Frank Nolte

Club Aros Historical Fencing Guild
Nationality Denmark


Category Rank (current) Weighted Rating (current) Rank (best) Weighted Rating (best)
- Mixed & Men's Steel Longsword 4853 (top 90%) 804.4 2377 (October 2022) 815.9 (October 2023)
Rapier and Dagger
Single Rapier
Sword and Buckler


Mixed Steel Longsword 10 1 8 1 0

Full rating histories

Match results

Danmarksmesterskaber HEMA 2023

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeWin chanceOpponent rating
Mixed Steel Longsword pool 4 Jiacheng Richard Zou DRAW 33% 800.00
Mixed Steel Longsword pool 4 Esben Gjerløff LOSS 33% 800.00
Mixed Steel Longsword pool 4 Hugo Kerdoncuff LOSS 13% 1518.66
Mixed Steel Longsword pool 4 Morten Wesley Malm WIN 39% 867.59
Mixed Steel Longsword pool 4 Michael Pieper LOSS 17% 1421.40

Danish National Championship 2022

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeWin chanceOpponent rating
Mixed Steel Longsword pool 1 Emil Nysom Flohr LOSS 52% 1072.29
Mixed Steel Longsword pool 1 Morten Wesley Malm LOSS 50% 800.00
Mixed Steel Longsword pool 1 Freja Strandlod LOSS 56% 998.58
Mixed Steel Longsword pool 1 Krzysztof KruczyƄski LOSS 61% 874.13
Mixed Steel Longsword pool 1 Guglielmo Mirone LOSS 50% 800.00