War in the West 2024

Date May 24, 2024
Country Australia
State Western Australia
City Perth
Software HEMA Scorecard (results )

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 142 49
Mixed Steel Any Weapon 40 40
Mixed Steel Sabre 101 31
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler 101 31
Mixed Steel Single Rapier 81 26

Fighters in event

Geraud Lemenager Aiginskalk
Luke Dornan Cairns European Sword Academy
Vesselin Petkov Cairns European Sword Academy
Dennis Gubb Fitzroy College of Arms
Matthew Pihodnya Ironclad Academy Of The Sword
Ryan Coleman Ironclad Academy Of The Sword
Damien Hewson-Donovan Melbourne Messer Club
Lee North-Connor Melbourne Messer Club
Nelson McGuigan Melbourne Messer Club
Katherine Livingston Scholar Victoria
Ben Brash Sword-Point College of Arms
John Prescott Sword-Point College of Arms
Anthony Phoenix Sword-Point College of Arms
Shannon Dixon Sword-Point College of Arms
Scott Hobbs Sword-Point College of Arms
Jacinta Reynolds Ursa Major HEMA Academy
Jessica Coverley Ursa Major HEMA Academy
Alex Wilson Ursa Major HEMA Academy
David Critchley Ursa Major HEMA Academy
Patrick Bromfield Ursa Major HEMA Academy
Jim Campbell Ursa Major HEMA Academy
Chris Nguyen Ursa Major HEMA Academy
Carter Walshe Ursa Major HEMA Academy
Daniel Thomson Ursa Major HEMA Academy
Kobe McCarthy-Witheridge Ursa Major HEMA Academy
Bill Coates Ursa Major HEMA Academy
Henry Wang Ursa Major HEMA Academy
Jason Culverwell Ursa Major HEMA Academy
Liam Mellowship Ursa Major HEMA Academy
Luke Tornilla Ursa Major HEMA Academy
Sean Tomlinson Ursa Major HEMA Academy
Simon Airey Ursa Major HEMA Academy
Steven Frossos Ursa Major HEMA Academy
Tim Hamilton Ursa Major HEMA Academy
Toby Whitnall Ursa Major HEMA Academy
Mark Bruce Ursa Major HEMA Academy
Michael See Ursa Major HEMA Academy
Peter Carey Ursa Major HEMA Academy
Sebastian Sedgeman Ursa Major HEMA Academy
Tom Wainwright Ursa Major HEMA Academy
Tyler Lindsay-Smith Ursa Major HEMA Academy
Siobhan Sullivan Ursa Major HEMA Academy
Ma Yat Tsun Einherjar HEMA Club
Yau Chung Sze Einherjar HEMA Club
Kin Yin (Steve) To Einherjar HEMA Club
Man Sing Wong Einherjar HEMA Club
Lincoln Rose IronFolk Combat
Shawn Ho Bastion HEMA Singapore
Amirulamin Bin Mohd Osman Bastion HEMA Singapore
Jonathan Lim Bastion HEMA Singapore
Yeo Yong Jun Bastion HEMA Singapore


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pools Scott Hobbs Lee North-Connor WIN LOSS
Pools Lee North-Connor Kobe McCarthy-Witheridge WIN LOSS
Pools Kobe McCarthy-Witheridge Scott Hobbs WIN LOSS
Pools Lee North-Connor Matthew Pihodnya WIN LOSS
Pools Kobe McCarthy-Witheridge Matthew Pihodnya LOSS WIN
Pools Scott Hobbs Matthew Pihodnya LOSS WIN
Pools Katherine Livingston Lee North-Connor DRAW DRAW
Pools Matthew Pihodnya Katherine Livingston WIN LOSS
Pools Scott Hobbs Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
Pools Kobe McCarthy-Witheridge Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
Pools Tyler Lindsay-Smith Geraud Lemenager LOSS WIN
Pools Geraud Lemenager Sean Tomlinson DRAW DRAW
Pools Sean Tomlinson Luke Dornan LOSS WIN
Pools Tyler Lindsay-Smith Sean Tomlinson WIN LOSS
Pools Geraud Lemenager Luke Dornan WIN LOSS
Pools Tyler Lindsay-Smith Luke Dornan LOSS WIN
Pools Geraud Lemenager Dennis Gubb DRAW DRAW
Pools Sean Tomlinson Dennis Gubb LOSS WIN
Pools Dennis Gubb Tyler Lindsay-Smith WIN LOSS
Pools Luke Dornan Dennis Gubb WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Simon Airey Nelson McGuigan WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Luke Dornan Man Sing Wong WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Simon Airey Lincoln Rose WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Nelson McGuigan Man Sing Wong WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Lincoln Rose Luke Dornan LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Simon Airey Man Sing Wong WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Nelson McGuigan Lincoln Rose WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Simon Airey Luke Dornan WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Lincoln Rose Man Sing Wong WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Nelson McGuigan Luke Dornan WIN LOSS
Pools Luke Tornilla Kin Yin (Steve) To LOSS WIN
Pools Damien Hewson-Donovan Kin Yin (Steve) To DRAW DRAW
Pools Damien Hewson-Donovan Jessica Coverley LOSS WIN
Pools Luke Tornilla Damien Hewson-Donovan WIN LOSS
Pools Jessica Coverley Kin Yin (Steve) To WIN LOSS
Pools Luke Tornilla Jessica Coverley WIN LOSS
Pools Kin Yin (Steve) To Henry Wang WIN LOSS
Pools Damien Hewson-Donovan Henry Wang WIN LOSS
Pools Luke Tornilla Henry Wang WIN LOSS
Pools Jessica Coverley Henry Wang WIN LOSS
Pools Ma Yat Tsun Lincoln Rose WIN LOSS
Pools Jason Culverwell Lincoln Rose LOSS WIN
Pools Ma Yat Tsun Liam Mellowship WIN LOSS
Pools Liam Mellowship Lincoln Rose LOSS WIN
Pools Ma Yat Tsun Jason Culverwell WIN LOSS
Pools Liam Mellowship Jason Culverwell LOSS WIN
Pools Alex Wilson Lincoln Rose LOSS WIN
Pools Jason Culverwell Alex Wilson LOSS WIN
Pools Ma Yat Tsun Alex Wilson WIN LOSS
Pools Liam Mellowship Alex Wilson LOSS WIN
Pools Sebastian Sedgeman Shannon Dixon LOSS WIN
Pools Jim Campbell Steven Frossos WIN LOSS
Pools Shannon Dixon Jim Campbell LOSS WIN
Pools Steven Frossos Shannon Dixon WIN LOSS
Pools Sebastian Sedgeman Steven Frossos LOSS WIN
Pools Jim Campbell Sebastian Sedgeman WIN LOSS
Pools Shawn Ho Sebastian Sedgeman DRAW DRAW
Pools Steven Frossos Shawn Ho WIN LOSS
Pools Shawn Ho Shannon Dixon WIN LOSS
Pools Jim Campbell Shawn Ho WIN LOSS
Pools David Critchley Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
Pools Anthony Phoenix David Critchley LOSS WIN
Pools Bill Coates Anthony Phoenix WIN LOSS
Pools Nelson McGuigan Anthony Phoenix WIN LOSS
Pools Bill Coates David Critchley LOSS WIN
Pools Nelson McGuigan Bill Coates WIN LOSS
Pools Michael See David Critchley LOSS WIN
Pools Anthony Phoenix Michael See WIN LOSS
Pools Nelson McGuigan Michael See WIN LOSS
Pools Bill Coates Michael See WIN LOSS
Pools Jacinta Reynolds Toby Whitnall LOSS WIN
Pools Yau Chung Sze Jacinta Reynolds LOSS WIN
Pools Toby Whitnall Yau Chung Sze WIN LOSS
Pools Yeo Yong Jun Toby Whitnall WIN LOSS
Pools Yau Chung Sze Yeo Yong Jun LOSS WIN
Pools Jacinta Reynolds Yeo Yong Jun LOSS WIN
Pools Tom Wainwright Toby Whitnall LOSS WIN
Pools Yeo Yong Jun Tom Wainwright WIN LOSS
Pools Tom Wainwright Jacinta Reynolds LOSS WIN
Pools Yau Chung Sze Tom Wainwright WIN LOSS
Pools Mark Bruce Vesselin Petkov LOSS WIN
Pools Patrick Bromfield Man Sing Wong LOSS WIN
Pools Amirulamin Bin Mohd Osman Vesselin Petkov LOSS WIN
Pools Mark Bruce Man Sing Wong LOSS WIN
Pools Patrick Bromfield Amirulamin Bin Mohd Osman WIN LOSS
Pools Man Sing Wong Vesselin Petkov LOSS WIN
Pools Amirulamin Bin Mohd Osman Mark Bruce WIN LOSS
Pools Patrick Bromfield Vesselin Petkov LOSS WIN
Pools Man Sing Wong Amirulamin Bin Mohd Osman WIN LOSS
Pools Patrick Bromfield Mark Bruce WIN LOSS
Pools Ben Brash Carter Walshe LOSS WIN
Pools Peter Carey Daniel Thomson LOSS WIN
Pools Carter Walshe Peter Carey WIN LOSS
Pools Daniel Thomson Carter Walshe WIN LOSS
Pools Daniel Thomson Ben Brash WIN LOSS
Pools Peter Carey Ben Brash LOSS WIN
Pools Ben Brash Jonathan Lim LOSS WIN
Pools Jonathan Lim Daniel Thomson LOSS WIN
Pools Carter Walshe Jonathan Lim LOSS WIN
Pools Peter Carey Jonathan Lim LOSS WIN
Pools Chris Nguyen Simon Airey LOSS WIN
Pools John Prescott Ryan Coleman LOSS WIN
Pools Simon Airey Ryan Coleman WIN LOSS
Pools John Prescott Simon Airey LOSS WIN
Pools Chris Nguyen John Prescott LOSS WIN
Pools Ryan Coleman Chris Nguyen DRAW DRAW
Semi Finals Ma Yat Tsun Jim Campbell LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Toby Whitnall Jonathan Lim LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Jim Campbell Lee North-Connor WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Toby Whitnall Ma Yat Tsun DRAW DRAW
Semi Finals Jonathan Lim Lee North-Connor WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Jim Campbell Toby Whitnall WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Lee North-Connor Ma Yat Tsun LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Jim Campbell Jonathan Lim WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Toby Whitnall Lee North-Connor WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Ma Yat Tsun Jonathan Lim DRAW DRAW
Semi Finals Daniel Thomson Yeo Yong Jun WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Luke Tornilla Steven Frossos LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Geraud Lemenager Yeo Yong Jun WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Luke Tornilla Daniel Thomson LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Geraud Lemenager Steven Frossos WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Luke Tornilla Yeo Yong Jun LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Geraud Lemenager Daniel Thomson LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Steven Frossos Yeo Yong Jun LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Geraud Lemenager Luke Tornilla WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Steven Frossos Daniel Thomson LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Matthew Pihodnya Vesselin Petkov LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Jessica Coverley David Critchley LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Ryan Coleman Vesselin Petkov LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Matthew Pihodnya David Critchley LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Ryan Coleman Jessica Coverley WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Vesselin Petkov David Critchley LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Ryan Coleman Matthew Pihodnya LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Jessica Coverley Vesselin Petkov LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Ryan Coleman David Critchley LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Jessica Coverley Matthew Pihodnya LOSS WIN
Finals Simon Airey Daniel Thomson DRAW DRAW
Finals David Critchley Jim Campbell LOSS WIN
Finals Daniel Thomson Jim Campbell LOSS WIN
Finals David Critchley Daniel Thomson WIN LOSS
Finals Simon Airey David Critchley LOSS WIN
Finals Jim Campbell Simon Airey WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Set 1 Lee North-Connor David Critchley LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Peter Carey Damien Hewson-Donovan LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Toby Whitnall Tom Wainwright WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Katherine Livingston Luke Tornilla WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Alex Wilson Luke Dornan LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Tyler Lindsay-Smith Dennis Gubb WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Siobhan Sullivan Shawn Ho LOSS WIN
Pool Set 2 David Critchley Ben Brash WIN LOSS
Pool Set 2 Amirulamin Bin Mohd Osman Carter Walshe LOSS WIN
Pool Set 2 Chris Nguyen Damien Hewson-Donovan LOSS WIN
Pool Set 2 Yau Chung Sze Vesselin Petkov LOSS WIN
Pool Set 2 Toby Whitnall Daniel Thomson LOSS WIN
Pool Set 2 Ma Yat Tsun Henry Wang WIN LOSS
Pool Set 2 Jacinta Reynolds Katherine Livingston WIN LOSS
Pool Set 2 Patrick Bromfield Jessica Coverley WIN LOSS
Pool Set 2 Luke Dornan Jim Campbell WIN LOSS
Pool Set 2 Sebastian Sedgeman John Prescott WIN LOSS
Pool Set 2 Tyler Lindsay-Smith Kin Yin (Steve) To WIN LOSS
Pool Set 2 Kobe McCarthy-Witheridge Scott Hobbs WIN LOSS
Pool Set 2 Shawn Ho Lincoln Rose LOSS WIN
Pool Set 2 Ryan Coleman Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
Pool Set 2 Matthew Pihodnya Steven Frossos LOSS WIN
Pool Set 2 Simon Airey Michael See WIN LOSS
Pool Set 3 Carter Walshe David Critchley WIN LOSS
Pool Set 3 Damien Hewson-Donovan Vesselin Petkov LOSS WIN
Pool Set 3 Daniel Thomson Ma Yat Tsun WIN LOSS
Pool Set 3 Patrick Bromfield Jacinta Reynolds WIN LOSS
Pool Set 3 Sebastian Sedgeman Luke Dornan LOSS WIN
Pool Set 3 Kobe McCarthy-Witheridge Tyler Lindsay-Smith LOSS WIN
Pool Set 3 Nelson McGuigan Lincoln Rose WIN LOSS
Pool Set 3 Simon Airey Steven Frossos WIN LOSS
Pool Set 4 Carter Walshe Vesselin Petkov LOSS WIN
Pool Set 4 Daniel Thomson Patrick Bromfield LOSS WIN
Pool Set 4 Luke Dornan Tyler Lindsay-Smith WIN LOSS
Pool Set 4 Simon Airey Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
Pool Set 5 Vesselin Petkov Patrick Bromfield WIN LOSS
Pool Set 5 Luke Dornan Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
Pool Set 6 Patrick Bromfield Luke Dornan LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Man Sing Wong Steven Frossos LOSS WIN
Pool Set 6 Vesselin Petkov Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pools Nelson McGuigan Jim Campbell WIN LOSS
Pools Tyler Lindsay-Smith Scott Hobbs WIN LOSS
Pools Nelson McGuigan Scott Hobbs WIN LOSS
Pools Scott Hobbs Jim Campbell LOSS WIN
Pools Jim Campbell Tyler Lindsay-Smith WIN LOSS
Pools Tyler Lindsay-Smith Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
Pools Jim Campbell Sean Tomlinson WIN LOSS
Pools Tyler Lindsay-Smith Sean Tomlinson LOSS WIN
Pools Nelson McGuigan Sean Tomlinson WIN LOSS
Pools Scott Hobbs Sean Tomlinson LOSS WIN
Pools David Critchley Ryan Coleman WIN LOSS
Pools Henry Wang Steven Frossos WIN LOSS
Pools Damien Hewson-Donovan David Critchley LOSS WIN
Pools Ryan Coleman Steven Frossos WIN LOSS
Pools Damien Hewson-Donovan Henry Wang WIN LOSS
Pools Steven Frossos David Critchley LOSS WIN
Pools Damien Hewson-Donovan Ryan Coleman DRAW DRAW
Pools Henry Wang David Critchley LOSS WIN
Pools Damien Hewson-Donovan Steven Frossos DRAW DRAW
Pools Ryan Coleman Henry Wang WIN LOSS
Pools Luke Dornan Toby Whitnall WIN LOSS
Pools Simon Airey Alex Wilson WIN LOSS
Pools Luke Dornan Kin Yin (Steve) To WIN LOSS
Pools Toby Whitnall Alex Wilson WIN LOSS
Pools Simon Airey Kin Yin (Steve) To LOSS WIN
Pools Luke Dornan Alex Wilson WIN LOSS
Pools Toby Whitnall Kin Yin (Steve) To WIN LOSS
Pools Luke Dornan Simon Airey WIN LOSS
Pools Kin Yin (Steve) To Alex Wilson LOSS WIN
Pools Simon Airey Toby Whitnall LOSS WIN
Pools Katherine Livingston Jessica Coverley LOSS WIN
Pools Carter Walshe Vesselin Petkov LOSS WIN
Pools Jessica Coverley Carter Walshe DRAW DRAW
Pools Katherine Livingston Carter Walshe WIN LOSS
Pools Vesselin Petkov Katherine Livingston WIN LOSS
Pools Jessica Coverley Vesselin Petkov LOSS WIN
Pools Patrick Bromfield Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
Pools Vesselin Petkov Patrick Bromfield LOSS WIN
Pools Jessica Coverley Patrick Bromfield LOSS WIN
Pools Carter Walshe Patrick Bromfield LOSS WIN
Pools Lincoln Rose Chris Nguyen DRAW DRAW
Pools Tim Hamilton Daniel Thomson LOSS WIN
Pools Chris Nguyen Daniel Thomson LOSS WIN
Pools Lincoln Rose Daniel Thomson LOSS WIN
Pools Tim Hamilton Lincoln Rose DRAW DRAW
Pools Chris Nguyen Tim Hamilton WIN LOSS
Pools Dennis Gubb Lincoln Rose WIN LOSS
Pools Tim Hamilton Dennis Gubb LOSS WIN
Pools Chris Nguyen Dennis Gubb LOSS WIN
Pools Daniel Thomson Dennis Gubb DRAW DRAW
Pools Siobhan Sullivan Ma Yat Tsun DRAW DRAW
Pools Jacinta Reynolds Lee North-Connor WIN LOSS
Pools Ma Yat Tsun Jacinta Reynolds LOSS WIN
Pools Lee North-Connor Geraud Lemenager LOSS WIN
Pools Jacinta Reynolds Geraud Lemenager LOSS WIN
Pools Siobhan Sullivan Lee North-Connor LOSS WIN
Pools Ma Yat Tsun Geraud Lemenager LOSS WIN
Pools Siobhan Sullivan Jacinta Reynolds WIN LOSS
Pools Ma Yat Tsun Lee North-Connor LOSS WIN
Pools Siobhan Sullivan Geraud Lemenager LOSS WIN
Pools Matthew Pihodnya Lee North-Connor WIN LOSS
Pools Ma Yat Tsun Matthew Pihodnya LOSS WIN
Pools Matthew Pihodnya Geraud Lemenager WIN LOSS
Pools Siobhan Sullivan Matthew Pihodnya LOSS WIN
Pools Jacinta Reynolds Matthew Pihodnya LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Jim Campbell David Critchley WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Luke Dornan Vesselin Petkov LOSS WIN
Semi Finals David Critchley Luke Dornan LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Jim Campbell Vesselin Petkov WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Luke Dornan Jim Campbell LOSS WIN
Semi Finals David Critchley Vesselin Petkov WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Geraud Lemenager Luke Dornan DRAW DRAW
Semi Finals Vesselin Petkov Daniel Thomson LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Geraud Lemenager Jim Campbell DRAW DRAW
Semi Finals David Critchley Daniel Thomson WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Daniel Thomson Jim Campbell LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Vesselin Petkov Geraud Lemenager WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Daniel Thomson Luke Dornan LOSS WIN
Semi Finals David Critchley Geraud Lemenager LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Daniel Thomson Geraud Lemenager LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Ryan Coleman Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Dennis Gubb Toby Whitnall WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Ryan Coleman Toby Whitnall LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Dennis Gubb Ryan Coleman WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Nelson McGuigan Dennis Gubb WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Toby Whitnall Nelson McGuigan WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Matthew Pihodnya Toby Whitnall WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Dennis Gubb Patrick Bromfield WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Nelson McGuigan Matthew Pihodnya LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Ryan Coleman Patrick Bromfield WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Nelson McGuigan Patrick Bromfield WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Dennis Gubb Matthew Pihodnya WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Toby Whitnall Patrick Bromfield WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Matthew Pihodnya Ryan Coleman WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Matthew Pihodnya Patrick Bromfield WIN LOSS
Finals Matthew Pihodnya Jim Campbell LOSS WIN
Finals Geraud Lemenager Dennis Gubb WIN LOSS
Finals Matthew Pihodnya Geraud Lemenager WIN LOSS
Finals Dennis Gubb Matthew Pihodnya LOSS WIN
Finals Jim Campbell Dennis Gubb WIN LOSS
Finals Geraud Lemenager Jim Campbell LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pools Tyler Lindsay-Smith Ma Yat Tsun LOSS WIN
Pools Jacinta Reynolds Ma Yat Tsun WIN LOSS
Pools Tyler Lindsay-Smith Jacinta Reynolds WIN LOSS
Pools Patrick Bromfield Ma Yat Tsun LOSS WIN
Pools Tyler Lindsay-Smith Patrick Bromfield LOSS WIN
Pools Jacinta Reynolds Patrick Bromfield LOSS WIN
Pools Yeo Yong Jun Ma Yat Tsun LOSS WIN
Pools Jacinta Reynolds Yeo Yong Jun LOSS WIN
Pools Patrick Bromfield Yeo Yong Jun WIN LOSS
Pools Tyler Lindsay-Smith Yeo Yong Jun LOSS WIN
Pools Anthony Phoenix Man Sing Wong WIN LOSS
Pools Michael See Anthony Phoenix LOSS WIN
Pools Michael See Man Sing Wong LOSS WIN
Pools Matthew Pihodnya Anthony Phoenix WIN LOSS
Pools Man Sing Wong Matthew Pihodnya LOSS WIN
Pools Matthew Pihodnya Michael See WIN LOSS
Pools Toby Whitnall Michael See WIN LOSS
Pools Matthew Pihodnya Toby Whitnall LOSS WIN
Pools Man Sing Wong Toby Whitnall LOSS WIN
Pools Toby Whitnall Anthony Phoenix WIN LOSS
Pools David Critchley Simon Airey WIN LOSS
Pools Sebastian Sedgeman Vesselin Petkov LOSS WIN
Pools Dennis Gubb David Critchley LOSS WIN
Pools Simon Airey Vesselin Petkov LOSS WIN
Pools Dennis Gubb Sebastian Sedgeman WIN LOSS
Pools David Critchley Vesselin Petkov LOSS WIN
Pools Simon Airey Dennis Gubb WIN LOSS
Pools David Critchley Sebastian Sedgeman WIN LOSS
Pools Dennis Gubb Vesselin Petkov LOSS WIN
Pools Simon Airey Sebastian Sedgeman WIN LOSS
Pools Kin Yin (Steve) To Kobe McCarthy-Witheridge LOSS WIN
Pools Carter Walshe Kin Yin (Steve) To LOSS WIN
Pools Kobe McCarthy-Witheridge Carter Walshe WIN LOSS
Pools Katherine Livingston Kobe McCarthy-Witheridge WIN LOSS
Pools Carter Walshe Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
Pools Kin Yin (Steve) To Katherine Livingston WIN LOSS
Pools Jessica Coverley Kobe McCarthy-Witheridge LOSS WIN
Pools Katherine Livingston Jessica Coverley WIN LOSS
Pools Kin Yin (Steve) To Jessica Coverley LOSS WIN
Pools Carter Walshe Jessica Coverley WIN LOSS
Pools Yau Chung Sze Jim Campbell LOSS WIN
Pools Ben Brash Yau Chung Sze WIN LOSS
Pools Jim Campbell Ben Brash WIN LOSS
Pools Tom Wainwright Ben Brash LOSS WIN
Pools Yau Chung Sze Tom Wainwright WIN LOSS
Pools Tom Wainwright Jim Campbell LOSS WIN
Pools Daniel Thomson Ben Brash WIN LOSS
Pools Tom Wainwright Daniel Thomson LOSS WIN
Pools Jim Campbell Daniel Thomson WIN LOSS
Pools Yau Chung Sze Daniel Thomson LOSS WIN
Pools Alex Wilson Luke Dornan LOSS WIN
Pools Geraud Lemenager Lincoln Rose WIN LOSS
Pools Lee North-Connor Steven Frossos LOSS WIN
Pools Alex Wilson Geraud Lemenager LOSS WIN
Pools Lee North-Connor Luke Dornan LOSS WIN
Pools Lincoln Rose Steven Frossos WIN LOSS
Pools Lee North-Connor Alex Wilson WIN LOSS
Pools Geraud Lemenager Steven Frossos WIN LOSS
Pools Luke Dornan Lincoln Rose WIN LOSS
Pools Steven Frossos Alex Wilson WIN LOSS
Pools Lincoln Rose Lee North-Connor LOSS WIN
Pools Geraud Lemenager Luke Dornan DRAW DRAW
Pools Alex Wilson Lincoln Rose WIN LOSS
Pools Steven Frossos Luke Dornan LOSS WIN
Pools Geraud Lemenager Lee North-Connor WIN LOSS
Semi final Matthew Pihodnya Patrick Bromfield WIN LOSS
Semi final Kobe McCarthy-Witheridge Luke Dornan LOSS WIN
Semi final David Critchley Jim Campbell LOSS WIN
Semi final Luke Dornan Patrick Bromfield WIN LOSS
Semi final Jim Campbell Matthew Pihodnya WIN LOSS
Semi final Kobe McCarthy-Witheridge David Critchley LOSS WIN
Semi final Patrick Bromfield Jim Campbell LOSS WIN
Semi final Luke Dornan David Critchley WIN LOSS
Semi final Matthew Pihodnya Kobe McCarthy-Witheridge WIN LOSS
Semi final David Critchley Patrick Bromfield WIN LOSS
Semi final Kobe McCarthy-Witheridge Jim Campbell LOSS WIN
Semi final Matthew Pihodnya Luke Dornan WIN LOSS
Semi final Kobe McCarthy-Witheridge Patrick Bromfield WIN LOSS
Semi final David Critchley Matthew Pihodnya LOSS WIN
Semi final Luke Dornan Jim Campbell LOSS WIN
Semi final Toby Whitnall Ma Yat Tsun WIN LOSS
Semi final Katherine Livingston Geraud Lemenager LOSS WIN
Semi final Daniel Thomson Vesselin Petkov LOSS WIN
Semi final Ma Yat Tsun Geraud Lemenager LOSS WIN
Semi final Toby Whitnall Daniel Thomson LOSS WIN
Semi final Katherine Livingston Vesselin Petkov DRAW DRAW
Semi final Ma Yat Tsun Daniel Thomson LOSS WIN
Semi final Vesselin Petkov Geraud Lemenager LOSS WIN
Semi final Toby Whitnall Katherine Livingston WIN LOSS
Semi final Ma Yat Tsun Vesselin Petkov LOSS WIN
Semi final Katherine Livingston Daniel Thomson LOSS WIN
Semi final Toby Whitnall Geraud Lemenager DRAW DRAW
Semi final Ma Yat Tsun Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
Semi final Toby Whitnall Vesselin Petkov WIN LOSS
Semi final Daniel Thomson Geraud Lemenager WIN LOSS
Finals Matthew Pihodnya Daniel Thomson LOSS WIN
Finals Geraud Lemenager Jim Campbell LOSS WIN
Finals Jim Campbell Daniel Thomson WIN LOSS
Finals Geraud Lemenager Daniel Thomson WIN LOSS
Finals Matthew Pihodnya Geraud Lemenager LOSS WIN
Finals Jim Campbell Matthew Pihodnya WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pools Alex Wilson Damien Hewson-Donovan WIN LOSS
Pools Henry Wang Dennis Gubb WIN LOSS
Pools Jim Campbell Lincoln Rose WIN LOSS
Pools Henry Wang Alex Wilson LOSS WIN
Pools Jim Campbell Damien Hewson-Donovan WIN LOSS
Pools Lincoln Rose Dennis Gubb WIN LOSS
Pools Jim Campbell Alex Wilson WIN LOSS
Pools Henry Wang Lincoln Rose LOSS WIN
Pools Damien Hewson-Donovan Dennis Gubb LOSS WIN
Pools Alex Wilson Lincoln Rose LOSS WIN
Pools Jim Campbell Dennis Gubb WIN LOSS
Pools Henry Wang Damien Hewson-Donovan LOSS WIN
Pools Alex Wilson Dennis Gubb WIN LOSS
Pools Lincoln Rose Damien Hewson-Donovan WIN LOSS
Pools Jim Campbell Henry Wang LOSS WIN
Pools Luke Dornan Carter Walshe LOSS WIN
Pools Ma Yat Tsun Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
Pools Carter Walshe Ma Yat Tsun WIN LOSS
Pools Nelson McGuigan Carter Walshe WIN LOSS
Pools Luke Dornan Ma Yat Tsun WIN LOSS
Pools Nelson McGuigan Luke Dornan WIN LOSS
Pools Luke Tornilla Ma Yat Tsun LOSS WIN
Pools Nelson McGuigan Luke Tornilla WIN LOSS
Pools Luke Tornilla Carter Walshe WIN LOSS
Pools Luke Dornan Luke Tornilla WIN LOSS
Pools Ben Brash Toby Whitnall WIN LOSS
Pools David Critchley Yau Chung Sze WIN LOSS
Pools Daniel Thomson Toby Whitnall LOSS WIN
Pools Yau Chung Sze Ben Brash LOSS WIN
Pools Daniel Thomson David Critchley LOSS WIN
Pools Yau Chung Sze Toby Whitnall LOSS WIN
Pools Ben Brash Daniel Thomson LOSS WIN
Pools David Critchley Toby Whitnall LOSS WIN
Pools Daniel Thomson Yau Chung Sze WIN LOSS
Pools David Critchley Ben Brash WIN LOSS
Pools Kin Yin (Steve) To Lee North-Connor LOSS WIN
Pools Vesselin Petkov Kin Yin (Steve) To WIN LOSS
Pools Tom Wainwright Vesselin Petkov LOSS WIN
Pools Lee North-Connor Vesselin Petkov WIN LOSS
Pools Kin Yin (Steve) To Tom Wainwright WIN LOSS
Pools Lee North-Connor Tom Wainwright WIN LOSS
Pools Kin Yin (Steve) To Steven Frossos WIN LOSS
Pools Vesselin Petkov Steven Frossos DRAW DRAW
Pools Steven Frossos Lee North-Connor DRAW DRAW
Pools Tom Wainwright Steven Frossos LOSS WIN
Pools Katherine Livingston Simon Airey WIN LOSS
Pools Patrick Bromfield Matthew Pihodnya WIN LOSS
Pools Tyler Lindsay-Smith Simon Airey LOSS WIN
Pools Katherine Livingston Matthew Pihodnya WIN LOSS
Pools Tyler Lindsay-Smith Patrick Bromfield WIN LOSS
Pools Simon Airey Matthew Pihodnya LOSS WIN
Pools Tyler Lindsay-Smith Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
Pools Simon Airey Patrick Bromfield LOSS WIN
Pools Tyler Lindsay-Smith Matthew Pihodnya LOSS WIN
Pools Katherine Livingston Patrick Bromfield LOSS WIN
Semi final Lincoln Rose Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
Semi final Vesselin Petkov David Critchley LOSS WIN
Semi final Patrick Bromfield Nelson McGuigan DRAW DRAW
Semi final Lincoln Rose David Critchley LOSS WIN
Semi final Vesselin Petkov Patrick Bromfield WIN LOSS
Semi final Nelson McGuigan David Critchley WIN LOSS
Semi final Lincoln Rose Patrick Bromfield WIN LOSS
Semi final Vesselin Petkov Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
Semi final Patrick Bromfield David Critchley LOSS WIN
Semi final Lincoln Rose Vesselin Petkov LOSS WIN
Semi final Jim Campbell Luke Dornan DRAW DRAW
Semi final Toby Whitnall Lee North-Connor WIN LOSS
Semi final Katherine Livingston Luke Dornan WIN LOSS
Semi final Toby Whitnall Jim Campbell WIN LOSS
Semi final Katherine Livingston Lee North-Connor WIN LOSS
Semi final Luke Dornan Toby Whitnall WIN LOSS
Semi final Jim Campbell Katherine Livingston WIN LOSS
Semi final Lee North-Connor Luke Dornan LOSS WIN
Semi final Katherine Livingston Toby Whitnall LOSS WIN
Semi final Lee North-Connor Jim Campbell DRAW DRAW
Grand Final David Critchley Katherine Livingston WIN LOSS
Grand Final Toby Whitnall Nelson McGuigan WIN LOSS
Grand Final Katherine Livingston Toby Whitnall LOSS WIN
Grand Final Nelson McGuigan Katherine Livingston WIN LOSS
Grand Final David Critchley Nelson McGuigan WIN LOSS
Grand Final Toby Whitnall David Critchley WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just War in the West 2024

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
39 64 Jim Campbell Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1768 95
130 22 Nelson McGuigan Melbourne Messer Club 1648.3 17.6
214 131 Toby Whitnall Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1593.7 103.3
269 14 Geraud Lemenager Aiginskalk 1564.8 6.9
310 89 Vesselin Petkov Cairns European Sword Academy 1546.1 39.3
352 50 Matthew Pihodnya Ironclad Academy Of The Sword 1524.4 23.6
384 404 Ma Yat Tsun Einherjar HEMA Club 1514 119.4
386 417 Simon Airey Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1513.2 121.4
403 451 Daniel Thomson Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1507.9 126.7
540 725 David Critchley Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1470 171.3
619 75 Luke Dornan Cairns European Sword Academy 1448.7 29.8
651 Jonathan Lim Bastion HEMA Singapore 1437.9
683 1692 Yeo Yong Jun Bastion HEMA Singapore 1428 309.5
803 11 Katherine Livingston Scholar Victoria 1396.9 2.8
835 4 Patrick Bromfield Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1389.3 3.5
1377 166 Dennis Gubb Fitzroy College of Arms 1278.9 32.8
1454 275 Lincoln Rose IronFolk Combat 1264.7 46.9
1709 10 Alex Wilson Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1223.4 1
1741 1017 Steven Frossos Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1219 158.8
1913 645 Lee North-Connor Melbourne Messer Club 1192.1 103.6
1981 357 Jacinta Reynolds Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1182.2 57.4
1982 339 Carter Walshe Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1182.1 54.5
2005 Man Sing Wong Einherjar HEMA Club 1178.3
2400 57 Damien Hewson-Donovan Melbourne Messer Club 1120.3 3.9
2409 Bill Coates Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1119.5
2524 72 Chris Nguyen Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1101.8 6
2626 738 Luke Tornilla Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1085.6 132.7
2658 Ryan Coleman Ironclad Academy Of The Sword 1081.9
2895 32 Shannon Dixon Sword-Point College of Arms 1047.7 13.3
2986 Shawn Ho Bastion HEMA Singapore 1033.9
3082 117 Yau Chung Sze Einherjar HEMA Club 1015.8 32
3115 John Prescott Sword-Point College of Arms 1009.9
3131 603 Jessica Coverley Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1007.2 120.2
3166 Amirulamin Bin Mohd Osman Bastion HEMA Singapore 1001.1
3178 Kin Yin (Steve) To Einherjar HEMA Club 999.2
3187 140 Ben Brash Sword-Point College of Arms 997.1 36.6
3265 Anthony Phoenix Sword-Point College of Arms 983.6
3399 Tyler Lindsay-Smith Ursa Major HEMA Academy 958.1
3464 Scott Hobbs Sword-Point College of Arms 946.3
3633 241 Kobe McCarthy-Witheridge Ursa Major HEMA Academy 918.9 62.3
3698 Jason Culverwell Ursa Major HEMA Academy 906.6
3784 164 Sean Tomlinson Ursa Major HEMA Academy 889.7 47
3868 Mark Bruce Ursa Major HEMA Academy 870.3
3956 Sebastian Sedgeman Ursa Major HEMA Academy 852.8
3986 Michael See Ursa Major HEMA Academy 847.6
4236 Peter Carey Ursa Major HEMA Academy 782.7
4291 Tom Wainwright Ursa Major HEMA Academy 760.9
4444 74 Liam Mellowship Ursa Major HEMA Academy 696.7 3.2
4545 Henry Wang Ursa Major HEMA Academy 549.1
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
24 2 Nelson McGuigan Melbourne Messer Club 1709.7 1.8
52 82 Jim Campbell Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1642.5 123.9
100 123 Matthew Pihodnya Ironclad Academy Of The Sword 1567.7 131
152 2 Geraud Lemenager Aiginskalk 1516.1 13.5
200 225 Luke Dornan Cairns European Sword Academy 1474.5 180.1
225 38 Vesselin Petkov Cairns European Sword Academy 1448.1 24.4
282 31 Katherine Livingston Scholar Victoria 1397.9 9
306 Toby Whitnall Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1386.4
319 177 Dennis Gubb Fitzroy College of Arms 1378.1 127.4
433 111 Daniel Thomson Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1312.7 78.8
443 692 David Critchley Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1306 379.5
572 54 Damien Hewson-Donovan Melbourne Messer Club 1239 3.5
596 170 Simon Airey Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1229.9 64.1
708 Sean Tomlinson Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1170.6
925 48 Lincoln Rose IronFolk Combat 1070.9 6.9
934 317 Ma Yat Tsun Einherjar HEMA Club 1067 124.2
940 Ryan Coleman Ironclad Academy Of The Sword 1065.1
971 103 Jacinta Reynolds Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1049.3 91.8
993 411 Patrick Bromfield Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1041.5 290.9
1017 Kin Yin (Steve) To Einherjar HEMA Club 1030.4
1044 113 Chris Nguyen Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1014.8 100.4
1047 Tyler Lindsay-Smith Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1014.3
1102 Alex Wilson Ursa Major HEMA Academy 987.6
1159 Siobhan Sullivan Ursa Major HEMA Academy 959.1
1200 164 Jessica Coverley Ursa Major HEMA Academy 942.7 157.6
1219 123 Lee North-Connor Melbourne Messer Club 928.5 131.6
1336 Scott Hobbs Sword-Point College of Arms 858
1370 52 Steven Frossos Ursa Major HEMA Academy 840.9 25.8
1372 Tim Hamilton Ursa Major HEMA Academy 838.6
1422 Henry Wang Ursa Major HEMA Academy 804
1438 Carter Walshe Ursa Major HEMA Academy 792.7
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
6 8 Jim Campbell Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1844.4 63.2
91 154 Geraud Lemenager Aiginskalk 1566.3 183.1
148 305 Toby Whitnall Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1488 265
152 366 Daniel Thomson Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1485 305.5
153 24 Matthew Pihodnya Ironclad Academy Of The Sword 1481 32.3
185 Luke Dornan Cairns European Sword Academy 1445.2
237 231 Vesselin Petkov Cairns European Sword Academy 1396.2 183.3
309 6 Katherine Livingston Scholar Victoria 1329.2 2.5
315 77 David Critchley Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1327.6 59.2
448 10 Patrick Bromfield Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1229 5.1
529 108 Dennis Gubb Fitzroy College of Arms 1177.9 62.5
560 46 Jacinta Reynolds Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1163 17.7
621 Ma Yat Tsun Einherjar HEMA Club 1122.6
622 Anthony Phoenix Sword-Point College of Arms 1121.8
636 Yeo Yong Jun Bastion HEMA Singapore 1114.5
698 199 Lee North-Connor Melbourne Messer Club 1081.7 129.6
733 444 Kobe McCarthy-Witheridge Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1064.4 360.5
757 209 Ben Brash Sword-Point College of Arms 1044.7 136.2
786 313 Simon Airey Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1028 234.7
795 12 Lincoln Rose IronFolk Combat 1024.5 3.1
800 Steven Frossos Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1019.7
825 72 Carter Walshe Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1002.5 36.1
850 Tyler Lindsay-Smith Ursa Major HEMA Academy 984.5
851 Man Sing Wong Einherjar HEMA Club 984.4
859 33 Yau Chung Sze Einherjar HEMA Club 977.9 22.2
945 Kin Yin (Steve) To Einherjar HEMA Club 934.4
979 Alex Wilson Ursa Major HEMA Academy 909.4
1044 Michael See Ursa Major HEMA Academy 847
1114 Sebastian Sedgeman Ursa Major HEMA Academy 793.1
1124 19 Jessica Coverley Ursa Major HEMA Academy 786.7 33.8
1188 Tom Wainwright Ursa Major HEMA Academy 708.4