This event is not yet active, and the results don't count towards the ratings. The event will be set to active and the ratings will be recalculated once any outstanding issues have been fixed.

Event created: 2024-11-23

Reasons this event is inactive:

Waiting for organizer to validate results.

Dutch Lions Cup 2024

November 2

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 217 79
Women's Steel Longsword 38 15

Fighters in event

Patrick Hollstein Brückenschlag
Janis Schlesinger Brückenschlag
Ricardo Jesús Blanes Blancas De Zwaardkring
Rafal Chmarek Historisch Schermgilde Limburg
Rémi Arbache Recherche et Expérimentation du Geste Historique et Technique
Vicentiu Pavel Sint Michielsgilde Gouda
Tino Kort Steelbound
Max Kaser Kunst des Historischen Fechtens Tirol
Jakob Schinnerl Kunst des Historischen Fechtens Tirol
Anna Straif Kunst des Historischen Fechtens Tirol
Joris Jacobs Arte Mortiferum
Lies Praet Arte Mortiferum
Robin Pittoors Arte Mortiferum
Gille Buyle Arte Mortiferum
Pieter Jacobs Arte Mortiferum
Maarten van der Auwera Sumus Soldani
Yannick De smet SwArta
Egon Beyrens SwArta
Mateo Schops SwArta
Nemanja Tomic SwArta
Illia Babounikau Hammaborg
Yannic Müller Gladius et Codex
Christopher McKinney Reisläufer Bern
Hannes Zürcher Reisläufer Bern
Jonas Bürgi Reisläufer Bern
Ondřej Herčík Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok
Petr Paščenko Duelanti od Svatého Rocha
Pavel Grussmann Hema Praha
Adam Prochaska Hema Praha
Václav Sokol SHŠ Krkavci
Tobias Thome Brückenschlag
Yari VAHLE Hammaborg
Britta Henke Hammaborg
Anjali Singh Historisches Fechten Rosenheim
Saskia Eisenbach Schwabenfedern
Miro Lahtela EHMS
Minna Vasarainen EHMS
Ville Välimäki EHMS
Antoine Goldschmidt Recherche et Expérimentation du Geste Historique et Technique
Emma Brekelmans De Academie voor Middeleeuwse Europese Krijgskunsten
Andreas Uten De Zwaardkring
Dimitri ten Have De Zwaardkring
Tosca Beuming De Zwaardkring
Cynthia Kop De Zwaardkring
Sjaak Jacobus Hendrikus Thijssen De Zwaardkring
Damian Grootjans De Zwaardkring
Rory Welles Friese Vrijvechters
Jeroen Verzijl Friese Vrijvechters
Berend Klopstra Friese Vrijvechters
Berk Hoogeveen Friese Vrijvechters
Rens Appelman Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Martin Klok Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Juliette Hemelaar Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Mart van den Burg Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Tim Beerens Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Oskar ter Mors Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Bart Jongsma Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Stefan Brunner Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Henric Jansen Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Max van den Ekart Houw en Hoede
Ronald van der Starre MARS
Nikky Kennedy Sint Michielsgilde
Desley Stakenburg Sint-Michielsgilde Antwerpen
Luca van Rijn Steelbound
Nordin Youhat Steelbound
Rick Lugthart Steelbound
Jos van Leeuwen Steelbound
Hartger Teune Steelbound
Arto Fama Zwaard & Steen
Michel Rensen Zwaard & Steen
Ethan den Boer Zwaard & Steen
Robert Kraaijeveld Zwaard & Steen
Luc van Beek Zwaard & Steen
Alexey Rodriguez Blanter Zwaard & Steen
Xander Bruins Zwaard & Steen
Juliana Boboshko Zwaard & Steen
Joachim Van der Maden Zwaard & Steen
Eleanor Marshall Zwaard & Steen
Guus Langelaan Zwaard & Steen
Jesse Slabbekoorn Zwaard & Steen
Kristine Konsmo HEMA Riga
Marek Zielinko Fechtschule Gdańsk
Maciej Jakub Kubik Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Anna Gorbulinskaja Hema Praha
Alexander Stankevich Hema Praha
Nikolay Apraksin Scuola Saint George
Martin Vrábeľ Rotyka
Matvey Sakharov Hema Praha
Illia Bondar Hema Praha
Jamie MacIver London Historical Fencing Club
Mark Wilkie The Institute for Historical Arts
Duncan McLaren The Vanguard Centre
Cody Shepherd Masterless Fencing
Alexander Kotarakos New Hampshire Kunst des Fechtens


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
pool 1 Desley Stakenburg Matvey Sakharov LOSS WIN
pool 1 Jesse Slabbekoorn Oskar ter Mors LOSS WIN
pool 1 Matvey Sakharov Illia Babounikau LOSS WIN
pool 1 Jesse Slabbekoorn Desley Stakenburg LOSS WIN
pool 1 Oskar ter Mors Hannes Zürcher WIN LOSS
pool 1 Jesse Slabbekoorn Matvey Sakharov LOSS WIN
pool 1 Desley Stakenburg Illia Babounikau LOSS WIN
pool 1 Hannes Zürcher Matvey Sakharov LOSS WIN
pool 1 Oskar ter Mors Desley Stakenburg WIN LOSS
pool 1 Hannes Zürcher Illia Babounikau LOSS WIN
pool 1 Oskar ter Mors Matvey Sakharov LOSS WIN
pool 1 Hannes Zürcher Jesse Slabbekoorn WIN LOSS
pool 1 Illia Babounikau Oskar ter Mors WIN LOSS
pool 1 Hannes Zürcher Desley Stakenburg WIN LOSS
pool 1 Illia Babounikau Jesse Slabbekoorn WIN LOSS
pool 2 Adam Prochaska Miro Lahtela LOSS WIN
pool 2 Cody Shepherd Egon Beyrens LOSS WIN
pool 2 Adam Prochaska Xander Bruins WIN LOSS
pool 2 Miro Lahtela Egon Beyrens WIN LOSS
pool 2 Cody Shepherd Maciej Jakub Kubik WIN LOSS
pool 2 Egon Beyrens Adam Prochaska WIN LOSS
pool 2 Miro Lahtela Xander Bruins WIN LOSS
pool 2 Adam Prochaska Maciej Jakub Kubik WIN LOSS
pool 2 Cody Shepherd Miro Lahtela LOSS WIN
pool 2 Maciej Jakub Kubik Xander Bruins WIN LOSS
pool 2 Adam Prochaska Cody Shepherd WIN LOSS
pool 2 Maciej Jakub Kubik Egon Beyrens LOSS WIN
pool 2 Xander Bruins Cody Shepherd WIN LOSS
pool 2 Miro Lahtela Maciej Jakub Kubik WIN LOSS
pool 2 Egon Beyrens Xander Bruins WIN LOSS
pool 3 Henric Jansen Nikolay Apraksin WIN LOSS
pool 3 Guus Langelaan Dimitri ten Have LOSS WIN
pool 3 Henric Jansen Robin Pittoors WIN LOSS
pool 3 Guus Langelaan Nikolay Apraksin LOSS WIN
pool 3 Dimitri ten Have Tino Kort WIN LOSS
pool 3 Guus Langelaan Henric Jansen LOSS WIN
pool 3 Nikolay Apraksin Robin Pittoors LOSS WIN
pool 3 Tino Kort Henric Jansen LOSS WIN
pool 3 Dimitri ten Have Nikolay Apraksin LOSS WIN
pool 3 Robin Pittoors Tino Kort WIN LOSS
pool 3 Henric Jansen Dimitri ten Have WIN LOSS
pool 3 Tino Kort Guus Langelaan LOSS WIN
pool 3 Dimitri ten Have Robin Pittoors LOSS WIN
pool 3 Tino Kort Nikolay Apraksin LOSS WIN
pool 3 Guus Langelaan Robin Pittoors LOSS WIN
pool 4 Gille Buyle Michel Rensen DRAW DRAW
pool 4 Jakob Schinnerl Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
pool 4 Gille Buyle Antoine Goldschmidt LOSS WIN
pool 4 Jakob Schinnerl Michel Rensen LOSS WIN
pool 4 Maarten van der Auwera Antoine Goldschmidt WIN LOSS
pool 4 Jakob Schinnerl Gille Buyle LOSS WIN
pool 4 Michel Rensen Antoine Goldschmidt WIN LOSS
pool 4 Gille Buyle Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
pool 4 Jakob Schinnerl Antoine Goldschmidt WIN LOSS
pool 4 Michel Rensen Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
pool 5 Jeroen Verzijl Martin Vrábeľ LOSS WIN
pool 5 Pavel Grussmann Ricardo Jesús Blanes Blancas WIN LOSS
pool 5 Martin Vrábeľ Nemanja Tomic WIN LOSS
pool 5 Jeroen Verzijl Pavel Grussmann LOSS WIN
pool 5 Jos van Leeuwen Ricardo Jesús Blanes Blancas WIN LOSS
pool 5 Martin Vrábeľ Pavel Grussmann WIN LOSS
pool 5 Jeroen Verzijl Nemanja Tomic LOSS WIN
pool 5 Martin Vrábeľ Jos van Leeuwen WIN LOSS
pool 5 Jeroen Verzijl Ricardo Jesús Blanes Blancas LOSS WIN
pool 5 Nemanja Tomic Jos van Leeuwen WIN LOSS
pool 5 Martin Vrábeľ Ricardo Jesús Blanes Blancas WIN LOSS
pool 5 Pavel Grussmann Jos van Leeuwen WIN LOSS
pool 5 Ricardo Jesús Blanes Blancas Nemanja Tomic WIN LOSS
pool 5 Jeroen Verzijl Jos van Leeuwen LOSS WIN
pool 5 Pavel Grussmann Nemanja Tomic WIN LOSS
pool 6 Stefan Brunner Berk Hoogeveen WIN LOSS
pool 6 Luca van Rijn Ville Välimäki LOSS WIN
pool 6 Vicentiu Pavel Berk Hoogeveen WIN LOSS
pool 6 Stefan Brunner Luca van Rijn WIN LOSS
pool 6 Yari VAHLE Ville Välimäki LOSS WIN
pool 6 Berk Hoogeveen Luca van Rijn LOSS WIN
pool 6 Stefan Brunner Vicentiu Pavel WIN LOSS
pool 6 Berk Hoogeveen Yari VAHLE LOSS WIN
pool 6 Stefan Brunner Ville Välimäki LOSS WIN
pool 6 Vicentiu Pavel Yari VAHLE LOSS WIN
pool 6 Ville Välimäki Berk Hoogeveen WIN LOSS
pool 6 Luca van Rijn Yari VAHLE LOSS WIN
pool 6 Ville Välimäki Vicentiu Pavel WIN LOSS
pool 6 Stefan Brunner Yari VAHLE LOSS WIN
pool 6 Luca van Rijn Vicentiu Pavel WIN LOSS
pool 7 Max van den Ekart Rory Welles WIN LOSS
pool 7 Hartger Teune Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
pool 7 Rory Welles Rémi Arbache LOSS WIN
pool 7 Max van den Ekart Hartger Teune WIN LOSS
pool 7 Alexey Rodriguez Blanter Mark Wilkie WIN LOSS
pool 7 Rory Welles Hartger Teune LOSS WIN
pool 7 Max van den Ekart Rémi Arbache WIN LOSS
pool 7 Rory Welles Alexey Rodriguez Blanter LOSS WIN
pool 7 Max van den Ekart Mark Wilkie WIN LOSS
pool 7 Rémi Arbache Alexey Rodriguez Blanter LOSS WIN
pool 7 Mark Wilkie Rory Welles WIN LOSS
pool 7 Hartger Teune Alexey Rodriguez Blanter LOSS WIN
pool 7 Mark Wilkie Rémi Arbache WIN LOSS
pool 7 Alexey Rodriguez Blanter Max van den Ekart LOSS WIN
pool 7 Hartger Teune Rémi Arbache LOSS WIN
pool 8 Rens Appelman Tobias Thome LOSS WIN
pool 8 Berend Klopstra Alexander Kotarakos LOSS WIN
pool 8 Ondřej Herčík Tobias Thome WIN LOSS
pool 8 Berend Klopstra Rens Appelman LOSS WIN
pool 8 Ethan den Boer Alexander Kotarakos LOSS WIN
pool 8 Berend Klopstra Tobias Thome LOSS WIN
pool 8 Rens Appelman Ondřej Herčík LOSS WIN
pool 8 Ethan den Boer Tobias Thome LOSS WIN
pool 8 Rens Appelman Alexander Kotarakos LOSS WIN
pool 8 Ethan den Boer Ondřej Herčík LOSS WIN
pool 8 Tobias Thome Alexander Kotarakos WIN LOSS
pool 8 Berend Klopstra Ethan den Boer LOSS WIN
pool 8 Ondřej Herčík Alexander Kotarakos WIN LOSS
pool 8 Ethan den Boer Rens Appelman LOSS WIN
pool 8 Berend Klopstra Ondřej Herčík LOSS WIN
pool 9 Joris Jacobs Illia Bondar WIN LOSS
pool 9 Andreas Uten Mart van den Burg LOSS WIN
pool 9 Rafal Chmarek Joris Jacobs LOSS WIN
pool 9 Mart van den Burg Illia Bondar WIN LOSS
pool 9 Patrick Hollstein Andreas Uten LOSS WIN
pool 9 Joris Jacobs Mart van den Burg WIN LOSS
pool 9 Illia Bondar Rafal Chmarek LOSS WIN
pool 9 Joris Jacobs Patrick Hollstein WIN LOSS
pool 9 Illia Bondar Andreas Uten DRAW DRAW
pool 9 Patrick Hollstein Rafal Chmarek LOSS WIN
pool 9 Joris Jacobs Andreas Uten WIN LOSS
pool 9 Patrick Hollstein Mart van den Burg LOSS WIN
pool 9 Andreas Uten Rafal Chmarek WIN LOSS
pool 9 Illia Bondar Patrick Hollstein WIN LOSS
pool 9 Mart van den Burg Rafal Chmarek LOSS WIN
pool 10 Robert Kraaijeveld Max Kaser LOSS WIN
pool 10 Damian Grootjans Yannic Müller LOSS WIN
pool 10 Jamie MacIver Max Kaser WIN LOSS
pool 10 Damian Grootjans Robert Kraaijeveld WIN LOSS
pool 10 Yannic Müller Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
pool 10 Damian Grootjans Max Kaser LOSS WIN
pool 10 Robert Kraaijeveld Jamie MacIver WIN LOSS
pool 10 Yannic Müller Max Kaser WIN LOSS
pool 10 Damian Grootjans Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
pool 10 Yannic Müller Robert Kraaijeveld WIN LOSS
pool 11 Yannick De smet Luc van Beek WIN LOSS
pool 11 Martin Klok Alexander Stankevich LOSS WIN
pool 11 Janis Schlesinger Yannick De smet LOSS WIN
pool 11 Luc van Beek Martin Klok WIN LOSS
pool 11 Alexander Stankevich Marek Zielinko WIN LOSS
pool 11 Martin Klok Yannick De smet LOSS WIN
pool 11 Janis Schlesinger Luc van Beek WIN LOSS
pool 11 Marek Zielinko Yannick De smet LOSS WIN
pool 11 Alexander Stankevich Luc van Beek WIN LOSS
pool 11 Janis Schlesinger Marek Zielinko LOSS WIN
pool 11 Yannick De smet Alexander Stankevich WIN LOSS
pool 11 Martin Klok Marek Zielinko LOSS WIN
pool 11 Janis Schlesinger Alexander Stankevich LOSS WIN
pool 11 Luc van Beek Marek Zielinko LOSS WIN
pool 11 Janis Schlesinger Martin Klok WIN LOSS
pool 12 Tim Beerens Petr Paščenko DRAW DRAW
pool 12 Sjaak Jacobus Hendrikus Thijssen Jonas Bürgi LOSS WIN
pool 12 Rick Lugthart Tim Beerens LOSS WIN
pool 12 Petr Paščenko Sjaak Jacobus Hendrikus Thijssen WIN LOSS
pool 12 Rick Lugthart Jonas Bürgi LOSS WIN
pool 12 Sjaak Jacobus Hendrikus Thijssen Tim Beerens LOSS WIN
pool 12 Rick Lugthart Petr Paščenko LOSS WIN
pool 12 Jonas Bürgi Tim Beerens WIN LOSS
pool 12 Rick Lugthart Sjaak Jacobus Hendrikus Thijssen WIN LOSS
pool 12 Jonas Bürgi Petr Paščenko WIN LOSS
pool 13 Nordin Youhat Arto Fama LOSS WIN
pool 13 Duncan McLaren Christopher McKinney LOSS WIN
pool 13 Nordin Youhat Pieter Jacobs LOSS WIN
pool 13 Arto Fama Christopher McKinney WIN LOSS
pool 13 Duncan McLaren Pieter Jacobs WIN LOSS
pool 13 Nordin Youhat Christopher McKinney LOSS WIN
pool 13 Arto Fama Pieter Jacobs WIN LOSS
pool 13 Nordin Youhat Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
pool 13 Pieter Jacobs Christopher McKinney LOSS WIN
pool 13 Arto Fama Duncan McLaren WIN LOSS
pool 14 Joachim Van der Maden Mateo Schops LOSS WIN
pool 14 Václav Sokol Bart Jongsma WIN LOSS
pool 14 Mateo Schops Ronald van der Starre WIN LOSS
pool 14 Bart Jongsma Joachim Van der Maden WIN LOSS
pool 14 Václav Sokol Ronald van der Starre WIN LOSS
pool 14 Mateo Schops Bart Jongsma LOSS WIN
pool 14 Ronald van der Starre Joachim Van der Maden LOSS WIN
pool 14 Mateo Schops Václav Sokol LOSS WIN
pool 14 Bart Jongsma Ronald van der Starre WIN LOSS
pool 14 Joachim Van der Maden Václav Sokol LOSS WIN
elimination round 1 Mark Wilkie Ville Välimäki LOSS WIN
elimination round 1 Robin Pittoors Tobias Thome LOSS WIN
elimination round 1 Jonas Bürgi Christopher McKinney WIN LOSS
elimination round 1 Jamie MacIver Henric Jansen LOSS WIN
elimination round 1 Tim Beerens Max van den Ekart LOSS WIN
elimination round 1 Václav Sokol Alexander Stankevich WIN LOSS
elimination round 1 Arto Fama Alexey Rodriguez Blanter WIN LOSS
elimination round 1 Marek Zielinko Ondřej Herčík LOSS WIN
elimination round 1 Martin Vrábeľ Alexander Kotarakos WIN LOSS
elimination round 1 Egon Beyrens Yari VAHLE WIN LOSS
elimination round 1 Bart Jongsma Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
elimination round 1 Joris Jacobs Michel Rensen WIN LOSS
elimination round 1 Illia Babounikau Petr Paščenko WIN LOSS
elimination round 1 Miro Lahtela Yannic Müller WIN LOSS
elimination round 1 Pavel Grussmann Matvey Sakharov WIN LOSS
elimination round 1 Yannick De smet Mart van den Burg LOSS WIN
elimination round 2 Tobias Thome Ville Välimäki LOSS WIN
elimination round 2 Jonas Bürgi Henric Jansen WIN LOSS
elimination round 2 Václav Sokol Max van den Ekart LOSS WIN
elimination round 2 Arto Fama Ondřej Herčík LOSS WIN
elimination round 2 Egon Beyrens Martin Vrábeľ WIN LOSS
elimination round 2 Maarten van der Auwera Joris Jacobs WIN LOSS
elimination round 2 Illia Babounikau Miro Lahtela LOSS WIN
elimination round 2 Pavel Grussmann Mart van den Burg LOSS WIN
elimination round 3 Jonas Bürgi Ville Välimäki WIN LOSS
elimination round 3 Ondřej Herčík Max van den Ekart WIN LOSS
elimination round 3 Maarten van der Auwera Egon Beyrens WIN LOSS
elimination round 3 Mart van den Burg Miro Lahtela LOSS WIN
elimination round 4 Jonas Bürgi Ondřej Herčík LOSS WIN
elimination round 4 Miro Lahtela Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
elimination round 5 Ondřej Herčík Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
elimination round 5 Miro Lahtela Jonas Bürgi WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
pool 1 Eleanor Marshall Tosca Beuming LOSS WIN
pool 1 Anna Straif Minna Vasarainen LOSS WIN
pool 1 Eleanor Marshall Anjali Singh LOSS WIN
pool 1 Tosca Beuming Anna Straif WIN LOSS
pool 1 Anjali Singh Minna Vasarainen LOSS WIN
pool 1 Eleanor Marshall Anna Straif WIN LOSS
pool 1 Tosca Beuming Anjali Singh WIN LOSS
pool 1 Eleanor Marshall Minna Vasarainen LOSS WIN
pool 1 Anjali Singh Anna Straif LOSS WIN
pool 1 Tosca Beuming Minna Vasarainen LOSS WIN
pool 2 Emma Brekelmans Cynthia Kop LOSS WIN
pool 2 Kristine Konsmo Britta Henke WIN LOSS
pool 2 Nikky Kennedy Emma Brekelmans LOSS WIN
pool 2 Cynthia Kop Britta Henke LOSS WIN
pool 2 Nikky Kennedy Kristine Konsmo LOSS WIN
pool 2 Emma Brekelmans Britta Henke LOSS WIN
pool 2 Nikky Kennedy Cynthia Kop LOSS WIN
pool 2 Emma Brekelmans Kristine Konsmo LOSS WIN
pool 2 Britta Henke Nikky Kennedy LOSS WIN
pool 2 Cynthia Kop Kristine Konsmo LOSS WIN
pool 3 Juliana Boboshko Anna Gorbulinskaja WIN LOSS
pool 3 Saskia Eisenbach Juliette Hemelaar LOSS WIN
pool 3 Lies Praet Juliana Boboshko LOSS WIN
pool 3 Anna Gorbulinskaja Juliette Hemelaar WIN LOSS
pool 3 Lies Praet Saskia Eisenbach LOSS WIN
pool 3 Juliana Boboshko Juliette Hemelaar LOSS WIN
pool 3 Anna Gorbulinskaja Lies Praet WIN LOSS
pool 3 Juliana Boboshko Saskia Eisenbach LOSS WIN
pool 3 Juliette Hemelaar Lies Praet WIN LOSS
pool 3 Anna Gorbulinskaja Saskia Eisenbach LOSS WIN
elimination round 1 Minna Vasarainen Cynthia Kop WIN LOSS
elimination round 1 Tosca Beuming Saskia Eisenbach WIN LOSS
elimination round 1 Britta Henke Kristine Konsmo LOSS WIN
elimination round 1 Juliette Hemelaar Juliana Boboshko WIN LOSS
elimination round 2 Minna Vasarainen Tosca Beuming WIN LOSS
elimination round 2 Juliette Hemelaar Kristine Konsmo LOSS WIN
elimination round 3 Minna Vasarainen Kristine Konsmo WIN LOSS
elimination round 3 Juliette Hemelaar Tosca Beuming LOSS WIN