Wolf Call II 2023

Date April 15, 2023
Country United Kingdom
City North Hykeham

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Any One-Handed Weapon No Sidearm 48 20
Mixed Steel Longsword 60 27
Mixed Steel Longsword 32 14
Mixed Steel Sabre 36 15
Women's Steel Longsword 10 5
Women's Steel Sabre 6 4

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Jacek Kaminski Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Pool A Sam Pearson Wojciech Kwasik LOSS WIN
Pool A Jacek Kaminski Dan Powell WIN LOSS
Pool A Jamie MacIver Sam Pearson WIN LOSS
Pool A Jacek Kaminski Sam Pearson WIN LOSS
Pool A Dan Powell Wojciech Kwasik LOSS WIN
Pool A Jacek Kaminski Wojciech Kwasik WIN LOSS
Pool A Jamie MacIver Dan Powell WIN LOSS
Pool A Wojciech Kwasik Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Pool A Dan Powell Sam Pearson LOSS WIN
Pool B Daniel Antrobus Zoltan Betlen WIN LOSS
Pool B Perth Ophaswongse Patrick Lawton WIN LOSS
Pool B Zoltan Betlen Kerri Tamplin WIN LOSS
Pool B Daniel Antrobus Patrick Lawton WIN LOSS
Pool B Patrick Lawton Zoltan Betlen WIN LOSS
Pool B Perth Ophaswongse Kerri Tamplin WIN LOSS
Pool B Zoltan Betlen Perth Ophaswongse WIN LOSS
Pool B Daniel Antrobus Kerri Tamplin WIN LOSS
Pool B Perth Ophaswongse Daniel Antrobus LOSS WIN
Pool B Patrick Lawton Kerri Tamplin LOSS WIN
Pool C Thomas Sylvester Owen Hahn LOSS WIN
Pool C Wesley Simms Diana Matthess WIN LOSS
Pool C Owen Hahn Daniel Weir WIN LOSS
Pool C Thomas Sylvester Diana Matthess WIN LOSS
Pool C Owen Hahn Diana Matthess WIN LOSS
Pool C Wesley Simms Daniel Weir LOSS WIN
Pool C Owen Hahn Wesley Simms WIN LOSS
Pool C Thomas Sylvester Daniel Weir WIN LOSS
Pool C Wesley Simms Thomas Sylvester WIN LOSS
Pool C Daniel Weir Diana Matthess WIN LOSS
Pool D Ben Lees James Tamplin LOSS WIN
Pool D Alexandra Austin Amber Chester LOSS WIN
Pool D Mark West James Tamplin WIN LOSS
Pool D Ben Lees Alexandra Austin LOSS WIN
Pool D Alexandra Austin James Tamplin WIN LOSS
Pool D Mark West Amber Chester WIN LOSS
Pool D James Tamplin Amber Chester WIN LOSS
Pool D Ben Lees Mark West LOSS WIN
Pool D Amber Chester Ben Lees DRAW DRAW
Pool D Mark West Alexandra Austin LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Jamie MacIver Daniel Weir WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Jacek Kaminski Owen Hahn LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Daniel Antrobus Mark West LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Zoltan Betlen Alexandra Austin LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Jamie MacIver Owen Hahn LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Mark West Alexandra Austin LOSS WIN
3rd Place Final Jamie MacIver Mark West LOSS WIN
Final Owen Hahn Alexandra Austin LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Owen Hahn Diana Matthess WIN LOSS
Pool A Mark West Owen Hahn LOSS WIN
Pool A Diana Matthess Ross Gilbert LOSS WIN
Pool A Ross Gilbert Owen Hahn WIN LOSS
Pool A Diana Matthess Mark West LOSS WIN
Pool A Ross Gilbert Mark West WIN LOSS
Pool B James Tamplin Sam Eade LOSS WIN
Pool B Elliot Fisher Ben Conway-Smith WIN LOSS
Pool B James Tamplin Wojciech Kwasik WIN LOSS
Pool B Elliot Fisher Sam Eade WIN LOSS
Pool B James Tamplin Elliot Fisher DRAW DRAW
Pool B Wojciech Kwasik Ben Conway-Smith LOSS WIN
Pool B James Tamplin Ben Conway-Smith WIN LOSS
Pool B Wojciech Kwasik Sam Eade LOSS WIN
Pool B Sam Eade Ben Conway-Smith WIN LOSS
Pool B Wojciech Kwasik Elliot Fisher LOSS WIN
Pool C Thomas Sylvester Zoltan Betlen WIN LOSS
Pool C John Wolfson Robert Templar LOSS WIN
Pool C Amber Chester Zoltan Betlen LOSS WIN
Pool C John Wolfson Thomas Sylvester LOSS WIN
Pool C Zoltan Betlen John Wolfson WIN LOSS
Pool C Robert Templar Amber Chester WIN LOSS
Pool C Zoltan Betlen Robert Templar WIN LOSS
Pool C Amber Chester Thomas Sylvester LOSS WIN
Pool C Robert Templar Thomas Sylvester WIN LOSS
Pool C John Wolfson Amber Chester LOSS WIN
Pool D Dan Powell Gábor Antali LOSS WIN
Pool D Denzil Rodrigues Rhys Day LOSS WIN
Pool D Dan Powell Daniel Antrobus LOSS WIN
Pool D Denzil Rodrigues Gábor Antali LOSS WIN
Pool D Dan Powell Denzil Rodrigues WIN LOSS
Pool D Rhys Day Daniel Antrobus LOSS WIN
Pool D Dan Powell Rhys Day WIN LOSS
Pool D Gábor Antali Daniel Antrobus LOSS WIN
Pool D Rhys Day Gábor Antali LOSS WIN
Pool D Denzil Rodrigues Daniel Antrobus WIN LOSS
Pool E Patrick Lawton Sam Pearson WIN LOSS
Pool E Patrick Lawton Paul Grayson LOSS WIN
Pool E Alex Young Sam Pearson LOSS WIN
Pool E Patrick Lawton Alex Young WIN LOSS
Pool E Sam Pearson Paul Grayson LOSS WIN
Pool E Paul Grayson Alex Young WIN LOSS
Pool F Marcin Kulas Jamie MacIver DRAW DRAW
Pool F Jamie MacIver Ben Lees WIN LOSS
Pool F Marcin Kulas Jacek Kaminski WIN LOSS
Pool F Jamie MacIver Jacek Kaminski WIN LOSS
Pool F Marcin Kulas Ben Lees WIN LOSS
Pool F Jacek Kaminski Ben Lees WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Daniel Antrobus Ross Gilbert WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Owen Hahn Gábor Antali LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Elliot Fisher Patrick Lawton LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Sam Eade Paul Grayson LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Marcin Kulas Zoltan Betlen LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Thomas Sylvester Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Gábor Antali Daniel Antrobus WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Patrick Lawton Paul Grayson WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Jamie MacIver Zoltan Betlen WIN LOSS
Finals Pool Patrick Lawton Gábor Antali LOSS WIN
Finals Pool Gábor Antali Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Finals Pool Patrick Lawton Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Diana Matthess Daniel Antrobus WIN LOSS
Pool A Marcin Kulas Rhys Day WIN LOSS
Pool A John Wolfson Diana Matthess LOSS WIN
Pool A Daniel Antrobus Rhys Day LOSS WIN
Pool A Diana Matthess Rhys Day WIN LOSS
Pool A Marcin Kulas John Wolfson WIN LOSS
Pool A Diana Matthess Marcin Kulas LOSS WIN
Pool A Daniel Antrobus John Wolfson WIN LOSS
Pool A Marcin Kulas Daniel Antrobus WIN LOSS
Pool A Rhys Day John Wolfson LOSS WIN
Pool B Sam Eade Owen Hahn WIN LOSS
Pool B Ian Sturgess Robert Templar LOSS WIN
Pool B Owen Hahn Andrew Keen DRAW DRAW
Pool B Robert Templar Sam Eade WIN LOSS
Pool B Owen Hahn Robert Templar DRAW DRAW
Pool B Ian Sturgess Andrew Keen LOSS WIN
Pool B Owen Hahn Ian Sturgess WIN LOSS
Pool B Andrew Keen Sam Eade LOSS WIN
Pool B Ian Sturgess Sam Eade WIN LOSS
Pool B Robert Templar Andrew Keen WIN LOSS
Pool C Mark West Thomas Sylvester WIN LOSS
Pool C Thomas Sylvester Alice White-Budd WIN LOSS
Pool C Jacek Kaminski Mark West WIN LOSS
Pool C Thomas Sylvester Jacek Kaminski LOSS WIN
Pool C Mark West Alice White-Budd WIN LOSS
Pool C Jacek Kaminski Alice White-Budd WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Sam Eade Marcin Kulas WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Robert Templar Mark West WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Jacek Kaminski Daniel Antrobus WIN LOSS
Finals Pool Sam Eade Robert Templar LOSS WIN
Finals Pool Jacek Kaminski Sam Eade WIN LOSS
Finals Pool Robert Templar Jacek Kaminski WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A James Tamplin Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Pool A Jacek Kaminski Alexandra Austin WIN LOSS
Pool A James Tamplin Andrew Keen WIN LOSS
Pool A Jamie MacIver Alexandra Austin WIN LOSS
Pool A James Tamplin Alexandra Austin LOSS WIN
Pool A Jacek Kaminski Andrew Keen WIN LOSS
Pool A James Tamplin Jacek Kaminski LOSS WIN
Pool A Jamie MacIver Andrew Keen WIN LOSS
Pool A Jacek Kaminski Jamie MacIver DRAW DRAW
Pool A Alexandra Austin Andrew Keen WIN LOSS
Pool B Mark West Zoltan Betlen LOSS WIN
Pool B Perth Ophaswongse Kerri Tamplin WIN LOSS
Pool B Zoltan Betlen Wojciech Kwasik DRAW DRAW
Pool B Kerri Tamplin Mark West LOSS WIN
Pool B Zoltan Betlen Kerri Tamplin WIN LOSS
Pool B Perth Ophaswongse Wojciech Kwasik LOSS WIN
Pool B Zoltan Betlen Perth Ophaswongse WIN LOSS
Pool B Wojciech Kwasik Mark West DRAW DRAW
Pool B Perth Ophaswongse Mark West LOSS WIN
Pool B Wojciech Kwasik Kerri Tamplin WIN LOSS
Pool C Owen Hahn Ben Conway-Smith WIN LOSS
Pool C Wesley Simms Diana Matthess LOSS WIN
Pool C Ben Lees Ben Conway-Smith WIN LOSS
Pool C Owen Hahn Wesley Simms WIN LOSS
Pool C Ben Conway-Smith Wesley Simms WIN LOSS
Pool C Diana Matthess Ben Lees DRAW DRAW
Pool C Ben Conway-Smith Diana Matthess WIN LOSS
Pool C Owen Hahn Ben Lees WIN LOSS
Pool C Diana Matthess Owen Hahn LOSS WIN
Pool C Ben Lees Wesley Simms WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Wojciech Kwasik Jacek Kaminski LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Zoltan Betlen Ben Lees WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Jamie MacIver Owen Hahn LOSS WIN
Finals Pool Jacek Kaminski Zoltan Betlen LOSS WIN
Finals Pool Owen Hahn Jacek Kaminski WIN LOSS
Finals Pool Owen Hahn Zoltan Betlen DRAW DRAW
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Alexandra Austin Amber Chester WIN LOSS
Kerri Tamplin Alexandra Austin LOSS WIN
Amber Chester Diana Matthess WIN LOSS
Alexandra Austin Diana Matthess WIN LOSS
Kerri Tamplin Amber Chester WIN LOSS
Diana Matthess Kerri Tamplin WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Wolf Call II 2023

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
73 13 Jamie MacIver London Historical Fencing Club 1681.8 17.5
181 163 Robert Templar KdF Nottingham 1576.2 86.8
248 53 Owen Hahn London Historical Fencing Club 1535.2 33.3
378 23 Zoltan Betlen Cambridge HEMA 1475.2 12.4
424 49 Dan Powell London Historical Fencing Club 1456.1 16.7
510 166 Jacek Kaminski Ausardia HEMA Club 1418.1 57.8
524 7 James Tamplin London Historical Fencing Club 1412.6 4.3
543 372 Gábor Antali SwordFight 1406.8 113.1
665 326 Marcin Kulas KdF Nottingham 1371.6 103.3
866 28 Patrick Lawton London Historical Fencing Club 1314.9 15.7
875 426 Sam Eade Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 1313 117.4
884 46 Thomas Sylvester Mercian Medieval Fight Club 1309.2 20.2
1000 Elliot Fisher Thetford Sword Club 1274.3
1085 167 Sam Pearson Mercian Medieval Fight Club 1249.9 43.1
1116 70 Diana Matthess N/A 1245.3 8
1192 172 Wojciech Kwasik Liverpool HEMA 1225.8 33.3
1250 147 Mark West Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 1211.4 39.8
1299 149 Daniel Antrobus Mercian Medieval Fight Club 1201.4 42.3
1416 1230 Ross Gilbert Order of the Blade 1178.6 307.6
1658 806 Paul Grayson Thetford Sword Club 1121.9 200.6
1956 174 Ben Lees The Exiles 1058 24.1
2214 Ben Conway-Smith Cambridge HEMA 1002
2357 Ian Sturgess Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 972
2371 344 Andrew Keen Aisle O'var Backswording Clubbe 967.5 112.7
2381 1 Amber Chester London Historical Fencing Club 965 21.3
2516 96 Rhys Day Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 934.7 53.4
2644 Denzil Rodrigues KdF Nottingham 900.1
2709 65 John Wolfson Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 883.9 12.3
2849 145 Alice White-Budd Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 843.1 14.6
3124 Alex Young The School of Historical Combat 718
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
13 Diana Matthess N/A 1622.4 3.6
14 9 Alexandra Austin London Historical Fencing Club 1619.5 68.3
102 8 Amber Chester London Historical Fencing Club 1235.6 25.1
194 Alice White-Budd Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 977.9
250 Phillipa Stevens Mercian Medieval Fight Club 837.1
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
3 Alexandra Austin London Historical Fencing Club 1578.4 41.6
40 2 Amber Chester London Historical Fencing Club 949.9 14.6
43 Kerri Tamplin London Historical Fencing Club 901.8 64.1
49 Diana Matthess N/A 798.2
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
16 1 Diana Matthess N/A 1622.4 3.6
17 13 Alexandra Austin London Historical Fencing Club 1619.5 68.3
136 2 Amber Chester London Historical Fencing Club 1235.6 25.1
258 Alice White-Budd Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 977.9
336 Phillipa Stevens Mercian Medieval Fight Club 837.1
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
3 Alexandra Austin London Historical Fencing Club 1578.4 41.6
40 2 Amber Chester London Historical Fencing Club 949.9 14.6
43 Kerri Tamplin London Historical Fencing Club 901.8 64.1
49 Diana Matthess N/A 798.2