Goats of War 2024

Date November 30, 2024
Country Belgium
City Fallais

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 200 48
Women's Steel Longsword 38 12

Fighters in event

Joris Jacobs Arte Mortiferum
Gille Buyle Arte Mortiferum
Pieter Jacobs Arte Mortiferum
Robin Pittoors Arte Mortiferum
Lies Praet Arte Mortiferum
Thomas Cuypers Des Keysers Ghesellen
Toisoul Sylvain IIème Rguingonne
Corentin Fierens IIème Rguingonne
Koen van Gorp Invirtus
Jonathan Cox Invirtus
Erica Herremans Invirtus
Wouter Festjens Invirtus
Jem Burke Invirtus
Jeremie Gueben Les Sept Epées
Clément Laruelle Meyer May Rise
Adrien Laruelle Meyer May Rise
Adrien Piette Meyer May Rise
Mireille Budo Meyer May Rise
Raphaël Rosa Nicolau Meyer May Rise
Serguei Blokhine Meyer May Rise
Bjorn Carne Meyer May Rise
Loic François Spatha Medievae
Sarah Lopez-Gancedo Spatha Medievae
Anna Zsófia Csűry Sumus Soldani
Sloan Rymenams Sumus Soldani
Aäron Faes Sumus Soldani
Frederick Switsers Sumus Soldani
Maarten Naeyaert Sumus Soldani
Maarten van der Auwera Sumus Soldani
Bram Van Gaal Sumus Soldani
Yannick De smet SwArta
Egon Beyrens SwArta
Mateo Schops SwArta
Charles Biron Compagnie Excallibur Yvellines
Benjamin Collet Compagnie Excallibur Yvellines
Kevin Moret-Abedi Compagnie Excallibur Yvellines
Cassandre Chapuliot Compagnie Excallibur Yvellines
Antoine Goldschmidt Recherche et Expérimentation du Geste Historique et Technique
Rémi Arbache Recherche et Expérimentation du Geste Historique et Technique
Leo Woessner Via Bruxellensis
Emma Brekelmans De Academie voor Middeleeuwse Europese Krijgskunsten
Andreas Uten De Zwaardkring
Bryan Trepels De Zwaardkring
Sjaak Jacobus Hendrikus Thijssen De Zwaardkring
Eline Rietema De Zwaardkring
Ilse Disco Historisch Schermgilde Limburg
Shannon Tanis Historisch Schermgilde Limburg
Rafal Chmarek Historisch Schermgilde Limburg
Mart van den Burg Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Oskar ter Mors Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Martin Klok Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Hartger Teune Steelbound
Lianne Kisters Steelbound
Luca van Rijn Steelbound
Nordin Youhat Steelbound
Robert Lammerding Steelbound
Piotrek Jadachowski Historisch Schermgilde Limburg


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Rémi Arbache Thomas Cuypers LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Adrien Laruelle Oskar ter Mors WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Sjaak Jacobus Hendrikus Thijssen Robin Pittoors DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Leo Woessner Sloan Rymenams WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Adrien Laruelle Rémi Arbache WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Sjaak Jacobus Hendrikus Thijssen Thomas Cuypers DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Leo Woessner Oskar ter Mors LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Robin Pittoors Sloan Rymenams WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Sjaak Jacobus Hendrikus Thijssen Adrien Laruelle LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Rémi Arbache Oskar ter Mors LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Thomas Cuypers Sloan Rymenams WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Leo Woessner Robin Pittoors LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Sjaak Jacobus Hendrikus Thijssen Rémi Arbache LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Sloan Rymenams Adrien Laruelle LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Oskar ter Mors Robin Pittoors LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Leo Woessner Thomas Cuypers LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Rémi Arbache Sloan Rymenams WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Oskar ter Mors Sjaak Jacobus Hendrikus Thijssen WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Leo Woessner Adrien Laruelle LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Thomas Cuypers Robin Pittoors DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Sloan Rymenams Sjaak Jacobus Hendrikus Thijssen LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Leo Woessner Rémi Arbache LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Oskar ter Mors Thomas Cuypers WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Adrien Laruelle Robin Pittoors LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Leo Woessner Sjaak Jacobus Hendrikus Thijssen WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Oskar ter Mors Sloan Rymenams WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Rémi Arbache Robin Pittoors LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Thomas Cuypers Adrien Laruelle LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Nordin Youhat Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Martin Klok Corentin Fierens WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Serguei Blokhine Kevin Moret-Abedi LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Erica Herremans Rafal Chmarek LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Martin Klok Nordin Youhat LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Serguei Blokhine Maarten van der Auwera DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Corentin Fierens Erica Herremans LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Rafal Chmarek Kevin Moret-Abedi WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Martin Klok Serguei Blokhine DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Nordin Youhat Corentin Fierens WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Rafal Chmarek Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Erica Herremans Kevin Moret-Abedi LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Serguei Blokhine Nordin Youhat DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Martin Klok Rafal Chmarek LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Kevin Moret-Abedi Corentin Fierens DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Maarten van der Auwera Erica Herremans WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Rafal Chmarek Nordin Youhat LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Corentin Fierens Serguei Blokhine LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Martin Klok Erica Herremans LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Kevin Moret-Abedi Maarten van der Auwera WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Rafal Chmarek Serguei Blokhine DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Nordin Youhat Erica Herremans WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Maarten van der Auwera Corentin Fierens WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Kevin Moret-Abedi Martin Klok WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Erica Herremans Serguei Blokhine LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Rafal Chmarek Corentin Fierens WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Nordin Youhat Kevin Moret-Abedi LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Maarten van der Auwera Martin Klok WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Jeremie Gueben Frederick Switsers LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Robert Lammerding Piotrek Jadachowski LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Andreas Uten Yannick De smet LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Koen van Gorp Raphaël Rosa Nicolau DRAW DRAW
Pool 3 Robert Lammerding Jeremie Gueben LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Frederick Switsers Andreas Uten LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Piotrek Jadachowski Koen van Gorp DRAW DRAW
Pool 3 Yannick De smet Raphaël Rosa Nicolau WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Robert Lammerding Andreas Uten LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Jeremie Gueben Piotrek Jadachowski WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Frederick Switsers Raphaël Rosa Nicolau LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Koen van Gorp Yannick De smet LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Andreas Uten Jeremie Gueben WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Raphaël Rosa Nicolau Robert Lammerding WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Yannick De smet Piotrek Jadachowski WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Koen van Gorp Frederick Switsers DRAW DRAW
Pool 3 Raphaël Rosa Nicolau Jeremie Gueben LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Andreas Uten Piotrek Jadachowski WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Koen van Gorp Robert Lammerding WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Yannick De smet Frederick Switsers WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Raphaël Rosa Nicolau Andreas Uten WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Jeremie Gueben Koen van Gorp DRAW DRAW
Pool 3 Frederick Switsers Piotrek Jadachowski WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Robert Lammerding Yannick De smet LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Koen van Gorp Andreas Uten LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Piotrek Jadachowski Raphaël Rosa Nicolau WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Yannick De smet Jeremie Gueben WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Robert Lammerding Frederick Switsers LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Egon Beyrens Adrien Piette WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Hartger Teune Charles Biron WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Bram Van Gaal Jonathan Cox WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Gille Buyle Toisoul Sylvain WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Charles Biron Egon Beyrens LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Bram Van Gaal Adrien Piette WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Hartger Teune Gille Buyle LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Jonathan Cox Toisoul Sylvain DRAW DRAW
Pool 4 Bram Van Gaal Charles Biron DRAW DRAW
Pool 4 Hartger Teune Egon Beyrens LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Adrien Piette Toisoul Sylvain LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Gille Buyle Jonathan Cox WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Bram Van Gaal Egon Beyrens LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Charles Biron Toisoul Sylvain LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Hartger Teune Jonathan Cox WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Gille Buyle Adrien Piette WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Egon Beyrens Toisoul Sylvain WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Hartger Teune Bram Van Gaal WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Gille Buyle Charles Biron LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Jonathan Cox Adrien Piette DRAW DRAW
Pool 4 Toisoul Sylvain Bram Van Gaal WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Gille Buyle Egon Beyrens LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Hartger Teune Adrien Piette DRAW DRAW
Pool 4 Jonathan Cox Charles Biron LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Gille Buyle Bram Van Gaal WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Hartger Teune Toisoul Sylvain WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Jonathan Cox Egon Beyrens WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Adrien Piette Charles Biron WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Maarten Naeyaert Luca van Rijn LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Loic François Antoine Goldschmidt WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Bjorn Carne Joris Jacobs LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Wouter Festjens Benjamin Collet LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Loic François Maarten Naeyaert WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Joris Jacobs Luca van Rijn WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Benjamin Collet Antoine Goldschmidt DRAW DRAW
Pool 5 Wouter Festjens Bjorn Carne LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Loic François Joris Jacobs LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Maarten Naeyaert Antoine Goldschmidt WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Luca van Rijn Wouter Festjens WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Benjamin Collet Bjorn Carne LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Maarten Naeyaert Joris Jacobs LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Loic François Wouter Festjens WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Bjorn Carne Antoine Goldschmidt LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Luca van Rijn Benjamin Collet LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Maarten Naeyaert Wouter Festjens WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Antoine Goldschmidt Joris Jacobs LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Loic François Benjamin Collet WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Luca van Rijn Bjorn Carne LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Wouter Festjens Joris Jacobs LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Benjamin Collet Maarten Naeyaert DRAW DRAW
Pool 5 Antoine Goldschmidt Luca van Rijn WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Bjorn Carne Loic François WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Joris Jacobs Benjamin Collet WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Antoine Goldschmidt Wouter Festjens LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Bjorn Carne Maarten Naeyaert WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Luca van Rijn Loic François WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Clément Laruelle Mateo Schops LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Pieter Jacobs Emma Brekelmans WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Aäron Faes Jem Burke LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Mart van den Burg Bryan Trepels DRAW DRAW
Pool 6 Mateo Schops Pieter Jacobs LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Aäron Faes Clément Laruelle WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Emma Brekelmans Bryan Trepels LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Jem Burke Mart van den Burg LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Pieter Jacobs Aäron Faes WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Mateo Schops Emma Brekelmans WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Mart van den Burg Clément Laruelle WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Jem Burke Bryan Trepels WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Mateo Schops Aäron Faes WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Mart van den Burg Pieter Jacobs DRAW DRAW
Pool 6 Emma Brekelmans Jem Burke LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Bryan Trepels Clément Laruelle WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Mateo Schops Mart van den Burg LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Aäron Faes Emma Brekelmans WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Pieter Jacobs Bryan Trepels DRAW DRAW
Pool 6 Clément Laruelle Jem Burke LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Mart van den Burg Aäron Faes WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Mateo Schops Bryan Trepels WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Emma Brekelmans Clément Laruelle LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Jem Burke Pieter Jacobs DRAW DRAW
Pool 6 Bryan Trepels Aäron Faes DRAW DRAW
Pool 6 Emma Brekelmans Mart van den Burg LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Jem Burke Mateo Schops WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Clément Laruelle Pieter Jacobs LOSS WIN
16th final Koen van Gorp Yannick De smet LOSS WIN
16th final Mateo Schops Loic François WIN LOSS
16th final Raphaël Rosa Nicolau Oskar ter Mors LOSS WIN
16th final Bryan Trepels Mart van den Burg LOSS WIN
16th final Kevin Moret-Abedi Rémi Arbache LOSS WIN
16th final Egon Beyrens Benjamin Collet WIN LOSS
16th final Maarten van der Auwera Thomas Cuypers WIN LOSS
16th final Bjorn Carne Luca van Rijn LOSS WIN
16th final Joris Jacobs Charles Biron WIN LOSS
16th final Rafal Chmarek Nordin Youhat WIN LOSS
16th final Gille Buyle Toisoul Sylvain WIN LOSS
16th final Jeremie Gueben Andreas Uten LOSS WIN
16th final Pieter Jacobs Hartger Teune LOSS WIN
16th final Serguei Blokhine Adrien Laruelle LOSS WIN
16th final Jem Burke Antoine Goldschmidt LOSS WIN
16th final Robin Pittoors Frederick Switsers WIN LOSS
8th final Yannick De smet Mateo Schops WIN LOSS
8th final Mart van den Burg Oskar ter Mors LOSS WIN
8th final Rémi Arbache Egon Beyrens LOSS WIN
8th final Luca van Rijn Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
8th final Rafal Chmarek Joris Jacobs LOSS WIN
8th final Andreas Uten Gille Buyle LOSS WIN
8th final Hartger Teune Adrien Laruelle WIN LOSS
8th final Robin Pittoors Antoine Goldschmidt WIN LOSS
Quarter final Yannick De smet Oskar ter Mors WIN LOSS
Quarter final Egon Beyrens Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
Quarter final Joris Jacobs Gille Buyle WIN LOSS
Quarter final Hartger Teune Robin Pittoors LOSS WIN
Half final Yannick De smet Maarten van der Auwera WIN LOSS
Half final Robin Pittoors Joris Jacobs LOSS WIN
Bronze final Maarten van der Auwera Robin Pittoors WIN LOSS
Gold final Yannick De smet Joris Jacobs WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Cassandre Chapuliot Lies Praet LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Sarah Lopez-Gancedo Ilse Disco LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Cassandre Chapuliot Emma Brekelmans LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Ilse Disco Eline Rietema LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Lies Praet Emma Brekelmans LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Eline Rietema Sarah Lopez-Gancedo WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Ilse Disco Cassandre Chapuliot WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Sarah Lopez-Gancedo Lies Praet DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Ilse Disco Emma Brekelmans LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Lies Praet Eline Rietema WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Cassandre Chapuliot Sarah Lopez-Gancedo WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Emma Brekelmans Eline Rietema LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Ilse Disco Lies Praet LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Sarah Lopez-Gancedo Emma Brekelmans WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Cassandre Chapuliot Eline Rietema LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Lianne Kisters Shannon Tanis LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Mireille Budo Erica Herremans LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Lianne Kisters Anna Zsófia Csűry LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Erica Herremans Sloan Rymenams WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Shannon Tanis Anna Zsófia Csűry DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Mireille Budo Sloan Rymenams LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Erica Herremans Lianne Kisters LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Shannon Tanis Mireille Budo WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Anna Zsófia Csűry Erica Herremans WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Shannon Tanis Sloan Rymenams WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Mireille Budo Lianne Kisters LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Anna Zsófia Csűry Sloan Rymenams WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Shannon Tanis Erica Herremans LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Mireille Budo Anna Zsófia Csűry LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Lianne Kisters Sloan Rymenams WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Eline Rietema Lianne Kisters LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Emma Brekelmans Shannon Tanis WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Emma Brekelmans Lies Praet LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Ilse Disco Anna Zsófia Csűry LOSS WIN
Half final Emma Brekelmans Lianne Kisters LOSS WIN
Half final Anna Zsófia Csűry Lies Praet WIN LOSS
Bronze final Lies Praet Emma Brekelmans WIN LOSS
Gold Final Lianne Kisters Anna Zsófia Csűry WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Goats of War 2024

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
9 6 Yannick De smet SwArta 1914.5 47.1
15 1 Joris Jacobs Arte Mortiferum 1889 23.3
21 17 Maarten van der Auwera Sumus Soldani 1853.5 66.1
43 6 Egon Beyrens SwArta 1778.4 7.1
167 18 Oskar ter Mors Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1638.2 3.4
259 57 Jem Burke Invirtus 1591.5 20.6
286 138 Mart van den Burg Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1575.4 60.9
332 516 Robin Pittoors Arte Mortiferum 1556.9 151.1
510 737 Adrien Laruelle Meyer May Rise 1490.2 162.4
543 154 Pieter Jacobs Arte Mortiferum 1482.1 37.2
690 216 Aäron Faes Sumus Soldani 1449.1 48.9
861 235 Mateo Schops SwArta 1410.2 54.6
958 123 Andreas Uten De Zwaardkring 1388.5 29.7
963 402 Koen van Gorp Invirtus 1387.2 88.3
1080 436 Benjamin Collet Compagnie Excallibur Yvellines 1365 91.2
1150 Rafal Chmarek Historisch Schermgilde Limburg 1351.7
1188 618 Gille Buyle Arte Mortiferum 1343.3 101.2
1203 Hartger Teune Steelbound 1340.9
1293 Kevin Moret-Abedi Compagnie Excallibur Yvellines 1325.4
1440 273 Charles Biron Compagnie Excallibur Yvellines 1304.1 37.1
1449 Bjorn Carne Meyer May Rise 1302
1575 383 Luca van Rijn Steelbound 1284.3 63.2
1591 432 Bryan Trepels De Zwaardkring 1282.5 70
1703 216 Frederick Switsers Sumus Soldani 1265.4 39
1769 Rémi Arbache Recherche et Expérimentation du Geste Historique et Technique 1256.8
1773 992 Loic François Spatha Medievae 1256.3 148.1
1887 Raphaël Rosa Nicolau Meyer May Rise 1239.7
1896 Thomas Cuypers Des Keysers Ghesellen 1238.7
1989 189 Nordin Youhat Steelbound 1226.6 34.8
2124 622 Antoine Goldschmidt Recherche et Expérimentation du Geste Historique et Technique 1209.9 97.9
2317 704 Toisoul Sylvain IIème Rguingonne 1183 109.4
2412 249 Sjaak Jacobus Hendrikus Thijssen De Zwaardkring 1169.1 24.5
2511 Serguei Blokhine Meyer May Rise 1154.4
2561 476 Maarten Naeyaert Sumus Soldani 1147.4 75.1
2621 197 Adrien Piette Meyer May Rise 1141.4 14.4
2648 Jeremie Gueben Les Sept Epées 1139
2649 280 Clément Laruelle Meyer May Rise 1139 25.7
2853 231 Jonathan Cox Invirtus 1110.6 43.6
3120 709 Bram Van Gaal Sumus Soldani 1072.9 114.3
3153 Leo Woessner Via Bruxellensis 1068.7
3198 Piotrek Jadachowski Historisch Schermgilde Limburg 1064.1
3246 401 Martin Klok Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1057.7 38.8
3524 57 Wouter Festjens Invirtus 1020.8 7.1
4288 735 Erica Herremans Invirtus 908.3 206.9
4417 388 Sloan Rymenams Sumus Soldani 885.4 42.7
4437 163 Emma Brekelmans De Academie voor Middeleeuwse Europese Krijgskunsten 882.3 5.7
4482 524 Corentin Fierens IIème Rguingonne 874.8 64.2
5323 162 Robert Lammerding Steelbound 484.1 6.3