Wessex League: Exeter Chapter 2024

Date November 23, 2024
Country United Kingdom
City Exeter
Software HEMA Scorecard (results )

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier A) 76 30
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) 95 33
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger 71 23
Mixed Steel Sabre 76 30
Mixed Steel Sidesword & Buckler (Beginners) 10 4
Mixed Steel Sidesword & Buckler 87 35
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword 49 16
Underrepresented Genders Steel Sidesword and Buckler 28 10

Fighters in event

Andrzej Rozycki Blademasters Academy
Michal Sworzeniowski Blademasters Academy
Colin Miraglio Blademasters Academy
Mike Prendergast Historical Combat Academy
Pawel Rogowski Academy of Steel
Jarek Chrzanowski Ausardia HEMA Club
Jacek Kaminski Ausardia HEMA Club
Szymon Masiak The Institute for Historical Arts
Emilia Skirmuntt The School of the Sword
Alex Magee
Dario Stagno Academy of Historical Fencing
Jordan Mock Academy of Steel
Melissa Hainsworth Academy of Steel
Cian Jukes Academy of Steel
Sheldon Thorne Academy of Steel
Rhys Howells Academy of Steel
Lani Thabit Jones Academy of Steel
Pedro San Miguel Ausardia HEMA Club
Yihang Mung Ausardia HEMA Club
Mateusz Leksander Ausardia HEMA Club
Wolf Wolfman Ausardia HEMA Club
Sara Pacitto Ausardia HEMA Club
Grace DeBanks Ausardia HEMA Club
Finley Dickins Caledonian Sword Guild
Duncan McLaren Caledonian Sword Guild
Farah McAdam Caledonian Sword Guild
Ben Conway-Smith Cambridge HEMA
Winston Lewis Edel Fencing Academy
Aphra Hope-Forest Edel Fencing Academy
Rob Newton Exeter Sparring Group
Robbie MacKenzie-Clarke Exeter Sparring Group
Sebastian Tym Exeter Sparring Group
Ben Luxa Exeter Sparring Group
Adam Lammian Exmoor HEMA
Dylan Jeffreys Exmoor HEMA
Tobias Hyder Exmoor HEMA
Martin Clarke Exmoor HEMA
Derek Farmer Exmoor HEMA
Clive Crosby Exmoor HEMA
Torsten Wallace Exmoor HEMA
Gabrielle Bonner Exmoor HEMA
Charlotte Abraham Exmoor HEMA
Willow Grove Exmoor HEMA
Daniel Clay London Historical Fencing Club
Perth Ophaswongse London Historical Fencing Club
Ruth Collard-Stayte London Historical Fencing Club
Mads Ratnavale London Historical Fencing Club
Kelsey Dame London Historical Fencing Club
Alex Palmer London Historical Fencing Club
Sam Browse London Historical Fencing Club
Kerri Tamplin London Historical Fencing Club
Patrick Lawton London Historical Fencing Club
Dan Powell London Historical Fencing Club
Owen Hahn London Historical Fencing Club
James Tamplin London Historical Fencing Club
Jamie MacIver London Historical Fencing Club
Jonathan Robson London Historical Fencing Club
George Cartwright Order of the Blade
Stuart Smart Smart HEMA Clubs
Andy McCormack Smart HEMA Clubs
Timothy Noyce Smart HEMA Clubs
Alex Gilbank Smart HEMA Clubs
Alex Roskilly Smart HEMA Clubs
Robert Knowles Smart HEMA Clubs
Steven Gallagher Smart HEMA Clubs
Connor Goddard Smart HEMA Clubs
Tom Crickmore Smart HEMA Clubs
Alan Knowles Smart HEMA Clubs
Kristian Barlow Smart HEMA Clubs
Patrick Rance Smart HEMA Clubs
Charlotte Barlow Smart HEMA Clubs
Omar Amerah Smart HEMA Clubs
Daniel King Smart HEMA Clubs
Harry Laan Southampton Historical Fencing
Mark Wilkie The Institute for Historical Arts
Stuart Calder The Institute for Historical Arts
Aria Ursell The Institute for Historical Arts
Jonathan Green The Iron Door Collective
Cat Smith The Iron Door Collective
Alexander Chamberlain-Clay The Iron Door Collective
Benjamin Ingleson The Renaissance Sword Club
Stephen Howell The Renaissance Sword Club
Oliver Hennessey The Renaissance Sword Club
Zachary Brooke The Renaissance Sword Club
John Waller The School of the Sword
Abi Waller The School of the Sword
Mick Ruane The School of the Sword
Nigel Salt The School of the Sword
Richard Sullivan The School of the Sword
Dean Noakes The School of the Sword
Thierry Flekier-Wathen The Vanguard Centre
David Rybacki The Vanguard Centre
William Goodman University of Chester HEMA
Daniel Tasker Wardens of the Tor
John Shellard Wardens of the Tor
Jamie Davis Wardens of the Tor
Joshua Yates Wardens of the Tor
Jake Taylor-Bruce Wardens of the Tor
Richard Potter Wivenhoe HEMA


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pools Joshua Yates Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Pools Daniel Clay Nigel Salt WIN LOSS
Pools Winston Lewis Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Pools Joshua Yates Daniel Clay LOSS WIN
Pools Winston Lewis Nigel Salt WIN LOSS
Pools Daniel Clay Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Pools Winston Lewis Joshua Yates LOSS WIN
Pools Nigel Salt Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Pools Winston Lewis Daniel Clay WIN LOSS
Pools Joshua Yates Nigel Salt WIN LOSS
Pools Jamie MacIver Alex Roskilly WIN LOSS
Pools Stuart Calder Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Pools Alex Roskilly William Goodman LOSS WIN
Pools Jamie MacIver William Goodman WIN LOSS
Pools Alex Roskilly Stuart Calder WIN LOSS
Pools Stuart Calder William Goodman LOSS WIN
Pools Jamie MacIver Mike Prendergast WIN LOSS
Pools Stuart Calder Mike Prendergast WIN LOSS
Pools Alex Roskilly Mike Prendergast WIN LOSS
Pools Mike Prendergast William Goodman LOSS WIN
Pools Jacek Kaminski Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pools Patrick Lawton Robert Knowles LOSS WIN
Pools Robbie MacKenzie-Clarke Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pools Jacek Kaminski Robert Knowles WIN LOSS
Pools Patrick Lawton Robbie MacKenzie-Clarke LOSS WIN
Pools Robert Knowles Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pools Robbie MacKenzie-Clarke Jacek Kaminski LOSS WIN
Pools Patrick Lawton Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pools Robert Knowles Robbie MacKenzie-Clarke LOSS WIN
Pools Patrick Lawton Jacek Kaminski LOSS WIN
Pools Mateusz Leksander Colin Miraglio WIN LOSS
Pools James Tamplin Alex Gilbank WIN LOSS
Pools Colin Miraglio Sebastian Tym WIN LOSS
Pools James Tamplin Mateusz Leksander LOSS WIN
Pools Alex Gilbank Sebastian Tym WIN LOSS
Pools James Tamplin Colin Miraglio WIN LOSS
Pools Mateusz Leksander Sebastian Tym WIN LOSS
Pools Colin Miraglio Alex Gilbank WIN LOSS
Pools James Tamplin Sebastian Tym WIN LOSS
Pools Mateusz Leksander Alex Gilbank WIN LOSS
Pools Jonathan Robson Tom Crickmore LOSS WIN
Pools Dan Powell Melissa Hainsworth WIN LOSS
Pools Jonathan Robson Dan Powell LOSS WIN
Pools Tom Crickmore Dan Powell WIN LOSS
Pools Melissa Hainsworth Tom Crickmore LOSS WIN
Pools Jonathan Robson Melissa Hainsworth WIN LOSS
Pools Derek Farmer Tom Crickmore LOSS WIN
Pools Melissa Hainsworth Derek Farmer LOSS WIN
Pools Derek Farmer Jonathan Robson LOSS WIN
Pools Dan Powell Derek Farmer WIN LOSS
Pools Andrzej Rozycki Owen Hahn LOSS WIN
Pools Steven Gallagher Kristian Barlow WIN LOSS
Pools Owen Hahn Rhys Howells WIN LOSS
Pools Steven Gallagher Andrzej Rozycki WIN LOSS
Pools Kristian Barlow Rhys Howells WIN LOSS
Pools Steven Gallagher Owen Hahn LOSS WIN
Pools Andrzej Rozycki Rhys Howells LOSS WIN
Pools Kristian Barlow Owen Hahn LOSS WIN
Pools Steven Gallagher Rhys Howells WIN LOSS
Pools Andrzej Rozycki Kristian Barlow LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Mateusz Leksander Winston Lewis WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Jamie MacIver Alex Roskilly WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Joshua Yates Owen Hahn LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Daniel Clay Tom Crickmore LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Jonathan Robson Duncan McLaren WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Steven Gallagher Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Jacek Kaminski William Goodman WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Dan Powell James Tamplin LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Mateusz Leksander James Tamplin LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Jamie MacIver Jacek Kaminski WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Owen Hahn Mark Wilkie WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Tom Crickmore Jonathan Robson WIN LOSS
Semifinals James Tamplin Tom Crickmore WIN LOSS
Semifinals Owen Hahn Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match James Tamplin Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Match Tom Crickmore Owen Hahn WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pools Rob Newton Timothy Noyce LOSS WIN
Pools Jamie Davis Dylan Jeffreys LOSS WIN
Pools Rob Newton Jamie Davis WIN LOSS
Pools Sam Browse Dylan Jeffreys WIN LOSS
Pools Timothy Noyce Jamie Davis WIN LOSS
Pools Rob Newton Sam Browse LOSS WIN
Pools Timothy Noyce Dylan Jeffreys WIN LOSS
Pools Jamie Davis Sam Browse LOSS WIN
Pools Timothy Noyce Sam Browse WIN LOSS
Pools Rob Newton Dylan Jeffreys WIN LOSS
Pools Kelsey Dame Torsten Wallace LOSS WIN
Pools George Cartwright Kelsey Dame LOSS WIN
Pools Torsten Wallace George Cartwright WIN LOSS
Pools Richard Potter Kelsey Dame WIN LOSS
Pools George Cartwright Richard Potter LOSS WIN
Pools Richard Potter Torsten Wallace WIN LOSS
Pools Kelsey Dame Jake Taylor-Bruce WIN LOSS
Pools Richard Potter Jake Taylor-Bruce LOSS WIN
Pools Torsten Wallace Jake Taylor-Bruce LOSS WIN
Pools Jake Taylor-Bruce George Cartwright WIN LOSS
Pools George Cartwright Aria Ursell LOSS WIN
Pools Kelsey Dame Aria Ursell WIN LOSS
Pools Richard Potter Aria Ursell WIN LOSS
Pools Torsten Wallace Aria Ursell WIN LOSS
Pools Jake Taylor-Bruce Aria Ursell LOSS WIN
Pools Szymon Masiak Alex Palmer WIN LOSS
Pools Sheldon Thorne Adam Lammian LOSS WIN
Pools Alex Palmer Adam Lammian WIN LOSS
Pools Szymon Masiak Sheldon Thorne WIN LOSS
Pools Adam Lammian Szymon Masiak LOSS WIN
Pools Sheldon Thorne Alex Palmer LOSS WIN
Pools Szymon Masiak Farah McAdam WIN LOSS
Pools Farah McAdam Sheldon Thorne LOSS WIN
Pools Alex Palmer Farah McAdam LOSS WIN
Pools Farah McAdam Adam Lammian LOSS WIN
Pools Cian Jukes Perth Ophaswongse LOSS WIN
Pools Clive Crosby Ben Conway-Smith LOSS WIN
Pools Cat Smith Daniel Tasker WIN LOSS
Pools Clive Crosby Perth Ophaswongse LOSS WIN
Pools Cian Jukes Cat Smith WIN LOSS
Pools Daniel Tasker Ben Conway-Smith LOSS WIN
Pools Cat Smith Perth Ophaswongse LOSS WIN
Pools Clive Crosby Daniel Tasker LOSS WIN
Pools Ben Conway-Smith Cian Jukes LOSS WIN
Pools Daniel Tasker Perth Ophaswongse LOSS WIN
Pools Cat Smith Ben Conway-Smith LOSS WIN
Pools Clive Crosby Cian Jukes LOSS WIN
Pools Perth Ophaswongse Ben Conway-Smith WIN LOSS
Pools Daniel Tasker Cian Jukes LOSS WIN
Pools Cat Smith Clive Crosby LOSS WIN
Pools Omar Amerah Pawel Rogowski WIN LOSS
Pools Michal Sworzeniowski Ruth Collard-Stayte WIN LOSS
Pools Omar Amerah Ruth Collard-Stayte WIN LOSS
Pools John Shellard Pawel Rogowski LOSS WIN
Pools Omar Amerah John Shellard WIN LOSS
Pools Pawel Rogowski Michal Sworzeniowski WIN LOSS
Pools John Shellard Michal Sworzeniowski LOSS WIN
Pools Ruth Collard-Stayte Pawel Rogowski LOSS WIN
Pools Michal Sworzeniowski Omar Amerah LOSS WIN
Pools John Shellard Ruth Collard-Stayte WIN LOSS
Pools Michal Sworzeniowski Richard Sullivan WIN LOSS
Pools Omar Amerah Richard Sullivan WIN LOSS
Pools John Shellard Richard Sullivan LOSS WIN
Pools Richard Sullivan Pawel Rogowski LOSS WIN
Pools Ruth Collard-Stayte Richard Sullivan LOSS WIN
Pools Tobias Hyder David Rybacki LOSS WIN
Pools Mads Ratnavale Alexander Chamberlain-Clay LOSS WIN
Pools David Rybacki Mads Ratnavale WIN LOSS
Pools Ben Luxa Alexander Chamberlain-Clay WIN LOSS
Pools Mads Ratnavale Tobias Hyder WIN LOSS
Pools Ben Luxa David Rybacki LOSS WIN
Pools Alexander Chamberlain-Clay Tobias Hyder LOSS WIN
Pools Mads Ratnavale Ben Luxa LOSS WIN
Pools Ben Luxa Tobias Hyder LOSS WIN
Pools David Rybacki Alexander Chamberlain-Clay LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Alexander Chamberlain-Clay Kelsey Dame LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Tobias Hyder Ben Conway-Smith WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Rob Newton Alex Palmer WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Ben Luxa Adam Lammian WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Timothy Noyce Ben Luxa LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Rob Newton Omar Amerah LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Perth Ophaswongse Tobias Hyder LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Szymon Masiak Kelsey Dame LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Cian Jukes Torsten Wallace WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Richard Potter Michal Sworzeniowski WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Pawel Rogowski Jake Taylor-Bruce WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals David Rybacki Sam Browse WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Ben Luxa David Rybacki LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Omar Amerah Pawel Rogowski WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Richard Potter Tobias Hyder LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Kelsey Dame Cian Jukes WIN LOSS
Semifinals David Rybacki Kelsey Dame WIN LOSS
Semifinals Tobias Hyder Omar Amerah LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match David Rybacki Omar Amerah WIN LOSS
Bronze Medal Match Tobias Hyder Kelsey Dame WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pools Connor Goddard Patrick Rance LOSS WIN
Pools Alex Magee Richard Potter LOSS WIN
Pools John Waller Dan Powell LOSS WIN
Pools Alex Magee Patrick Rance LOSS WIN
Pools Connor Goddard Dan Powell WIN LOSS
Pools Richard Potter John Waller WIN LOSS
Pools Patrick Rance Dan Powell WIN LOSS
Pools Alex Magee John Waller LOSS WIN
Pools Richard Potter Connor Goddard WIN LOSS
Pools John Waller Patrick Rance LOSS WIN
Pools Richard Potter Dan Powell WIN LOSS
Pools Connor Goddard Alex Magee WIN LOSS
Pools Richard Potter Patrick Rance LOSS WIN
Pools John Waller Connor Goddard LOSS WIN
Pools Alex Magee Dan Powell LOSS WIN
Pools Jamie MacIver Stuart Smart LOSS WIN
Pools Clive Crosby Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pools Stuart Smart Clive Crosby WIN LOSS
Pools Duncan McLaren Sebastian Tym WIN LOSS
Pools Clive Crosby Sebastian Tym LOSS WIN
Pools Jamie MacIver Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pools Stuart Smart Sebastian Tym WIN LOSS
Pools Jamie MacIver Clive Crosby WIN LOSS
Pools Stuart Smart Duncan McLaren WIN LOSS
Pools Jamie MacIver Sebastian Tym WIN LOSS
Pools Robert Knowles Stephen Howell WIN LOSS
Pools Harry Laan Richard Sullivan WIN LOSS
Pools Richard Sullivan Stephen Howell LOSS WIN
Pools Harry Laan Mike Prendergast WIN LOSS
Pools Robert Knowles Richard Sullivan WIN LOSS
Pools Stephen Howell Mike Prendergast LOSS WIN
Pools Robert Knowles Harry Laan WIN LOSS
Pools Mike Prendergast Richard Sullivan WIN LOSS
Pools Robert Knowles Mike Prendergast WIN LOSS
Pools Harry Laan Stephen Howell LOSS WIN
Pools Finley Dickins Mike Prendergast LOSS WIN
Pools Robert Knowles Finley Dickins WIN LOSS
Pools Harry Laan Finley Dickins WIN LOSS
Pools Finley Dickins Stephen Howell LOSS WIN
Pools Richard Sullivan Finley Dickins LOSS WIN
Pools Alan Knowles Benjamin Ingleson LOSS WIN
Pools Tobias Hyder Tom Crickmore LOSS WIN
Pools Jordan Mock William Goodman WIN LOSS
Pools Benjamin Ingleson Tom Crickmore WIN LOSS
Pools William Goodman Alan Knowles LOSS WIN
Pools Jordan Mock Tobias Hyder LOSS WIN
Pools William Goodman Benjamin Ingleson LOSS WIN
Pools Tom Crickmore Jordan Mock LOSS WIN
Pools Alan Knowles Tobias Hyder LOSS WIN
Pools Jordan Mock Benjamin Ingleson WIN LOSS
Pools Tobias Hyder William Goodman WIN LOSS
Pools Tom Crickmore Alan Knowles WIN LOSS
Pools Benjamin Ingleson Tobias Hyder WIN LOSS
Pools Jordan Mock Alan Knowles LOSS WIN
Pools William Goodman Tom Crickmore LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Dan Powell Robert Knowles LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Alan Knowles Patrick Rance LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Jamie MacIver Stuart Smart LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Tobias Hyder Benjamin Ingleson LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Harry Laan Richard Potter LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Tom Crickmore Duncan McLaren WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Stephen Howell Connor Goddard LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Jordan Mock Mike Prendergast WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Robert Knowles Jordan Mock WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Connor Goddard Patrick Rance LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Stuart Smart Tom Crickmore LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Benjamin Ingleson Richard Potter WIN LOSS
Semifinals Robert Knowles Benjamin Ingleson WIN LOSS
Semifinals Patrick Rance Tom Crickmore WIN LOSS
Gold Medal Match Robert Knowles Patrick Rance LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Match Tom Crickmore Benjamin Ingleson LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pools Colin Miraglio Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Pools Tobias Hyder Kerri Tamplin WIN LOSS
Pools Pedro San Miguel Kerri Tamplin WIN LOSS
Pools Dario Stagno Tobias Hyder LOSS WIN
Pools Kerri Tamplin Dario Stagno LOSS WIN
Pools Tobias Hyder Colin Miraglio LOSS WIN
Pools Pedro San Miguel Dario Stagno WIN LOSS
Pools Kerri Tamplin Colin Miraglio LOSS WIN
Pools Tobias Hyder Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Pools Colin Miraglio Dario Stagno WIN LOSS
Pools Jacek Kaminski Tom Crickmore LOSS WIN
Pools Michal Sworzeniowski Tom Crickmore LOSS WIN
Pools Jacek Kaminski Thierry Flekier-Wathen WIN LOSS
Pools Tom Crickmore Thierry Flekier-Wathen WIN LOSS
Pools Jacek Kaminski Michal Sworzeniowski WIN LOSS
Pools Harry Laan Andrzej Rozycki WIN LOSS
Pools Wolf Wolfman Andrzej Rozycki LOSS WIN
Pools Harry Laan Wolf Wolfman WIN LOSS
Pools Perth Ophaswongse Harry Laan LOSS WIN
Pools Andrzej Rozycki Perth Ophaswongse WIN LOSS
Pools Wolf Wolfman Perth Ophaswongse WIN LOSS
Pools Harry Laan Stuart Calder WIN LOSS
Pools Perth Ophaswongse Stuart Calder WIN LOSS
Pools Andrzej Rozycki Stuart Calder WIN LOSS
Pools Wolf Wolfman Stuart Calder LOSS WIN
Pools Jordan Mock Wolf Wolfman WIN LOSS
Pools Harry Laan Jordan Mock LOSS WIN
Pools Perth Ophaswongse Jordan Mock LOSS WIN
Pools Andrzej Rozycki Jordan Mock LOSS WIN
Pools Stuart Calder Jordan Mock LOSS WIN
Pools Duncan McLaren James Tamplin LOSS WIN
Pools Ben Conway-Smith Jarek Chrzanowski WIN LOSS
Pools Duncan McLaren Nigel Salt WIN LOSS
Pools James Tamplin Jarek Chrzanowski WIN LOSS
Pools Nigel Salt Ben Conway-Smith LOSS WIN
Pools Duncan McLaren Jarek Chrzanowski WIN LOSS
Pools Nigel Salt James Tamplin LOSS WIN
Pools Duncan McLaren Ben Conway-Smith WIN LOSS
Pools Nigel Salt Jarek Chrzanowski LOSS WIN
Pools James Tamplin Ben Conway-Smith LOSS WIN
Pools Omar Amerah Owen Hahn WIN LOSS
Pools Pawel Rogowski Martin Clarke LOSS WIN
Pools Owen Hahn Grace DeBanks WIN LOSS
Pools Omar Amerah Pawel Rogowski WIN LOSS
Pools Grace DeBanks Martin Clarke LOSS WIN
Pools Owen Hahn Pawel Rogowski WIN LOSS
Pools Omar Amerah Grace DeBanks WIN LOSS
Pools Owen Hahn Martin Clarke WIN LOSS
Pools Grace DeBanks Pawel Rogowski LOSS WIN
Pools Martin Clarke Omar Amerah LOSS WIN
Pools Mark Wilkie Mateusz Leksander LOSS WIN
Pools Daniel Clay Mateusz Leksander LOSS WIN
Pools Mark Wilkie Daniel Clay WIN LOSS
Pools Derek Farmer Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Pools Mateusz Leksander Derek Farmer WIN LOSS
Pools Derek Farmer Daniel Clay LOSS WIN
Pools Jonathan Green Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Pools Derek Farmer Jonathan Green WIN LOSS
Pools Jonathan Green Mateusz Leksander LOSS WIN
Pools Daniel Clay Jonathan Green WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Tom Crickmore Daniel Clay WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Tobias Hyder Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Jordan Mock Andrzej Rozycki WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Mateusz Leksander Jacek Kaminski LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Omar Amerah Colin Miraglio WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals James Tamplin Harry Laan LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Ben Conway-Smith Owen Hahn LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Mark Wilkie Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Duncan McLaren Tom Crickmore LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Pedro San Miguel Owen Hahn WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Harry Laan Jordan Mock LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Omar Amerah Jacek Kaminski WIN LOSS
Semifinals Omar Amerah Tom Crickmore LOSS WIN
Semifinals Pedro San Miguel Jordan Mock WIN LOSS
Gold Medal Match Tom Crickmore Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Match Omar Amerah Jordan Mock WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pools Dean Noakes Daniel King WIN LOSS
Pools Mick Ruane Rob Newton LOSS WIN
Pools Dean Noakes Mick Ruane WIN LOSS
Pools Rob Newton Dean Noakes LOSS WIN
Pools Daniel King Rob Newton LOSS WIN
Pools Mick Ruane Daniel King WIN LOSS
Semifinals Dean Noakes Daniel King WIN LOSS
Semifinals Rob Newton Mick Ruane WIN LOSS
Gold Medal Match Dean Noakes Rob Newton WIN LOSS
Bronze Medal Match Daniel King Mick Ruane LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pools Patrick Rance Stephen Howell WIN LOSS
Pools Wolf Wolfman Harry Laan LOSS WIN
Pools Stephen Howell Harry Laan LOSS WIN
Pools Patrick Rance Harry Laan WIN LOSS
Pools Wolf Wolfman Patrick Rance LOSS WIN
Pools Stephen Howell Wolf Wolfman WIN LOSS
Pools Sheldon Thorne Harry Laan LOSS WIN
Pools Patrick Rance Sheldon Thorne WIN LOSS
Pools Wolf Wolfman Sheldon Thorne LOSS WIN
Pools Stephen Howell Sheldon Thorne WIN LOSS
Pools Alan Knowles Harry Laan LOSS WIN
Pools Patrick Rance Alan Knowles WIN LOSS
Pools Wolf Wolfman Alan Knowles LOSS WIN
Pools Stephen Howell Alan Knowles WIN LOSS
Pools Sheldon Thorne Alan Knowles LOSS WIN
Pools Yihang Mung Connor Goddard WIN LOSS
Pools Emilia Skirmuntt Martin Clarke LOSS WIN
Pools Martin Clarke Connor Goddard LOSS WIN
Pools Emilia Skirmuntt Mike Prendergast LOSS WIN
Pools Yihang Mung Martin Clarke WIN LOSS
Pools Emilia Skirmuntt Yihang Mung LOSS WIN
Pools Martin Clarke Mike Prendergast LOSS WIN
Pools Mike Prendergast Yihang Mung LOSS WIN
Pools Stuart Smart Mike Prendergast LOSS WIN
Pools Yihang Mung Stuart Smart WIN LOSS
Pools Emilia Skirmuntt Stuart Smart WIN LOSS
Pools Martin Clarke Stuart Smart LOSS WIN
Pools Cian Jukes Steven Gallagher LOSS WIN
Pools Winston Lewis Steven Gallagher LOSS WIN
Pools Cian Jukes Winston Lewis LOSS WIN
Pools Derek Farmer Winston Lewis LOSS WIN
Pools Zachary Brooke Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pools Cian Jukes Derek Farmer LOSS WIN
Pools Zachary Brooke Steven Gallagher LOSS WIN
Pools Winston Lewis Duncan McLaren WIN LOSS
Pools Zachary Brooke Cian Jukes LOSS WIN
Pools Duncan McLaren Derek Farmer LOSS WIN
Pools Cian Jukes Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pools Zachary Brooke Winston Lewis LOSS WIN
Pools Steven Gallagher Derek Farmer WIN LOSS
Pools Duncan McLaren Steven Gallagher WIN LOSS
Pools Zachary Brooke Derek Farmer LOSS WIN
Pools Kristian Barlow Mateusz Leksander LOSS WIN
Pools Pawel Rogowski Abi Waller WIN LOSS
Pools Jonathan Green Alex Gilbank LOSS WIN
Pools Abi Waller Mateusz Leksander LOSS WIN
Pools Kristian Barlow Jonathan Green WIN LOSS
Pools Alex Gilbank Pawel Rogowski WIN LOSS
Pools Jonathan Green Mateusz Leksander LOSS WIN
Pools Alex Gilbank Abi Waller WIN LOSS
Pools Kristian Barlow Pawel Rogowski LOSS WIN
Pools Mateusz Leksander Alex Gilbank WIN LOSS
Pools Jonathan Green Pawel Rogowski LOSS WIN
Pools Abi Waller Kristian Barlow LOSS WIN
Pools Mateusz Leksander Pawel Rogowski WIN LOSS
Pools Kristian Barlow Alex Gilbank WIN LOSS
Pools Abi Waller Jonathan Green LOSS WIN
Pools Benjamin Ingleson Timothy Noyce WIN LOSS
Pools Andy McCormack Jacek Kaminski LOSS WIN
Pools William Goodman Rhys Howells WIN LOSS
Pools Andy McCormack Benjamin Ingleson LOSS WIN
Pools William Goodman Timothy Noyce LOSS WIN
Pools Jacek Kaminski Rhys Howells WIN LOSS
Pools Benjamin Ingleson William Goodman WIN LOSS
Pools Rhys Howells Andy McCormack LOSS WIN
Pools Jacek Kaminski Timothy Noyce WIN LOSS
Pools Benjamin Ingleson Rhys Howells WIN LOSS
Pools Jacek Kaminski William Goodman LOSS WIN
Pools Timothy Noyce Andy McCormack WIN LOSS
Pools Benjamin Ingleson Jacek Kaminski WIN LOSS
Pools Rhys Howells Timothy Noyce LOSS WIN
Pools William Goodman Andy McCormack LOSS WIN
Pools Colin Miraglio Robert Knowles WIN LOSS
Pools Oliver Hennessey Robert Knowles WIN LOSS
Pools Colin Miraglio Oliver Hennessey WIN LOSS
Pools Jamie MacIver Colin Miraglio WIN LOSS
Pools Oliver Hennessey Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Pools Jamie MacIver Robert Knowles WIN LOSS
Pools Sara Pacitto Colin Miraglio LOSS WIN
Pools Jamie MacIver Sara Pacitto WIN LOSS
Pools Robert Knowles Sara Pacitto WIN LOSS
Pools Sara Pacitto Oliver Hennessey LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Jamie MacIver Mateusz Leksander WIN LOSS
Semifinals Patrick Rance Jamie MacIver WIN LOSS
Semifinals Yihang Mung Winston Lewis WIN LOSS
Gold Medal Match Patrick Rance Yihang Mung WIN LOSS
Bronze Medal Match Jamie MacIver Winston Lewis LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pools Willow Grove Emilia Skirmuntt WIN LOSS
Pools Ruth Collard-Stayte Finley Dickins LOSS WIN
Pools Emilia Skirmuntt Ruth Collard-Stayte WIN LOSS
Pools Willow Grove Aphra Hope-Forest WIN LOSS
Pools Aphra Hope-Forest Emilia Skirmuntt LOSS WIN
Pools Finley Dickins Willow Grove WIN LOSS
Pools Aphra Hope-Forest Finley Dickins LOSS WIN
Pools Willow Grove Ruth Collard-Stayte WIN LOSS
Pools Emilia Skirmuntt Finley Dickins WIN LOSS
Pools Ruth Collard-Stayte Aphra Hope-Forest LOSS WIN
Pools Charlotte Barlow Charlotte Abraham WIN LOSS
Pools Melissa Hainsworth Charlotte Abraham WIN LOSS
Pools Farah McAdam Charlotte Barlow WIN LOSS
Pools Charlotte Abraham Farah McAdam LOSS WIN
Pools Farah McAdam Melissa Hainsworth LOSS WIN
Pools Melissa Hainsworth Charlotte Barlow WIN LOSS
Pools Melissa Hainsworth Grace DeBanks WIN LOSS
Pools Charlotte Abraham Grace DeBanks WIN LOSS
Pools Charlotte Barlow Grace DeBanks WIN LOSS
Pools Grace DeBanks Farah McAdam LOSS WIN
Pools Kelsey Dame Sara Pacitto WIN LOSS
Pools Gabrielle Bonner Aria Ursell LOSS WIN
Pools Cat Smith Lani Thabit Jones WIN LOSS
Pools Gabrielle Bonner Kelsey Dame LOSS WIN
Pools Sara Pacitto Lani Thabit Jones WIN LOSS
Pools Aria Ursell Cat Smith WIN LOSS
Pools Lani Thabit Jones Kelsey Dame LOSS WIN
Pools Cat Smith Gabrielle Bonner WIN LOSS
Pools Aria Ursell Sara Pacitto LOSS WIN
Pools Cat Smith Kelsey Dame LOSS WIN
Pools Lani Thabit Jones Aria Ursell LOSS WIN
Pools Sara Pacitto Gabrielle Bonner WIN LOSS
Pools Kelsey Dame Aria Ursell WIN LOSS
Pools Cat Smith Sara Pacitto WIN LOSS
Pools Lani Thabit Jones Gabrielle Bonner LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Emilia Skirmuntt Grace DeBanks WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Gabrielle Bonner Willow Grove LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Aphra Hope-Forest Farah McAdam LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Finley Dickins Charlotte Abraham WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Charlotte Barlow Aria Ursell LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Sara Pacitto Cat Smith WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Melissa Hainsworth Sara Pacitto WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Kelsey Dame Aria Ursell WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Emilia Skirmuntt Finley Dickins WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Willow Grove Farah McAdam WIN LOSS
Semifinals Melissa Hainsworth Willow Grove WIN LOSS
Semifinals Kelsey Dame Emilia Skirmuntt LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Melissa Hainsworth Emilia Skirmuntt LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Match Willow Grove Kelsey Dame LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pools Abi Waller Melissa Hainsworth LOSS WIN
Pools Cat Smith Mads Ratnavale WIN LOSS
Pools Charlotte Barlow Melissa Hainsworth LOSS WIN
Pools Abi Waller Cat Smith WIN LOSS
Pools Charlotte Barlow Mads Ratnavale WIN LOSS
Pools Melissa Hainsworth Cat Smith WIN LOSS
Pools Charlotte Barlow Abi Waller WIN LOSS
Pools Melissa Hainsworth Mads Ratnavale WIN LOSS
Pools Charlotte Barlow Cat Smith WIN LOSS
Pools Sara Pacitto Emilia Skirmuntt LOSS WIN
Pools Lani Thabit Jones Aphra Hope-Forest WIN LOSS
Pools Emilia Skirmuntt Finley Dickins WIN LOSS
Pools Sara Pacitto Aphra Hope-Forest WIN LOSS
Pools Finley Dickins Lani Thabit Jones LOSS WIN
Pools Emilia Skirmuntt Aphra Hope-Forest WIN LOSS
Pools Sara Pacitto Finley Dickins WIN LOSS
Pools Lani Thabit Jones Emilia Skirmuntt LOSS WIN
Pools Aphra Hope-Forest Finley Dickins LOSS WIN
Pools Lani Thabit Jones Sara Pacitto LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Cat Smith Aphra Hope-Forest WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Emilia Skirmuntt Cat Smith WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Finley Dickins Melissa Hainsworth LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Abi Waller Sara Pacitto WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Lani Thabit Jones Charlotte Barlow LOSS WIN
Semifinals Emilia Skirmuntt Charlotte Barlow LOSS WIN
Semifinals Abi Waller Melissa Hainsworth LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Charlotte Barlow Melissa Hainsworth LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Match Abi Waller Emilia Skirmuntt LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Wessex League: Exeter Chapter 2024

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
50 20 Mark Wilkie The Institute for Historical Arts 1771.2 35.6
56 2 Jamie MacIver London Historical Fencing Club 1756.4 9.1
114 12 Duncan McLaren Caledonian Sword Guild 1677.7 14.3
144 11 Tom Crickmore Smart HEMA Clubs 1656 16.4
189 47 Colin Miraglio Blademasters Academy 1625.1 20.2
197 48 Owen Hahn London Historical Fencing Club 1621.5 31.9
280 72 Mateusz Leksander Ausardia HEMA Club 1580.1 37.5
307 13 Jonathan Robson London Historical Fencing Club 1565 0.4
357 38 Jacek Kaminski Ausardia HEMA Club 1546.7 23.1
397 120 Andrzej Rozycki Blademasters Academy 1529.8 43.6
473 70 Alex Roskilly Smart HEMA Clubs 1501.1 20.4
523 228 James Tamplin London Historical Fencing Club 1487.3 55.6
532 37 Dan Powell London Historical Fencing Club 1484.2 11.3
554 61 Steven Gallagher Smart HEMA Clubs 1480.1 17.3
562 119 Joshua Yates Wardens of the Tor 1478.1 31
593 69 William Goodman University of Chester HEMA 1471.4 19.9
830 11 Daniel Clay London Historical Fencing Club 1417.2 9.5
1055 497 Robbie MacKenzie-Clarke Exeter Sparring Group 1368.8 88
1148 66 Alex Gilbank Smart HEMA Clubs 1352.3 6.5
1152 108 Patrick Lawton London Historical Fencing Club 1351 14.6
1185 486 Robert Knowles Smart HEMA Clubs 1344.6 99.7
1194 120 Kristian Barlow Smart HEMA Clubs 1342.4 26.1
1214 849 David Rybacki The Vanguard Centre 1338.8 131.9
1263 141 Mike Prendergast Historical Combat Academy 1330.2 20.3
1268 705 Omar Amerah Smart HEMA Clubs 1329.3 110
1278 213 Winston Lewis Edel Fencing Academy 1327.1 36.9
1297 619 Perth Ophaswongse London Historical Fencing Club 1324.8 98.3
1413 17 Derek Farmer Exmoor HEMA 1308 4.9
1443 204 Timothy Noyce Smart HEMA Clubs 1303.7 39.2
1504 400 Szymon Masiak The Institute for Historical Arts 1295.5 67.3
1517 1 Stuart Calder The Institute for Historical Arts 1293.6 7.3
1638 335 Melissa Hainsworth Academy of Steel 1276 42.9
1645 232 Nigel Salt The School of the Sword 1275.3 26.1
1651 34 Rhys Howells Academy of Steel 1274.1 4.2
1681 172 Kelsey Dame London Historical Fencing Club 1269.3 34.4
1717 569 Cian Jukes Academy of Steel 1263.2 86.5
1720 296 Tobias Hyder Exmoor HEMA 1262.3 49.1
1880 391 Pawel Rogowski Academy of Steel 1241 61.3
1974 722 Richard Potter Wivenhoe HEMA 1228.5 109.6
2213 78 Rob Newton Exeter Sparring Group 1195.5 19.8
2249 264 Sam Browse London Historical Fencing Club 1191.4 45.8
2274 221 Sebastian Tym Exeter Sparring Group 1187.9 20.6
2355 55 Torsten Wallace Exmoor HEMA 1177.9 20
2472 60 Alex Palmer London Historical Fencing Club 1159.4 1.9
2606 315 Ben Luxa Exeter Sparring Group 1142.7 57.2
2674 34 Ben Conway-Smith Cambridge HEMA 1136.2 18.5
2809 14 Michal Sworzeniowski Blademasters Academy 1117.2 16.9
2897 249 Adam Lammian Exmoor HEMA 1103.1 22.4
3158 99 Alexander Chamberlain-Clay The Iron Door Collective 1068.4 23.3
3233 Jake Taylor-Bruce Wardens of the Tor 1060.1
3501 46 Richard Sullivan The School of the Sword 1026 10.7
3503 102 Sheldon Thorne Academy of Steel 1025.5 0.3
3668 5 Dylan Jeffreys Exmoor HEMA 997 14.9
3938 508 Daniel Tasker Wardens of the Tor 959.4 59.9
3976 5 Mads Ratnavale London Historical Fencing Club 953.3 16.9
4144 428 Jamie Davis Wardens of the Tor 927.6 47.2
4180 86 Farah McAdam Caledonian Sword Guild 923.8 33.6
4768 284 Aria Ursell The Institute for Historical Arts 819.8 137.8
4783 69 John Shellard Wardens of the Tor 815.9 15.5
4929 103 Cat Smith The Iron Door Collective 787.5 92.6
5010 Clive Crosby Exmoor HEMA 758.6
5255 George Cartwright Order of the Blade 650.6
5267 172 Ruth Collard-Stayte London Historical Fencing Club 630.2 20.3
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
1 Pedro San Miguel Ausardia HEMA Club 1963.8 4.3
93 27 Tom Crickmore Smart HEMA Clubs 1611.1 35.2
131 242 Omar Amerah Smart HEMA Clubs 1571.4 198.4
158 7 Harry Laan Southampton Historical Fencing 1542.7 2
176 6 Owen Hahn London Historical Fencing Club 1525.8 9.5
186 9 Duncan McLaren Caledonian Sword Guild 1517.7 0.9
220 20 Mark Wilkie The Institute for Historical Arts 1491.7 11.9
255 445 Jordan Mock Academy of Steel 1465.3 238.4
265 14 Mateusz Leksander Ausardia HEMA Club 1457.7 19.5
313 4 Jacek Kaminski Ausardia HEMA Club 1425.2 18.5
323 7 James Tamplin London Historical Fencing Club 1416.9 20.2
357 27 Colin Miraglio Blademasters Academy 1390.3 22.6
392 48 Andrzej Rozycki Blademasters Academy 1371.1 16.6
416 16 Tobias Hyder Exmoor HEMA 1359.6 1.2
480 68 Thierry Flekier-Wathen The Vanguard Centre 1325.3 28.4
546 14 Daniel Clay London Historical Fencing Club 1294.6 1.7
558 30 Jarek Chrzanowski Ausardia HEMA Club 1284.2 14.7
654 119 Martin Clarke Exmoor HEMA 1247.5 55.7
686 242 Pawel Rogowski Academy of Steel 1236.3 100.7
705 93 Ben Conway-Smith Cambridge HEMA 1229.9 48.5
732 65 Perth Ophaswongse London Historical Fencing Club 1218.6 37
797 65 Wolf Wolfman Ausardia HEMA Club 1192.1 17.9
961 51 Derek Farmer Exmoor HEMA 1130.1 6.3
1367 46 Dario Stagno Academy of Historical Fencing 978.7 1.8
1575 55 Stuart Calder The Institute for Historical Arts 898.1 55.2
1589 Michal Sworzeniowski Blademasters Academy 893.3
1722 89 Nigel Salt The School of the Sword 828.6 13
1865 66 Grace DeBanks Ausardia HEMA Club 743.7 1.5
1939 68 Jonathan Green The Iron Door Collective 633.4 2.4
1944 71 Kerri Tamplin London Historical Fencing Club 621.2 3.9
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
1 1 Patrick Rance Smart HEMA Clubs 1906.6 14.4
40 3 Yihang Mung Ausardia HEMA Club 1694.9 13.9
90 12 Mateusz Leksander Ausardia HEMA Club 1582.3 18.7
93 24 Benjamin Ingleson The Renaissance Sword Club 1579.9 36.1
133 15 Colin Miraglio Blademasters Academy 1519.4 10.8
167 4 Robert Knowles Smart HEMA Clubs 1484 11.6
174 1 Stephen Howell The Renaissance Sword Club 1477.1 0.4
177 96 Jamie MacIver London Historical Fencing Club 1473.8 93
210 38 Steven Gallagher Smart HEMA Clubs 1443.7 41.8
223 Dean Noakes The School of the Sword 1430.5
226 2 Kristian Barlow Smart HEMA Clubs 1427.4 3.2
237 65 Harry Laan Southampton Historical Fencing 1412.5 49.1
249 129 Winston Lewis Edel Fencing Academy 1401.8 98.2
257 158 Cian Jukes Academy of Steel 1397.2 168
266 4 Connor Goddard Smart HEMA Clubs 1388.9 6.1
269 14 Timothy Noyce Smart HEMA Clubs 1385 11.1
311 59 Mike Prendergast Historical Combat Academy 1351.6 39.7
367 36 Pawel Rogowski Academy of Steel 1315.9 31.8
386 32 Jacek Kaminski Ausardia HEMA Club 1299.1 23.8
390 39 Derek Farmer Exmoor HEMA 1296.4 32.1
486 Duncan McLaren Caledonian Sword Guild 1224.7
594 129 Alex Gilbank Smart HEMA Clubs 1164.8 77.9
716 Rob Newton Exeter Sparring Group 1094.6
721 226 Oliver Hennessey The Renaissance Sword Club 1091.1 125.5
758 2 Emilia Skirmuntt The School of the Sword 1075.2 4.2
777 Alan Knowles Smart HEMA Clubs 1063
798 152 Rhys Howells Academy of Steel 1055.3 71.1
806 41 Martin Clarke Exmoor HEMA 1051.8 28.5
817 96 William Goodman University of Chester HEMA 1042.1 58.6
847 183 Wolf Wolfman Ausardia HEMA Club 1028.2 88.5
878 4 Jonathan Green The Iron Door Collective 1009.3 9
901 80 Mick Ruane The School of the Sword 997.3 50.8
913 46 Sara Pacitto Ausardia HEMA Club 992 16.2
953 109 Andy McCormack Smart HEMA Clubs 970.1 74.4
1044 Stuart Smart Smart HEMA Clubs 923.7
1104 63 Abi Waller The School of the Sword 875.9 35.8
1269 9 Sheldon Thorne Academy of Steel 739.9 98.6
1297 20 Zachary Brooke The Renaissance Sword Club 649.7 7.6
1302 Daniel King Smart HEMA Clubs 535.6