Tamás Baranyi

Club Ars Ensis
Nationality Hungary


Category Rank (current) Weighted Rating (current) Rank (best) Weighted Rating (best)
- Mixed & Men's Steel Longsword Inactive 970.6 988 (February 2022) 1074.6 (November 2019)
Rapier and Dagger
Single Rapier
Sword and Buckler


Mixed Steel Longsword 13 4 8 1 0

Full rating histories

Missing sections mean that the fighter was inactive, I.E. had not competed in 24 months or more.

The fighter's last active period was in August 2023

Match results

MHS Grand Prix 2021

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeWin chanceOpponent rating
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 6 Ondrej Šauša LOSS 19% 1627.48
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 6 Martin Vrábeľ DRAW 30% 1474.27
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 6 Konrad Tomkiewicz LOSS 62% 859.77
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 6 Karol Zakrzewski LOSS 39% 1302.05
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 6 Matúš Koronthály LOSS 60% 907.01

X. Budapesti MHS Torna

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeWin chanceOpponent rating
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 2 Veronika Jandušíková WIN 58% 881.18
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 2 Bence Gombás LOSS 60% 1090.81
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 2 Richárd Pávay LOSS 30% 1517.51
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 2 Teodóra Mich WIN 45% 800.00

IX Budapest MHS Kardvívó torna

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeWin chanceOpponent rating
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool F Olivér Garas LOSS 50% 1352.67
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool F József Király WIN 55% 1234.69
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool F László Sántha LOSS 55% 954.30
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool F Henriette Tilinger WIN 68% 767.96