Marieke Nijhof


Charity tournament participant (Charity Singlestick Tournament 2023)


Category Rank (current) Weighted Rating (current) Rank (best) Weighted Rating (best)
- Mixed & Men's Steel Longsword 4115 (top 76%) 932.1 3138 (November 2023) 942.9 (November 2023)
- Women's Steel Longsword 232 (top 51%) 1119.1 166 (September 2023) 1132.6 (November 2023)
- Underrepresented Genders & Women's Steel Longsword 383 (top 52%) 1119.1 240 (September 2023) 1132.6 (November 2023)
Rapier and Dagger
Single Rapier
Sword and Buckler
- Mixed & Men's Singlestick 279 (top 63% of island) 1016.8 169 (2 months) 1025.8 (December 2023)


Women's Steel Longsword 12 4 6 2 0
Mixed Steel Longsword 7 1 6 0 0
Mixed Singlestick 5 2 3 0 0
Sum 24 7 15 2 0

Full rating histories

The fighter has been on an island, I.E. has no direct link to most fighters, in 16 out of 16 months

Match results

Goats of War 2023

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeWin chanceOpponent rating
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 7 Jan Pelgrims LOSS 37% 1587.57
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 7 Kees Diependaal LOSS 49% 1380.77
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 7 Adrien Lecocq WIN 50% 800.00
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 7 Guillaume Lemaigre LOSS 38% 1512.69
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 7 Maxime Catoul LOSS 50% 800.00
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 7 Dirk Haanstra LOSS 50% 800.00
Mixed Steel Longsword Pool 7 Rémi Ledhé LOSS 56% 1043.78

Goats of War 2023

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeWin chanceOpponent rating
Women's Steel Longsword Pool 2 Sarah Lopez-Gancedo LOSS 46% 800.00
Women's Steel Longsword Pool 2 Lies Praet LOSS 46% 800.00
Women's Steel Longsword Pool 2 Sloan Rymenams WIN 46% 800.00

NHK 2023

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeWin chanceOpponent rating
Women's Steel Longsword Poule 2 Kimberly Terburg DRAW 50% 1086.31
Women's Steel Longsword Poule 2 Juliette Hemelaar LOSS 37% 1352.26
Women's Steel Longsword Poule 2 Cynthia Kop LOSS 36% 1506.93
Women's Steel Longsword Poule 2 Pascale Boots WIN 66% 956.88
Women's Steel Longsword Poule 2 Petra Westveer WIN 64% 900.36
Women's Steel Longsword Quarterfinals Tosca Beuming LOSS 35% 1524.25

Nederlandse HEMA Kampioenschappen 2023: Evenement: 1

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeWin chanceOpponent rating
Women's Steel Longsword Pool 3 Pascale Boots LOSS 70% 728.13
Women's Steel Longsword Pool 3 Tosca Beuming WIN 44% 1512.53
Women's Steel Longsword Pool 3 Rianne Doornik DRAW 54% 1151.59

Goats of War 2023

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeWin chanceOpponent rating
Women's Steel Longsword Pool 2 Sarah Lopez-Gancedo LOSS 46% 800.00
Women's Steel Longsword Pool 2 Lies Praet LOSS 46% 800.00
Women's Steel Longsword Pool 2 Sloan Rymenams WIN 46% 800.00

NHK 2023

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeWin chanceOpponent rating
Women's Steel Longsword Poule 2 Kimberly Terburg DRAW 50% 1086.31
Women's Steel Longsword Poule 2 Juliette Hemelaar LOSS 37% 1352.26
Women's Steel Longsword Poule 2 Cynthia Kop LOSS 36% 1506.93
Women's Steel Longsword Poule 2 Pascale Boots WIN 66% 956.88
Women's Steel Longsword Poule 2 Petra Westveer WIN 64% 900.36
Women's Steel Longsword Quarterfinals Tosca Beuming LOSS 35% 1524.25

Nederlandse HEMA Kampioenschappen 2023: Evenement: 1

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeWin chanceOpponent rating
Women's Steel Longsword Pool 3 Pascale Boots LOSS 70% 728.13
Women's Steel Longsword Pool 3 Tosca Beuming WIN 44% 1512.53
Women's Steel Longsword Pool 3 Rianne Doornik DRAW 54% 1151.59

Charity Singlestick Tournament 2023

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeWin chanceOpponent rating
Mixed Singlestick Pool Set 1 Rens Appelman LOSS 50% 1162.88
Mixed Singlestick Pool Set 1 Denise Veldhuis WIN 67% 664.99
Mixed Singlestick Pool Set 1 Desley Stakenburg LOSS 49% 1144.21
Mixed Singlestick Pool Set 1 Siegfried Daal LOSS 42% 1465.16
Mixed Singlestick Pool Set 1 Ishmael Wijtsma WIN 50% 800.00