Swordfish 2016

Date November 4, 2016
Country Sweden
City Gothenburg
Software HEMA CM

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger 92 39
Mixed Steel Sabre 101 38
Women's Steel Longsword 58 22
Mixed Steel Longsword 179 74
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler 32 14

Fighters in event

Christopher Denby Collegium in Armis
Emma O'Toner Collegium in Armis
Matt Galas
Robbe D'Hondt De Hallebardiers
Nick Desmet De Hallebardiers
Steve Sigmans De Hallebardiers
Aster Soetaert De Hallebardiers
Jem Burke Invirtus
Daan Kiesekoms Invirtus
Tom Smets Invirtus
Aäron Faes Sumus Soldani
Yannick De smet SwArta
Steven Verstraeten SwArta
Karin Verelst SwArta
Daniel Olivier Sutter Reisläufer Bern
Max Schulte Grün-Weiß Holten
Gerrit Barz Grün-Weiß Holten
Carla Huvermann Grün-Weiß Holten
Lukas Mästle-Goer Schwabenfedern
Victor Harder Hesel Københavns Historiske Fægteklub
Rikke Holm Københavns Historiske Fægteklub
Frederik Neess Engsig Københavns Historiske Fægteklub
Marcos Ariño Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Ignacio González Garcia Sala de Armas Salvatore Fabris
Markus Koivisto EHMS
Kristian Ruokonen EHMS
Nadia Partala EHMS
Annina Ruokonen Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Sara Vertanen Jyväskylä Academy of Historical Martial Arts
Sean Jauss Bath Historical Martial Arts
Jack Gassmann Goats Head Historical Fencing
Francesco Lodà Accademia Romana d'Armi
Silvia Tomassetti Accademia Romana d'Armi
Federico Dall'Olio La Salle d'Armes
Michela D'Orlando Ordine delle Lame Scaligere
Riccardo Rudilosso Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo
Benedetto Antonio Colombo Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo
Kristaps Krūtainis HEMA Riga
Reinis Rinka HEMA Riga
Anouk Post
Nick van der Lee De Academie voor Middeleeuwse Europese Krijgskunsten
Bas Doeksen De Academie voor Middeleeuwse Europese Krijgskunsten
Merlyn Janssen De Zwaardkring
Tosca Beuming De Zwaardkring
Majken Roelfszema Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Ties Kool Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Bart Jongsma Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Max van den Ekart Houw en Hoede
Micha Morales MARS
Arto Fama Zwaard & Steen
Cor Kronenburg Zwaard & Steen
Michel Rensen Zwaard & Steen
Manuela Beltrami Zwaard & Steen
Sander van Eijk Zwaard & Steen
Tijs de Jong Zwaard & Steen
Sandra Belder Zwaard & Steen
Sigrid Hogendorp Zwaard & Steen
Håvard Lund Eidheim Fekteklubben Frie Duellister
Tomm Alexander Skotner Fekteklubben Frie Duellister
Hanne Eik Pilskog Halden HEMA
Kristine Konsmo HEMA Riga
Szymon Sitko Silkfencing Team
Jerzy Miklaszewski Silkfencing Team
Evgeniy Volodkov White Company
Sergey Volkov White Company
Kirill Danilov White Company
Hans Jörnlind Gamla Stans Fäktskola
Mattias Andersson Gävle HEMA
Johan Norberg Gothenburg Historical Fencing School
Martin Augustsson Gothenburg Historical Fencing School
Julia Yli-Hukka Gothenburg Historical Fencing School
Anders Linnard Gothenburg Historical Fencing School
Hans Nordström Gothenburg Historical Fencing School
Linus Eklund Gothenburg Historical Fencing School
Anders Söderberg Gothenburg Historical Fencing School
Andreas Engström Gothenburg Historical Fencing School
Patrik Jarenius Gripen HEMA
Dennis Ljungqvist Kungshamns Historiska Fäktskola
Marcus Pettersson Kungshamns Historiska Fäktskola
Joel Andersson Kungshamns Historiska Fäktskola
Andreas Markehed Malmö Historiska Fäktskola
Jonas Eriksson Malmö Historiska Fäktskola
Mattias Pettersson Örebro HEMA
Anna-Lotta Eriksson Örebro HEMA
Staffan Sannemalm Örebro HEMA
Jesper Christiansen Örebro HEMA
Sigrid Karlsson Örnsköldsviks Kampsportsförening
Per Magnus Haaland Sällskapet Lunds Kontrafäktare
Kristofer Stanson Stockholm HEMA
Fredrik Dillner Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning
Thomas Nyzell Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola
Mattias Landelius Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola
Andreas Isaksson Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola
Deniz Ince Turkey Historical Fencing Association
Pedro San Miguel Ausardia HEMA Club
James Wiggins Bath Historical Martial Arts
Jamie MacIver London Historical Fencing Club
Robert Clampitt London Historical Fencing Club
Alexander Makarov Tempus Fugitives
George Livermore The 1595 Club
Ciaran O'Sullivan The Institute for Historical Arts
Mark Wilkie The Institute for Historical Arts
Thomas Arthur Naylor The Institute for Historical Arts
James MacGilp The Institute for Historical Arts
Benjamin Hole The Renaissance Sword Club
Sam Brennan Booth The Renaissance Sword Club
Rob Runacres The Renaissance Sword Club
Rory Merrall-Wyre The Renaissance Sword Club
Stephen Howell The Renaissance Sword Club
Jason Bonner The Renaissance Sword Club
Piermarco Terminiello The School of the Sword
Matthew Crane The School of the Sword
Joshua Bywaters-Davis The School of the Sword
Adrian Faulkner The School of the Sword
Stewart Hotston The School of the Sword
Christophe Loyce The School of the Sword
Maria Makarova Waterloo Sparring Group
Mckenzie Adlai Ewing Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Keith Cotter-Reilly Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Josh Parise Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Jake Norwood Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Karl Bolle Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Jayson Barrons Denver Historical Fencing Academy
Sigmund Werndorf Los Angeles Historical Martial Arts Society
Minhduc Kenny Phan Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Joseph Yeager Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy
James Darling Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy
David Rowe Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy
Lauren Hanson New York Historical Fencing Association
Tim Kaufman New York Historical Fencing Association
Tristan Zukowski New York Historical Fencing Association
Toby Hall New York Historical Fencing Association
Dave Kaufman New York Historical Fencing Association
Rebecca Boyd Second Intent Fencing
Bill Grandy Virginia Academy of Fencing
Kevin Comer Virginia Academy of Fencing


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Joshua Bywaters-Davis Rob Runacres LOSS WIN
Evgeniy Volodkov Ignacio González Garcia WIN LOSS
Joshua Bywaters-Davis Josh Parise WIN LOSS
Rob Runacres Ignacio González Garcia WIN LOSS
Evgeniy Volodkov Josh Parise WIN LOSS
Ignacio González Garcia Joshua Bywaters-Davis LOSS WIN
Rob Runacres Josh Parise WIN LOSS
Joshua Bywaters-Davis Evgeniy Volodkov LOSS WIN
Josh Parise Ignacio González Garcia LOSS WIN
Rob Runacres Evgeniy Volodkov DRAW DRAW
Kirill Danilov Kevin Comer WIN LOSS
Victor Harder Hesel Stephen Howell WIN LOSS
Adrian Faulkner Kevin Comer LOSS WIN
Kirill Danilov Stephen Howell WIN LOSS
Adrian Faulkner Victor Harder Hesel LOSS WIN
Kevin Comer Stephen Howell LOSS WIN
Adrian Faulkner Kirill Danilov LOSS WIN
Kevin Comer Victor Harder Hesel LOSS WIN
Adrian Faulkner Stephen Howell LOSS WIN
Kirill Danilov Victor Harder Hesel LOSS WIN
Sam Brennan Booth Toby Hall LOSS WIN
Kristofer Stanson Matt Galas WIN LOSS
Sam Brennan Booth Rebecca Boyd WIN LOSS
Matt Galas Toby Hall WIN LOSS
Kristofer Stanson Rebecca Boyd WIN LOSS
Sam Brennan Booth Matt Galas WIN LOSS
Toby Hall Rebecca Boyd WIN LOSS
Sam Brennan Booth Kristofer Stanson LOSS WIN
Matt Galas Rebecca Boyd WIN LOSS
Kristofer Stanson Toby Hall WIN LOSS
Anonymous fighter Tim Kaufman LOSS WIN
Benedetto Antonio Colombo Francesco Lodà WIN LOSS
Stewart Hotston Anonymous fighter LOSS WIN
Tim Kaufman Benedetto Antonio Colombo WIN LOSS
Stewart Hotston Francesco Lodà LOSS WIN
Anonymous fighter Benedetto Antonio Colombo DRAW DRAW
Stewart Hotston Tim Kaufman LOSS WIN
Francesco Lodà Anonymous fighter DRAW DRAW
Stewart Hotston Benedetto Antonio Colombo LOSS WIN
Tim Kaufman Francesco Lodà LOSS WIN
Rory Merrall-Wyre Alexander Makarov WIN LOSS
Hans Jörnlind Rory Merrall-Wyre WIN LOSS
David Rowe Alexander Makarov LOSS WIN
Hans Jörnlind David Rowe WIN LOSS
Rory Merrall-Wyre David Rowe WIN LOSS
Hans Jörnlind Alexander Makarov LOSS WIN
Sergey Volkov Maria Makarova WIN LOSS
Bill Grandy Kristine Konsmo LOSS WIN
Markus Koivisto Maria Makarova LOSS WIN
Sergey Volkov Bill Grandy WIN LOSS
Markus Koivisto Kristine Konsmo LOSS WIN
Bill Grandy Maria Makarova WIN LOSS
Sergey Volkov Markus Koivisto WIN LOSS
Kristine Konsmo Maria Makarova WIN LOSS
Markus Koivisto Bill Grandy LOSS WIN
Sergey Volkov Kristine Konsmo DRAW DRAW
Mckenzie Adlai Ewing Fredrik Dillner WIN LOSS
Benjamin Hole Andreas Isaksson LOSS WIN
Fredrik Dillner Sean Jauss LOSS WIN
Benjamin Hole Mckenzie Adlai Ewing LOSS WIN
Andreas Isaksson Sean Jauss WIN LOSS
Benjamin Hole Fredrik Dillner LOSS WIN
Mckenzie Adlai Ewing Sean Jauss WIN LOSS
Andreas Isaksson Fredrik Dillner WIN LOSS
Sean Jauss Benjamin Hole WIN LOSS
Andreas Isaksson Mckenzie Adlai Ewing DRAW DRAW
James Darling Reinis Rinka LOSS WIN
Piermarco Terminiello Keith Cotter-Reilly WIN LOSS
Matthew Crane James Darling WIN LOSS
Reinis Rinka Keith Cotter-Reilly WIN LOSS
Matthew Crane Piermarco Terminiello LOSS WIN
Keith Cotter-Reilly James Darling WIN LOSS
Matthew Crane Reinis Rinka LOSS WIN
James Darling Piermarco Terminiello LOSS WIN
Matthew Crane Keith Cotter-Reilly WIN LOSS
Reinis Rinka Piermarco Terminiello LOSS WIN
Francesco Lodà Piermarco Terminiello LOSS WIN
Rob Runacres Kristine Konsmo LOSS WIN
Sergey Volkov Tim Kaufman WIN LOSS
Evgeniy Volodkov Rory Merrall-Wyre WIN LOSS
Alexander Makarov Victor Harder Hesel LOSS WIN
Reinis Rinka Andreas Isaksson LOSS WIN
Kirill Danilov Mckenzie Adlai Ewing WIN LOSS
Hans Jörnlind Kristofer Stanson LOSS WIN
Piermarco Terminiello Kristine Konsmo WIN LOSS
Sergey Volkov Evgeniy Volodkov WIN LOSS
Andreas Isaksson Victor Harder Hesel WIN LOSS
Kirill Danilov Kristofer Stanson WIN LOSS
Sergey Volkov Piermarco Terminiello WIN LOSS
Kirill Danilov Andreas Isaksson WIN LOSS
Sergey Volkov Kirill Danilov WIN LOSS
Piermarco Terminiello Andreas Isaksson WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Martin Augustsson Aster Soetaert LOSS WIN
Anders Söderberg Kirill Danilov LOSS WIN
Bill Grandy Martin Augustsson DRAW DRAW
Aster Soetaert Anders Söderberg WIN LOSS
Bill Grandy Kirill Danilov LOSS WIN
Anders Söderberg Martin Augustsson DRAW DRAW
Bill Grandy Aster Soetaert LOSS WIN
Kirill Danilov Martin Augustsson WIN LOSS
Bill Grandy Anders Söderberg WIN LOSS
Aster Soetaert Kirill Danilov LOSS WIN
Emma O'Toner Bart Jongsma LOSS WIN
Mattias Pettersson Ties Kool LOSS WIN
Joel Andersson Steve Sigmans DRAW DRAW
Bart Jongsma Ties Kool WIN LOSS
Joel Andersson Emma O'Toner LOSS WIN
Steve Sigmans Mattias Pettersson WIN LOSS
Ties Kool Joel Andersson WIN LOSS
Emma O'Toner Steve Sigmans LOSS WIN
Mattias Pettersson Bart Jongsma DRAW DRAW
Emma O'Toner Ties Kool LOSS WIN
Mattias Pettersson Joel Andersson LOSS WIN
Bart Jongsma Steve Sigmans WIN LOSS
Mattias Pettersson Emma O'Toner LOSS WIN
Bart Jongsma Joel Andersson WIN LOSS
Steve Sigmans Ties Kool WIN LOSS
Szymon Sitko Aäron Faes WIN LOSS
Kristofer Stanson Robbe D'Hondt WIN LOSS
Sergey Volkov Micha Morales WIN LOSS
Kristofer Stanson Aäron Faes WIN LOSS
Szymon Sitko Micha Morales WIN LOSS
Robbe D'Hondt Sergey Volkov LOSS WIN
Kristofer Stanson Micha Morales WIN LOSS
Szymon Sitko Sergey Volkov LOSS WIN
Aäron Faes Robbe D'Hondt LOSS WIN
Szymon Sitko Kristofer Stanson DRAW DRAW
Micha Morales Robbe D'Hondt WIN LOSS
Sergey Volkov Aäron Faes WIN LOSS
Szymon Sitko Robbe D'Hondt LOSS WIN
Micha Morales Aäron Faes WIN LOSS
Sergey Volkov Kristofer Stanson LOSS WIN
Håvard Lund Eidheim Jason Bonner WIN LOSS
Victor Harder Hesel Mattias Landelius WIN LOSS
George Livermore Jason Bonner WIN LOSS
Mattias Landelius Håvard Lund Eidheim LOSS WIN
George Livermore Victor Harder Hesel DRAW DRAW
Mattias Landelius Jason Bonner WIN LOSS
George Livermore Håvard Lund Eidheim LOSS WIN
Victor Harder Hesel Jason Bonner WIN LOSS
George Livermore Mattias Landelius WIN LOSS
Victor Harder Hesel Håvard Lund Eidheim WIN LOSS
Christophe Loyce Andreas Engström LOSS WIN
Staffan Sannemalm Jake Norwood LOSS WIN
Jerzy Miklaszewski Evgeniy Volodkov LOSS WIN
Andreas Engström Jake Norwood LOSS WIN
Jerzy Miklaszewski Christophe Loyce WIN LOSS
Staffan Sannemalm Evgeniy Volodkov LOSS WIN
Jake Norwood Jerzy Miklaszewski WIN LOSS
Christophe Loyce Evgeniy Volodkov LOSS WIN
Staffan Sannemalm Andreas Engström LOSS WIN
Christophe Loyce Jake Norwood LOSS WIN
Staffan Sannemalm Jerzy Miklaszewski LOSS WIN
Andreas Engström Evgeniy Volodkov LOSS WIN
Staffan Sannemalm Christophe Loyce WIN LOSS
Andreas Engström Jerzy Miklaszewski LOSS WIN
Evgeniy Volodkov Jake Norwood WIN LOSS
Kristaps Krūtainis Johan Norberg LOSS WIN
Karl Bolle Dennis Ljungqvist LOSS WIN
Kristaps Krūtainis Benedetto Antonio Colombo WIN LOSS
Johan Norberg Karl Bolle WIN LOSS
Benedetto Antonio Colombo Dennis Ljungqvist LOSS WIN
Kristaps Krūtainis Karl Bolle WIN LOSS
Johan Norberg Benedetto Antonio Colombo LOSS WIN
Kristaps Krūtainis Dennis Ljungqvist LOSS WIN
Karl Bolle Benedetto Antonio Colombo LOSS WIN
Johan Norberg Dennis Ljungqvist LOSS WIN
Riccardo Rudilosso Reinis Rinka WIN LOSS
Thomas Nyzell Patrik Jarenius LOSS WIN
Pedro San Miguel Riccardo Rudilosso DRAW DRAW
Reinis Rinka Patrik Jarenius LOSS WIN
Pedro San Miguel Thomas Nyzell LOSS WIN
Riccardo Rudilosso Patrik Jarenius LOSS WIN
Pedro San Miguel Reinis Rinka LOSS WIN
Thomas Nyzell Riccardo Rudilosso LOSS WIN
Pedro San Miguel Patrik Jarenius WIN LOSS
Reinis Rinka Thomas Nyzell LOSS WIN
Evgeniy Volodkov Jerzy Miklaszewski WIN LOSS
Håvard Lund Eidheim Jake Norwood WIN LOSS
Bart Jongsma Steve Sigmans LOSS WIN
Kristofer Stanson George Livermore WIN LOSS
Riccardo Rudilosso Kirill Danilov LOSS WIN
Patrik Jarenius Victor Harder Hesel LOSS WIN
Sergey Volkov Aster Soetaert WIN LOSS
Ties Kool Dennis Ljungqvist WIN LOSS
Evgeniy Volodkov Håvard Lund Eidheim WIN LOSS
Kristofer Stanson Steve Sigmans WIN LOSS
Victor Harder Hesel Kirill Danilov LOSS WIN
Sergey Volkov Ties Kool WIN LOSS
Evgeniy Volodkov Kristofer Stanson WIN LOSS
Sergey Volkov Kirill Danilov LOSS WIN
Evgeniy Volodkov Kirill Danilov LOSS WIN
Sergey Volkov Kristofer Stanson WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Rikke Holm Sigrid Karlsson WIN LOSS
Kristine Konsmo Maria Makarova WIN LOSS
Nadia Partala Manuela Beltrami LOSS WIN
Sigrid Karlsson Kristine Konsmo LOSS WIN
Manuela Beltrami Rikke Holm WIN LOSS
Maria Makarova Nadia Partala LOSS WIN
Kristine Konsmo Manuela Beltrami WIN LOSS
Rikke Holm Nadia Partala LOSS WIN
Maria Makarova Sigrid Karlsson LOSS WIN
Rikke Holm Kristine Konsmo LOSS WIN
Maria Makarova Manuela Beltrami WIN LOSS
Sigrid Karlsson Nadia Partala LOSS WIN
Maria Makarova Rikke Holm WIN LOSS
Sigrid Karlsson Manuela Beltrami WIN LOSS
Nadia Partala Kristine Konsmo WIN LOSS
Sandra Belder Annina Ruokonen LOSS WIN
Julia Yli-Hukka Majken Roelfszema DRAW DRAW
Silvia Tomassetti Lauren Hanson LOSS WIN
Julia Yli-Hukka Annina Ruokonen WIN LOSS
Sandra Belder Silvia Tomassetti LOSS WIN
Lauren Hanson Majken Roelfszema LOSS WIN
Silvia Tomassetti Julia Yli-Hukka LOSS WIN
Lauren Hanson Sandra Belder WIN LOSS
Annina Ruokonen Majken Roelfszema DRAW DRAW
Sandra Belder Julia Yli-Hukka LOSS WIN
Majken Roelfszema Silvia Tomassetti WIN LOSS
Lauren Hanson Annina Ruokonen WIN LOSS
Sandra Belder Majken Roelfszema LOSS WIN
Annina Ruokonen Silvia Tomassetti WIN LOSS
Julia Yli-Hukka Lauren Hanson DRAW DRAW
Sigrid Hogendorp Anna-Lotta Eriksson LOSS WIN
Michela D'Orlando Hanne Eik Pilskog WIN LOSS
Sigrid Hogendorp Karin Verelst LOSS WIN
Hanne Eik Pilskog Anna-Lotta Eriksson LOSS WIN
Karin Verelst Michela D'Orlando LOSS WIN
Sigrid Hogendorp Hanne Eik Pilskog LOSS WIN
Anna-Lotta Eriksson Karin Verelst WIN LOSS
Sigrid Hogendorp Michela D'Orlando LOSS WIN
Hanne Eik Pilskog Karin Verelst WIN LOSS
Anna-Lotta Eriksson Michela D'Orlando LOSS WIN
Tosca Beuming Emma O'Toner LOSS WIN
Sara Vertanen Anouk Post WIN LOSS
Emma O'Toner Carla Huvermann LOSS WIN
Anouk Post Tosca Beuming DRAW DRAW
Carla Huvermann Sara Vertanen DRAW DRAW
Anouk Post Emma O'Toner LOSS WIN
Carla Huvermann Tosca Beuming WIN LOSS
Sara Vertanen Emma O'Toner WIN LOSS
Carla Huvermann Anouk Post WIN LOSS
Sara Vertanen Tosca Beuming WIN LOSS
Anna-Lotta Eriksson Michela D'Orlando LOSS WIN
Kristine Konsmo Julia Yli-Hukka LOSS WIN
Carla Huvermann Majken Roelfszema WIN LOSS
Sara Vertanen Nadia Partala WIN LOSS
Michela D'Orlando Julia Yli-Hukka LOSS WIN
Carla Huvermann Sara Vertanen LOSS WIN
Sara Vertanen Julia Yli-Hukka LOSS WIN
Carla Huvermann Michela D'Orlando WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Jamie MacIver Aäron Faes LOSS WIN
Marcos Ariño Jamie MacIver WIN LOSS
Jake Norwood Marcos Ariño WIN LOSS
Aäron Faes Marcos Ariño LOSS WIN
Jamie MacIver Jake Norwood LOSS WIN
Aäron Faes Jake Norwood WIN LOSS
Sean Jauss Aster Soetaert LOSS WIN
Christopher Denby Arto Fama LOSS WIN
Sean Jauss Daniel Olivier Sutter WIN LOSS
Christopher Denby Aster Soetaert DRAW DRAW
Arto Fama Daniel Olivier Sutter DRAW DRAW
Christopher Denby Sean Jauss WIN LOSS
Aster Soetaert Daniel Olivier Sutter LOSS WIN
Sean Jauss Arto Fama LOSS WIN
Christopher Denby Daniel Olivier Sutter WIN LOSS
Aster Soetaert Arto Fama LOSS WIN
Gerrit Barz Minhduc Kenny Phan WIN LOSS
Bas Doeksen Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Håvard Lund Eidheim Karin Verelst WIN LOSS
Mark Wilkie Gerrit Barz WIN LOSS
Karin Verelst Minhduc Kenny Phan LOSS WIN
Håvard Lund Eidheim Bas Doeksen WIN LOSS
Karin Verelst Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Minhduc Kenny Phan Håvard Lund Eidheim LOSS WIN
Bas Doeksen Gerrit Barz LOSS WIN
Mark Wilkie Minhduc Kenny Phan WIN LOSS
Karin Verelst Bas Doeksen LOSS WIN
Håvard Lund Eidheim Gerrit Barz WIN LOSS
Bas Doeksen Minhduc Kenny Phan WIN LOSS
Gerrit Barz Karin Verelst WIN LOSS
Mark Wilkie Håvard Lund Eidheim LOSS WIN
Merlyn Janssen Tristan Zukowski LOSS WIN
Anders Söderberg Thomas Nyzell LOSS WIN
Robbe D'Hondt Merlyn Janssen LOSS WIN
Tristan Zukowski Anders Söderberg LOSS WIN
Thomas Nyzell Robbe D'Hondt WIN LOSS
Merlyn Janssen Anders Söderberg WIN LOSS
Tristan Zukowski Robbe D'Hondt WIN LOSS
Merlyn Janssen Thomas Nyzell LOSS WIN
Robbe D'Hondt Anders Söderberg WIN LOSS
Thomas Nyzell Tristan Zukowski WIN LOSS
Joseph Yeager Patrik Jarenius LOSS WIN
Joel Andersson Steve Sigmans WIN LOSS
Steven Verstraeten Joseph Yeager WIN LOSS
Patrik Jarenius Joel Andersson WIN LOSS
Steven Verstraeten Steve Sigmans LOSS WIN
Joel Andersson Joseph Yeager WIN LOSS
Steven Verstraeten Patrik Jarenius LOSS WIN
Steve Sigmans Joseph Yeager WIN LOSS
Steven Verstraeten Joel Andersson LOSS WIN
Steve Sigmans Patrik Jarenius WIN LOSS
Hans Nordström Manuela Beltrami WIN LOSS
Lukas Mästle-Goer Mckenzie Adlai Ewing LOSS WIN
Manuela Beltrami Nick Desmet LOSS WIN
Lukas Mästle-Goer Hans Nordström WIN LOSS
Mckenzie Adlai Ewing Nick Desmet WIN LOSS
Lukas Mästle-Goer Manuela Beltrami WIN LOSS
Hans Nordström Nick Desmet WIN LOSS
Mckenzie Adlai Ewing Manuela Beltrami WIN LOSS
Lukas Mästle-Goer Nick Desmet WIN LOSS
Hans Nordström Mckenzie Adlai Ewing LOSS WIN
Nick van der Lee Linus Eklund LOSS WIN
Federico Dall'Olio Jonas Eriksson WIN LOSS
Tom Smets Nick van der Lee LOSS WIN
Linus Eklund Jonas Eriksson WIN LOSS
Tom Smets Federico Dall'Olio LOSS WIN
Nick van der Lee Jonas Eriksson DRAW DRAW
Tom Smets Linus Eklund LOSS WIN
Federico Dall'Olio Nick van der Lee WIN LOSS
Tom Smets Jonas Eriksson WIN LOSS
Linus Eklund Federico Dall'Olio LOSS WIN
Sander van Eijk Michel Rensen LOSS WIN
Karl Bolle Marcus Pettersson WIN LOSS
Sander van Eijk Frederik Neess Engsig WIN LOSS
Michel Rensen Karl Bolle WIN LOSS
Frederik Neess Engsig Marcus Pettersson LOSS WIN
Sander van Eijk Karl Bolle LOSS WIN
Michel Rensen Frederik Neess Engsig WIN LOSS
Sander van Eijk Marcus Pettersson WIN LOSS
Karl Bolle Frederik Neess Engsig WIN LOSS
Michel Rensen Marcus Pettersson WIN LOSS
Bart Jongsma Ciaran O'Sullivan WIN LOSS
Jesper Christiansen Keith Cotter-Reilly WIN LOSS
Ciaran O'Sullivan Markus Koivisto WIN LOSS
Bart Jongsma Keith Cotter-Reilly LOSS WIN
Jesper Christiansen Markus Koivisto WIN LOSS
Keith Cotter-Reilly Ciaran O'Sullivan LOSS WIN
Markus Koivisto Bart Jongsma LOSS WIN
Ciaran O'Sullivan Jesper Christiansen LOSS WIN
Keith Cotter-Reilly Markus Koivisto WIN LOSS
Jesper Christiansen Bart Jongsma WIN LOSS
James MacGilp Alexander Makarov LOSS WIN
Dennis Ljungqvist Dave Kaufman WIN LOSS
Daan Kiesekoms Alexander Makarov LOSS WIN
James MacGilp Dave Kaufman WIN LOSS
Daan Kiesekoms Dennis Ljungqvist LOSS WIN
Dave Kaufman Alexander Makarov LOSS WIN
Daan Kiesekoms James MacGilp LOSS WIN
Dennis Ljungqvist Alexander Makarov LOSS WIN
Daan Kiesekoms Dave Kaufman LOSS WIN
Dennis Ljungqvist James MacGilp WIN LOSS
Max van den Ekart Deniz Ince LOSS WIN
David Rowe Kristian Ruokonen LOSS WIN
Max Schulte Deniz Ince DRAW DRAW
David Rowe Max van den Ekart LOSS WIN
Max Schulte Kristian Ruokonen LOSS WIN
David Rowe Deniz Ince LOSS WIN
Max Schulte Max van den Ekart LOSS WIN
Kristian Ruokonen Deniz Ince WIN LOSS
Max Schulte David Rowe WIN LOSS
Kristian Ruokonen Max van den Ekart WIN LOSS
Tijs de Jong Josh Parise LOSS WIN
Tim Kaufman Jem Burke DRAW DRAW
Jem Burke Josh Parise WIN LOSS
Tijs de Jong Jem Burke WIN LOSS
Tim Kaufman Tijs de Jong DRAW DRAW
Josh Parise Tim Kaufman LOSS WIN
James Wiggins Sigmund Werndorf WIN LOSS
Mattias Andersson Yannick De smet LOSS WIN
James Wiggins Ignacio González Garcia LOSS WIN
Mattias Andersson Sigmund Werndorf LOSS WIN
Yannick De smet Ignacio González Garcia LOSS WIN
Mattias Andersson James Wiggins WIN LOSS
Sigmund Werndorf Ignacio González Garcia DRAW DRAW
Yannick De smet James Wiggins WIN LOSS
Mattias Andersson Ignacio González Garcia LOSS WIN
Yannick De smet Sigmund Werndorf WIN LOSS
Andreas Markehed Robert Clampitt WIN LOSS
Toby Hall Cor Kronenburg WIN LOSS
Robert Clampitt Staffan Sannemalm LOSS WIN
Andreas Markehed Cor Kronenburg WIN LOSS
Toby Hall Staffan Sannemalm WIN LOSS
Robert Clampitt Cor Kronenburg LOSS WIN
Andreas Markehed Staffan Sannemalm WIN LOSS
Robert Clampitt Toby Hall LOSS WIN
Cor Kronenburg Staffan Sannemalm LOSS WIN
Toby Hall Andreas Markehed DRAW DRAW
Micha Morales Jayson Barrons WIN LOSS
Anders Linnard Thomas Arthur Naylor WIN LOSS
Micha Morales Per Magnus Haaland WIN LOSS
Thomas Arthur Naylor Jayson Barrons LOSS WIN
Anders Linnard Per Magnus Haaland WIN LOSS
Micha Morales Thomas Arthur Naylor WIN LOSS
Per Magnus Haaland Jayson Barrons DRAW DRAW
Micha Morales Anders Linnard LOSS WIN
Per Magnus Haaland Thomas Arthur Naylor LOSS WIN
Jayson Barrons Anders Linnard DRAW DRAW
Max van den Ekart Federico Dall'Olio LOSS WIN
Karl Bolle Dennis Ljungqvist LOSS WIN
Arto Fama Jake Norwood WIN LOSS
Håvard Lund Eidheim Aäron Faes WIN LOSS
Christopher Denby Kristian Ruokonen LOSS WIN
Patrik Jarenius Andreas Markehed LOSS WIN
Lukas Mästle-Goer Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Gerrit Barz Alexander Makarov WIN LOSS
Michel Rensen Deniz Ince WIN LOSS
Micha Morales Ignacio González Garcia WIN LOSS
Toby Hall Steve Sigmans WIN LOSS
Marcos Ariño Mckenzie Adlai Ewing LOSS WIN
Tim Kaufman Jesper Christiansen WIN LOSS
Joel Andersson Anders Linnard LOSS WIN
Yannick De smet Linus Eklund WIN LOSS
James MacGilp Thomas Nyzell LOSS WIN
Dennis Ljungqvist Federico Dall'Olio LOSS WIN
Håvard Lund Eidheim Arto Fama WIN LOSS
Kristian Ruokonen Andreas Markehed WIN LOSS
Gerrit Barz Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Michel Rensen Micha Morales WIN LOSS
Toby Hall Mckenzie Adlai Ewing WIN LOSS
Anders Linnard Tim Kaufman WIN LOSS
Yannick De smet Thomas Nyzell LOSS WIN
Federico Dall'Olio Håvard Lund Eidheim WIN LOSS
Kristian Ruokonen Mark Wilkie WIN LOSS
Toby Hall Michel Rensen LOSS WIN
Anders Linnard Thomas Nyzell WIN LOSS
Federico Dall'Olio Kristian Ruokonen WIN LOSS
Michel Rensen Anders Linnard WIN LOSS
Federico Dall'Olio Michel Rensen WIN LOSS
Anders Linnard Kristian Ruokonen LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Swordfish 2016

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
1 Dennis Ljungqvist Kungshamns Historiska Fäktskola 1872.4 21.4
4 1 Kristian Ruokonen EHMS 1808.6 16.1
7 16 Federico Dall'Olio La Salle d'Armes 1785.9 100.8
8 1 Thomas Nyzell Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola 1775.9 16.8
9 1 Arto Fama Zwaard & Steen 1775.3 6.3
11 4 Jake Norwood Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1758.1 15.6
18 1 Anders Linnard Gothenburg Historical Fencing School 1717.9 14.2
22 Tim Kaufman New York Historical Fencing Association 1698.4 1.3
23 5 Yannick De smet SwArta 1694 15.2
28 5 Mckenzie Adlai Ewing Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1647.2 16.4
38 34 Michel Rensen Zwaard & Steen 1604.1 69.2
39 4 Jesper Christiansen Örebro HEMA 1603.1 21
45 23 Toby Hall New York Historical Fencing Association 1580 41.9
48 13 Marcus Pettersson Kungshamns Historiska Fäktskola 1573.2 47.4
49 3 Max van den Ekart Houw en Hoede 1571.4 3.7
55 7 Aster Soetaert De Hallebardiers 1557.1 8.2
67 17 Steve Sigmans De Hallebardiers 1542.7 17.3
76 1 Jem Burke Invirtus 1531.8 1.5
77 26 Bart Jongsma Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1531.6 28.2
82 20 Andreas Markehed Malmö Historiska Fäktskola 1524.5 29.3
90 192 Håvard Lund Eidheim Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 1515 205.3
98 35 Mark Wilkie The Institute for Historical Arts 1504.6 50.8
110 16 Nick van der Lee De Academie voor Middeleeuwse Europese Krijgskunsten 1489.3 13
119 24 Micha Morales MARS 1478.4 32.4
121 50 Christopher Denby Collegium in Armis 1475.7 60.3
128 5 Aäron Faes Sumus Soldani 1467.3 1.7
130 2 Jayson Barrons Denver Historical Fencing Academy 1459.2 3.6
131 18 James MacGilp The Institute for Historical Arts 1459.2 22
137 28 Karl Bolle Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1456.4 30.3
138 26 Cor Kronenburg Zwaard & Steen 1453.7 27.6
140 14 Sigmund Werndorf Los Angeles Historical Martial Arts Society 1451 8.9
142 1 Josh Parise Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1448.1 1.5
152 11 Marcos Ariño Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1439.5 13.1
155 Keith Cotter-Reilly Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1437.6 3.4
158 16 Dave Kaufman New York Historical Fencing Association 1436.1 10.3
166 43 Linus Eklund Gothenburg Historical Fencing School 1430.5 58.9
171 10 Tristan Zukowski New York Historical Fencing Association 1424.1 4.3
177 Ignacio González Garcia Sala de Armas Salvatore Fabris 1418.7
179 6 Sander van Eijk Zwaard & Steen 1416.8 15.8
183 59 James Wiggins Bath Historical Martial Arts 1408.1 54.3
198 19 Tijs de Jong Zwaard & Steen 1395.2 27.6
200 192 Alexander Makarov Tempus Fugitives 1391.9 157.4
216 20 Patrik Jarenius Gripen HEMA 1374.5 23.8
223 12 Hans Nordström Gothenburg Historical Fencing School 1369.6 1.6
227 15 Max Schulte Grün-Weiß Holten 1367.2 23.2
268 Deniz Ince Turkey Historical Fencing Association 1325.9
283 130 Gerrit Barz Grün-Weiß Holten 1316.1 97.1
291 46 David Rowe Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1309.1 31.1
297 67 Joel Andersson Kungshamns Historiska Fäktskola 1305.9 54.8
303 40 Tom Smets Invirtus 1302.1 22
331 47 Thomas Arthur Naylor The Institute for Historical Arts 1282.3 26.4
337 106 Ciaran O'Sullivan The Institute for Historical Arts 1276.3 74.1
389 Lukas Mästle-Goer Schwabenfedern 1244.5
394 7 Bas Doeksen De Academie voor Middeleeuwse Europese Krijgskunsten 1243.1 13.3
412 26 Sean Jauss Bath Historical Martial Arts 1231.3 27.6
423 Daniel Olivier Sutter Reisläufer Bern 1227.1
451 9 Anders Söderberg Gothenburg Historical Fencing School 1207 4.8
480 16 Jonas Eriksson Malmö Historiska Fäktskola 1193.4 2.8
537 38 Steven Verstraeten SwArta 1158.8 11.1
549 Merlyn Janssen De Zwaardkring 1153.1
601 22 Robbe D'Hondt De Hallebardiers 1122.2 25.8
619 10 Per Magnus Haaland Sällskapet Lunds Kontrafäktare 1111.2 8.9
631 59 Staffan Sannemalm Örebro HEMA 1105 46.1
640 35 Mattias Andersson Gävle HEMA 1099.3 32
641 56 Joseph Yeager Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1099.1 16.8
649 24 Minhduc Kenny Phan Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1096.4 0.4
694 87 Frederik Neess Engsig Københavns Historiske Fægteklub 1078.6 25.1
775 38 Nick Desmet De Hallebardiers 1016.1 41.6
819 93 Manuela Beltrami Zwaard & Steen 994.3 38.7
851 52 Markus Koivisto EHMS 975.4 9
945 39 Jamie MacIver London Historical Fencing Club 921.4 2.7
999 Daan Kiesekoms Invirtus 899.7
1070 Karin Verelst SwArta 859.3
1083 Robert Clampitt London Historical Fencing Club 850.3
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
1 Evgeniy Volodkov White Company 1932.5 14.3
2 4 Kirill Danilov White Company 1749.4 162.9
3 1 Victor Harder Hesel Københavns Historiske Fægteklub 1702.9 9.1
5 Kristofer Stanson Stockholm HEMA 1678.9 16.6
6 3 Ties Kool Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1662.6 33.6
7 Dennis Ljungqvist Kungshamns Historiska Fäktskola 1614.9 35.1
8 17 Sergey Volkov White Company 1593.7 168.2
19 1 Johan Norberg Gothenburg Historical Fencing School 1457.2 1
21 3 Thomas Nyzell Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola 1450.1 22.5
28 7 Steve Sigmans De Hallebardiers 1418.9 109.3
29 Bart Jongsma Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1412.4
30 22 Jake Norwood Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1403.3 161.4
33 45 Håvard Lund Eidheim Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 1377.1 237.4
34 1 Patrik Jarenius Gripen HEMA 1374.9 54.2
36 8 Andreas Engström Gothenburg Historical Fencing School 1357.5 50.5
39 17 Aster Soetaert De Hallebardiers 1320.5 99.3
51 52 Jerzy Miklaszewski Silkfencing Team 1261.8 245
53 7 Emma O'Toner Collegium in Armis 1255.5 7.8
63 Szymon Sitko Silkfencing Team 1218.2
65 Benedetto Antonio Colombo Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo 1212.6
66 George Livermore The 1595 Club 1209.8
67 Riccardo Rudilosso Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo 1208.3
80 21 Mattias Pettersson Örebro HEMA 1154.2 61.9
81 14 Anders Söderberg Gothenburg Historical Fencing School 1151.6 36.3
84 Kristaps Krūtainis HEMA Riga 1148.7
94 Robbe D'Hondt De Hallebardiers 1127
93 Micha Morales MARS 1127
110 Bill Grandy Virginia Academy of Fencing 1066.3
111 12 Staffan Sannemalm Örebro HEMA 1062.8 12.1
112 Pedro San Miguel Ausardia HEMA Club 1048.5
113 4 Martin Augustsson Gothenburg Historical Fencing School 1037.5 47.5
115 8 Mattias Landelius Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola 1035.3 31.8
121 7 Reinis Rinka HEMA Riga 1003.5 36.7
127 25 Aäron Faes Sumus Soldani 964.5 53.9
149 Karl Bolle Capital Kunst des Fechtens 866.6
153 8 Joel Andersson Kungshamns Historiska Fäktskola 821.2 153.4
162 Christophe Loyce The School of the Sword 787
166 Jason Bonner The Renaissance Sword Club 769.1
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
1 Piermarco Terminiello The School of the Sword 1908.5 17
2 Sergey Volkov White Company 1735.1
3 Kristofer Stanson Stockholm HEMA 1701.4 20.3
4 1 Victor Harder Hesel Københavns Historiske Fægteklub 1691.5 27.9
7 3 Francesco Lodà Accademia Romana d'Armi 1653.3 15.1
10 11 Kirill Danilov White Company 1616.6 169.9
11 Kristine Konsmo HEMA Riga 1613.3 21.6
12 2 Rob Runacres The Renaissance Sword Club 1608 0.2
13 4 Toby Hall New York Historical Fencing Association 1586.7 22.3
14 1 Andreas Isaksson Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola 1557.2 43.7
15 Tim Kaufman New York Historical Fencing Association 1525.9 22.5
16 4 Hans Jörnlind Gamla Stans Fäktskola 1510.8 10.3
18 1 Reinis Rinka HEMA Riga 1499.2 15.6
23 20 Evgeniy Volodkov White Company 1441 133.1
26 Stephen Howell The Renaissance Sword Club 1433.5 35.3
28 1 Alexander Makarov Tempus Fugitives 1413.9 24
30 21 Mckenzie Adlai Ewing Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1380.5 101.6
35 2 Matthew Crane The School of the Sword 1357.3 16.9
37 Benedetto Antonio Colombo Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo 1352.2
47 12 Rory Merrall-Wyre The Renaissance Sword Club 1307.7 62.7
60 6 Bill Grandy Virginia Academy of Fencing 1253.5 41
65 22 Joshua Bywaters-Davis The School of the Sword 1229.7 87.6
67 34 Sam Brennan Booth The Renaissance Sword Club 1224.5 127.3
68 Matt Galas N/A 1223.6
72 9 Kevin Comer Virginia Academy of Fencing 1213.2 49
95 Sean Jauss Bath Historical Martial Arts 1130.4
104 Fredrik Dillner Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning 1101.5 14.7
124 19 David Rowe Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1063.2 22.4
129 26 Markus Koivisto EHMS 1038.6 49.2
130 5 Adrian Faulkner The School of the Sword 1031.8 15.9
135 15 Maria Makarova Waterloo Sparring Group 1022.3 62.8
139 Ignacio González Garcia Sala de Armas Salvatore Fabris 1007.6
169 32 James Darling Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 931.2 68.2
175 8 Josh Parise Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 893.5 18.3
176 21 Keith Cotter-Reilly Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 892.6 90.3
177 Stewart Hotston The School of the Sword 889
182 Rebecca Boyd Second Intent Fencing 866.3
190 Benjamin Hole The Renaissance Sword Club 839.3