SoCal Swordfight 2017

Date February 17, 2017
Country United States
State California
City Huntington Beach
Software HEMA Scorecard (results )

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Messer 38 15
Mixed Synthetic Longsword 52 25
Mixed Steel Rapier & Optional Dagger 61 27
Mixed Singlestick 57 26
Mixed Synthetic Arming Sword & Buckler 23 10
Women's Steel Longsword 18 8
Mixed Steel Longsword (Advanced) 31 11
Mixed Steel Longsword 62 27

Fighters in event

Sean Franklin
Daniel Zwart Ann Arbor Sword Club
Nicole Smith Blood and Iron Martial Arts
Corrigan Cassidy Blood and Iron Martial Arts
Brittany Reeves Mordhau Historical Combat
Jesse Tucker The Historical Combat Collective
Ksenia Kozhevnikova The Historical Combat Collective
Amanda Clark The Historical Combat Collective
Meghan Citra Vancouver Historical Fencing
Jonathan Hervas
Shane Gibson
Shaun Butler Academy of Arms
Devin McCarthy Academy of Arms
Robert Childs Black Tigers
Dustin Thelen Black Tigers
Allan Sherlock Bucks Historical Longsword
Christopher Yang Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts
Skye Hilton Davenriche European Martial Artes School
Fleur Richau En Garde Fencing
Justin Beck F3 Sword Academy
Dashiell Harrison Indes Ferox Gladio
Ben Ablin Iron Gate Swordfighting
Ramon Santos Iron Gate Swordfighting
Tracy Mellow Iron Gate Swordfighting
Charles Boling Iron Gate Swordfighting
Gary Ledford Kron Martial Arts
Charles Buschmann Kron Martial Arts
Philip Wheeler Kron Martial Arts
Tyler Smith Kron Martial Arts
Will Chang Kron Martial Arts
Jon Breshears Kron Martial Arts
Robert Morgan Kron Martial Arts
Jay Fonacier Kron Martial Arts
James White Kron Martial Arts
Jesus Mendez Kron Martial Arts
Harbell ILustre Kron Martial Arts
Wesley Koswara Kron Martial Arts
Nathan Rowe Kron Martial Arts
Dylan Labbie Kron Martial Arts
Alex Jackson Kron Martial Arts
Matthew Roop-Kharasch Lonin League
Kyle Griswold Mordhau Historical Combat
Richard Vang New York Historical Fencing Association
Shane Becker Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship
John Patterson Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship
James Harvey Grant Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship
Christopher Nelson Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship
Clifford Curry Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship
Michael Woodford Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship
Michael Metz Santa Barbara Sword Club
Gary Gibson Schola San Marco
Justin Weeks Schola San Marco
Steve Frostrom Schola San Marco
Myles Cupp SoCal Swords
Rachel Van Dyke SoCal Swords
Jonathan Clyde Ying SoCal Swords
Timothy Magnuson SoCal Swords
Nolan Duino South Coast Swords
Darien Miles South Coast Swords
Angel Uribe South Coast Swords
Eric Hardeman South Coast Swords
Norman Lao South Coast Swords
Christopher Ponzillo South Coast Swords
David Suh South Coast Swords
Daniel Masters South Coast Swords
JP Masters South Coast Swords
Kristofer Kody South Coast Swords
Dylan Smith South Coast Swords
Jason Brown Swordguild Portland
Monica Lissette Swordguild Portland
Gary Chelak Tattershall School of Defense
Jeff Jacobson Tattershall School of Defense
Ryan Shapiro Tattershall School of Defense
Michael Schachtner Tattershall School of Defense
Caleb Hallgren Tattershall School of Defense
Michael Huang Tosetti Institute of MMA and Fitness


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Jason Brown Shane Gibson LOSS WIN
Kyle Griswold Christopher Yang WIN LOSS
Jonathan Clyde Ying Sean Franklin LOSS WIN
Eric Hardeman John Patterson LOSS WIN
Shane Gibson John Patterson LOSS WIN
Sean Franklin Kyle Griswold WIN LOSS
John Patterson Sean Franklin LOSS WIN
Shane Gibson Kyle Griswold LOSS WIN
Jonathan Clyde Ying Shane Gibson LOSS WIN
Charles Buschmann Jonathan Clyde Ying LOSS WIN
Shane Gibson Charles Buschmann WIN LOSS
Eric Hardeman Charles Buschmann WIN LOSS
Shane Gibson Eric Hardeman WIN LOSS
Eric Hardeman Jonathan Clyde Ying WIN LOSS
Daniel Masters Charles Buschmann LOSS WIN
Shane Gibson Daniel Masters WIN LOSS
Eric Hardeman Daniel Masters WIN LOSS
Jonathan Clyde Ying Daniel Masters WIN LOSS
Kyle Griswold Charles Boling WIN LOSS
Christopher Yang Kyle Griswold LOSS WIN
Charles Boling Christopher Yang LOSS WIN
Christopher Yang Christopher Ponzillo LOSS WIN
Christopher Ponzillo Charles Boling DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Kyle Griswold Christopher Ponzillo WIN LOSS
Michael Metz Christopher Yang LOSS WIN
Charles Boling Michael Metz LOSS WIN
Michael Metz Christopher Ponzillo LOSS WIN
Kyle Griswold Michael Metz WIN LOSS
Sean Franklin John Patterson WIN LOSS
Jason Brown Sean Franklin LOSS WIN
Jason Brown John Patterson LOSS WIN
Timothy Magnuson Jason Brown LOSS WIN
John Patterson Timothy Magnuson WIN LOSS
Timothy Magnuson Sean Franklin LOSS WIN
Gary Ledford Jason Brown LOSS WIN
John Patterson Gary Ledford WIN LOSS
Timothy Magnuson Gary Ledford WIN LOSS
Sean Franklin Gary Ledford WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Darien Miles Robert Childs LOSS WIN
Robert Childs Alex Jackson WIN LOSS
Darien Miles Alex Jackson LOSS WIN
Alex Jackson Devin McCarthy WIN LOSS
Darien Miles Devin McCarthy LOSS WIN
Robert Childs Devin McCarthy WIN LOSS
Angel Uribe Dashiell Harrison WIN LOSS
Harbell ILustre Angel Uribe LOSS WIN
Dustin Thelen Harbell ILustre WIN LOSS
Angel Uribe Dustin Thelen LOSS WIN
Dashiell Harrison Dustin Thelen WIN LOSS
Kristofer Kody Shaun Butler WIN LOSS
James White Kristofer Kody LOSS WIN
Shaun Butler James White WIN LOSS
James White Justin Weeks WIN LOSS
Shaun Butler Justin Weeks WIN LOSS
Kristofer Kody Justin Weeks WIN LOSS
David Suh Gary Gibson WIN LOSS
Jay Fonacier David Suh LOSS WIN
Gary Gibson Jay Fonacier LOSS WIN
Jay Fonacier Matthew Roop-Kharasch LOSS WIN
Gary Gibson Matthew Roop-Kharasch LOSS WIN
Matthew Roop-Kharasch David Suh LOSS WIN
Ben Ablin Nolan Duino WIN LOSS
Jesus Mendez Ben Ablin LOSS WIN
Nolan Duino Jesus Mendez WIN LOSS
Monica Lissette Jesus Mendez WIN LOSS
Nolan Duino Monica Lissette LOSS WIN
Monica Lissette Ben Ablin LOSS WIN
Daniel Masters Robert Morgan LOSS WIN
Corrigan Cassidy Daniel Masters WIN LOSS
Robert Morgan Corrigan Cassidy LOSS WIN
Corrigan Cassidy Michael Schachtner WIN LOSS
Michael Schachtner Robert Morgan LOSS WIN
Daniel Masters Michael Schachtner WIN LOSS
Steve Frostrom Corrigan Cassidy LOSS WIN
Robert Morgan Steve Frostrom WIN LOSS
Steve Frostrom Michael Schachtner LOSS WIN
Daniel Masters Steve Frostrom WIN LOSS
Kristofer Kody Monica Lissette WIN LOSS
Alex Jackson Corrigan Cassidy LOSS WIN
Angel Uribe Dustin Thelen LOSS WIN
Daniel Masters Matthew Roop-Kharasch LOSS WIN
Robert Morgan Shaun Butler LOSS WIN
Robert Childs Shaun Butler WIN LOSS
Matthew Roop-Kharasch David Suh LOSS WIN
Ben Ablin Dustin Thelen LOSS WIN
Kristofer Kody Corrigan Cassidy LOSS WIN
Robert Childs Corrigan Cassidy WIN LOSS
Dustin Thelen David Suh WIN LOSS
Robert Childs Dustin Thelen WIN LOSS
Corrigan Cassidy David Suh LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Dylan Labbie Robert Childs LOSS WIN
Christopher Nelson Dylan Labbie LOSS WIN
Jason Brown Christopher Nelson WIN LOSS
Dylan Labbie Jason Brown LOSS WIN
Robert Childs Jason Brown WIN LOSS
Jesse Tucker Charles Buschmann WIN LOSS
Ryan Shapiro Jesse Tucker LOSS WIN
Charles Buschmann Ryan Shapiro WIN LOSS
Ryan Shapiro Christopher Yang WIN LOSS
Charles Buschmann Christopher Yang WIN LOSS
Christopher Yang Jesse Tucker LOSS WIN
Ryan Shapiro Allan Sherlock WIN LOSS
Charles Buschmann Allan Sherlock WIN LOSS
Allan Sherlock Christopher Yang WIN LOSS
Jesse Tucker Allan Sherlock WIN LOSS
Gary Chelak John Patterson LOSS WIN
Dustin Thelen Gary Chelak WIN LOSS
John Patterson Dustin Thelen LOSS WIN
Corrigan Cassidy Dustin Thelen LOSS WIN
John Patterson Corrigan Cassidy WIN LOSS
Corrigan Cassidy Gary Chelak LOSS WIN
Nicole Smith Caleb Hallgren LOSS WIN
Dashiell Harrison Nicole Smith WIN LOSS
Caleb Hallgren Dashiell Harrison LOSS WIN
Nathan Rowe Dashiell Harrison LOSS WIN
Caleb Hallgren Nathan Rowe WIN LOSS
Nicole Smith Nathan Rowe WIN LOSS
Dashiell Harrison Michael Woodford WIN LOSS
Michael Woodford Caleb Hallgren LOSS WIN
Nathan Rowe Michael Woodford WIN LOSS
Nicole Smith Michael Woodford WIN LOSS
Sean Franklin Clifford Curry WIN LOSS
Michael Schachtner Sean Franklin LOSS WIN
Clifford Curry Michael Schachtner WIN LOSS
Norman Lao Michael Schachtner LOSS WIN
Clifford Curry Norman Lao WIN LOSS
Norman Lao Sean Franklin LOSS WIN
Michael Schachtner Eric Hardeman LOSS WIN
Clifford Curry Eric Hardeman WIN LOSS
Norman Lao Eric Hardeman LOSS WIN
Sean Franklin Eric Hardeman WIN LOSS
Jeff Jacobson Shane Gibson WIN LOSS
Amanda Clark Jeff Jacobson LOSS WIN
Shane Gibson Amanda Clark WIN LOSS
Amanda Clark Timothy Magnuson WIN LOSS
Shane Gibson Timothy Magnuson WIN LOSS
Jeff Jacobson Timothy Magnuson WIN LOSS
Dustin Thelen Eric Hardeman WIN LOSS
Sean Franklin Nicole Smith WIN LOSS
Dashiell Harrison Ryan Shapiro WIN LOSS
Jesse Tucker Jason Brown WIN LOSS
Caleb Hallgren Clifford Curry LOSS WIN
John Patterson Shane Gibson WIN LOSS
Jeff Jacobson John Patterson LOSS WIN
Clifford Curry Robert Childs LOSS WIN
Dustin Thelen Jesse Tucker LOSS WIN
Sean Franklin Dashiell Harrison LOSS WIN
Dashiell Harrison John Patterson LOSS WIN
Robert Childs Jesse Tucker WIN LOSS
John Patterson Robert Childs LOSS WIN
Dashiell Harrison Jesse Tucker LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Clifford Curry Daniel Zwart WIN LOSS
Clifford Curry Ksenia Kozhevnikova WIN LOSS
Ksenia Kozhevnikova Daniel Zwart LOSS WIN
Nolan Duino Ksenia Kozhevnikova LOSS WIN
Daniel Zwart Nolan Duino WIN LOSS
Nolan Duino Clifford Curry LOSS WIN
Brittany Reeves Jonathan Clyde Ying LOSS WIN
Jay Fonacier Brittany Reeves LOSS WIN
Jonathan Clyde Ying Jay Fonacier WIN LOSS
James Harvey Grant Brittany Reeves LOSS WIN
Jay Fonacier James Harvey Grant DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Jonathan Clyde Ying James Harvey Grant WIN LOSS
Robert Childs Christopher Nelson WIN LOSS
Rachel Van Dyke Robert Childs LOSS WIN
Christopher Nelson Rachel Van Dyke WIN LOSS
Harbell ILustre Rachel Van Dyke WIN LOSS
Harbell ILustre Christopher Nelson LOSS WIN
Robert Childs Harbell ILustre WIN LOSS
John Patterson Christopher Ponzillo WIN LOSS
Meghan Citra John Patterson LOSS WIN
Christopher Ponzillo Meghan Citra WIN LOSS
Meghan Citra Darien Miles WIN LOSS
Darien Miles Christopher Ponzillo LOSS WIN
John Patterson Darien Miles WIN LOSS
Monica Lissette Meghan Citra LOSS WIN
Christopher Ponzillo Monica Lissette WIN LOSS
Darien Miles Monica Lissette DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
John Patterson Monica Lissette WIN LOSS
Eric Hardeman Kyle Griswold LOSS WIN
Ramon Santos Kyle Griswold DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Eric Hardeman Ramon Santos WIN LOSS
Jonathan Hervas Ramon Santos LOSS WIN
Eric Hardeman Jonathan Hervas WIN LOSS
Kyle Griswold Jonathan Hervas WIN LOSS
Charles Buschmann Christopher Yang WIN LOSS
Angel Uribe Charles Buschmann LOSS WIN
Christopher Yang Angel Uribe WIN LOSS
Dustin Thelen Angel Uribe WIN LOSS
Christopher Yang Dustin Thelen WIN LOSS
Dustin Thelen Charles Buschmann WIN LOSS
JP Masters Angel Uribe WIN LOSS
JP Masters Christopher Yang WIN LOSS
Dustin Thelen JP Masters WIN LOSS
Charles Buschmann JP Masters WIN LOSS
Robert Childs Christopher Yang WIN LOSS
Dustin Thelen Meghan Citra WIN LOSS
Harbell ILustre Eric Hardeman LOSS WIN
Christopher Nelson Daniel Zwart LOSS WIN
Charles Buschmann Christopher Ponzillo LOSS WIN
John Patterson Christopher Ponzillo WIN LOSS
Jonathan Clyde Ying Daniel Zwart WIN LOSS
Eric Hardeman Clifford Curry LOSS WIN
Robert Childs Dustin Thelen LOSS WIN
Dustin Thelen John Patterson LOSS WIN
Jonathan Clyde Ying Clifford Curry WIN LOSS
John Patterson Jonathan Clyde Ying WIN LOSS
Dustin Thelen Clifford Curry LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Charles Buschmann Justin Beck LOSS WIN
Dylan Labbie Charles Buschmann LOSS WIN
Justin Beck Dylan Labbie LOSS WIN
Norman Lao Dylan Labbie WIN LOSS
Justin Beck Norman Lao WIN LOSS
Norman Lao Charles Buschmann LOSS WIN
Dylan Labbie Fleur Richau LOSS WIN
Justin Beck Fleur Richau LOSS WIN
Norman Lao Fleur Richau LOSS WIN
Charles Buschmann Fleur Richau LOSS WIN
Christopher Yang Christopher Nelson LOSS WIN
Jon Breshears Christopher Nelson LOSS WIN
Christopher Yang Jon Breshears LOSS WIN
Ramon Santos Jon Breshears LOSS WIN
Christopher Yang Ramon Santos WIN LOSS
Ramon Santos Christopher Nelson LOSS WIN
Michael Huang Jon Breshears WIN LOSS
Christopher Yang Michael Huang LOSS WIN
Ramon Santos Michael Huang LOSS WIN
Christopher Nelson Michael Huang LOSS WIN
Dylan Smith Daniel Zwart LOSS WIN
Michael Metz Daniel Zwart LOSS WIN
Dylan Smith Michael Metz WIN LOSS
Michael Metz Will Chang LOSS WIN
Will Chang Daniel Zwart LOSS WIN
Skye Hilton Michael Metz LOSS WIN
Dylan Smith Skye Hilton WIN LOSS
Skye Hilton Will Chang WIN LOSS
Daniel Zwart Skye Hilton WIN LOSS
James Harvey Grant Timothy Magnuson LOSS WIN
Timothy Magnuson Nathan Rowe LOSS WIN
James Harvey Grant Nathan Rowe LOSS WIN
Richard Vang Nathan Rowe LOSS WIN
James Harvey Grant Richard Vang WIN LOSS
Timothy Magnuson Richard Vang WIN LOSS
Christopher Ponzillo Shane Becker WIN LOSS
Philip Wheeler Christopher Ponzillo LOSS WIN
Shane Becker Philip Wheeler WIN LOSS
Tyler Smith Philip Wheeler LOSS WIN
Shane Becker Tyler Smith WIN LOSS
Tyler Smith Christopher Ponzillo LOSS WIN
Eric Hardeman Allan Sherlock WIN LOSS
Wesley Koswara Eric Hardeman LOSS WIN
Allan Sherlock Wesley Koswara WIN LOSS
Wesley Koswara JP Masters WIN LOSS
Allan Sherlock JP Masters WIN LOSS
Eric Hardeman JP Masters WIN LOSS
Jon Breshears Christopher Ponzillo LOSS WIN
Justin Beck Daniel Zwart LOSS WIN
James Harvey Grant Eric Hardeman LOSS WIN
Nathan Rowe Shane Becker LOSS WIN
Allan Sherlock Christopher Nelson WIN LOSS
Dylan Smith Timothy Magnuson LOSS WIN
Michael Huang Timothy Magnuson LOSS WIN
Fleur Richau Allan Sherlock WIN LOSS
Shane Becker Christopher Ponzillo LOSS WIN
Daniel Zwart Eric Hardeman WIN LOSS
Timothy Magnuson Daniel Zwart LOSS WIN
Fleur Richau Christopher Ponzillo LOSS WIN
Daniel Zwart Christopher Ponzillo LOSS WIN
Michael Huang Timothy Magnuson LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just SoCal Swordfight 2017

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
3 3 Jonathan Clyde Ying SoCal Swords 1832.6 42.3
26 6 Sean Franklin N/A 1668.2 24.4
30 12 Jesse Tucker The Historical Combat Collective 1654.4 51
37 6 Kyle Griswold Mordhau Historical Combat 1636.3 10.6
75 274 Christopher Ponzillo South Coast Swords 1538.4 250.7
80 46 John Patterson Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 1531.7 47.9
89 112 Myles Cupp SoCal Swords 1527 122.4
97 7 Clifford Curry Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 1517.6 3.4
135 34 Charles Boling Iron Gate Swordfighting 1476 32.9
186 20 Shane Gibson N/A 1430.7 30.8
216 148 Daniel Zwart Ann Arbor Sword Club 1399.1 123
243 Fleur Richau En Garde Fencing 1376.5
315 430 Jason Brown Swordguild Portland 1320.1 239.3
323 386 Timothy Magnuson SoCal Swords 1316.5 221.3
331 291 Michael Huang Tosetti Institute of MMA and Fitness 1310.4 167.3
366 95 Tracy Mellow Iron Gate Swordfighting 1289.9 50.4
416 Nathan Rowe Kron Martial Arts 1260.3
426 Eric Hardeman South Coast Swords 1256.4
452 41 Christopher Nelson Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 1242.6 34.1
497 67 Christopher Yang Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1220.1 21
514 Shane Becker Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 1212.8
578 354 Allan Sherlock Bucks Historical Longsword 1177.9 205.8
624 50 Justin Beck F3 Sword Academy 1156.4 45.5
678 Jon Breshears Kron Martial Arts 1131
688 227 Richard Vang New York Historical Fencing Association 1124.7 101.8
757 203 Charles Buschmann Kron Martial Arts 1092 131.6
760 145 Ramon Santos Iron Gate Swordfighting 1090.4 55.2
837 Dylan Smith South Coast Swords 1060.3
979 Philip Wheeler Kron Martial Arts 985.4
1040 Will Chang Kron Martial Arts 956.2
1064 Dylan Labbie Kron Martial Arts 944.8
1105 Skye Hilton Davenriche European Martial Artes School 931.8
1106 Michael Metz Santa Barbara Sword Club 931.8
1119 143 James Harvey Grant Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 920 123.9
1167 Wesley Koswara Kron Martial Arts 902.8
1172 Norman Lao South Coast Swords 900.5
1341 Tyler Smith Kron Martial Arts 805.8
1435 JP Masters South Coast Swords 718.6