Bend the Knee 2024
Date | March 2, 2024 |
Country | United States |
State | Kansas |
City | Overland Park |
Software | HEMA Scorecard (results ) |
Tournament stats
Division | Number of fights | Number of fighters |
Men's Steel Longsword | 30 | 10 |
Women's Steel Longsword | 15 | 5 |
Men's Steel Rapier & Dagger | 40 | 14 |
Women's Steel Rapier & Dagger | 21 | 6 |
Men's Singlestick | 36 | 11 |
Women's Singlestick | 28 | 7 |
Fighters in event
All 22 fighters
This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.
Men's Steel Longsword - 30 fights
Stage | Fighter 1 | Fighter 2 | Fighter 1 result | Fighter 2 result |
Pool Set 1 | William Swett | Court Dyke | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Brent Jockers | Robert Illston | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Court Dyke | Eric Rush | DOUBLE LOSS | DOUBLE LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | William Swett | Robert Illston | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Eric Rush | Brent Jockers | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Robert Illston | Court Dyke | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | William Swett | Eric Rush | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Brent Jockers | Court Dyke | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Eric Rush | Robert Illston | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Brent Jockers | William Swett | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Tyler Larson | Alexander Vieux | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Alan Horn | Bruce Rawitch | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Tyler Larson | Travis Price | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Alexander Vieux | Alan Horn | DOUBLE LOSS | DOUBLE LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Bruce Rawitch | Travis Price | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Alan Horn | Tyler Larson | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Travis Price | Alexander Vieux | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Bruce Rawitch | Tyler Larson | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Alan Horn | Travis Price | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Bruce Rawitch | Alexander Vieux | WIN | LOSS |
Eighth-Finals | Alan Horn | William Swett | WIN | LOSS |
Eighth-Finals | Alexander Vieux | Brent Jockers | WIN | LOSS |
Quarterfinals | Travis Price | Alexander Vieux | WIN | LOSS |
Quarterfinals | Alan Horn | Court Dyke | LOSS | WIN |
Quarterfinals | Eric Rush | Robert Illston | WIN | LOSS |
Quarterfinals | Tyler Larson | Bruce Rawitch | WIN | LOSS |
Semifinals | Travis Price | Tyler Larson | WIN | LOSS |
Semifinals | Eric Rush | Court Dyke | LOSS | WIN |
Gold Medal Match | Travis Price | Court Dyke | WIN | LOSS |
Bronze Medal Match | Eric Rush | Tyler Larson | WIN | LOSS |
Women's Steel Longsword - 15 fights
Stage | Fighter 1 | Fighter 2 | Fighter 1 result | Fighter 2 result |
Pool Set 1 | Anna Wilbeck | Jessica Young | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Alisha Saulnier | Aimee Hanson | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Anna Wilbeck | Alisha Saulnier | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Aimee Hanson | Anna Wilbeck | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Jessica Young | Aimee Hanson | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Alisha Saulnier | Jessica Young | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Amber Brown | Jessica Young | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Aimee Hanson | Amber Brown | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Anna Wilbeck | Amber Brown | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Alisha Saulnier | Amber Brown | WIN | LOSS |
Quarterfinals | Amber Brown | Aimee Hanson | LOSS | WIN |
Semifinals | Jessica Young | Aimee Hanson | WIN | LOSS |
Semifinals | Anna Wilbeck | Alisha Saulnier | WIN | LOSS |
Gold Medal Match | Jessica Young | Anna Wilbeck | WIN | LOSS |
Bronze Medal Match | Aimee Hanson | Alisha Saulnier | WIN | LOSS |
Men's Steel Rapier & Dagger - 40 fights
Stage | Fighter 1 | Fighter 2 | Fighter 1 result | Fighter 2 result |
Pool Set 1 | Eric Rush | Paul Bates | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | James Glackin | Court Dyke | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Brenton Burke | Paul Bates | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Court Dyke | Eric Rush | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | James Glackin | Brenton Burke | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Paul Bates | Court Dyke | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Eric Rush | Brenton Burke | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | James Glackin | Paul Bates | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Brenton Burke | Court Dyke | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | James Glackin | Eric Rush | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Alexander Vieux | Tyler Larson | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Brent Jockers | Robert Illston | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Tyler Larson | Robert Illston | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Brent Jockers | Tyler Larson | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Alexander Vieux | Brent Jockers | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Robert Illston | Alexander Vieux | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Travis Price | Alan Horn | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | David Henderson | Bruce Rawitch | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | William Swett | Alan Horn | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Travis Price | Bruce Rawitch | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | David Henderson | William Swett | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Bruce Rawitch | Alan Horn | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | William Swett | Travis Price | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | David Henderson | Alan Horn | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Bruce Rawitch | William Swett | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | David Henderson | Travis Price | WIN | LOSS |
Eighth-Finals | Paul Bates | Court Dyke | LOSS | WIN |
Eighth-Finals | Alan Horn | Bruce Rawitch | WIN | LOSS |
Eighth-Finals | Alexander Vieux | David Henderson | LOSS | WIN |
Eighth-Finals | Brenton Burke | William Swett | LOSS | WIN |
Eighth-Finals | Travis Price | Tyler Larson | LOSS | WIN |
Eighth-Finals | Robert Illston | James Glackin | LOSS | WIN |
Quarterfinals | James Glackin | Brent Jockers | WIN | LOSS |
Quarterfinals | Eric Rush | Tyler Larson | WIN | LOSS |
Quarterfinals | Court Dyke | William Swett | WIN | LOSS |
Quarterfinals | Alan Horn | David Henderson | WIN | LOSS |
Semifinals | James Glackin | Alan Horn | WIN | LOSS |
Semifinals | Eric Rush | Court Dyke | LOSS | WIN |
Gold Medal Match | Court Dyke | James Glackin | WIN | LOSS |
Bronze Medal Match | Alan Horn | Eric Rush | LOSS | WIN |
Women's Steel Rapier & Dagger - 21 fights
Stage | Fighter 1 | Fighter 2 | Fighter 1 result | Fighter 2 result |
Pool Set 1 | Jami Davies | Nari Duskryn | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Jessica Young | Aimee Hanson | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Emily Carol Smith | Anna Wilbeck | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Nari Duskryn | Aimee Hanson | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Anna Wilbeck | Jami Davies | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Anna Wilbeck | Aimee Hanson | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Emily Carol Smith | Jami Davies | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Aimee Hanson | Emily Carol Smith | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Jessica Young | Nari Duskryn | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Anna Wilbeck | Jessica Young | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Jami Davies | Aimee Hanson | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Emily Carol Smith | Jessica Young | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Anna Wilbeck | Nari Duskryn | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Jami Davies | Jessica Young | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Emily Carol Smith | Nari Duskryn | LOSS | WIN |
Quarterfinals | Aimee Hanson | Emily Carol Smith | WIN | LOSS |
Quarterfinals | Jami Davies | Nari Duskryn | WIN | LOSS |
Semifinals | Jessica Young | Jami Davies | WIN | LOSS |
Semifinals | Anna Wilbeck | Aimee Hanson | WIN | LOSS |
Gold Medal Match | Jessica Young | Anna Wilbeck | WIN | LOSS |
Bronze Medal Match | Aimee Hanson | Jami Davies | WIN | LOSS |
Men's Singlestick - 36 fights
Stage | Fighter 1 | Fighter 2 | Fighter 1 result | Fighter 2 result |
Pool Set 1 | David Henderson | Travis Price | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Court Dyke | James Glackin | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Tyler Larson | Travis Price | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | David Henderson | Court Dyke | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | James Glackin | Tyler Larson | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Court Dyke | Travis Price | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | David Henderson | Tyler Larson | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | James Glackin | Travis Price | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Court Dyke | Tyler Larson | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | David Henderson | James Glackin | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Court Dyke | Alexander Vieux | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Alexander Vieux | Travis Price | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | James Glackin | Alexander Vieux | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | David Henderson | Alexander Vieux | DOUBLE LOSS | DOUBLE LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Tyler Larson | Alexander Vieux | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | William Swett | Eric Rush | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Paul Bates | Brent Jockers | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Alan Horn | Eric Rush | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Brent Jockers | William Swett | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Paul Bates | Alan Horn | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Brent Jockers | Eric Rush | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Alan Horn | William Swett | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Eric Rush | Paul Bates | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Brent Jockers | Alan Horn | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Paul Bates | William Swett | WIN | LOSS |
Eighth-Finals | Alexander Vieux | Eric Rush | LOSS | WIN |
Eighth-Finals | Brent Jockers | William Swett | WIN | LOSS |
Eighth-Finals | James Glackin | David Henderson | WIN | LOSS |
Quarterfinals | James Glackin | Court Dyke | LOSS | WIN |
Quarterfinals | Brent Jockers | Alan Horn | WIN | LOSS |
Quarterfinals | Paul Bates | Eric Rush | WIN | LOSS |
Quarterfinals | Travis Price | Tyler Larson | WIN | LOSS |
Semifinals | Court Dyke | Travis Price | WIN | LOSS |
Semifinals | Brent Jockers | Paul Bates | LOSS | WIN |
Gold Medal Match | Court Dyke | Paul Bates | WIN | LOSS |
Bronze Medal Match | Brent Jockers | Travis Price | WIN | LOSS |
Women's Singlestick - 28 fights
Stage | Fighter 1 | Fighter 2 | Fighter 1 result | Fighter 2 result |
Pool Set 1 | Amber Brown | Jami Davies | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Anna Wilbeck | Jessica Young | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Nari Duskryn | Aimee Hanson | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Anna Wilbeck | Jami Davies | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Aimee Hanson | Amber Brown | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Jessica Young | Nari Duskryn | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Aimee Hanson | Jami Davies | DOUBLE LOSS | DOUBLE LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Anna Wilbeck | Nari Duskryn | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Jessica Young | Amber Brown | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Nari Duskryn | Jami Davies | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Jessica Young | Aimee Hanson | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Anna Wilbeck | Amber Brown | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Jami Davies | Jessica Young | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Nari Duskryn | Amber Brown | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Anna Wilbeck | Aimee Hanson | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Emily Carol Smith | Anna Wilbeck | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Nari Duskryn | Emily Carol Smith | WIN | LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Amber Brown | Emily Carol Smith | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Aimee Hanson | Emily Carol Smith | DOUBLE LOSS | DOUBLE LOSS |
Pool Set 1 | Emily Carol Smith | Jessica Young | LOSS | WIN |
Pool Set 1 | Jami Davies | Emily Carol Smith | WIN | LOSS |
Quarterfinals | Anna Wilbeck | Amber Brown | WIN | LOSS |
Quarterfinals | Jami Davies | Aimee Hanson | WIN | LOSS |
Quarterfinals | Emily Carol Smith | Nari Duskryn | WIN | LOSS |
Semifinals | Jessica Young | Emily Carol Smith | WIN | LOSS |
Semifinals | Anna Wilbeck | Jami Davies | WIN | LOSS |
Gold Medal Match | Jessica Young | Anna Wilbeck | WIN | LOSS |
Bronze Medal Match | Emily Carol Smith | Jami Davies | LOSS | WIN |
Rating outcomes
This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.
Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Bend the Knee 2024
Mixed & Men's Steel Longsword - 10 fighters
Rank | Name | Nationality | Club | Weighted rating | Confidence | ||
867 | 237 | Court Dyke | Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy | 1374.6 | 53.8 | ||
1323 | 952 | Travis Price | Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts | 1282.1 | 164.5 | ||
1708 | Eric Rush | Omaha-Metro Armed Combat Academy | 1218 | ||||
2991 | 708 | William Swett | Omaha-Metro Armed Combat Academy | 1013 | 102.7 | ||
3074 | 189 | Robert Illston | Guild of Knightly Arts | 998.1 | 50.9 | ||
3392 | 347 | Tyler Larson | Omaha-Metro Armed Combat Academy | 941.3 | 88.2 | ||
3419 | 33 | Bruce Rawitch | Kansas City HEMA | 938.5 | 9.9 | ||
3421 | 4 | Brent Jockers | N/A | 938.5 | 16.9 | ||
3621 | Alan Horn | Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy | 900 | ||||
4385 | Alexander Vieux | N/A | 613.1 |
Women's Steel Longsword - 5 fighters
Rank | Name | Nationality | Club | Weighted rating | Confidence | ||
39 | Jessica Young | Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts | 1517.3 | ||||
115 | Anna Wilbeck | N/A | 1264 | ||||
249 | Alisha Saulnier | Whidbey Swordplay Association | 1010.6 | ||||
253 | Aimee Hanson | N/A | 988.2 | ||||
311 | Amber Brown | Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy | 896.5 |
Mixed & Men's Steel Rapier and Dagger - 14 fighters
Rank | Name | Nationality | Club | Weighted rating | Confidence | ||
75 | Court Dyke | Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy | 1488.8 | ||||
101 | Eric Rush | Omaha-Metro Armed Combat Academy | 1447.2 | ||||
223 | 94 | James Glackin | Heartland HEMA Historical Fencing Club | 1286.8 | 102.1 | ||
242 | William Swett | Omaha-Metro Armed Combat Academy | 1264 | ||||
243 | David Henderson | Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy | 1264 | ||||
246 | Alan Horn | Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy | 1263.4 | ||||
351 | Brent Jockers | N/A | 1152.3 | ||||
396 | Tyler Larson | Omaha-Metro Armed Combat Academy | 1107.7 | ||||
579 | Brenton Burke | Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy | 913.8 | ||||
593 | Travis Price | Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts | 896.5 | ||||
673 | Paul Bates | Center for Blade Arts | 784.1 | ||||
682 | Bruce Rawitch | Kansas City HEMA | 752.3 | ||||
705 | 3 | Robert Illston | Guild of Knightly Arts | 689.2 | 87.7 | ||
711 | Alexander Vieux | N/A | 553.5 |
Mixed & Men's Singlestick - 11 fighters
Rank | Name | Nationality | Club | Weighted rating | Confidence | ||
19 | Court Dyke | Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy | 1559.3 | ||||
42 | 6 | Paul Bates | Center for Blade Arts | 1449.6 | 36.8 | ||
83 | Brent Jockers | N/A | 1256.7 | ||||
99 | Alan Horn | Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy | 1220.3 | ||||
105 | 2 | James Glackin | Heartland HEMA Historical Fencing Club | 1204.9 | 12.3 | ||
122 | 14 | Travis Price | Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts | 1169 | 57.9 | ||
127 | Eric Rush | Omaha-Metro Armed Combat Academy | 1144.5 | ||||
196 | 36 | Tyler Larson | Omaha-Metro Armed Combat Academy | 972.5 | 129.9 | ||
230 | David Henderson | Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy | 868.9 | ||||
244 | 19 | William Swett | Omaha-Metro Armed Combat Academy | 827.2 | 37.1 | ||
271 | Alexander Vieux | N/A | 684.4 |
Underrepresented Genders & Women's Steel Longsword - 5 fighters
Rank | Name | Nationality | Club | Weighted rating | Confidence | ||
54 | Jessica Young | Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts | 1517.3 | ||||
172 | Anna Wilbeck | N/A | 1264 | ||||
379 | Alisha Saulnier | Whidbey Swordplay Association | 1010.6 | ||||
387 | Aimee Hanson | N/A | 988.2 | ||||
463 | Amber Brown | Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy | 896.5 |
Women's Steel Rapier and Dagger - 6 fighters
Rank | Name | Nationality | Club | Weighted rating | Confidence | ||
7 | Jessica Young | Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts | 1552.7 | ||||
16 | Anna Wilbeck | N/A | 1214 | ||||
18 | Aimee Hanson | N/A | 1174.8 | ||||
24 | Jami Davies | Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts | 1073 | ||||
29 | Nari Duskryn | N/A | 1010.6 | ||||
35 | Emily Carol Smith | Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy | 884 |
Underrepresented Genders and Women's Steel Rapier and Dagger - 6 fighters
Rank | Name | Nationality | Club | Weighted rating | Confidence | ||
7 | Jessica Young | Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts | 1552.7 | ||||
25 | Anna Wilbeck | N/A | 1214 | ||||
28 | Aimee Hanson | N/A | 1174.8 | ||||
38 | Jami Davies | Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts | 1073 | ||||
43 | Nari Duskryn | N/A | 1010.6 | ||||
58 | Emily Carol Smith | Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy | 884 |
Women's Singlestick - 7 fighters
Rank | Name | Nationality | Club | Weighted rating | Confidence | ||
1 | Jessica Young | Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts | 1582.1 | ||||
2 | Anna Wilbeck | N/A | 1421.5 | ||||
4 | Jami Davies | Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts | 1276.6 | ||||
7 | Nari Duskryn | N/A | 1101.1 | ||||
8 | Emily Carol Smith | Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy | 971.1 | ||||
9 | Aimee Hanson | N/A | 896.5 | ||||
10 | Amber Brown | Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy | 762.4 |
Underrepresented Genders & Women's Singlestick - 7 fighters
Rank | Name | Nationality | Club | Weighted rating | Confidence | ||
1 | Jessica Young | Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts | 1582.1 | ||||
2 | Anna Wilbeck | N/A | 1421.5 | ||||
4 | Jami Davies | Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts | 1276.6 | ||||
7 | Nari Duskryn | N/A | 1101.1 | ||||
8 | Emily Carol Smith | Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy | 971.1 | ||||
9 | Aimee Hanson | N/A | 896.5 | ||||
10 | Amber Brown | Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy | 762.4 |