Rachel Helm

Club Moose Historical Fencing
Nationality United States


Category Rank (current) Weighted Rating (current) Rank (best) Weighted Rating (best)
- Mixed & Men's Steel Longsword 1008 (top 18%) 1378.2 917 (August 2024) 1386 (August 2024)
- Underrepresented Genders & Women's Steel Longsword 76 (top 10%) 1500.6 63 (August 2024) 1509.6 (August 2024)
Rapier and Dagger
Single Rapier
Sword and Buckler


Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword 36 24 11 1 0
Mixed Steel Longsword 31 19 10 2 0
Sum 67 43 21 3 0

Full rating histories

Match results

Boar's Tooth 2024

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeWin chanceOpponent rating
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Elims Christina Beaulieu DRAW 70% 1248.10
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Elims Elizabeth Scott WIN 61% 1251.61
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Elims Andrew MacKeil WIN 45% 1396.47
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Elims Kathryn Ledbetter LOSS 52% 800.00
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pools Shawn Shaw WIN 43% 1366.87
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pools Emily Crandall Fleischman WIN 69% 970.49
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pools Dustin Kirkpatrick LOSS 59% 1376.86
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pools Ania Chaney WIN 86% 891.44
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pools Dionyssis Mintzopoulos LOSS 60% 1179.18
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pools Meng Lin WIN 60% 1186.90
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pools Colin Cui LOSS 79% 924.21
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pools Edward Meyers WIN 87% 811.34
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pools Emily Crandall Fleischman WIN 69% 970.49

Iron Gate Exhibition Spring 2024

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeWin chanceOpponent rating
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pool 1 Logan Traynor LOSS 63% 1240.32
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pool 1 Michael Creech WIN 84% 837.03
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pool 1 John Cozens LOSS 54% 800.00
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pool 1 Dustin Kirkpatrick WIN 59% 1343.88
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pool 1 Sean Heraty LOSS 37% 1516.21
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pool 2 Nat Beeten WIN 66% 1113.03
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pool 2 Franky Muñoz LOSS 54% 800.00
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pool 2 Samuel Young WIN 62% 1111.90
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pool 2 David Lillethun WIN 75% 1086.89
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pool 2 Andre VanBokkelen WIN 54% 800.00

Iron Gate Exhibition 2023

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeWin chanceOpponent rating
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pool 14 Robert Richnavsky DRAW 50% 800.00
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pool 14 James Husband LOSS 55% 1024.28
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pool 14 Devan Pratt WIN 50% 800.00
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pool 14 Kenneth Hogan WIN 63% 901.57
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pool 7 James Husband WIN 55% 1024.28
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pool 7 Samuel Young LOSS 50% 800.00
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pool 7 Alexander Silverman WIN 50% 800.00
Mixed Steel Longsword (Tier B) Pool 7 Benjamin Zemaitis WIN 46% 1264.69

Boar's Tooth 2024

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeWin chanceOpponent rating
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Elims Ella Rose WIN 67% 1370.35
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Elims Rowan Etzel WIN 47% 1522.86
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Elims Eva Arnason LOSS 67% 1179.53
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Elims Katherine Coyle WIN 57% 1425.90
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Finals Juliana de Groot LOSS 61% 1328.66
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Finals Katherine Coyle WIN 57% 1425.90
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Finals Christina Beaulieu LOSS 50% 1516.34
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Finals Abby Rodriguez LOSS 72% 1285.35
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Finals Rowan Etzel WIN 47% 1522.86
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Pools Abby Rodriguez WIN 72% 1285.35
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Pools Katherine Coyle LOSS 57% 1425.90
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Pools Annette Sherrod WIN 87% 996.87
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Pools Katharine Bancroft DRAW 69% 1322.08
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Pools Rowan Etzel WIN 47% 1522.86
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Pools Annette Sherrod WIN 87% 996.87
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Pools Ella Rose WIN 67% 1370.35
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Pools Eva Arnason LOSS 67% 1179.53
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Pools Juliana de Groot WIN 61% 1328.66
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Pools Emily Crandall Fleischman WIN 77% 1015.65

Iron Gate Exhibition Spring 2024

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeWin chanceOpponent rating
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Pool 1 Michael Thompson WIN 51% 1385.22
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Pool 1 Sarah Zordan LOSS 62% 1301.63
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Pool 1 Leona Ninteau WIN 62% 1172.37
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Pool 1 Abby Rodriguez WIN 63% 1225.20
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Pool 1 Katharine Bancroft LOSS 61% 1240.20
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Pool 2 Carolyn Shepard WIN 55% 800.00
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Pool 2 Sarah Zordan WIN 62% 1301.63
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Pool 2 Katherine Coyle LOSS 49% 1426.16
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Pool 2 Madeline Fox WIN 79% 887.39
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Pool 2 Isabel Branch WIN 47% 1402.32

Ladies Knight 2023

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeWin chanceOpponent rating
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Eighth-Finals Mariana López Rodriguez LOSS 50% 1351.74
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Elimination Bracket Heather O'Sullivan WIN 62% 806.51
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Pool Set 1 Stevi Parker LOSS 35% 1731.15
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Pool Set 1 Abby Rodriguez WIN 50% 800.00
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Pool Set 1 Chloe Selover WIN 50% 800.00
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Pool Set 1 Bella Riddell WIN 50% 800.00
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword Pool Set 1 Sarah Zordan WIN 50% 800.00