Danmarksmesterskaber HEMA 2024

Date October 5, 2024
Country Denmark
City Odense
Software HEMAgon (results )

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 86 27
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger 10 4
Mixed Steel Sabre 34 12
Women's Steel Longsword 4 3

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
pool 1 Tobias Ritzau Lydia Achiam LOSS WIN
pool 1 Andreas Thing Andersen Samuli Komulainen LOSS WIN
pool 1 Tobias Ritzau Magnus Neubert LOSS WIN
pool 1 Andreas Thing Andersen Germano Pirrone LOSS WIN
pool 1 Miro Hradsky Samuli Komulainen LOSS WIN
pool 1 Andreas Thing Andersen Tobias Ritzau WIN LOSS
pool 1 Miro Hradsky Germano Pirrone LOSS WIN
pool 1 Samuli Komulainen Tobias Ritzau LOSS WIN
pool 1 Lydia Achiam Germano Pirrone WIN LOSS
pool 1 Samuli Komulainen Magnus Neubert WIN LOSS
pool 1 Miro Hradsky Andreas Thing Andersen LOSS WIN
pool 1 Germano Pirrone Tobias Ritzau WIN LOSS
pool 1 Lydia Achiam Miro Hradsky WIN LOSS
pool 1 Germano Pirrone Magnus Neubert WIN LOSS
pool 1 Lydia Achiam Andreas Thing Andersen WIN LOSS
pool 1 Magnus Neubert Miro Hradsky WIN LOSS
pool 1 Lydia Achiam Samuli Komulainen DRAW DRAW
pool 1 Tobias Ritzau Miro Hradsky WIN LOSS
pool 1 Magnus Neubert Lydia Achiam DRAW DRAW
pool 1 Samuli Komulainen Germano Pirrone LOSS WIN
pool 1 Andreas Thing Andersen Magnus Neubert LOSS WIN
pool 2 Kristine Baun Anders Bærndt WIN LOSS
pool 2 Morten Wesley Malm Rasmus Viking Lømand Ravgård Christiansen WIN LOSS
pool 2 Kristine Baun Michal Barczuk WIN LOSS
pool 2 Anders Bærndt Rasmus Viking Lømand Ravgård Christiansen WIN LOSS
pool 2 Alex Rymark Vorm Morten Wesley Malm WIN LOSS
pool 2 Kristine Baun Rasmus Viking Lømand Ravgård Christiansen LOSS WIN
pool 2 Anders Bærndt Michal Barczuk LOSS WIN
pool 2 Kristine Baun Alex Rymark Vorm LOSS WIN
pool 2 Morten Wesley Malm Anders Bærndt WIN LOSS
pool 2 Michal Barczuk Alex Rymark Vorm LOSS WIN
pool 2 Morten Wesley Malm Kristine Baun DRAW DRAW
pool 2 Rasmus Viking Lømand Ravgård Christiansen Alex Rymark Vorm LOSS WIN
pool 2 Morten Wesley Malm Michal Barczuk DRAW DRAW
pool 2 Anders Bærndt Alex Rymark Vorm LOSS WIN
pool 2 Rasmus Viking Lømand Ravgård Christiansen Michal Barczuk DRAW DRAW
pool 3 Karsten Hørup Frederik Thorup Larsen WIN LOSS
pool 3 Freja Strandlod Jesper Krogh Lindhardtsen LOSS WIN
pool 3 Frederik Thorup Larsen Rasmus van Deurs Petersen LOSS WIN
pool 3 Nicklas Zacho Simon Nyborg Jensen WIN LOSS
pool 3 Freja Strandlod Rasmus van Deurs Petersen WIN LOSS
pool 3 Simon Nyborg Jensen Jesper Krogh Lindhardtsen LOSS WIN
pool 3 Freja Strandlod Nicklas Zacho LOSS WIN
pool 3 Rasmus van Deurs Petersen Jesper Krogh Lindhardtsen LOSS WIN
pool 3 Karsten Hørup Simon Nyborg Jensen WIN LOSS
pool 3 Jesper Krogh Lindhardtsen Frederik Thorup Larsen WIN LOSS
pool 3 Nicklas Zacho Karsten Hørup WIN LOSS
pool 3 Rasmus van Deurs Petersen Simon Nyborg Jensen WIN LOSS
pool 3 Jesper Krogh Lindhardtsen Karsten Hørup WIN LOSS
pool 3 Frederik Thorup Larsen Freja Strandlod LOSS WIN
pool 3 Nicklas Zacho Rasmus van Deurs Petersen LOSS WIN
pool 3 Freja Strandlod Karsten Hørup WIN LOSS
pool 3 Nicklas Zacho Frederik Thorup Larsen WIN LOSS
pool 3 Rasmus van Deurs Petersen Karsten Hørup WIN LOSS
pool 3 Frederik Thorup Larsen Simon Nyborg Jensen LOSS WIN
pool 3 Jesper Krogh Lindhardtsen Nicklas Zacho WIN LOSS
pool 3 Simon Nyborg Jensen Freja Strandlod LOSS WIN
pool 4 Simon Jørgensen Viktor Clasen WIN LOSS
pool 4 Morten Ankerstjerne Nicolej Nysom Flohr LOSS WIN
pool 4 Julius Gaarden Benjamin Lentz Olesen LOSS WIN
pool 4 Nicolej Nysom Flohr Viktor Clasen WIN LOSS
pool 4 Simon Jørgensen Bjarke Frimand Frid LOSS WIN
pool 4 Benjamin Lentz Olesen Viktor Clasen WIN LOSS
pool 4 Simon Jørgensen Nicolej Nysom Flohr LOSS WIN
pool 4 Bjarke Frimand Frid Benjamin Lentz Olesen WIN LOSS
pool 4 Morten Ankerstjerne Julius Gaarden WIN LOSS
pool 4 Simon Jørgensen Benjamin Lentz Olesen DRAW DRAW
pool 4 Julius Gaarden Bjarke Frimand Frid LOSS WIN
pool 4 Morten Ankerstjerne Viktor Clasen WIN LOSS
pool 4 Bjarke Frimand Frid Nicolej Nysom Flohr LOSS WIN
pool 4 Simon Jørgensen Julius Gaarden WIN LOSS
pool 4 Benjamin Lentz Olesen Nicolej Nysom Flohr DRAW DRAW
pool 4 Viktor Clasen Bjarke Frimand Frid DRAW DRAW
pool 4 Simon Jørgensen Morten Ankerstjerne LOSS WIN
pool 4 Julius Gaarden Viktor Clasen DRAW DRAW
pool 4 Morten Ankerstjerne Bjarke Frimand Frid WIN LOSS
pool 4 Julius Gaarden Nicolej Nysom Flohr LOSS WIN
pool 4 Benjamin Lentz Olesen Morten Ankerstjerne LOSS WIN
elimination round 1 Rasmus van Deurs Petersen Alex Rymark Vorm LOSS WIN
elimination round 1 Germano Pirrone Morten Ankerstjerne WIN LOSS
elimination round 1 Jesper Krogh Lindhardtsen Morten Wesley Malm WIN LOSS
elimination round 1 Lydia Achiam Nicolej Nysom Flohr LOSS WIN
elimination round 2 Alex Rymark Vorm Germano Pirrone LOSS WIN
elimination round 2 Nicolej Nysom Flohr Jesper Krogh Lindhardtsen LOSS WIN
Gold Final Jesper Krogh Lindhardtsen Germano Pirrone WIN LOSS
Bronze Final Nicolej Nysom Flohr Alex Rymark Vorm LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
pool 1 Nicolej Nysom Flohr Germano Pirrone LOSS WIN
pool 1 Victoria Chudinov Victor Harder Hesel LOSS WIN
pool 1 Germano Pirrone Victor Harder Hesel DRAW DRAW
pool 1 Victoria Chudinov Germano Pirrone LOSS WIN
pool 1 Nicolej Nysom Flohr Victoria Chudinov LOSS WIN
pool 1 Victor Harder Hesel Nicolej Nysom Flohr WIN LOSS
elimination round 1 Nicolej Nysom Flohr Germano Pirrone LOSS WIN
elimination round 1 Victoria Chudinov Victor Harder Hesel LOSS WIN
Gold Final Germano Pirrone Victor Harder Hesel LOSS WIN
Bronze Final Victoria Chudinov Nicolej Nysom Flohr WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
pool 1 Rosa Brandt Nicolej Nysom Flohr LOSS WIN
pool 1 Kristine Baun Michal Barczuk WIN LOSS
pool 1 Nicolej Nysom Flohr Rasmus Viking Lømand Ravgård Christiansen WIN LOSS
pool 1 Rosa Brandt Michal Barczuk LOSS WIN
pool 1 Germano Pirrone Kristine Baun WIN LOSS
pool 1 Michal Barczuk Nicolej Nysom Flohr DRAW DRAW
pool 1 Rosa Brandt Rasmus Viking Lømand Ravgård Christiansen WIN LOSS
pool 1 Nicolej Nysom Flohr Germano Pirrone LOSS WIN
pool 1 Kristine Baun Rosa Brandt WIN LOSS
pool 1 Germano Pirrone Rasmus Viking Lømand Ravgård Christiansen WIN LOSS
pool 1 Kristine Baun Nicolej Nysom Flohr LOSS WIN
pool 1 Germano Pirrone Michal Barczuk WIN LOSS
pool 1 Rasmus Viking Lømand Ravgård Christiansen Kristine Baun LOSS WIN
pool 1 Germano Pirrone Rosa Brandt WIN LOSS
pool 1 Michal Barczuk Rasmus Viking Lømand Ravgård Christiansen LOSS WIN
pool 2 Morten Wesley Malm Benjamin Lentz Olesen LOSS WIN
pool 2 Eduard Nicholas Jianu Lydia Achiam LOSS WIN
pool 2 Morten Wesley Malm Magnus Neubert DRAW DRAW
pool 2 Lydia Achiam Benjamin Lentz Olesen WIN LOSS
pool 2 Victor Harder Hesel Eduard Nicholas Jianu WIN LOSS
pool 2 Lydia Achiam Morten Wesley Malm WIN LOSS
pool 2 Benjamin Lentz Olesen Magnus Neubert WIN LOSS
pool 2 Morten Wesley Malm Victor Harder Hesel LOSS WIN
pool 2 Eduard Nicholas Jianu Benjamin Lentz Olesen WIN LOSS
pool 2 Magnus Neubert Victor Harder Hesel LOSS WIN
pool 2 Eduard Nicholas Jianu Morten Wesley Malm DRAW DRAW
pool 2 Victor Harder Hesel Lydia Achiam WIN LOSS
pool 2 Eduard Nicholas Jianu Magnus Neubert WIN LOSS
pool 2 Benjamin Lentz Olesen Victor Harder Hesel LOSS WIN
pool 2 Lydia Achiam Magnus Neubert WIN LOSS
elimination round 1 Victor Harder Hesel Nicolej Nysom Flohr LOSS WIN
elimination round 1 Lydia Achiam Germano Pirrone LOSS WIN
Gold Final Nicolej Nysom Flohr Germano Pirrone WIN LOSS
Bronze Final Lydia Achiam Victor Harder Hesel LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
pool 1 Victoria Chudinov Freja Strandlod LOSS WIN
pool 1 Kristine Baun Victoria Chudinov WIN LOSS
pool 1 Freja Strandlod Kristine Baun WIN LOSS
Gold Final Kristine Baun Freja Strandlod WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Danmarksmesterskaber HEMA 2024

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
206 8 Alex Rymark Vorm Hafnia Longsword Akademi 1610.3 7.1
213 51 Jesper Krogh Lindhardtsen Hafnia Longsword Akademi 1607.3 29.7
514 201 Germano Pirrone Aros Historical Fencing Guild 1486.7 52.8
822 203 Nicolej Nysom Flohr HEMA Hobro 1414.4 48.4
1067 86 Benjamin Lentz Olesen Aros Historical Fencing Guild 1361.2 11.3
1134 2 Samuli Komulainen Joensuun Historiallisen Miekkailun Seura 1349.3 7.6
1548 Lydia Achiam Københavns Fægteklub 1282.2
1638 565 Morten Ankerstjerne Hafnia Longsword Akademi 1266.4 88.3
1687 382 Freja Strandlod Københavns Historiske Fægteklub 1259.7 63.9
1785 760 Nicklas Zacho Aros Historical Fencing Guild 1245.1 113.5
2189 1068 Bjarke Frimand Frid Hafnia Longsword Akademi 1190.2 155.9
2531 1477 Rasmus van Deurs Petersen HEMA Aalborg 1143.3 229.9
3116 Simon Jørgensen Københavns Fægteklub 1063.1
3220 642 Morten Wesley Malm Aros Historical Fencing Guild 1049.8 114.6
3227 572 Magnus Neubert HEMA Esbjerg 1049.1 106.7
3281 235 Michal Barczuk Aros Historical Fencing Guild 1042.3 52.7
3373 279 Viktor Clasen HEMA Hobro 1029.8 25.8
3528 Kristine Baun Københavns Fægteklub 1002.4
3765 Karsten Hørup HEMA Odense 968.4
3774 331 Rasmus Viking Lømand Ravgård Christiansen HEMA Aalborg 967.6 34.3
3835 248 Andreas Thing Andersen HEMA Aalborg 957.8 57.2
3869 Tobias Ritzau HEMA Hobro 952
4023 69 Simon Nyborg Jensen HEMA Odense 929.2 8.8
4322 41 Julius Gaarden HEMA Aalborg 880.5 15.9
4407 69 Anders Bærndt HEMA Esbjerg 864.8 39.7
4878 Frederik Thorup Larsen HEMA Hobro 752.2
5020 Miro Hradsky HEMA Odense 702.2
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
109 21 Freja Strandlod Københavns Historiske Fægteklub 1308.5 58.4
155 Kristine Baun Københavns Fægteklub 1214.7
247 17 Victoria Chudinov Københavns Historiske Fægteklub 1027.1 39
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
29 12 Victor Harder Hesel Københavns Historiske Fægteklub 1657.3 53.3
54 21 Germano Pirrone Aros Historical Fencing Guild 1574.5 49.5
458 178 Nicolej Nysom Flohr HEMA Hobro 1140.8 135.2
504 261 Victoria Chudinov Københavns Historiske Fægteklub 1099.5 234.8
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
195 34 Freja Strandlod Københavns Historiske Fægteklub 1308.5 58.4
275 Kristine Baun Københavns Fægteklub 1214.7
452 47 Victoria Chudinov Københavns Historiske Fægteklub 1027.1 39