Texas Audacious Knife Fight 2023
Date | August 12, 2023 |
Country | United States |
State | Texas |
City | Houston |
Software | HEMA Scorecard (results ) |
Tournament stats
Division | Number of fights | Number of fighters |
Mixed Any Material Knife (Bowie Knife) | 67 | 30 |
Mixed Any Material Rondell Dagger (Heavyweight) | 47 | 11 |
Mixed Any Material Rondell Dagger (Lightweight) | 24 | 8 |
Mixed Any Material Rondell Dagger (Middleweight) | 41 | 7 |
Mixed Steel Messer | 74 | 32 |
Mixed Singlestick | 54 | 21 |
Fighters in event
All 41 fighters
This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.
Mixed Any Material Knife (Bowie Knife) - 67 fights
Mixed Any Material Rondell Dagger (Heavyweight) - 47 fights
Stage | Fighter 1 | Fighter 2 | Fighter 1 result | Fighter 2 result |
!! Attention !! Excluded From Scoring Calculations Pool Set 1 | Jonathan Guidry | Aaron Hamilton | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Riley Ereno | Jeffery Fisher | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Nick Dahl | Jonathan Guidry | LOSS | WIN |
!! Attention !! Excluded From Scoring Calculations Pool Set 1 | Riley Ereno | Aaron Hamilton | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Jeffery Fisher | Nick Dahl | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Riley Ereno | Jonathan Guidry | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Nick Dahl | Riley Ereno | LOSS | WIN |
!! Attention !! Excluded From Scoring Calculations Pool Set 1 | Jeffery Fisher | Aaron Hamilton | WIN | LOSS |
!! Attention !! Excluded From Scoring Calculations Pool Set 1 | Nick Dahl | Aaron Hamilton | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Jeffery Fisher | Jonathan Guidry | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Sheik Bacchus | Beau Hulgan | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Zachary Warden | Jea Ritchey | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Patrick Torres | Isaiah Johnson | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Jea Ritchey | Sheik Bacchus | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Patrick Torres | Beau Hulgan | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Zachary Warden | Isaiah Johnson | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Sheik Bacchus | Patrick Torres | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Isaiah Johnson | Jea Ritchey | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Zachary Warden | Beau Hulgan | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Sheik Bacchus | Isaiah Johnson | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Zachary Warden | Patrick Torres | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Jea Ritchey | Beau Hulgan | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Zachary Warden | Sheik Bacchus | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Beau Hulgan | Isaiah Johnson | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Jea Ritchey | Patrick Torres | LOSS | WIN |
!! Attention !! Excluded From Scoring Calculations Pool Set 2 | Aaron Hamilton | Jea Ritchey | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 2 | Riley Ereno | Zachary Warden | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 2 | Isaiah Johnson | Jeffery Fisher | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 2 | Zachary Warden | Jea Ritchey | WIN | LOSS |
!! Attention !! Excluded From Scoring Calculations Pool Set 2 | Isaiah Johnson | Aaron Hamilton | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 2 | Riley Ereno | Jeffery Fisher | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 2 | Jea Ritchey | Isaiah Johnson | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 2 | Zachary Warden | Jeffery Fisher | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 2 | Jea Ritchey | Jeffery Fisher | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 2 | Riley Ereno | Isaiah Johnson | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 2 | Jea Ritchey | Riley Ereno | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 2 | Zachary Warden | Isaiah Johnson | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 2 | Nick Dahl | Jonathan Guidry | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 2 | Beau Hulgan | Sheik Bacchus | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 2 | Nick Dahl | Patrick Torres | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 2 | Sheik Bacchus | Jonathan Guidry | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 2 | Nick Dahl | Sheik Bacchus | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 2 | Beau Hulgan | Patrick Torres | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 2 | Nick Dahl | Beau Hulgan | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 2 | Patrick Torres | Jonathan Guidry | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 2 | Jonathan Guidry | Beau Hulgan | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 2 | Patrick Torres | Sheik Bacchus | LOSS | WIN |
Mixed Any Material Rondell Dagger (Lightweight) - 24 fights
Mixed Any Material Rondell Dagger (Middleweight) - 41 fights
Mixed Steel Messer - 74 fights
Mixed Singlestick - 54 fights
Rating outcomes
This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.
Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Texas Audacious Knife Fight 2023