HEMA WashFechten 2024

Date August 3, 2024
Country Serbia
City Belgrade
Software HEMA Scorecard (results )

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 121 31

Fighters in event

Radostin Nanov Freifechter Sofia
Stefani Metodieva Historical Swordsmanship - Angel Chernaev
Georgi Georgiev Historical Swordsmanship - Angel Chernaev
Angel Chernaev Historical Swordsmanship - Angel Chernaev
Dobrina Andreeva Historical Swordsmanship - Angel Chernaev
Kaloyan Siriyski Historical Swordsmanship - Angel Chernaev
Simona Dyankova Historical Swordsmanship - Angel Chernaev
Ivan Filipović Ars Gladiatoria
Daniel Jambrek Ars Gladiatoria
Filip Matan Custodes Historiae
Jacopo Tarello Cyprus ΗΕΜΑ Club
Alexandra Ispas 7 Swords Historical Fencing School
Matei Macri 7 Swords Historical Fencing School
Iulian Radu 7 Swords Historical Fencing School
Laurentiu Badea 7 Swords Historical Fencing School
Andrei Chirlesan Iron Will HEMA Academy
Vlad Dobre Iron Will HEMA Academy
Vukan Truc FEATHER - School of fencing
Srđan Urošević FEATHER - School of fencing
Časlav Pantelić FEATHER - School of fencing
Goran Radović Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay
Stefan Simić Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay
Adam Milovanović Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay
Nenad Nikić Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay
Aleksandar Ristić Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay
Marko Skoknić Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay
Aleksandar Ardalić Warlander Jousting - Akademija viteških veština
Tatiana Terekhova Men With Swords
Kirill Plioplis Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay
Iris de Vos Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay
Ivan Skliaruk Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Set 1 Alexandra Ispas Angel Chernaev LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Aleksandar Ristić Iris de Vos WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Daniel Jambrek Tatiana Terekhova LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Dobrina Andreeva Iris de Vos LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Angel Chernaev Tatiana Terekhova WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Daniel Jambrek Aleksandar Ristić LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Iris de Vos Alexandra Ispas WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Aleksandar Ristić Dobrina Andreeva WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Daniel Jambrek Angel Chernaev LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Tatiana Terekhova Iris de Vos LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Alexandra Ispas Aleksandar Ristić LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Dobrina Andreeva Daniel Jambrek WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Tatiana Terekhova Aleksandar Ristić LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Iris de Vos Angel Chernaev LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Dobrina Andreeva Alexandra Ispas WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Aleksandar Ristić Angel Chernaev LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Dobrina Andreeva Tatiana Terekhova LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Daniel Jambrek Alexandra Ispas LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Angel Chernaev Dobrina Andreeva WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Alexandra Ispas Tatiana Terekhova LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Daniel Jambrek Iris de Vos LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Tatiana Terekhova Kirill Plioplis WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Kirill Plioplis Aleksandar Ristić LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Angel Chernaev Kirill Plioplis WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Kirill Plioplis Daniel Jambrek WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Dobrina Andreeva Kirill Plioplis WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Kirill Plioplis Alexandra Ispas LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Iris de Vos Kirill Plioplis WIN LOSS
Pool Set 2 Stefani Metodieva Andrei Chirlesan LOSS WIN
Pool Set 2 Matei Macri Adam Milovanović LOSS WIN
Pool Set 2 Radostin Nanov Jacopo Tarello WIN LOSS
Pool Set 2 Stefan Simić Stefani Metodieva LOSS WIN
Pool Set 2 Andrei Chirlesan Radostin Nanov WIN LOSS
Pool Set 2 Jacopo Tarello Adam Milovanović LOSS WIN
Pool Set 2 Matei Macri Stefani Metodieva LOSS WIN
Pool Set 2 Stefan Simić Radostin Nanov DRAW DRAW
Pool Set 2 Andrei Chirlesan Jacopo Tarello WIN LOSS
Pool Set 2 Radostin Nanov Matei Macri WIN LOSS
Pool Set 2 Adam Milovanović Stefani Metodieva WIN LOSS
Pool Set 2 Stefan Simić Andrei Chirlesan LOSS WIN
Pool Set 2 Radostin Nanov Adam Milovanović LOSS WIN
Pool Set 2 Matei Macri Andrei Chirlesan LOSS WIN
Pool Set 2 Jacopo Tarello Stefan Simić LOSS WIN
Pool Set 2 Adam Milovanović Andrei Chirlesan WIN LOSS
Pool Set 2 Stefan Simić Matei Macri LOSS WIN
Pool Set 2 Stefani Metodieva Jacopo Tarello DRAW DRAW
Pool Set 2 Stefan Simić Adam Milovanović LOSS WIN
Pool Set 2 Stefani Metodieva Radostin Nanov WIN LOSS
Pool Set 2 Jacopo Tarello Matei Macri WIN LOSS
Pool Set 3 Srđan Urošević Filip Matan WIN LOSS
Pool Set 3 Nenad Nikić Georgi Georgiev WIN LOSS
Pool Set 3 Vlad Dobre Časlav Pantelić DRAW DRAW
Pool Set 3 Ivan Skliaruk Laurentiu Badea LOSS WIN
Pool Set 3 Georgi Georgiev Srđan Urošević WIN LOSS
Pool Set 3 Filip Matan Časlav Pantelić LOSS WIN
Pool Set 3 Nenad Nikić Laurentiu Badea LOSS WIN
Pool Set 3 Ivan Skliaruk Vlad Dobre LOSS WIN
Pool Set 3 Časlav Pantelić Georgi Georgiev LOSS WIN
Pool Set 3 Laurentiu Badea Srđan Urošević WIN LOSS
Pool Set 3 Vlad Dobre Filip Matan WIN LOSS
Pool Set 3 Ivan Skliaruk Nenad Nikić LOSS WIN
Pool Set 3 Časlav Pantelić Laurentiu Badea WIN LOSS
Pool Set 3 Vlad Dobre Georgi Georgiev LOSS WIN
Pool Set 3 Nenad Nikić Srđan Urošević WIN LOSS
Pool Set 3 Ivan Skliaruk Filip Matan WIN LOSS
Pool Set 3 Vlad Dobre Laurentiu Badea WIN LOSS
Pool Set 3 Nenad Nikić Časlav Pantelić WIN LOSS
Pool Set 3 Filip Matan Georgi Georgiev LOSS WIN
Pool Set 3 Srđan Urošević Ivan Skliaruk LOSS WIN
Pool Set 3 Nenad Nikić Vlad Dobre LOSS WIN
Pool Set 3 Laurentiu Badea Filip Matan WIN LOSS
Pool Set 3 Časlav Pantelić Srđan Urošević WIN LOSS
Pool Set 3 Ivan Skliaruk Georgi Georgiev LOSS WIN
Pool Set 3 Nenad Nikić Filip Matan WIN LOSS
Pool Set 3 Srđan Urošević Vlad Dobre LOSS WIN
Pool Set 3 Laurentiu Badea Georgi Georgiev WIN LOSS
Pool Set 3 Časlav Pantelić Ivan Skliaruk WIN LOSS
Pool Set 4 Simona Dyankova Kaloyan Siriyski LOSS WIN
Pool Set 4 Aleksandar Ardalić Iulian Radu WIN LOSS
Pool Set 4 Marko Skoknić Ivan Filipović WIN LOSS
Pool Set 4 Goran Radović Vukan Truc WIN LOSS
Pool Set 4 Iulian Radu Simona Dyankova WIN LOSS
Pool Set 4 Kaloyan Siriyski Ivan Filipović WIN LOSS
Pool Set 4 Aleksandar Ardalić Goran Radović WIN LOSS
Pool Set 4 Vukan Truc Marko Skoknić LOSS WIN
Pool Set 4 Iulian Radu Ivan Filipović LOSS WIN
Pool Set 4 Simona Dyankova Goran Radović LOSS WIN
Pool Set 4 Marko Skoknić Kaloyan Siriyski WIN LOSS
Pool Set 4 Aleksandar Ardalić Vukan Truc WIN LOSS
Pool Set 4 Goran Radović Ivan Filipović WIN LOSS
Pool Set 4 Iulian Radu Marko Skoknić LOSS WIN
Pool Set 4 Simona Dyankova Aleksandar Ardalić LOSS WIN
Pool Set 4 Vukan Truc Kaloyan Siriyski LOSS WIN
Pool Set 4 Goran Radović Marko Skoknić LOSS WIN
Pool Set 4 Aleksandar Ardalić Ivan Filipović WIN LOSS
Pool Set 4 Kaloyan Siriyski Iulian Radu DRAW DRAW
Pool Set 4 Vukan Truc Simona Dyankova DRAW DRAW
Pool Set 4 Aleksandar Ardalić Marko Skoknić LOSS WIN
Pool Set 4 Goran Radović Kaloyan Siriyski WIN LOSS
Pool Set 4 Ivan Filipović Simona Dyankova WIN LOSS
Pool Set 4 Iulian Radu Vukan Truc WIN LOSS
Pool Set 4 Kaloyan Siriyski Aleksandar Ardalić WIN LOSS
Pool Set 4 Marko Skoknić Simona Dyankova WIN LOSS
Pool Set 4 Goran Radović Iulian Radu WIN LOSS
Pool Set 4 Ivan Filipović Vukan Truc WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Kaloyan Siriyski Angel Chernaev LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Vlad Dobre Adam Milovanović LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Tatiana Terekhova Marko Skoknić LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Laurentiu Badea Radostin Nanov WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Iris de Vos Aleksandar Ardalić LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Stefani Metodieva Nenad Nikić LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Goran Radović Aleksandar Ristić LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Georgi Georgiev Andrei Chirlesan LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Angel Chernaev Andrei Chirlesan WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Adam Milovanović Aleksandar Ristić WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Marko Skoknić Nenad Nikić LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Aleksandar Ardalić Laurentiu Badea LOSS WIN
Semifinals Laurentiu Badea Angel Chernaev LOSS WIN
Semifinals Adam Milovanović Nenad Nikić WIN LOSS
Gold Medal Match Angel Chernaev Adam Milovanović LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Match Laurentiu Badea Nenad Nikić LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just HEMA WashFechten 2024

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
230 72 Angel Chernaev Historical Swordsmanship - Angel Chernaev 1596.5 35
388 258 Adam Milovanović Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 1519.5 70.6
389 8 Andrei Chirlesan Iron Will HEMA Academy 1519.2 3
481 44 Nenad Nikić Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 1491.6 11.6
640 234 Aleksandar Ristić Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 1450.6 56.4
768 128 Aleksandar Ardalić Warlander Jousting - Akademija viteških veština 1421 28.4
791 94 Laurentiu Badea 7 Swords Historical Fencing School 1414.3 22.9
1101 166 Vlad Dobre Iron Will HEMA Academy 1346.9 32.1
1174 322 Marko Skoknić Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 1333.8 60.3
1396 506 Tatiana Terekhova Men With Swords 1296.9 85.4
1639 328 Goran Radović Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 1255.7 53.8
1690 918 Iris de Vos Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 1250 139.5
1995 347 Alexandra Ispas 7 Swords Historical Fencing School 1202 48.9
2152 582 Časlav Pantelić FEATHER - School of fencing 1180.2 87.7
2300 29 Radostin Nanov Freifechter Sofia 1156.9 0.6
2427 1316 Georgi Georgiev Historical Swordsmanship - Angel Chernaev 1143.1 209.5
2442 Dobrina Andreeva Historical Swordsmanship - Angel Chernaev 1141.2
2582 Ivan Skliaruk Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 1121.3
2788 1433 Stefan Simić Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 1090.5 244
2835 349 Ivan Filipović Ars Gladiatoria 1083.7 54.6
3009 236 Matei Macri 7 Swords Historical Fencing School 1061.7 24.1
3147 563 Stefani Metodieva Historical Swordsmanship - Angel Chernaev 1041.7 103.6
3345 930 Kaloyan Siriyski Historical Swordsmanship - Angel Chernaev 1009 175.8
3367 84 Iulian Radu 7 Swords Historical Fencing School 1005.7 4
3643 Kirill Plioplis Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 960.4
4184 2 Srđan Urošević FEATHER - School of fencing 866 14.1
4275 Jacopo Tarello Cyprus ΗΕΜΑ Club 847.2
4342 118 Filip Matan Custodes Historiae 833 46
4352 Daniel Jambrek Ars Gladiatoria 830.6
4542 385 Simona Dyankova Historical Swordsmanship - Angel Chernaev 782.2 77
4693 128 Vukan Truc FEATHER - School of fencing 735.6 13.2