Roel Zaadnoordijk

Club Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Nationality Netherlands


Category Rank (current) Weighted Rating (current) Rank (best) Weighted Rating (best)
- Mixed & Men's Steel Longsword Inactive 1333.4 595 (November 2022) 1355.3 (November 2022)
Rapier and Dagger
Single Rapier
Sword and Buckler
- Mixed & Men's Steel Sword and Buckler Inactive 1370.3 63 (March 2022) 1398.3 (September 2021)


Mixed Steel Longsword 12 9 3 0 0
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler 7 6 1 0 0
Sum 19 15 4 0 0

Full rating histories

Missing sections mean that the fighter was inactive, I.E. had not competed in 24 months or more.

The fighter's last active period was in October 2024

The fighter has been on an island, I.E. has no direct link to most fighters, in 7 out of 43 months

Missing sections mean that the fighter was inactive, I.E. had not competed in 24 months or more.

The fighter's last active period was in August 2023

Match results

Nederlandse HEMA Kampioenschappen 2022: Evenement: 3

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeWin chanceOpponent rating
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Final Devron Sijmons LOSS 52% 1133.62
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pool 2 Jairo Hernandez WIN 49% 800.00
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pool 2 Mees Schultheiss WIN 49% 800.00
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pool 2 Vladimir Poliakov WIN 60% 1078.45
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pool 2 Lennert van Herk WIN 49% 800.00
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Quarterfinals Jairo Hernandez WIN 49% 800.00
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Semifinals David van der Laan WIN 60% 1026.16

Nederlandse HEMA Kampioenschappen 2021

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeWin chanceOpponent rating
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Eighth-finals Nick Bos WIN 50% 800.00
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) poul 3 Gianni Groot WIN 50% 800.00
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) poul 3 Jeroen van Wordragen LOSS 69% 520.25
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) poul 3 Alexander van den Akker WIN 50% 800.00
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Quarterfinals Jeroen van Popele LOSS 50% 800.00

Nederlandse HEMA Kampioenschappen 2021

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeWin chanceOpponent rating
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Final Bart Jongsma LOSS 53% 935.44
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler poul 3 Alexander van den Akker WIN 50% 800.00
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler poul 3 Oskar ter Mors WIN 50% 1107.42
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler poul 3 Jeroen van Wordragen WIN 50% 800.00
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler poul 3 Arto Fama WIN 57% 867.01
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Quarterfinals Jerze de Reus WIN 54% 1101.64
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler Semifinals Tim Beerens WIN 50% 800.00