DEMAS Long Sword Tournament 2017

Date January 28, 2017
Country United States
State California
City Santa Clara

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 71 18

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Sierra Cirimelli-Low Christopher Green LOSS WIN
Jan Deneke Christopher Renz WIN LOSS
Sierra Cirimelli-Low Christopher Renz LOSS WIN
Jan Deneke Sierra Cirimelli-Low LOSS WIN
Christopher Green Jan Deneke LOSS WIN
Christopher Yang Charles Boling LOSS WIN
Peter Morrow Kenneth Morlock WIN LOSS
Charles Boling Kenneth Morlock WIN LOSS
Peter Morrow Charles Boling LOSS WIN
Christopher Yang Peter Morrow WIN LOSS
Kenneth Morlock Christopher Yang LOSS WIN
Ryan Well Jacob Plumb WIN LOSS
Stacy Stocki Ted Elsner LOSS WIN
Nick Rost Jacob Plumb LOSS WIN
Ted Elsner Ryan Well WIN LOSS
Stacy Stocki Nick Rost LOSS WIN
Ted Elsner Jacob Plumb WIN LOSS
Ryan Well Nick Rost WIN LOSS
Stacy Stocki Jacob Plumb LOSS WIN
Ted Elsner Nick Rost WIN LOSS
Stacy Stocki Ryan Well LOSS WIN
Ramon Santos Ian McLean WIN LOSS
Serafin Kulp Paul Abrams DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Tracy Mellow Ramon Santos WIN LOSS
Serafin Kulp Ian McLean WIN LOSS
Tracy Mellow Paul Abrams WIN LOSS
Serafin Kulp Ramon Santos WIN LOSS
Ian McLean Tracy Mellow LOSS WIN
Paul Abrams Ramon Santos LOSS WIN
Tracy Mellow Serafin Kulp WIN LOSS
Paul Abrams Ian McLean LOSS WIN
Tracy Mellow Ted Elsner LOSS WIN
Ryan Well Charles Boling LOSS WIN
Tracy Mellow Charles Boling LOSS WIN
Ryan Well Tracy Mellow LOSS WIN
Ted Elsner Ryan Well WIN LOSS
Charles Boling Ted Elsner LOSS WIN
Christopher Yang Jan Deneke LOSS WIN
Serafin Kulp Christopher Green WIN LOSS
Christopher Yang Christopher Green WIN LOSS
Serafin Kulp Christopher Yang WIN LOSS
Jan Deneke Serafin Kulp LOSS WIN
Christopher Green Jan Deneke LOSS WIN
Peter Morrow Jacob Plumb LOSS WIN
Ramon Santos Sierra Cirimelli-Low WIN LOSS
Jacob Plumb Christopher Renz WIN LOSS
Peter Morrow Ramon Santos LOSS WIN
Christopher Renz Sierra Cirimelli-Low WIN LOSS
Jacob Plumb Ramon Santos WIN LOSS
Peter Morrow Christopher Renz LOSS WIN
Jacob Plumb Sierra Cirimelli-Low WIN LOSS
Christopher Renz Ramon Santos WIN LOSS
Sierra Cirimelli-Low Peter Morrow WIN LOSS
Stacy Stocki Ian McLean LOSS WIN
Nick Rost Kenneth Morlock WIN LOSS
Paul Abrams Ian McLean WIN LOSS
Nick Rost Stacy Stocki LOSS WIN
Kenneth Morlock Paul Abrams LOSS WIN
Nick Rost Ian McLean LOSS WIN
Stacy Stocki Paul Abrams LOSS WIN
Kenneth Morlock Ian McLean LOSS WIN
Nick Rost Paul Abrams LOSS WIN
Stacy Stocki Kenneth Morlock WIN LOSS
Ted Elsner Paul Abrams WIN LOSS
Tracy Mellow Christopher Renz WIN LOSS
Charles Boling Jacob Plumb WIN LOSS
Jan Deneke Serafin Kulp LOSS WIN
Ted Elsner Serafin Kulp LOSS WIN
Charles Boling Tracy Mellow WIN LOSS
Ted Elsner Tracy Mellow LOSS WIN
Charles Boling Serafin Kulp LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just DEMAS Long Sword Tournament 2017