Budapest Blade Brawl 2025

Date February 22, 2025
Country Hungary
City Budapest

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Men's Steel Longsword 117 33
Women's Steel Longsword 30 10

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Tamás Pál Kelemen Angel Chernaev LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Balázs Kalmár Angel Chernaev WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Ivan Filipović Angel Chernaev LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Levente Nagypál Angel Chernaev LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Angel Chernaev Gerényi Attila WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Balázs Kalmár Tamás Pál Kelemen LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Ivan Filipović Tamás Pál Kelemen LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Levente Nagypál Tamás Pál Kelemen LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Tamás Pál Kelemen Gerényi Attila WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Balázs Kalmár Ivan Filipović LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Levente Nagypál Balázs Kalmár LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Balázs Kalmár Gerényi Attila WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Levente Nagypál Ivan Filipović LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Ivan Filipović Gerényi Attila WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Levente Nagypál Gerényi Attila LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Bence Gelencsér Lőrinc Opiczer DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Ádám Ujvári Bence Gelencsér LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Bence Gelencsér Attila Tóth WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Ádám Forgó Bence Gelencsér LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Katona Dávid Bence Gelencsér LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Bence Gelencsér Pózmán Ádám WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Ádám Ujvári Lőrinc Opiczer LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Attila Tóth Lőrinc Opiczer LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Ádám Forgó Lőrinc Opiczer LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Katona Dávid Lőrinc Opiczer LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Lőrinc Opiczer Pózmán Ádám WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Attila Tóth Ádám Ujvári LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Ádám Forgó Ádám Ujvári LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Katona Dávid Ádám Ujvári LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Ádám Ujvári Pózmán Ádám WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Ádám Forgó Attila Tóth WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Katona Dávid Attila Tóth LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Attila Tóth Pózmán Ádám WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Katona Dávid Ádám Forgó LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Ádám Forgó Pózmán Ádám WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Katona Dávid Pózmán Ádám WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Mihovil Skelin Richard Bagdi WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Attila Kovács Mihovil Skelin LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Dániel Polgár Mihovil Skelin WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Gábor Körmendi Mihovil Skelin LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Antal Domonkos Mihovil Skelin LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Mihovil Skelin Puskás Levente WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Attila Kovács Richard Bagdi LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Richard Bagdi Dániel Polgár WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Gábor Körmendi Richard Bagdi LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Antal Domonkos Richard Bagdi DRAW DRAW
Pool 3 Richard Bagdi Puskás Levente WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Dániel Polgár Attila Kovács WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Gábor Körmendi Attila Kovács LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Antal Domonkos Attila Kovács LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Attila Kovács Puskás Levente WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Dániel Polgár Gábor Körmendi LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Antal Domonkos Dániel Polgár LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Dániel Polgár Puskás Levente WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Antal Domonkos Gábor Körmendi LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Gábor Körmendi Puskás Levente LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Antal Domonkos Puskás Levente WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Richárd Pávay Péter Szabó WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Gábor Török Richárd Pávay DRAW DRAW
Pool 4 József Márton Bíró Richárd Pávay LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Batu Szilvási Richárd Pávay WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Richárd Pávay Rádl Martin WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Stelkovics Jonatán Richárd Pávay LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Péter Szabó Gábor Török WIN LOSS
Pool 4 József Márton Bíró Péter Szabó LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Batu Szilvási Péter Szabó LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Péter Szabó Rádl Martin WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Stelkovics Jonatán Péter Szabó LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Gábor Török József Márton Bíró LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Batu Szilvási Gábor Török WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Gábor Török Rádl Martin WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Stelkovics Jonatán Gábor Török DRAW DRAW
Pool 4 József Márton Bíró Batu Szilvási WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Rádl Martin József Márton Bíró LOSS WIN
Pool 4 József Márton Bíró Stelkovics Jonatán LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Batu Szilvási Rádl Martin WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Stelkovics Jonatán Batu Szilvási LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Rádl Martin Stelkovics Jonatán WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Olivér Garas Csaba Erdei LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Kristóf Lajber Olivér Garas LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Luka Gulija Olivér Garas WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Olivér Garas Gál Gábor Krisztián LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Czeitlinger Dániel Olivér Garas WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Kristóf Lajber Csaba Erdei WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Luka Gulija Csaba Erdei WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Csaba Erdei Gál Gábor Krisztián LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Czeitlinger Dániel Csaba Erdei WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Kristóf Lajber Luka Gulija LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Gál Gábor Krisztián Kristóf Lajber WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Kristóf Lajber Czeitlinger Dániel LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Gál Gábor Krisztián Luka Gulija LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Luka Gulija Czeitlinger Dániel LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Gál Gábor Krisztián Czeitlinger Dániel LOSS WIN
Best of 32 Balázs Kalmár Batu Szilvási WIN LOSS
Best of 32 Stelkovics Jonatán Richard Bagdi LOSS WIN
Best of 32 Dániel Polgár Olivér Garas LOSS WIN
Best of 32 Attila Kovács Ádám Forgó LOSS WIN
Best of 32 Ivan Filipović József Márton Bíró LOSS WIN
Best of 32 Gál Gábor Krisztián Attila Tóth LOSS WIN
Best of 32 Gábor Körmendi Luka Gulija LOSS WIN
Best of 32 Gábor Török Ádám Ujvári LOSS WIN
Best of 16 Bence Gelencsér Balázs Kalmár WIN LOSS
Best of 16 Richárd Pávay Richard Bagdi WIN LOSS
Best of 16 Lőrinc Opiczer Olivér Garas WIN LOSS
Best of 16 Péter Szabó Ádám Forgó WIN LOSS
Best of 16 Mihovil Skelin József Márton Bíró LOSS WIN
Best of 16 Attila Tóth Tamás Pál Kelemen LOSS WIN
Best of 16 Luka Gulija Angel Chernaev LOSS WIN
Best of 16 Ádám Ujvári Czeitlinger Dániel WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Bence Gelencsér Richárd Pávay WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Lőrinc Opiczer Péter Szabó WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Tamás Pál Kelemen József Márton Bíró WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Ádám Ujvári Angel Chernaev LOSS WIN
Semifinals Lőrinc Opiczer Bence Gelencsér WIN LOSS
Semifinals Angel Chernaev József Márton Bíró WIN LOSS
Gold Medal Match Lőrinc Opiczer Angel Chernaev LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Match Bence Gelencsér József Márton Bíró WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Kun Csenge Stefani Metodieva LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Ágnes Pongrácz Stefani Metodieva LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Zsófia Németh Stefani Metodieva LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Ágnes Nagy Stefani Metodieva WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Ágnes Pongrácz Kun Csenge WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Kun Csenge Zsófia Németh WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Ágnes Nagy Kun Csenge WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Ágnes Pongrácz Zsófia Németh DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Ágnes Nagy Ágnes Pongrácz LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Zsófia Németh Ágnes Nagy LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Ildikó Varga Simona Dyankova WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Horváth Fanni Ildikó Varga LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Tünde Ferdinandy Ildikó Varga WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Ildikó Varga Boriana Dimitrova LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Simona Dyankova Horváth Fanni WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Tünde Ferdinandy Simona Dyankova WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Boriana Dimitrova Simona Dyankova WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Horváth Fanni Tünde Ferdinandy LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Boriana Dimitrova Horváth Fanni WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Tünde Ferdinandy Boriana Dimitrova DRAW DRAW
Best of 16 Kun Csenge Zsófia Németh WIN LOSS
Best of 16 Simona Dyankova Horváth Fanni WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Kun Csenge Tünde Ferdinandy LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Ildikó Varga Boriana Dimitrova LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Ágnes Nagy Simona Dyankova WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Ágnes Pongrácz Stefani Metodieva WIN LOSS
Semifinals Boriana Dimitrova Tünde Ferdinandy LOSS WIN
Semifinals Ágnes Nagy Ágnes Pongrácz LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Tünde Ferdinandy Ágnes Pongrácz WIN LOSS
Bronze Medal Match Ágnes Nagy Boriana Dimitrova WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Budapest Blade Brawl 2025

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
110 1 Angel Chernaev Historical Swordsmanship - Angel Chernaev 1687.3 3.3
163 19 Bence Gelencsér Ars Ensis 1640.6 8.8
471 7 Richárd Pávay Anjou Udvari Lovagkör 1503.3 2.9
568 72 Mihovil Skelin Ars Gladiatoria 1477.8 12.8
731 144 Tamás Pál Kelemen Kard Rendje ViSE 1442.4 32.8
777 406 Lőrinc Opiczer Ars Ensis 1431.3 82.7
1121 192 Péter Szabó Ars Ensis 1362.2 36.5
1170 98 Richard Bagdi Ars Ensis 1354.5 21
1199 674 Ádám Ujvári Ferreus Lupus 1347.4 100.6
1278 Czeitlinger Dániel Ars Ensis 1333.8
1520 3454 Luka Gulija Ars Gladiatoria 1296.9 498.1
1606 236 Balázs Kalmár Ars Ensis 1284.9 34.4
1613 141 Olivér Garas Pécsi Hosszúkardvívó Sportkör 1284.1 19.3
2389 630 Dániel Polgár Kard Rendje ViSE 1179 86.2
2539 39 Attila Kovács Kard Rendje ViSE 1156.6 4.4
2648 44 Gábor Török Ars Ensis 1141.4 7.5
2688 500 József Márton Bíró Kard Rendje ViSE 1137.9 66.3
2723 165 Ivan Filipović Ars Gladiatoria 1134.7 21.1
2755 134 Csaba Erdei Ars Ensis 1131 15.6
2761 210 Attila Tóth Kard Rendje ViSE 1130 29.3
2885 1163 Ádám Forgó Ars Ensis 1113.1 159.6
2920 1898 Batu Szilvási Ars Ensis 1108.2 278.4
2958 Gál Gábor Krisztián Ars Ensis 1102.2
3498 75 Kristóf Lajber Blood and Iron Martial Arts 1035.6 9.5
4093 377 Gábor Körmendi Kard Rendje ViSE 944.8 54.8
4301 Stelkovics Jonatán Filii Solis Történelmi Kardvívó Kör 915.1
4331 Gerényi Attila Ars Ensis 911
4332 497 Levente Nagypál Kard Rendje ViSE 910.9 71.7
4582 Katona Dávid Viriditas Istri 871.5
4612 Antal Domonkos Ars Ensis 867
4780 Puskás Levente Ars Ensis 837.5
4995 Rádl Martin Ars Ensis 797.7
5058 Pózmán Ádám Crosscut Historical Research and Sparring Team 778.7