Virtus Sword School 1012.7 280.4
2235 Stefano Conese Scherma Storica Lecce 964.6
2314 253 Paul Grayson Thetford Sword Club 948.2 32
2418 60 Amber Chester London Historical Fencing Club 927.6 18.8
2444 Iona Twiston-Davies Virtus Sword School 919.4
2497 119 Douglas Mclean Taunton Longswords 906 3.1
2582 239 Adam Boulton Taunton Longswords 885 130.3
2648 Leo Brown Virtus Sword School 867.2
2794 Nicole Stanfield Caile Taunton Longswords 825
2885 Dave Aston Taunton Longswords 792
2941 Richard Seymour Taunton Longswords 772.9
3025 70 Sam Rasmussen Taunton Longswords 739.3 79.1
3109 Jack Edwards Bath Historical Martial Arts 671.3
3138 Elizabeth Kirkpatrick Taunton Longswords 555.3