Rose City Classic 2016

Date November 5, 2016
Country United States
State Oregon
City Portland
Software HEMA Scorecard (results )

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Singlestick 63 30
Mixed Steel Longsword 40 20
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler 21 12
Mixed Synthetic Longsword 36 17
Women's Steel Longsword 22 9

Fighters in event

Sean Franklin
Erik Bailey
Gregory Temorcioglu
Jen Bowles
Tony Huang Black Tigers
Stephen Kime Blood and Iron Martial Arts
Nicole Smith Blood and Iron Martial Arts
Frank Curwood Blood and Iron Martial Arts
Par Parmar Blood and Iron Martial Arts
Don Madlung Blood and Iron Martial Arts
Corrigan Cassidy Blood and Iron Martial Arts
Kevin Campbell Blood and Iron Martial Arts
Synde Tarasenko Blood and Iron Martial Arts
Joe Gundersen Blood and Iron Martial Arts
Carmon Heye Blood and Iron Martial Arts
Dave Gill Blood and Iron Martial Arts
David Attwell Blood and Iron Martial Arts
Logan Martens Blood and Iron Martial Arts
Greg Elworthy Blood and Iron Martial Arts
Stewart Keenan Blood and Iron Martial Arts
Reese Pollock Comox Valley Combat Guild
Brittany Reeves Mordhau Historical Combat
Jane Strange San Diego Swordfighters
Tyler Corston-Oliver The Historical Combat Collective
Lianna Teeter The Historical Combat Collective
Chris Bruce The Historical Combat Collective
Ksenia Kozhevnikova The Historical Combat Collective
Julian Schuetze The Historical Combat Collective
Jesse Tucker The Historical Combat Collective
Andy Campbell The Historical Combat Collective
Anthony Buonomo Austin Historical Weapons Guild
Morgan Garrett Citadel Combat Arena
Lucas Servera Drei Wunder Wma
Zachary Amsden Drei Wunder Wma
Preston Weller Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts
Morgan Blackmore Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts
Callie Jones Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts
Tryon Thompson Indes Ferox Gladio
Dashiell Harrison Indes Ferox Gladio
Elliot Robinson Indes Ferox Gladio
Shawn Fackler Loyal Order of the Sword
Mark Smead San Luis Valley Swordguild
RJ McKeehan SoCal Swords
Jonathan Clyde Ying SoCal Swords
Rachel Van Dyke SoCal Swords
Eric Hardeman South Coast Swords
Hugh Owens Swordguild Portland
Louis Gaty Swordguild Portland
Kaz Hale Swordguild Portland
Monica Garcia Swordguild Portland
Samuel Zavaletta Swordguild Portland
Nicholas Chase Swordguild Portland
Jason Brown Swordguild Portland
Cory Conner Swordguild Portland
Siavash Rezvani Swordguild Portland


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Morgan Garrett Don Madlung LOSS WIN
Logan Martens Don Madlung LOSS WIN
Morgan Garrett Logan Martens WIN LOSS
Monica Garcia Logan Martens LOSS WIN
Morgan Garrett Monica Garcia WIN LOSS
Monica Garcia Don Madlung LOSS WIN
Carmon Heye Logan Martens LOSS WIN
Morgan Garrett Carmon Heye WIN LOSS
Monica Garcia Carmon Heye WIN LOSS
Don Madlung Carmon Heye WIN LOSS
Corrigan Cassidy Jonathan Clyde Ying LOSS WIN
Siavash Rezvani Corrigan Cassidy LOSS WIN
Jonathan Clyde Ying Siavash Rezvani WIN LOSS
Jen Bowles Corrigan Cassidy LOSS WIN
Siavash Rezvani Jen Bowles WIN LOSS
Jonathan Clyde Ying Jen Bowles WIN LOSS
Kaz Hale Kevin Campbell WIN LOSS
Dave Gill Kevin Campbell LOSS WIN
Kaz Hale Dave Gill WIN LOSS
Brittany Reeves Dave Gill WIN LOSS
Kaz Hale Brittany Reeves LOSS WIN
Kevin Campbell Brittany Reeves WIN LOSS
Chris Bruce Rachel Van Dyke WIN LOSS
Cory Conner Chris Bruce WIN LOSS
Rachel Van Dyke Cory Conner LOSS WIN
David Attwell Cory Conner LOSS WIN
Rachel Van Dyke David Attwell WIN LOSS
David Attwell Chris Bruce LOSS WIN
Reese Pollock Hugh Owens LOSS WIN
Andy Campbell Hugh Owens WIN LOSS
Reese Pollock Andy Campbell LOSS WIN
Louis Gaty Ksenia Kozhevnikova WIN LOSS
Jane Strange Louis Gaty WIN LOSS
Ksenia Kozhevnikova Jane Strange LOSS WIN
Tyler Corston-Oliver Jane Strange LOSS WIN
Ksenia Kozhevnikova Tyler Corston-Oliver WIN LOSS
Louis Gaty Tyler Corston-Oliver WIN LOSS
Jane Strange Callie Jones WIN LOSS
Callie Jones Ksenia Kozhevnikova LOSS WIN
Tyler Corston-Oliver Callie Jones LOSS WIN
Louis Gaty Callie Jones WIN LOSS
Joe Gundersen Zachary Amsden WIN LOSS
Zachary Amsden Par Parmar WIN LOSS
Joe Gundersen Par Parmar LOSS WIN
Mark Smead Par Parmar LOSS WIN
Joe Gundersen Mark Smead WIN LOSS
Mark Smead Zachary Amsden LOSS WIN
Andy Campbell Kaz Hale LOSS WIN
Corrigan Cassidy Jonathan Clyde Ying LOSS WIN
Don Madlung Joe Gundersen LOSS WIN
Cory Conner Kevin Campbell LOSS WIN
Jane Strange Par Parmar LOSS WIN
Chris Bruce Brittany Reeves WIN LOSS
Frank Curwood Zachary Amsden LOSS WIN
Louis Gaty Morgan Garrett WIN LOSS
Louis Gaty Kaz Hale WIN LOSS
Jonathan Clyde Ying Zachary Amsden WIN LOSS
Chris Bruce Joe Gundersen WIN LOSS
Kevin Campbell Par Parmar LOSS WIN
Louis Gaty Par Parmar LOSS WIN
Jonathan Clyde Ying Chris Bruce WIN LOSS
Par Parmar Jonathan Clyde Ying LOSS WIN
Louis Gaty Chris Bruce WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Shawn Fackler Zachary Amsden LOSS WIN
Don Madlung Shawn Fackler LOSS WIN
Zachary Amsden Don Madlung LOSS WIN
Tryon Thompson Don Madlung WIN LOSS
Zachary Amsden Tryon Thompson LOSS WIN
Shawn Fackler Tryon Thompson WIN LOSS
Nicole Smith Jonathan Clyde Ying LOSS WIN
Preston Weller Jonathan Clyde Ying LOSS WIN
Nicole Smith Preston Weller WIN LOSS
Preston Weller Louis Gaty LOSS WIN
Nicole Smith Louis Gaty WIN LOSS
Jonathan Clyde Ying Louis Gaty WIN LOSS
Erik Bailey Cory Conner LOSS WIN
Elliot Robinson Erik Bailey LOSS WIN
Cory Conner Elliot Robinson WIN LOSS
Elliot Robinson Rachel Van Dyke LOSS WIN
Cory Conner Rachel Van Dyke WIN LOSS
Erik Bailey Rachel Van Dyke WIN LOSS
Lucas Servera Gregory Temorcioglu WIN LOSS
Gregory Temorcioglu Dashiell Harrison LOSS WIN
Dashiell Harrison Lucas Servera LOSS WIN
Anthony Buonomo Dashiell Harrison LOSS WIN
Lucas Servera Anthony Buonomo LOSS WIN
Anthony Buonomo Gregory Temorcioglu WIN LOSS
RJ McKeehan Tony Huang WIN LOSS
Morgan Blackmore RJ McKeehan LOSS WIN
Tony Huang Morgan Blackmore WIN LOSS
Samuel Zavaletta Morgan Blackmore LOSS WIN
Tony Huang Samuel Zavaletta WIN LOSS
Samuel Zavaletta RJ McKeehan LOSS WIN
Nicole Smith Tony Huang WIN LOSS
Lucas Servera Tryon Thompson LOSS WIN
Tryon Thompson Cory Conner WIN LOSS
RJ McKeehan Nicole Smith WIN LOSS
Shawn Fackler Erik Bailey LOSS WIN
Jonathan Clyde Ying Dashiell Harrison WIN LOSS
Tryon Thompson Jonathan Clyde Ying LOSS WIN
RJ McKeehan Erik Bailey LOSS WIN
Jonathan Clyde Ying Erik Bailey WIN LOSS
RJ McKeehan Tryon Thompson WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Rose City Classic 2016

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
4 19 Jonathan Clyde Ying SoCal Swords 1556.3 207.8
19 2 Kevin Campbell Blood and Iron Martial Arts 1380.6 28
24 Par Parmar Blood and Iron Martial Arts 1348.4
26 Louis Gaty Swordguild Portland 1336.5
37 Cory Conner Swordguild Portland 1274.9
39 46 Jane Strange San Diego Swordfighters 1271.8 298.1
45 Chris Bruce The Historical Combat Collective 1236.3
47 Kaz Hale Swordguild Portland 1229.4
54 20 Zachary Amsden Drei Wunder Wma 1203.5 140.6
55 42 Don Madlung Blood and Iron Martial Arts 1198.5 294.3
64 Joe Gundersen Blood and Iron Martial Arts 1173.4
67 Andy Campbell The Historical Combat Collective 1144.4
68 Corrigan Cassidy Blood and Iron Martial Arts 1141.8
69 15 Brittany Reeves Mordhau Historical Combat 1139 154.7
71 Morgan Garrett Citadel Combat Arena 1125.2
89 6 Ksenia Kozhevnikova The Historical Combat Collective 1039.1 96.4
90 15 Frank Curwood Blood and Iron Martial Arts 1021.3 26
93 Logan Martens Blood and Iron Martial Arts 1017
95 Hugh Owens Swordguild Portland 993.2
96 Siavash Rezvani Swordguild Portland 992
108 Rachel Van Dyke SoCal Swords 944.7
114 Monica Garcia Swordguild Portland 855.9
116 Callie Jones Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts 837.8
119 Jen Bowles N/A 809.5
120 Dave Gill Blood and Iron Martial Arts 805.8
128 Reese Pollock Comox Valley Combat Guild 745.9
129 David Attwell Blood and Iron Martial Arts 744.9
133 Mark Smead San Luis Valley Swordguild 739.9
138 Carmon Heye Blood and Iron Martial Arts 694.7
139 Tyler Corston-Oliver The Historical Combat Collective 686.4