Underrepresented Genders and Women's Steel Rapier and Dagger - February 2025

8 fighters have competed this month, out of a total of 70 active fighters.

31 fights from 1 event have gone into this month's rating changes

Out of 5 new fighters, Diana Messner debuts at 18th with a rating of 1358.4, making them the highest-rated newcomer on the main island this month

Claudia Chies increases their weighted rating from 1277.1 to 1514.6, making them the fighter with the biggest rating climb on the main island this month

Giulia Tonon climbs 4 places from 7th to 3rd with a rating of 1718.9, making them the fighter who climbed to the highest rank on the main island this month

Anita Greggio wins a fight with an estimated 41.99% win chance, making them the fighter with the biggest upset this month

45 fighters are on the "main island". The remaining 25 are distributed among 3 islands.

25 fighters have been on an island for as long as they've been active in this rating category.

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
1 Magdalena Jurczyk Rebel Fencing Szkoła Szermierki Klasycznej 1787.7
2 Agnieszka Kastelik Szkoła Fechtunku Gryf 1722.6
3 4 Giulia Tonon A.S.D. Regia Turris 1718.9 193.5
4 1 Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska Akademia Szermierzy 1648.6
5 1 Emilia Skirmuntt The School of the Sword 1586.8
6 1 Paulina Popiel VALKYRIE/BLADE 1559.3
7 1 Jessica Young Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1545.8
8 13 Claudia Chies Tertium Modo 1514.6 237.5
9 1 Mengxi Wang Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 1510.2
10 1 Charlotte Barlow Smart HEMA Clubs 1497.7
11 1 Paulina Pająk Szkoła Szermierki Pokazowej - TEATR WALKI Leszka Galicy Kraków 1456.7
12 1 Jen Scott Bold City Longsword 1448.4
13 1 Melissa Hainsworth Academy of Steel 1413.6
14 Joanna Casey University of West Florida Fencing 1396.2
15 Eva Kohanovska Ritter 1389.2
16 Yuliia Smoilovska Guild of Duel Fencing 1377.6
17 Kari Baker Mordhau Historical Combat 1366.6
18 Diana Messner Kunst des Historischen Fechtens Tirol 1358.4
19 1 Clare Lahey Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 1338.3
20 1 Raquel Pullicino Smart HEMA Clubs 1331.9
21 1 Melissa Kleiß Schildwache Potsdam e.V 1290.2
22 Jeremy Taylor University of West Florida Fencing 1258
23 Karolina Nowak VALKYRIE/BLADE 1243.5
24 Anna Wilbeck N/A 1207.1
25 Veronica Young Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1187.2
26 Viktoriia Shulha Guild of Duel Fencing 1182.1
27 Charlotte Abraham Exmoor HEMA 1180.5
28 Rashelle DeBolt Noble Science Academy 1178.4
29 Aimee Hanson N/A 1167.5
30 Adrianna Bereta Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku 1164.6
31 Agata Gandecka VALKYRIE/BLADE 1157.4
32 Valentyna Sysoieva Guild of Duel Fencing 1147.2
33 Clizia Buniotto Ordine delle Lame Scaligere 1126.1
34 Bethany Hinson SoCal Swords 1124.1
35 Barbara Zambrzycka Mordschlag 1123.5
36 Liz Kirkpatrick Taunton Longswords 1119.5
37 Martina Deotto Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Friuli Venezia Giulia 1108.9
38 1 Finley Dickins Caledonian Sword Guild 1094.4
39 1 Joanna Pawlak Akademia Szermierzy 1093.6
40 1 Monika Jurga-Hubert N/A 1090.6
41 9 Anita Greggio Scherma Storica Dolomiti 1086.6 147.2
43 1 Alanna Wendt En Garde Fencing 1076.7
42 1 Harriet Coates Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 1076.7
44 4 Rachel Carlyle Athens School of Arms 1076.6
45 2 Anan Tan Twerchhau e.V. 1069.3
46 2 Jami Davies Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1065.7
47 2 Ellen Howse Bath Historical Martial Arts 1046.9
48 2 Ari Stevens University of West Florida Fencing 1042
49 2 Nari Duskryn N/A 1004.1
50 Anna Carnevali Ordine delle Lame Scaligere 959.7
51 3 Nicole Mazzucato Scherma Storica Dolomiti 955.2
52 3 Oleksandra Kalashnik Guild of Duel Fencing 938.5
53 Cecilia Buffatti Fechtakademie Südtirol 932.3
55 3 Aphra Hope-Forest Edel Fencing Academy 914.6
54 3 Madeleine Thomson The Vanguard Centre 914.6
56 3 Ilyse Kullman Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 912.2
57 3 Lindsey Mitchell Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 910.2
58 3 Sandy Morrison N/A 909.1
59 3 Kas Wampler-Goodbee Kron Martial Arts 909.1
60 3 Meg Piekarska Gentleman's Dueling Society 906.4
61 3 Elizabeth Uebele University of West Florida Fencing 891
62 3 Rebecca Glass L'Arte Della Bellica 882.2
63 3 Emily Carol Smith Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy 877.4
64 3 Idamaria Lehtinen EHMS 877
65 3 Alessandra Ghedini HEMA Ravenna 852.9
66 3 Magdalena Węglarz Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku 842.3
67 Elisa Veronese Tertium Modo 785.7
68 4 Michelle Fredrickson Seven Swords Academy 741.6
69 4 Lacey Cupp SoCal Swords 739.2
70 4 Valentina Rizzini Ordine delle Lame Scaligere 653.1