Montpellier Hema Tournament 2024

Date March 9, 2024
Country France
City Montpellier

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 45 15
Mixed Steel Longsword 135 43
Mixed Steel Sabre 65 21
Mixed Steel Single Rapier 63 18
Mixed Steel Single Sidesword 69 22
Mixed Steel Any Sword & Buckler 51 16
Women's Steel Longsword 10 4

Fighters in event

Gille Buyle Arte Mortiferum
Pieter Jacobs Arte Mortiferum
Bjarne van Os Arte Mortiferum
Maarten van der Auwera Sumus Soldani
Jan Pelgrims Sumus Soldani
Egon Beyrens SwArta
Roman Vítek Major Militia Modena
Jan Juanola Wesley
Óscar Genovés Pascua Sala d'Armes Monjuïc
Paolo Dahan
Lee-jones Brad AMHE Apicula Carcassona
Desvergnes David Batesta
Louis Lebeau Batesta
Ausseresse Ophélie Cercle d'Armes du Dauphiné
Benjamin Pascal Clermont-Ferrand AMHE
Clément Grilli Club Sportif et de Loisirs de la Gendarmerie de GAP
Fabien Goury Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon
Thomas Pelosse Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon
Gabriel Tardio De Feu et d'Acier
Geoffroy Sainte-Catherine De Feu et d'Acier
Adrien Valenza École Chevaleresque
Chelius Amaury École Chevaleresque
Di Majo Stéphane École Chevaleresque
Guillaume Rigaux École Chevaleresque
Rouby Thomas École Chevaleresque
Hauve Christian École Chevaleresque
Gilles Carriere École Chevaleresque
Gaël Marais École Chevaleresque
Théo Fovet École Chevaleresque
Emeric Bazalgette École Chevaleresque
Mahmoud Fakhfakh École Chevaleresque
Victor Moulard École Chevaleresque
Eric Lemaresquier Ecole d'Escrime Médiévale L'Âme Impetueuse
Ferrand Léo Ecole d'Escrime Médiévale L'Âme Impetueuse
Alexandre Cornede Eveil de Lame
Besson Simon Frères d'AMHE
Claudine Gombert Frères d'AMHE
Valentin Rossi Frères d'AMHE
Romain Guendon Frères d'AMHE
Vincent Poiré Frères d'AMHE
Barnabé Bonnefous-Charnay Frères d'AMHE
Yvan Pacôme Frères d'AMHE
Adrien Ala Frères d'AMHE
Arnaud Marchand La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne
Quentin Lacroix La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne
Zerhouni Yassine La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne
Bellini Mathieu La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne
Joris Dufayard Les Indépendants Réunis
Alexia Detraz Les Indépendants Réunis
Romain Gudet Lyon AMHE
Emmanuel Maitrehenry Lyon AMHE
Jean-Albert Rubod Lyon AMHE
Maxime Deman Lyon AMHE
Theophile Przybylak Lyon AMHE
Anthony Garnier Lyon AMHE
Aleksandr Ermolov Lyon AMHE
David Perchais Lyon AMHE
Tim Hog Lyon AMHE
Mathias Sanchez Lyon AMHE
François Bois Ost du Griffon Noir
Le Moing Zacharie Ost du Griffon Noir
Calvier Paul Perigüers Estocada
Biras Jean-françois Perigüers Estocada
Pottier Killian SAEA Aveyron
Nicolas Wöhrel SAEA Aveyron
Aron Kazay Tempus Fugitives
Colin Miraglio Blademasters Academy
Yuliia Smoilovska Guild of Duel Fencing
Yihang Mung Ausardia HEMA Club


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Jan Juanola Wesley Aron Kazay LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Desvergnes David Tim Hog WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Aron Kazay Guillaume Rigaux WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Jan Juanola Wesley Tim Hog WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Desvergnes David Guillaume Rigaux WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Aron Kazay Tim Hog DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Jan Juanola Wesley Desvergnes David LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Tim Hog Guillaume Rigaux WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Desvergnes David Aron Kazay LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Jan Juanola Wesley Guillaume Rigaux DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Ausseresse Ophélie Di Majo Stéphane LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Chelius Amaury Besson Simon WIN LOSS
Pool 2 David Perchais Ausseresse Ophélie WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Di Majo Stéphane Besson Simon LOSS WIN
Pool 2 David Perchais Chelius Amaury DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Besson Simon Ausseresse Ophélie DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Di Majo Stéphane Chelius Amaury WIN LOSS
Pool 2 David Perchais Besson Simon WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Chelius Amaury Ausseresse Ophélie LOSS WIN
Pool 2 David Perchais Di Majo Stéphane WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Pottier Killian Yuliia Smoilovska LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Calvier Paul Maxime Deman LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Alexandre Cornede Yuliia Smoilovska DRAW DRAW
Pool 3 Pottier Killian Maxime Deman LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Calvier Paul Alexandre Cornede LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Yuliia Smoilovska Maxime Deman LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Pottier Killian Calvier Paul WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Alexandre Cornede Maxime Deman DRAW DRAW
Pool 3 Calvier Paul Yuliia Smoilovska LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Pottier Killian Alexandre Cornede DRAW DRAW
1/8 Tim Hog Jan Juanola Wesley WIN LOSS
1/8 Ausseresse Ophélie Yuliia Smoilovska WIN LOSS
1/8 Desvergnes David Chelius Amaury WIN LOSS
1/8 Maxime Deman Guillaume Rigaux WIN LOSS
1/8 Pottier Killian Di Majo Stéphane WIN LOSS
1/8 Alexandre Cornede Besson Simon LOSS WIN
1/8 Calvier Paul David Perchais LOSS WIN
1/4 Aron Kazay Tim Hog LOSS WIN
1/4 Desvergnes David Ausseresse Ophélie WIN LOSS
1/4 Pottier Killian Maxime Deman WIN LOSS
1/4 Besson Simon David Perchais LOSS WIN
1/2 Tim Hog Desvergnes David WIN LOSS
1/2 Pottier Killian David Perchais LOSS WIN
Final Tim Hog David Perchais LOSS WIN
Bronze final Pottier Killian Desvergnes David LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 David Perchais Jan Pelgrims LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Colin Miraglio François Bois LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Valentin Rossi Jan Pelgrims LOSS WIN
Pool 1 François Bois David Perchais WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Valentin Rossi Colin Miraglio WIN LOSS
Pool 1 François Bois Jan Pelgrims LOSS WIN
Pool 1 David Perchais Colin Miraglio LOSS WIN
Pool 1 François Bois Valentin Rossi WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Jan Pelgrims Colin Miraglio LOSS WIN
Pool 1 David Perchais Valentin Rossi LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Romain Gudet Biras Jean-françois WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Adrien Ala Joris Dufayard WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Egon Beyrens Biras Jean-françois WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Romain Gudet Adrien Ala LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Egon Beyrens Joris Dufayard WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Adrien Ala Biras Jean-françois WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Joris Dufayard Romain Gudet LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Egon Beyrens Adrien Ala WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Joris Dufayard Biras Jean-françois LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Egon Beyrens Romain Gudet WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Théo Fovet Romain Guendon DRAW DRAW
Pool 3 Fabien Goury Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Romain Guendon Theophile Przybylak WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Théo Fovet Fabien Goury LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Theophile Przybylak Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Romain Guendon Fabien Goury LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Maarten van der Auwera Théo Fovet DRAW DRAW
Pool 3 Theophile Przybylak Fabien Goury WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Romain Guendon Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Theophile Przybylak Théo Fovet WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Pieter Jacobs Nicolas Wöhrel WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Emmanuel Maitrehenry Le Moing Zacharie WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Clément Grilli Pieter Jacobs LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Nicolas Wöhrel Le Moing Zacharie LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Emmanuel Maitrehenry Clément Grilli WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Le Moing Zacharie Pieter Jacobs DRAW DRAW
Pool 4 Emmanuel Maitrehenry Nicolas Wöhrel WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Le Moing Zacharie Clément Grilli WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Emmanuel Maitrehenry Pieter Jacobs WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Nicolas Wöhrel Clément Grilli LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Eric Lemaresquier Quentin Lacroix LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Bjarne van Os Lee-jones Brad LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Benjamin Pascal Eric Lemaresquier WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Quentin Lacroix Lee-jones Brad LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Benjamin Pascal Bjarne van Os WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Eric Lemaresquier Lee-jones Brad WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Bjarne van Os Quentin Lacroix LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Benjamin Pascal Lee-jones Brad WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Bjarne van Os Eric Lemaresquier WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Benjamin Pascal Quentin Lacroix LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Mathias Sanchez Gaël Marais WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Gille Buyle Vincent Poiré LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Alexandre Cornede Arnaud Marchand LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Mathias Sanchez Vincent Poiré WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Gaël Marais Alexandre Cornede WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Arnaud Marchand Gille Buyle WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Mathias Sanchez Alexandre Cornede WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Vincent Poiré Arnaud Marchand LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Gaël Marais Gille Buyle WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Mathias Sanchez Arnaud Marchand LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Gille Buyle Alexandre Cornede DRAW DRAW
Pool 6 Vincent Poiré Gaël Marais WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Gille Buyle Mathias Sanchez LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Arnaud Marchand Gaël Marais WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Alexandre Cornede Vincent Poiré LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Aleksandr Ermolov Ferrand Léo WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Adrien Valenza Jean-Albert Rubod LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Gabriel Tardio Zerhouni Yassine DRAW DRAW
Pool 7 Adrien Valenza Ferrand Léo DRAW DRAW
Pool 7 Aleksandr Ermolov Gabriel Tardio LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Zerhouni Yassine Jean-Albert Rubod DRAW DRAW
Pool 7 Gabriel Tardio Ferrand Léo WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Adrien Valenza Zerhouni Yassine WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Aleksandr Ermolov Jean-Albert Rubod WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Ferrand Léo Zerhouni Yassine DRAW DRAW
Pool 7 Gabriel Tardio Jean-Albert Rubod WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Adrien Valenza Aleksandr Ermolov LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Jean-Albert Rubod Ferrand Léo LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Zerhouni Yassine Aleksandr Ermolov LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Gabriel Tardio Adrien Valenza WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Bellini Mathieu Geoffroy Sainte-Catherine WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Óscar Genovés Pascua Paolo Dahan DRAW DRAW
Pool 8 Thomas Pelosse Maxime Deman WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Bellini Mathieu Óscar Genovés Pascua WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Geoffroy Sainte-Catherine Thomas Pelosse WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Paolo Dahan Maxime Deman LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Bellini Mathieu Thomas Pelosse LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Óscar Genovés Pascua Maxime Deman LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Geoffroy Sainte-Catherine Paolo Dahan WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Bellini Mathieu Maxime Deman WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Paolo Dahan Thomas Pelosse WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Geoffroy Sainte-Catherine Óscar Genovés Pascua WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Bellini Mathieu Paolo Dahan WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Maxime Deman Geoffroy Sainte-Catherine DRAW DRAW
Pool 8 Óscar Genovés Pascua Thomas Pelosse LOSS WIN
1/32 Biras Jean-françois Clément Grilli LOSS WIN
1/32 Joris Dufayard Theophile Przybylak LOSS WIN
1/32 Maxime Deman Óscar Genovés Pascua LOSS WIN
1/32 Ferrand Léo Théo Fovet WIN LOSS
1/32 Jean-Albert Rubod Bjarne van Os LOSS WIN
1/32 Lee-jones Brad David Perchais WIN LOSS
1/32 Romain Guendon Gille Buyle LOSS WIN
1/32 Alexandre Cornede Gaël Marais WIN LOSS
1/32 Valentin Rossi Nicolas Wöhrel WIN LOSS
1/32 Paolo Dahan Eric Lemaresquier WIN LOSS
1/16 Egon Beyrens Clément Grilli WIN LOSS
1/16 Vincent Poiré Pieter Jacobs WIN LOSS
1/16 Theophile Przybylak Jan Pelgrims LOSS WIN
1/16 Bellini Mathieu Óscar Genovés Pascua WIN LOSS
1/16 Maarten van der Auwera Ferrand Léo WIN LOSS
1/16 François Bois Fabien Goury WIN LOSS
1/16 Adrien Ala Colin Miraglio WIN LOSS
1/16 Zerhouni Yassine Gabriel Tardio LOSS WIN
1/16 Emmanuel Maitrehenry Bjarne van Os WIN LOSS
1/16 Romain Gudet Geoffroy Sainte-Catherine WIN LOSS
1/16 Lee-jones Brad Benjamin Pascal LOSS WIN
1/16 Aleksandr Ermolov Gille Buyle WIN LOSS
1/16 Valentin Rossi Quentin Lacroix LOSS WIN
1/16 Paolo Dahan Arnaud Marchand LOSS WIN
1/8 Egon Beyrens Vincent Poiré WIN LOSS
1/8 Bellini Mathieu Jan Pelgrims LOSS WIN
1/8 François Bois Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
1/8 Gabriel Tardio Adrien Ala WIN LOSS
1/8 Emmanuel Maitrehenry Romain Gudet WIN LOSS
1/8 Benjamin Pascal Aleksandr Ermolov LOSS WIN
1/8 Quentin Lacroix Alexandre Cornede WIN LOSS
1/8 Thomas Pelosse Arnaud Marchand WIN LOSS
1/4 Jan Pelgrims Egon Beyrens WIN LOSS
1/4 Maarten van der Auwera Gabriel Tardio WIN LOSS
1/4 Emmanuel Maitrehenry Aleksandr Ermolov LOSS WIN
1/4 Quentin Lacroix Thomas Pelosse WIN LOSS
1/2 Maarten van der Auwera Jan Pelgrims WIN LOSS
1/2 Quentin Lacroix Aleksandr Ermolov WIN LOSS
Final Maarten van der Auwera Quentin Lacroix WIN LOSS
Bronze Final Jan Pelgrims Aleksandr Ermolov WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Rouby Thomas Arnaud Marchand LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Anthony Garnier Bjarne van Os WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Louis Lebeau Mahmoud Fakhfakh WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Arnaud Marchand Anthony Garnier WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Louis Lebeau Rouby Thomas WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Bjarne van Os Mahmoud Fakhfakh WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Louis Lebeau Arnaud Marchand WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Mahmoud Fakhfakh Anthony Garnier LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Rouby Thomas Bjarne van Os DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Arnaud Marchand Mahmoud Fakhfakh WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Bjarne van Os Louis Lebeau LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Anthony Garnier Rouby Thomas DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Bjarne van Os Arnaud Marchand LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Mahmoud Fakhfakh Rouby Thomas LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Anthony Garnier Louis Lebeau LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Egon Beyrens Valentin Rossi WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Yihang Mung Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Di Majo Stéphane Egon Beyrens LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Yihang Mung Valentin Rossi WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Di Majo Stéphane Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Yihang Mung Egon Beyrens LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Valentin Rossi Maarten van der Auwera WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Yihang Mung Di Majo Stéphane WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Egon Beyrens Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Di Majo Stéphane Valentin Rossi LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Pieter Jacobs Lee-jones Brad LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Bellini Mathieu Gaël Marais LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Pieter Jacobs Theophile Przybylak LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Lee-jones Brad Bellini Mathieu LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Theophile Przybylak Gaël Marais WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Bellini Mathieu Pieter Jacobs WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Gaël Marais Lee-jones Brad WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Bellini Mathieu Theophile Przybylak LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Pieter Jacobs Gaël Marais LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Lee-jones Brad Theophile Przybylak LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Adrien Ala Quentin Lacroix DRAW DRAW
Pool 4 Desvergnes David Colin Miraglio LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Adrien Ala Gille Buyle WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Quentin Lacroix Colin Miraglio LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Gille Buyle Desvergnes David LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Adrien Ala Colin Miraglio LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Desvergnes David Quentin Lacroix LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Gille Buyle Colin Miraglio LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Desvergnes David Adrien Ala WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Gille Buyle Quentin Lacroix LOSS WIN
1/16 Lee-jones Brad Bjarne van Os WIN LOSS
1/16 Pieter Jacobs Desvergnes David LOSS WIN
1/16 Anthony Garnier Gille Buyle WIN LOSS
1/16 Rouby Thomas Di Majo Stéphane WIN LOSS
1/16 Adrien Ala Mahmoud Fakhfakh WIN LOSS
1/8 Lee-jones Brad Theophile Przybylak LOSS WIN
1/8 Quentin Lacroix Bellini Mathieu LOSS WIN
1/8 Gaël Marais Desvergnes David WIN LOSS
1/8 Arnaud Marchand Anthony Garnier WIN LOSS
1/8 Colin Miraglio Rouby Thomas WIN LOSS
1/8 Valentin Rossi Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
1/8 Louis Lebeau Adrien Ala WIN LOSS
1/4 Bellini Mathieu Theophile Przybylak LOSS WIN
1/4 Gaël Marais Arnaud Marchand LOSS WIN
1/4 Colin Miraglio Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
1/4 Louis Lebeau Yihang Mung LOSS WIN
1/2 Arnaud Marchand Theophile Przybylak LOSS WIN
1/2 Yihang Mung Maarten van der Auwera WIN LOSS
Final Theophile Przybylak Yihang Mung WIN LOSS
Bronze Final Arnaud Marchand Maarten van der Auwera WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Gille Buyle Mahmoud Fakhfakh WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Benjamin Pascal Vincent Poiré LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Lee-jones Brad Yuliia Smoilovska WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Benjamin Pascal Gille Buyle WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Lee-jones Brad Mahmoud Fakhfakh LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Yuliia Smoilovska Vincent Poiré DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Lee-jones Brad Gille Buyle LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Benjamin Pascal Yuliia Smoilovska WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Vincent Poiré Mahmoud Fakhfakh LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Yuliia Smoilovska Gille Buyle WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Lee-jones Brad Vincent Poiré LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Benjamin Pascal Mahmoud Fakhfakh DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Gille Buyle Vincent Poiré LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Yuliia Smoilovska Mahmoud Fakhfakh WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Lee-jones Brad Benjamin Pascal LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Yvan Pacôme Barnabé Bonnefous-Charnay WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Pieter Jacobs Theophile Przybylak LOSS WIN
Pool 2 François Bois Desvergnes David WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Theophile Przybylak Yvan Pacôme WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Barnabé Bonnefous-Charnay Desvergnes David WIN LOSS
Pool 2 François Bois Pieter Jacobs WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Desvergnes David Yvan Pacôme WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Theophile Przybylak François Bois DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Barnabé Bonnefous-Charnay Pieter Jacobs WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Yvan Pacôme François Bois LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Desvergnes David Pieter Jacobs WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Theophile Przybylak Barnabé Bonnefous-Charnay DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Pieter Jacobs Yvan Pacôme WIN LOSS
Pool 2 François Bois Barnabé Bonnefous-Charnay WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Desvergnes David Theophile Przybylak LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Paolo Dahan Rouby Thomas WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Valentin Rossi Anthony Garnier DRAW DRAW
Pool 3 Óscar Genovés Pascua Roman Vítek LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Rouby Thomas Anthony Garnier LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Paolo Dahan Roman Vítek LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Valentin Rossi Óscar Genovés Pascua LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Roman Vítek Rouby Thomas WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Anthony Garnier Óscar Genovés Pascua WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Valentin Rossi Paolo Dahan LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Óscar Genovés Pascua Rouby Thomas LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Valentin Rossi Roman Vítek LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Anthony Garnier Paolo Dahan WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Rouby Thomas Valentin Rossi LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Óscar Genovés Pascua Paolo Dahan WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Roman Vítek Anthony Garnier WIN LOSS
1/16 Yvan Pacôme Lee-jones Brad WIN LOSS
1/16 Pieter Jacobs Rouby Thomas WIN LOSS
1/8 Yvan Pacôme Roman Vítek LOSS WIN
1/8 Barnabé Bonnefous-Charnay Yuliia Smoilovska WIN LOSS
1/8 Vincent Poiré Gille Buyle WIN LOSS
1/8 Anthony Garnier Desvergnes David WIN LOSS
1/8 Valentin Rossi Theophile Przybylak LOSS WIN
1/8 Paolo Dahan Benjamin Pascal LOSS WIN
1/8 Mahmoud Fakhfakh Óscar Genovés Pascua LOSS WIN
1/8 Pieter Jacobs François Bois LOSS WIN
1/4 Roman Vítek Barnabé Bonnefous-Charnay WIN LOSS
1/4 Vincent Poiré Anthony Garnier LOSS WIN
1/4 Theophile Przybylak Benjamin Pascal WIN LOSS
1/4 François Bois Óscar Genovés Pascua WIN LOSS
1/2 Roman Vítek Anthony Garnier WIN LOSS
1/2 Theophile Przybylak François Bois LOSS WIN
Final Roman Vítek François Bois LOSS WIN
Bronze final Anthony Garnier Theophile Przybylak WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Aleksandr Ermolov Joris Dufayard WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Aron Kazay Benjamin Pascal LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Victor Moulard Maxime Deman LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Aleksandr Ermolov Benjamin Pascal LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Maxime Deman Joris Dufayard WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Aron Kazay Victor Moulard LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Aleksandr Ermolov Maxime Deman LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Victor Moulard Benjamin Pascal LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Joris Dufayard Aron Kazay LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Victor Moulard Aleksandr Ermolov LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Aron Kazay Maxime Deman WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Benjamin Pascal Joris Dufayard WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Aron Kazay Aleksandr Ermolov LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Joris Dufayard Victor Moulard LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Maxime Deman Benjamin Pascal LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Thomas Pelosse Theophile Przybylak LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Hauve Christian Nicolas Wöhrel WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Theophile Przybylak Colin Miraglio LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Hauve Christian Thomas Pelosse LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Colin Miraglio Nicolas Wöhrel WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Hauve Christian Theophile Przybylak LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Thomas Pelosse Nicolas Wöhrel WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Hauve Christian Colin Miraglio LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Theophile Przybylak Nicolas Wöhrel WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Thomas Pelosse Colin Miraglio DRAW DRAW
Pool 3 Emmanuel Maitrehenry Bjarne van Os WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Théo Fovet Yihang Mung DRAW DRAW
Pool 3 Bjarne van Os Jean-Albert Rubod LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Théo Fovet Emmanuel Maitrehenry DRAW DRAW
Pool 3 Jean-Albert Rubod Yihang Mung LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Théo Fovet Bjarne van Os WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Yihang Mung Emmanuel Maitrehenry WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Théo Fovet Jean-Albert Rubod WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Bjarne van Os Yihang Mung LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Emmanuel Maitrehenry Jean-Albert Rubod LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Emeric Bazalgette Egon Beyrens LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Roman Vítek François Bois LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Anthony Garnier Romain Gudet WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Egon Beyrens François Bois LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Emeric Bazalgette Anthony Garnier LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Roman Vítek Romain Gudet WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Anthony Garnier Egon Beyrens WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Romain Gudet François Bois LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Emeric Bazalgette Roman Vítek LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Egon Beyrens Romain Gudet WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Anthony Garnier Roman Vítek LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Emeric Bazalgette François Bois LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Egon Beyrens Roman Vítek WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Emeric Bazalgette Romain Gudet WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Anthony Garnier François Bois LOSS WIN
1/16 Hauve Christian Emmanuel Maitrehenry LOSS WIN
1/16 Joris Dufayard Thomas Pelosse LOSS WIN
1/16 Romain Gudet Victor Moulard WIN LOSS
1/16 Aleksandr Ermolov Bjarne van Os WIN LOSS
1/16 Aron Kazay Emeric Bazalgette WIN LOSS
1/8 Benjamin Pascal Emmanuel Maitrehenry LOSS WIN
1/8 Roman Vítek Anthony Garnier LOSS WIN
1/8 Theophile Przybylak Thomas Pelosse WIN LOSS
1/8 Romain Gudet Colin Miraglio WIN LOSS
1/8 Théo Fovet Aleksandr Ermolov WIN LOSS
1/8 Aron Kazay François Bois LOSS WIN
1/4 Anthony Garnier Emmanuel Maitrehenry WIN LOSS
1/4 Yihang Mung Theophile Przybylak LOSS WIN
1/4 Romain Gudet Théo Fovet LOSS WIN
1/4 Maxime Deman François Bois LOSS WIN
1/2 Anthony Garnier Theophile Przybylak LOSS WIN
1/2 François Bois Théo Fovet WIN LOSS
Final Theophile Przybylak François Bois LOSS WIN
Bronze final Théo Fovet Anthony Garnier LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Roman Vítek Colin Miraglio WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Victor Moulard Benjamin Pascal LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Thomas Pelosse Roman Vítek LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Victor Moulard Colin Miraglio LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Benjamin Pascal Thomas Pelosse WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Roman Vítek Victor Moulard WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Colin Miraglio Benjamin Pascal WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Victor Moulard Thomas Pelosse LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Benjamin Pascal Roman Vítek LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Thomas Pelosse Colin Miraglio LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Gaël Marais Adrien Ala LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Louis Lebeau Théo Fovet WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Yihang Mung Gaël Marais WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Adrien Ala Louis Lebeau LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Théo Fovet Yihang Mung LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Louis Lebeau Gaël Marais LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Adrien Ala Théo Fovet WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Yihang Mung Louis Lebeau DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Gaël Marais Théo Fovet WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Yihang Mung Adrien Ala WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Joris Dufayard Emmanuel Maitrehenry LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Gabriel Tardio Gilles Carriere LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Aron Kazay Romain Gudet WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Gabriel Tardio Emmanuel Maitrehenry DRAW DRAW
Pool 3 Aron Kazay Joris Dufayard WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Romain Gudet Gilles Carriere LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Emmanuel Maitrehenry Aron Kazay LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Gabriel Tardio Romain Gudet DRAW DRAW
Pool 3 Joris Dufayard Gilles Carriere LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Emmanuel Maitrehenry Romain Gudet WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Gilles Carriere Aron Kazay WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Gabriel Tardio Joris Dufayard WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Emmanuel Maitrehenry Gilles Carriere LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Romain Gudet Joris Dufayard DRAW DRAW
Pool 3 Aron Kazay Gabriel Tardio WIN LOSS
1/8 Joris Dufayard Roman Vítek LOSS WIN
1/8 Emmanuel Maitrehenry Gabriel Tardio WIN LOSS
1/8 Louis Lebeau Benjamin Pascal WIN LOSS
1/8 Aron Kazay Romain Gudet WIN LOSS
1/8 Yihang Mung Victor Moulard WIN LOSS
1/8 Gaël Marais Thomas Pelosse WIN LOSS
1/8 Colin Miraglio Adrien Ala WIN LOSS
1/8 Gilles Carriere Théo Fovet WIN LOSS
1/4 Emmanuel Maitrehenry Roman Vítek LOSS WIN
1/4 Louis Lebeau Aron Kazay WIN LOSS
1/4 Yihang Mung Gaël Marais WIN LOSS
1/4 Colin Miraglio Gilles Carriere WIN LOSS
1/2 Roman Vítek Louis Lebeau WIN LOSS
1/2 Yihang Mung Colin Miraglio WIN LOSS
Final Roman Vítek Yihang Mung WIN LOSS
Bronze final Colin Miraglio Louis Lebeau LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Yuliia Smoilovska Alexia Detraz WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Ausseresse Ophélie Claudine Gombert WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Yuliia Smoilovska Ausseresse Ophélie WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Alexia Detraz Claudine Gombert WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Yuliia Smoilovska Claudine Gombert LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Alexia Detraz Ausseresse Ophélie WIN LOSS
1/2 Yuliia Smoilovska Claudine Gombert WIN LOSS
1/2 Alexia Detraz Ausseresse Ophélie WIN LOSS
Final Yuliia Smoilovska Alexia Detraz WIN LOSS
Bronze Final Ausseresse Ophélie Claudine Gombert LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Montpellier Hema Tournament 2024

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
35 19 Maarten van der Auwera Sumus Soldani 1773.4 49.9
54 23 Egon Beyrens SwArta 1731 31.1
78 101 Jan Pelgrims Sumus Soldani 1698.1 91.4
127 45 François Bois Ost du Griffon Noir 1652.1 40
135 54 Gaël Marais École Chevaleresque 1642 53.4
136 316 Arnaud Marchand La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1642 156.6
140 18 Colin Miraglio Blademasters Academy 1637.9 14.2
214 Quentin Lacroix La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1590.8
230 52 Vincent Poiré Frères d'AMHE 1579.9 26.9
273 145 Gabriel Tardio De Feu et d'Acier 1560.1 65.5
287 44 Theophile Przybylak Lyon AMHE 1555.2 15.7
305 Mathias Sanchez Lyon AMHE 1544.3
306 6 Benjamin Pascal Clermont-Ferrand AMHE 1544.2 0.4
321 45 Fabien Goury Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon 1537.5 18.8
350 169 Aleksandr Ermolov Lyon AMHE 1524.4 58.7
378 108 Adrien Ala Frères d'AMHE 1511.3 35.6
433 135 Paolo Dahan N/A 1495.4 49.7
450 5 Thomas Pelosse Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon 1489.5 5.4
472 537 Emmanuel Maitrehenry Lyon AMHE 1483.4 144.4
590 Bellini Mathieu La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1451.4
701 266 Valentin Rossi Frères d'AMHE 1415 65.1
823 74 Pieter Jacobs Arte Mortiferum 1384.6 18.7
849 187 Óscar Genovés Pascua Sala d'Armes Monjuïc 1378.9 44.2
925 David Perchais Lyon AMHE 1362.3
989 105 Clément Grilli Club Sportif et de Loisirs de la Gendarmerie de GAP 1347.9 19.6
991 109 Théo Fovet École Chevaleresque 1347.5 20.4
1314 2314 Maxime Deman Lyon AMHE 1284.1 406.7
1330 270 Romain Gudet Lyon AMHE 1281.1 52.5
1448 Aron Kazay Tempus Fugitives 1257.2
1564 91 Bjarne van Os Arte Mortiferum 1239.7 20.4
1608 990 Geoffroy Sainte-Catherine De Feu et d'Acier 1234.8 167.4
1614 Le Moing Zacharie Ost du Griffon Noir 1233.8
1619 Desvergnes David Batesta 1232.8
1661 Lee-jones Brad AMHE Apicula Carcassona 1225.9
1662 Tim Hog Lyon AMHE 1225.7
1786 Ferrand Léo Ecole d'Escrime Médiévale L'Âme Impetueuse 1203.6
1798 27 Gille Buyle Arte Mortiferum 1200.8 2.7
2041 Alexandre Cornede Eveil de Lame 1163.3
2066 263 Joris Dufayard Les Indépendants Réunis 1159.7 33.7
2160 188 Yuliia Smoilovska Guild of Duel Fencing 1147.5 39.7
2217 Zerhouni Yassine La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1139.1
2330 73 Jean-Albert Rubod Lyon AMHE 1118.2 2.2
2542 Ausseresse Ophélie Cercle d'Armes du Dauphiné 1085
2616 891 Romain Guendon Frères d'AMHE 1074.5 171.1
2623 Besson Simon Frères d'AMHE 1074
2838 Di Majo Stéphane École Chevaleresque 1040.8
2894 Pottier Killian SAEA Aveyron 1033
2904 Biras Jean-françois Perigüers Estocada 1030.9
3130 Eric Lemaresquier Ecole d'Escrime Médiévale L'Âme Impetueuse 986.7
3240 Chelius Amaury École Chevaleresque 968.7
3241 Jan Juanola Wesley N/A 968.7
3345 449 Adrien Valenza École Chevaleresque 948.1 105.8
3931 162 Nicolas Wöhrel SAEA Aveyron 832.5 14.1
4160 Guillaume Rigaux École Chevaleresque 762.7
4330 Calvier Paul Perigüers Estocada 684.3
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
152 6 Alexia Detraz Les Indépendants Réunis 1208.4 13
166 160 Yuliia Smoilovska Guild of Duel Fencing 1180.8 332
297 Claudine Gombert Frères d'AMHE 925.3
335 Ausseresse Ophélie Cercle d'Armes du Dauphiné 846.8
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
19 11 Roman Vítek Major Militia Modena 1756.9 52.9
43 27 Yihang Mung Ausardia HEMA Club 1651.2 59.4
62 23 Gilles Carriere École Chevaleresque 1617.5 65.9
85 21 Gaël Marais École Chevaleresque 1559.4 45.5
86 Louis Lebeau Batesta 1558.4
111 49 Colin Miraglio Blademasters Academy 1516.4 73.3
129 57 Aron Kazay Tempus Fugitives 1494.8 73.9
274 75 Adrien Ala Frères d'AMHE 1346 70.8
292 3 Benjamin Pascal Clermont-Ferrand AMHE 1331.3 4.2
301 208 Emmanuel Maitrehenry Lyon AMHE 1327.8 168.1
304 78 Théo Fovet École Chevaleresque 1325.9 51.6
315 18 Gabriel Tardio De Feu et d'Acier 1315 3.6
558 44 Joris Dufayard Les Indépendants Réunis 1142.6 15
588 2 Romain Gudet Lyon AMHE 1127.6 22.7
601 56 Thomas Pelosse Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon 1117.7 51.3
820 78 Victor Moulard École Chevaleresque 979.6 24.7
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
4 31 François Bois Ost du Griffon Noir 1749.4 163
24 11 Roman Vítek Major Militia Modena 1615.4 48.3
51 46 Theophile Przybylak Lyon AMHE 1532.5 118.7
78 380 Anthony Garnier Lyon AMHE 1456.7 429.5
90 8 Yihang Mung Ausardia HEMA Club 1440 30.7
92 23 Egon Beyrens SwArta 1438.2 55.6
97 11 Théo Fovet École Chevaleresque 1427.1 38.5
109 18 Thomas Pelosse Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon 1392.9 41.6
115 126 Benjamin Pascal Clermont-Ferrand AMHE 1386.5 146.2
131 70 Colin Miraglio Blademasters Academy 1358.6 89.4
192 62 Aleksandr Ermolov Lyon AMHE 1285.2 56.7
263 103 Emmanuel Maitrehenry Lyon AMHE 1220.7 109.5
303 44 Romain Gudet Lyon AMHE 1175.1 44.3
331 148 Jean-Albert Rubod Lyon AMHE 1150.5 149
332 7 Emeric Bazalgette École Chevaleresque 1149.8 0.8
357 Aron Kazay Tempus Fugitives 1127.9
364 291 Maxime Deman Lyon AMHE 1120.8 302.6
391 19 Victor Moulard École Chevaleresque 1100.3 8.9
548 Hauve Christian École Chevaleresque 958
623 Bjarne van Os Arte Mortiferum 868.8
661 Joris Dufayard Les Indépendants Réunis 820.7
665 21 Nicolas Wöhrel SAEA Aveyron 818.4 11.8
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
221 9 Alexia Detraz Les Indépendants Réunis 1208.4 13
251 235 Yuliia Smoilovska Guild of Duel Fencing 1180.8 332
441 Claudine Gombert Frères d'AMHE 925.3
498 Ausseresse Ophélie Cercle d'Armes du Dauphiné 846.8