Wolf Call III (2024)

Date April 27, 2024
Country United Kingdom
City North Hykeham

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Any One-Handed Weapon No Sidearm 30 14
Mixed Steel Longsword 68 24
Mixed Steel Longsword 34 12
Mixed Steel Sabre 26 13

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A David Rudd Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Pool A Daniel Wells Eliott Hames LOSS WIN
Pool A Jamie MacIver Thomas Sylvester WIN LOSS
Pool A Daniel Wells David Rudd WIN LOSS
Pool A Jamie MacIver Daniel Wells WIN LOSS
Pool A Thomas Sylvester Eliott Hames LOSS WIN
Pool A Jamie MacIver Eliott Hames WIN LOSS
Pool A Thomas Sylvester David Rudd LOSS WIN
Pool A Eliott Hames David Rudd WIN LOSS
Pool A Thomas Sylvester Daniel Wells WIN LOSS
Pool B Martin Dack Sam Ackroyd LOSS WIN
Pool B Andi Abelibra Samudra Badar Ben Conway-Smith LOSS WIN
Pool B Sam Ackroyd Sam Pearson WIN LOSS
Pool B Ben Conway-Smith Martin Dack WIN LOSS
Pool B Sam Ackroyd Ben Conway-Smith WIN LOSS
Pool B Andi Abelibra Samudra Badar Sam Pearson WIN LOSS
Pool B Sam Ackroyd Andi Abelibra Samudra Badar WIN LOSS
Pool B Sam Pearson Martin Dack WIN LOSS
Pool B Martin Dack Andi Abelibra Samudra Badar DRAW DRAW
Pool B Sam Pearson Ben Conway-Smith LOSS WIN
Pool C Dan Thatcher Zoltan Betlen LOSS WIN
Pool C Daniel Antrobus Jack Edwards WIN LOSS
Pool C Zoltan Betlen Jack Edwards LOSS WIN
Pool C Daniel Antrobus Dan Thatcher LOSS WIN
Pool C Zoltan Betlen Daniel Antrobus WIN LOSS
Pool C Jack Edwards Dan Thatcher DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Semi Final Eliott Hames Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Semi Final Sam Ackroyd Zoltan Betlen WIN LOSS
Third Place Final Zoltan Betlen Eliott Hames WIN LOSS
Final Jamie MacIver Sam Ackroyd WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Thomas Jones Sam Ackroyd LOSS WIN
Pool A Ric Morson Thomas Sylvester LOSS WIN
Pool A John Wolfson Sam Browse LOSS WIN
Pool A Thomas Jones Thomas Sylvester WIN LOSS
Pool A John Wolfson Sam Ackroyd LOSS WIN
Pool A Sam Browse Ric Morson WIN LOSS
Pool A Thomas Jones John Wolfson WIN LOSS
Pool A Sam Browse Thomas Sylvester LOSS WIN
Pool A Sam Ackroyd Ric Morson WIN LOSS
Pool A Sam Browse Thomas Jones WIN LOSS
Pool A John Wolfson Ric Morson WIN LOSS
Pool A Thomas Sylvester Sam Ackroyd LOSS WIN
Pool A Ric Morson Thomas Jones LOSS WIN
Pool A Sam Ackroyd Sam Browse WIN LOSS
Pool A John Wolfson Thomas Sylvester DRAW DRAW
Pool B Lee Conley Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Pool B Elliot Fisher Victoria Nicolson WIN LOSS
Pool B Daniel Antrobus Claire Greenwell WIN LOSS
Pool B Elliot Fisher Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Pool B Daniel Antrobus Lee Conley WIN LOSS
Pool B Victoria Nicolson Claire Greenwell LOSS WIN
Pool B Jamie MacIver Daniel Antrobus WIN LOSS
Pool B Claire Greenwell Elliot Fisher LOSS WIN
Pool B Lee Conley Victoria Nicolson WIN LOSS
Pool B Claire Greenwell Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Pool B Daniel Antrobus Victoria Nicolson WIN LOSS
Pool B Elliot Fisher Lee Conley WIN LOSS
Pool B Jamie MacIver Victoria Nicolson WIN LOSS
Pool B Claire Greenwell Lee Conley LOSS WIN
Pool B Daniel Antrobus Elliot Fisher LOSS WIN
Pool C Marcin Kulas Wojciech Kwasik WIN LOSS
Pool C Wesley Simms Matt Leaning LOSS WIN
Pool C Simon Brooks Michael Pitt LOSS WIN
Pool C Marcin Kulas Matt Leaning LOSS WIN
Pool C Michael Pitt Wojciech Kwasik LOSS WIN
Pool C Wesley Simms Simon Brooks LOSS WIN
Pool C Marcin Kulas Michael Pitt LOSS WIN
Pool C Matt Leaning Simon Brooks LOSS WIN
Pool C Wojciech Kwasik Wesley Simms WIN LOSS
Pool C Simon Brooks Marcin Kulas LOSS WIN
Pool C Wesley Simms Michael Pitt WIN LOSS
Pool C Wojciech Kwasik Matt Leaning WIN LOSS
Pool C Wesley Simms Marcin Kulas LOSS WIN
Pool C Simon Brooks Wojciech Kwasik LOSS WIN
Pool C Matt Leaning Michael Pitt LOSS WIN
Pool D William Goodman Sam Pearson LOSS WIN
Pool D Ben Conway-Smith Will Prangnell LOSS WIN
Pool D Lincoln Mills Teig Coulbeck WIN LOSS
Pool D Sam Pearson Ben Conway-Smith WIN LOSS
Pool D Teig Coulbeck William Goodman WIN LOSS
Pool D Lincoln Mills Will Prangnell LOSS WIN
Pool D Sam Pearson Teig Coulbeck WIN LOSS
Pool D Ben Conway-Smith Lincoln Mills DRAW DRAW
Pool D Will Prangnell William Goodman WIN LOSS
Pool D Sam Pearson Lincoln Mills LOSS WIN
Pool D Teig Coulbeck Will Prangnell WIN LOSS
Pool D Ben Conway-Smith William Goodman LOSS WIN
Pool D Will Prangnell Sam Pearson LOSS WIN
Pool D Lincoln Mills William Goodman DRAW DRAW
Pool D Ben Conway-Smith Teig Coulbeck LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Sam Ackroyd Marcin Kulas WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Will Prangnell Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Thomas Jones Wojciech Kwasik WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Elliot Fisher Sam Pearson LOSS WIN
Semi Final Sam Ackroyd Sam Pearson WIN LOSS
Semi Final Thomas Jones Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
Third Place Final Sam Pearson Thomas Jones WIN LOSS
Final Sam Ackroyd Jamie MacIver LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Sam Pearson Lee Conley WIN LOSS
Pool A Teig Coulbeck Daniel Antrobus LOSS WIN
Pool A John Wolfson Ric Morson WIN LOSS
Pool A Lee Conley Daniel Antrobus LOSS WIN
Pool A Sam Pearson John Wolfson WIN LOSS
Pool A Teig Coulbeck Ric Morson WIN LOSS
Pool A Lee Conley John Wolfson WIN LOSS
Pool A Ric Morson Daniel Antrobus LOSS WIN
Pool A Sam Pearson Teig Coulbeck DRAW DRAW
Pool A Ric Morson Lee Conley LOSS WIN
Pool A John Wolfson Teig Coulbeck LOSS WIN
Pool A Daniel Antrobus Sam Pearson LOSS WIN
Pool A Teig Coulbeck Lee Conley WIN LOSS
Pool A Sam Pearson Ric Morson WIN LOSS
Pool A Daniel Antrobus John Wolfson LOSS WIN
Pool B Marcin Kulas Thomas Sylvester LOSS WIN
Pool B Sam Ackroyd Alex Craig WIN LOSS
Pool B Matt Leaning Andrew Keen WIN LOSS
Pool B Sam Ackroyd Marcin Kulas WIN LOSS
Pool B Matt Leaning Thomas Sylvester LOSS WIN
Pool B Andrew Keen Alex Craig WIN LOSS
Pool B Matt Leaning Marcin Kulas WIN LOSS
Pool B Sam Ackroyd Andrew Keen WIN LOSS
Pool B Alex Craig Thomas Sylvester LOSS WIN
Pool B Andrew Keen Marcin Kulas LOSS WIN
Pool B Alex Craig Matt Leaning LOSS WIN
Pool B Sam Ackroyd Thomas Sylvester WIN LOSS
Pool B Alex Craig Marcin Kulas WIN LOSS
Pool B Andrew Keen Thomas Sylvester WIN LOSS
Pool B Matt Leaning Sam Ackroyd LOSS WIN
Semi Final Sam Pearson Matt Leaning LOSS WIN
Semi Final Teig Coulbeck Sam Ackroyd LOSS WIN
Third Place Final Sam Pearson Teig Coulbeck LOSS WIN
Final Matt Leaning Sam Ackroyd LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Sam Eade David Rudd DRAW DRAW
Pool A Dan Thatcher Wesley Simms WIN LOSS
Pool A Andrew Keen Sam Eade DRAW DRAW
Pool A Wesley Simms David Rudd DRAW DRAW
Pool A Sam Eade Wesley Simms WIN LOSS
Pool A Dan Thatcher Andrew Keen LOSS WIN
Pool A Sam Eade Dan Thatcher LOSS WIN
Pool A Andrew Keen David Rudd LOSS WIN
Pool A Dan Thatcher David Rudd LOSS WIN
Pool A Andrew Keen Wesley Simms LOSS WIN
Pool B Wojciech Kwasik Zoltan Betlen LOSS WIN
Pool B Jack Edwards Daniel Wells LOSS WIN
Pool B Daniel Wells Zoltan Betlen DRAW DRAW
Pool B Jack Edwards Wojciech Kwasik LOSS WIN
Pool B Zoltan Betlen Jack Edwards WIN LOSS
Pool B Daniel Wells Wojciech Kwasik LOSS WIN
Pool C Sam Pearson Sam Ackroyd LOSS WIN
Pool C Ben Conway-Smith Martin Dack WIN LOSS
Pool C Sam Ackroyd Martin Dack WIN LOSS
Pool C Ben Conway-Smith Sam Pearson WIN LOSS
Pool C Sam Ackroyd Ben Conway-Smith WIN LOSS
Pool C Martin Dack Sam Pearson LOSS WIN
Semi Final Wojciech Kwasik David Rudd WIN LOSS
Semi Final Zoltan Betlen Sam Ackroyd LOSS WIN
Third Place Final David Rudd Zoltan Betlen LOSS WIN
Final Wojciech Kwasik Sam Ackroyd LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Wolf Call III (2024)

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
60 17 Jamie MacIver London Historical Fencing Club 1724.5 25.9
281 1278 Sam Ackroyd Academy of Historical Fencing 1558.3 317.6
836 742 Sam Pearson Mercian Medieval Fight Club 1384.5 146.4
905 27 Thomas Jones Durham Medieval Combat Academy 1369.3 2.4
1136 104 Thomas Sylvester Mercian Medieval Fight Club 1321.4 20.3
1220 272 Marcin Kulas KdF Nottingham 1308 49.7
1226 Teig Coulbeck Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 1306.3
1280 638 Elliot Fisher Thetford Sword Club 1295.6 113.6
1306 218 William Goodman University of Chester HEMA 1289.9 37.8
1327 187 Wojciech Kwasik Liverpool HEMA 1285.9 39.2
1402 180 Lee Conley Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 1270.6 33.4
1448 278 Daniel Antrobus Mercian Medieval Fight Club 1262.1 48
1569 834 Matt Leaning Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 1241.7 132.7
1825 Michael Pitt Mercian Medieval Fight Club 1200.4
1844 Lincoln Mills Mercian Medieval Fight Club 1197.6
1874 Sam Browse London Historical Fencing Club 1193.5
1894 Will Prangnell Manchester School of Arms 1191.5
2613 499 John Wolfson Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 1081.6 92.9
2658 165 Ben Conway-Smith Cambridge HEMA 1075.4 18.3
2790 491 Andrew Keen Aisle O'var Backswording Clubbe 1054.9 95.9
2839 Simon Brooks The Exiles 1049
3487 Alex Craig Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 935.1
3490 Claire Greenwell Durham Medieval Combat Academy 934.7
3655 Wesley Simms Order of the Blade 902.4
3999 Victoria Nicolson The Society for the Study of Swordsmanship 830.2
4092 Ric Morson Leicester Longpoint 807.3
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
77 142 Sam Ackroyd Academy of Historical Fencing 1597.8 163
138 13 Zoltan Betlen Cambridge HEMA 1513.6 12
397 43 Sam Eade Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 1313.1 20.7
536 105 David Rudd Sheffield Academy of Western Martial Arts 1236.6 47.7
574 133 Wojciech Kwasik Liverpool HEMA 1218.3 78.2
756 20 Sam Pearson Mercian Medieval Fight Club 1124.2 2.3
823 50 Andrew Keen Aisle O'var Backswording Clubbe 1086.4 31.1
824 Dan Thatcher Order of the Blade 1086
836 199 Daniel Wells Order of the Blade 1081.3 112.3
887 143 Ben Conway-Smith Cambridge HEMA 1058.6 88.2
1027 227 Wesley Simms Order of the Blade 980.4 142.9
1150 401 Martin Dack Sheffield Academy of Western Martial Arts 919 199.5
1181 68 Jack Edwards Bath Historical Martial Arts 900.1 26.9