Kelsey Moran

Club Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts
Nationality United States


Category Rank (current) Weighted Rating (current) Rank (best) Weighted Rating (best)
- Mixed & Men's Steel Longsword Inactive 1016.3 924 (February 2022) 1069.4 (June 2018)
- Women's Steel Longsword Inactive 1534.1 10 (January 2022) 1598 (June 2018)
- Underrepresented Genders & Women's Steel Longsword 49 (top 6%) 1561.1 10 (January 2022) 1598 (June 2018)
Rapier and Dagger
Single Rapier
Sword and Buckler


Women's Steel Longsword 12 10 2 0 0
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword 12 7 2 3 0
Mixed Steel Longsword 9 3 6 0 0
Sum 33 20 10 3 0

Full rating histories

Missing sections mean that the fighter was inactive, I.E. had not competed in 24 months or more.

The fighter's last active period was in May 2020

Missing sections mean that the fighter was inactive, I.E. had not competed in 24 months or more.

Missing sections mean that the fighter was inactive, I.E. had not competed in 24 months or more.

The fighter's last active period was in May 2020

Match results

Baton Rouge Open 2018

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeWin chanceOpponent rating
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 4 Blake Lusk LOSS 42% 800.00
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 4 Eric Wiggins LOSS 29% 1457.36
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 4 Pavlos Nelson WIN 42% 800.00
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 4 Josiah Dunlap WIN 35% 1307.13
Mixed Steel Longsword Semi Final B Glenn Gibeson LOSS 38% 1172.64

Purpleheart Open 2018

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeWin chanceOpponent rating
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 4 Henry Kenyon LOSS 60% 1075.72
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 4 Jonathan Sload LOSS 50% 800.00
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 4 Ben Thibeaux WIN 50% 800.00
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 4 Toby Hall LOSS 36% 1761.70

Gesellen Fechten 2024

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeWin chanceOpponent rating
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword pool 1 Natalie Johanek WIN 63% 800.00
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword pool 1 Lauren Henderson DRAW 63% 800.00
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword pool 1 Jay Tunui WIN 63% 800.00
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword pool 1 Amber Brown WIN 79% 893.19
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword pool 1 Lauren Henderson WIN 63% 800.00
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword pool 1 Caelyn Hamilton LOSS 33% 1781.52
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword pool 1 Jay Tunui DRAW 63% 800.00
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword pool 1 Ashley Flowers WIN 73% 1324.48
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword pool 2 Taylor Bruce WIN 63% 800.00
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword pool 2 Lauren Henderson LOSS 63% 800.00
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword pool 2 Amber Brown WIN 79% 893.19
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword pool 2 Ashley Flowers DRAW 73% 1324.48

Baton Rouge Open 2018

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeWin chanceOpponent rating
Women's Steel Longsword Gold Finals Ann Pace LOSS 53% 1416.21
Women's Steel Longsword Pool 1 Jane Strange WIN 59% 1490.18
Women's Steel Longsword Pool 1 Kristin McPherson WIN 60% 800.00
Women's Steel Longsword Pool 1 Olivia Morales WIN 60% 800.00
Women's Steel Longsword Pool 1 Madeline Grant WIN 63% 1304.95
Women's Steel Longsword Quarter Finals Sarah Potratz WIN 55% 1475.34
Women's Steel Longsword Semi Finals Allison Kives WIN 75% 912.83

Purpleheart Open 2018

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeWin chanceOpponent rating
Women's Steel Longsword Pool 1 Tanya Smith WIN 50% 1324.45
Women's Steel Longsword Pool 1 Ashley Jones WIN 50% 800.00
Women's Steel Longsword Pool 1 Allison Kives WIN 50% 800.00
Women's Steel Longsword Pool 1 Sarah Potratz WIN 42% 1436.24
Women's Steel Longsword Quarterfinal 1 Sarah Potratz LOSS 42% 1436.24

Baton Rouge Open 2018

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeWin chanceOpponent rating
Women's Steel Longsword Gold Finals Ann Pace LOSS 53% 1416.21
Women's Steel Longsword Pool 1 Jane Strange WIN 59% 1490.18
Women's Steel Longsword Pool 1 Kristin McPherson WIN 60% 800.00
Women's Steel Longsword Pool 1 Olivia Morales WIN 60% 800.00
Women's Steel Longsword Pool 1 Madeline Grant WIN 63% 1304.95
Women's Steel Longsword Quarter Finals Sarah Potratz WIN 55% 1475.34
Women's Steel Longsword Semi Finals Allison Kives WIN 75% 912.83

Purpleheart Open 2018

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeWin chanceOpponent rating
Women's Steel Longsword Pool 1 Tanya Smith WIN 50% 1324.45
Women's Steel Longsword Pool 1 Ashley Jones WIN 50% 800.00
Women's Steel Longsword Pool 1 Allison Kives WIN 50% 800.00
Women's Steel Longsword Pool 1 Sarah Potratz WIN 42% 1436.24
Women's Steel Longsword Quarterfinal 1 Sarah Potratz LOSS 42% 1436.24