Summer Fechten 2023
Date | August 5, 2023 |
Country | United States |
State | Oklahoma |
City | Oklahoma City |
Software | HEMA Scorecard (results ) |
Tournament stats
Division | Number of fights | Number of fighters |
Mixed Steel Longsword | 168 | 32 |
Women's Steel Longsword | 6 | 4 |
Fighters in event
All 32 fighters
This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.
Mixed Steel Longsword - 168 fights
Stage | Fighter 1 | Fighter 2 | Fighter 1 result | Fighter 2 result |
First Round of Pools | Gilbert Pena | Caelyn Hamilton | LOSS | WIN |
First Round of Pools | Josh Furrate | Caelyn Hamilton | WIN | LOSS |
First Round of Pools | Gilbert Pena | Caleb Hetchler | LOSS | WIN |
First Round of Pools | Josh Furrate | Gilbert Pena | WIN | LOSS |
First Round of Pools | Caleb Hetchler | Caelyn Hamilton | LOSS | WIN |
First Round of Pools | Raymond Gutierrez | Caleb Hetchler | LOSS | WIN |
First Round of Pools | Josh Furrate | Raymond Gutierrez | WIN | LOSS |
First Round of Pools | Raymond Gutierrez | Caelyn Hamilton | LOSS | WIN |
First Round of Pools | Caleb Hetchler | Josh Furrate | LOSS | WIN |
First Round of Pools | Raymond Gutierrez | Gilbert Pena | LOSS | WIN |
First Round of Pools | Amy Belcher | Clark Simon | LOSS | WIN |
First Round of Pools | Ashley Flowers | Clark Simon | LOSS | WIN |
First Round of Pools | Amy Belcher | Ashley Flowers | LOSS | WIN |
First Round of Pools | Mathias Hight | Amy Belcher | WIN | LOSS |
First Round of Pools | Clark Simon | Mathias Hight | WIN | LOSS |
First Round of Pools | Zeke Rozell | Clark Simon | WIN | LOSS |
First Round of Pools | Ashley Flowers | Zeke Rozell | LOSS | WIN |
First Round of Pools | Mathias Hight | Zeke Rozell | LOSS | WIN |
First Round of Pools | Ashley Flowers | Mathias Hight | LOSS | WIN |
First Round of Pools | Amy Belcher | Zeke Rozell | LOSS | WIN |
First Round of Pools | Timothy Ho | Caleb Raney | WIN | LOSS |
First Round of Pools | Joe Anthony | Caleb Raney | LOSS | WIN |
First Round of Pools | Kyle Toelle | Timothy Ho | DRAW | DRAW |
First Round of Pools | Kyle Callaway | Joe Anthony | WIN | LOSS |
First Round of Pools | Caleb Raney | Kyle Callaway | LOSS | WIN |
First Round of Pools | Kyle Toelle | Caleb Raney | WIN | LOSS |
First Round of Pools | Kyle Callaway | Timothy Ho | LOSS | WIN |
First Round of Pools | Kyle Toelle | Joe Anthony | WIN | LOSS |
First Round of Pools | Joe Anthony | David Miller | LOSS | WIN |
First Round of Pools | David Miller | Kyle Callaway | LOSS | WIN |
First Round of Pools | Kyle Toelle | David Miller | WIN | LOSS |
First Round of Pools | Timothy Ho | David Miller | LOSS | WIN |
First Round of Pools | Amber Damare | Bilal Haroon | DRAW | DRAW |
First Round of Pools | Ryan Hancock | Amber Damare | DRAW | DRAW |
First Round of Pools | Dario Pewett | Bilal Haroon | WIN | LOSS |
First Round of Pools | Ryan Hancock | Garrett Baker | LOSS | WIN |
First Round of Pools | Amber Damare | Garrett Baker | LOSS | WIN |
First Round of Pools | Dario Pewett | Amber Damare | WIN | LOSS |
First Round of Pools | Bilal Haroon | Garrett Baker | WIN | LOSS |
First Round of Pools | Dario Pewett | Ryan Hancock | WIN | LOSS |
First Round of Pools | Wayland Miller | Ryan Hancock | LOSS | WIN |
First Round of Pools | Garrett Baker | Wayland Miller | WIN | LOSS |
First Round of Pools | Wayland Miller | Dario Pewett | LOSS | WIN |
First Round of Pools | Bilal Haroon | Wayland Miller | WIN | LOSS |
First Round of Pools | Bryan Howard | Zaid Haroon | WIN | LOSS |
First Round of Pools | Alan Beck | Ryan Hetchler | LOSS | WIN |
First Round of Pools | Donald McKay | Zaid Haroon | WIN | LOSS |
First Round of Pools | Bryan Howard | Ryan Hetchler | WIN | LOSS |
First Round of Pools | Alan Beck | Donald McKay | WIN | LOSS |
First Round of Pools | Zaid Haroon | Alan Beck | LOSS | WIN |
First Round of Pools | Donald McKay | Bryan Howard | WIN | LOSS |
First Round of Pools | Zaid Haroon | Ryan Hetchler | LOSS | WIN |
First Round of Pools | Bryan Howard | Alan Beck | LOSS | WIN |
First Round of Pools | Donald McKay | Ryan Hetchler | DRAW | DRAW |
First Round of Pools | Justin Vance | Colin Knipp | DRAW | DRAW |
First Round of Pools | Michael Hakes | Colin Knipp | DRAW | DRAW |
First Round of Pools | Justin Vance | Michael Hakes | WIN | LOSS |
First Round of Pools | Derrick Berry | Justin Vance | LOSS | WIN |
First Round of Pools | Colin Knipp | Derrick Berry | WIN | LOSS |
First Round of Pools | Micaiah Elliott | Colin Knipp | WIN | LOSS |
First Round of Pools | Michael Hakes | Micaiah Elliott | WIN | LOSS |
First Round of Pools | Derrick Berry | Micaiah Elliott | LOSS | WIN |
First Round of Pools | Michael Hakes | Derrick Berry | DRAW | DRAW |
First Round of Pools | Justin Vance | Micaiah Elliott | WIN | LOSS |
Second Round of Pools | Timothy Ho | Zeke Rozell | LOSS | WIN |
Second Round of Pools | Joe Anthony | Ryan Hetchler | LOSS | WIN |
Second Round of Pools | Zeke Rozell | Bilal Haroon | WIN | LOSS |
Second Round of Pools | Joe Anthony | Timothy Ho | LOSS | WIN |
Second Round of Pools | Ryan Hetchler | Bilal Haroon | WIN | LOSS |
Second Round of Pools | Zeke Rozell | Ryan Hetchler | WIN | LOSS |
Second Round of Pools | Timothy Ho | Bilal Haroon | LOSS | WIN |
Second Round of Pools | Joe Anthony | Zeke Rozell | LOSS | WIN |
Second Round of Pools | Ryan Hetchler | Timothy Ho | LOSS | WIN |
Second Round of Pools | Joe Anthony | Bilal Haroon | LOSS | WIN |
Second Round of Pools | Clark Simon | Micaiah Elliott | LOSS | WIN |
Second Round of Pools | Caelyn Hamilton | Ryan Hancock | WIN | LOSS |
Second Round of Pools | Gilbert Pena | Clark Simon | LOSS | WIN |
Second Round of Pools | Ryan Hancock | Micaiah Elliott | LOSS | WIN |
Second Round of Pools | Gilbert Pena | Caelyn Hamilton | DRAW | DRAW |
Second Round of Pools | Clark Simon | Caelyn Hamilton | WIN | LOSS |
Second Round of Pools | Gilbert Pena | Micaiah Elliott | LOSS | WIN |
Second Round of Pools | Ryan Hancock | Clark Simon | LOSS | WIN |
Second Round of Pools | Caelyn Hamilton | Micaiah Elliott | LOSS | WIN |
Second Round of Pools | Gilbert Pena | Ryan Hancock | LOSS | WIN |
Second Round of Pools | Wayland Miller | Michael Hakes | LOSS | WIN |
Second Round of Pools | Bryan Howard | Alan Beck | WIN | LOSS |
Second Round of Pools | Michael Hakes | Josh Furrate | LOSS | WIN |
Second Round of Pools | Amy Belcher | Bryan Howard | LOSS | WIN |
Second Round of Pools | Wayland Miller | Alan Beck | LOSS | WIN |
Second Round of Pools | Josh Furrate | Bryan Howard | WIN | LOSS |
Second Round of Pools | Michael Hakes | Alan Beck | WIN | LOSS |
Second Round of Pools | Wayland Miller | Amy Belcher | WIN | LOSS |
Second Round of Pools | Alan Beck | Josh Furrate | DRAW | DRAW |
Second Round of Pools | Wayland Miller | Bryan Howard | LOSS | WIN |
Second Round of Pools | Michael Hakes | Amy Belcher | WIN | LOSS |
Second Round of Pools | Josh Furrate | Amy Belcher | WIN | LOSS |
Second Round of Pools | Caleb Hetchler | Garrett Baker | LOSS | WIN |
Second Round of Pools | Kyle Callaway | Derrick Berry | WIN | LOSS |
Second Round of Pools | Garrett Baker | Ashley Flowers | WIN | LOSS |
Second Round of Pools | Caleb Hetchler | Derrick Berry | LOSS | WIN |
Second Round of Pools | Kyle Callaway | Ashley Flowers | DRAW | DRAW |
Second Round of Pools | Garrett Baker | Kyle Callaway | DRAW | DRAW |
Second Round of Pools | Caleb Hetchler | Ashley Flowers | WIN | LOSS |
Second Round of Pools | Garrett Baker | Derrick Berry | WIN | LOSS |
Second Round of Pools | Kyle Callaway | Caleb Hetchler | WIN | LOSS |
Second Round of Pools | Ashley Flowers | Derrick Berry | LOSS | WIN |
Second Round of Pools | Raymond Gutierrez | Mathias Hight | LOSS | WIN |
Second Round of Pools | Donald McKay | Justin Vance | LOSS | WIN |
Second Round of Pools | Mathias Hight | Kyle Toelle | LOSS | WIN |
Second Round of Pools | Donald McKay | Amber Damare | WIN | LOSS |
Second Round of Pools | Raymond Gutierrez | Justin Vance | LOSS | WIN |
Second Round of Pools | Donald McKay | Kyle Toelle | LOSS | WIN |
Second Round of Pools | Mathias Hight | Justin Vance | LOSS | WIN |
Second Round of Pools | Amber Damare | Raymond Gutierrez | WIN | LOSS |
Second Round of Pools | Kyle Toelle | Justin Vance | WIN | LOSS |
Second Round of Pools | Raymond Gutierrez | Donald McKay | LOSS | WIN |
Second Round of Pools | Amber Damare | Mathias Hight | LOSS | WIN |
Second Round of Pools | Kyle Toelle | Amber Damare | DRAW | DRAW |
Second Round of Pools | Dario Pewett | Colin Knipp | WIN | LOSS |
Second Round of Pools | David Miller | Zaid Haroon | WIN | LOSS |
Second Round of Pools | Dario Pewett | Caleb Raney | WIN | LOSS |
Second Round of Pools | Zaid Haroon | Colin Knipp | DRAW | DRAW |
Second Round of Pools | David Miller | Caleb Raney | WIN | LOSS |
Second Round of Pools | Dario Pewett | David Miller | DRAW | DRAW |
Second Round of Pools | Caleb Raney | Colin Knipp | WIN | LOSS |
Second Round of Pools | Dario Pewett | Zaid Haroon | DRAW | DRAW |
Second Round of Pools | David Miller | Colin Knipp | WIN | LOSS |
Second Round of Pools | Caleb Raney | Zaid Haroon | DRAW | DRAW |
Elim Pools | Ryan Hetchler | Zeke Rozell | WIN | LOSS |
Elim Pools | Michael Hakes | Justin Vance | WIN | LOSS |
Elim Pools | Timothy Ho | Zeke Rozell | DRAW | DRAW |
Elim Pools | Ryan Hetchler | Michael Hakes | WIN | LOSS |
Elim Pools | Timothy Ho | Justin Vance | DRAW | DRAW |
Elim Pools | Justin Vance | Zeke Rozell | LOSS | WIN |
Elim Pools | Timothy Ho | Ryan Hetchler | LOSS | WIN |
Elim Pools | Zeke Rozell | Michael Hakes | WIN | LOSS |
Elim Pools | Justin Vance | Ryan Hetchler | LOSS | WIN |
Elim Pools | Timothy Ho | Michael Hakes | LOSS | WIN |
Elim Pools | Josh Furrate | David Miller | WIN | LOSS |
Elim Pools | Bryan Howard | Garrett Baker | DRAW | DRAW |
Elim Pools | Dario Pewett | Josh Furrate | DRAW | DRAW |
Elim Pools | David Miller | Bryan Howard | WIN | LOSS |
Elim Pools | Dario Pewett | Garrett Baker | WIN | LOSS |
Elim Pools | Josh Furrate | Garrett Baker | LOSS | WIN |
Elim Pools | David Miller | Dario Pewett | DRAW | DRAW |
Elim Pools | Bryan Howard | Josh Furrate | LOSS | WIN |
Elim Pools | David Miller | Garrett Baker | LOSS | WIN |
Elim Pools | Dario Pewett | Bryan Howard | WIN | LOSS |
Elim Pools | Micaiah Elliott | Kyle Toelle | WIN | LOSS |
Elim Pools | Caelyn Hamilton | Clark Simon | WIN | LOSS |
Elim Pools | Donald McKay | Kyle Toelle | LOSS | WIN |
Elim Pools | Micaiah Elliott | Caelyn Hamilton | WIN | LOSS |
Elim Pools | Donald McKay | Clark Simon | WIN | LOSS |
Elim Pools | Clark Simon | Kyle Toelle | LOSS | WIN |
Elim Pools | Micaiah Elliott | Donald McKay | DRAW | DRAW |
Elim Pools | Caelyn Hamilton | Kyle Toelle | LOSS | WIN |
Elim Pools | Micaiah Elliott | Clark Simon | LOSS | WIN |
Elim Pools | Donald McKay | Caelyn Hamilton | LOSS | WIN |
Finals Pools | Ryan Hetchler | Caelyn Hamilton | WIN | LOSS |
Finals Pools | David Miller | Michael Hakes | LOSS | WIN |
Finals Pools | Josh Furrate | Ryan Hetchler | LOSS | WIN |
Finals Pools | David Miller | Caelyn Hamilton | DRAW | DRAW |
Finals Pools | Josh Furrate | Michael Hakes | WIN | LOSS |
Finals Pools | Michael Hakes | Ryan Hetchler | DRAW | DRAW |
Finals Pools | Josh Furrate | Caelyn Hamilton | DRAW | DRAW |
Finals Pools | David Miller | Ryan Hetchler | LOSS | WIN |
Finals Pools | Caelyn Hamilton | Michael Hakes | DRAW | DRAW |
Finals Pools | David Miller | Josh Furrate | LOSS | WIN |
Women's Steel Longsword - 6 fights
Stage | Fighter 1 | Fighter 2 | Fighter 1 result | Fighter 2 result |
Pool Set 1 | Amy Belcher | Caelyn Hamilton | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Ashley Flowers | Amber Damare | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Caelyn Hamilton | Ashley Flowers | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Amber Damare | Caelyn Hamilton | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Amy Belcher | Amber Damare | DRAW | DRAW |
Pool Set 1 | Ashley Flowers | Amy Belcher | WIN | LOSS |
Rating outcomes
This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.
Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Summer Fechten 2023
Mixed & Men's Steel Longsword - 32 fighters
Women's Steel Longsword - 4 fighters
Rank | Name | Nationality | Club | Weighted rating | Confidence | ||
10 | 21 | Caelyn Hamilton | Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts | 1654 | 137 | ||
41 | 1 | Amber Damare | Nachreisen Historical Fencing | 1478.4 | 4.5 | ||
197 | Ashley Flowers | Vier Blossen Historical Fencing | 1042.2 | ||||
213 | Amy Belcher | Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts | 990.9 |
Underrepresented Genders & Women's Steel Longsword - 4 fighters
Rank | Name | Nationality | Club | Weighted rating | Confidence | ||
13 | 29 | Caelyn Hamilton | Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts | 1656.7 | 133.8 | ||
50 | 1 | Amber Damare | Nachreisen Historical Fencing | 1502.3 | 1.7 | ||
260 | Ashley Flowers | Vier Blossen Historical Fencing | 1042.2 | ||||
283 | Amy Belcher | Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts | 992.7 |