Leif-Julian Øvrelid

Trondheim HEMA


Category Rank (current) Weighted Rating (current) Rank (best) Weighted Rating (best)
Longsword (Mixed & Men's, Steel) Inactive 856.1 1198 (February 2022) 899.6 (June 2019)


Men's Steel Longsword 5 0 5 0 0
Mixed Steel Longsword 4 1 3 0 0
Sum 9 1 8 0 0

Full rating histories

Missing sections mean that the fighter was inactive, I.E. had not competed in 24 months or more.

The fighter's last active period was in May 2021

Match results

Longsword (Mixed & Men's, Steel)

DivisionEventStageOpponentOutcomeWin chance
Mixed Steel Longsword Oslo Penguin Cup 2019 (June 2019) Pool 5 Marius Rafoshei LOSS 17%
Mixed Steel Longsword Oslo Penguin Cup 2019 (June 2019) Pool 5 Jesper Krogh Lindhardtsen WIN 41%
Mixed Steel Longsword Oslo Penguin Cup 2019 (June 2019) Pool 5 Daniel Hambraeus LOSS 30%
Mixed Steel Longsword Oslo Penguin Cup 2019 (June 2019) Pool 5 Miro Lahtela LOSS 10%
Men's Steel Longsword Norway Open 2017 (May 2017) Jonas Eriksson LOSS 53%
Men's Steel Longsword Norway Open 2017 (May 2017) Piotr Marek Palma LOSS 49%
Men's Steel Longsword Norway Open 2017 (May 2017) Hans Nordström LOSS 49%
Men's Steel Longsword Norway Open 2017 (May 2017) Håvard Lund Eidheim LOSS 37%
Men's Steel Longsword Norway Open 2017 (May 2017) Christoffer Warelius LOSS 60%