King's Cup 2024

Date January 12, 2024
Country United States
State Maryland
City Columbia
Software HEMA Scorecard (results )

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 266 81
Mixed Steel Single Rapier 134 42
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler 163 53
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword 78 23

Fighters in event

Pablo Illing Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Omar José Hernández Alcalá Wolfskopf Fencing Academy
Piotr Przanowski Bractwo Szermiercze
Kristofer Stanson Stockholm HEMA
Jen Richards Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Alexander Szramoski
Neil Satterlund
River Furlow
Timothy Ware
Jessie Tatum
Matthew Pham
Erik Miao
Kees Leliveld
Lauren Loria-Sklar
Kai Filippucci
Matthew Jenkins Appalachian Highland Historical Fencing
Nathan Weston Athena School of Arms
Julie Gaunt Athena School of Arms
John Blood Athens School of Arms
Omkar Kale Athens School of Arms
Jack Haley Athens School of Arms
Lawrence Robinson Athens School of Arms
Katie Letsinger Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Andi Nealon Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Caitlyn Trautwein Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Graham Wallis Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Ashley Hearn Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Eric Musgrove Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Adam Sandor Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Ian Lowry Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Benjamin Aycrigg Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Billy Matt Thompson Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Daniel Pierce Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Drake Stephens Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Christopher Deraney Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Lindsey Mitchell Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Veronica Young Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Cameron Low Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Richard Escoto Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Thomas Pifer Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
David Blair Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Ian Larson Blacksburg Blades
Connor Ingalls Blacksburg Blades
Declan Moloney Boston Armizare
Joe DeMartino Boston Armizare
Ania Chaney Boston Armizare
David Lillethun Boston Armizare
Mike O'Brien Boston Armizare
Steve Massaroni Boston Armizare
Christina Beaulieu Boston Armizare
Derek Wise Boston Armizare
Dustin Kirkpatrick Boston Armizare
Andrew Gleason Boston Armizare
Elizabeth Scott Boston Armizare
RJ Bacon Boston Armizare
Sai Rallabhandi Bucks Historical Longsword
Joseph Lilly Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Craig Kellner Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Jonathan Rider Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Ethan Morrill-Ploum Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Megan Fornasar Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Makena Bauss Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Maiji Castro Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Joseph Sherill Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Jacob McDonald Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts
Abigail Moore Denver Historical Fencing Academy
Bradley Smith Denver Historical Fencing Academy
Duncan Tennant Gotham European Martial Arts Collective
Cody Kiwaczyk Ironwood Historic Swordsmanship
Michael Duchetta Lew Fighters
Jim Ng Long Island Historical Fencing Society
Jeff Schmaley Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Charles Parr Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Bradford Kuhn Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Jay Jordan Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Leila Bobrow Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Andrew Bakry Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Joseph VerValin Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Travis Mayott Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Gretchen Settle Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Stephen Dougherty Medieval European Martial Arts Guild
Robert Sherry Medieval European Martial Arts Guild
Ben Adiletto Medieval European Martial Arts Guild
Justin Drury Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy
Richard Shepro Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy
Collin Vredenburg Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy
Connor Turley Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy
Jenevieve Frank Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy
James Darling Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy
Joseph Yeager Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy
Christian Gunberg Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy
Julie Seeley-Hall Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy
Ben Samuels Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy
Jack Bolger Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy
Kyle Galambos Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy
Morgan Conway Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy
Brendan Morris Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy
Chad Reese Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy
Ryan Vreeland Mid-Atlantic Society for Historic Swordsmanship
Kevin Rezac Round Table Historical Fencing
Zachary Showalter Scuffletown Federfechters
David Covington Smart HEMA Clubs
Robin Conrad Swordwind Historical Swordsmanship
Pike Pullen Swordwind Historical Swordsmanship
Britney Atwell Swordwind Historical Swordsmanship
Skye Tsow The HEMA Club at VCU
Marr Hovastak The HEMA Club at VCU
Alex Lawson The HEMA Club at VCU
Des Hollinger The HEMA Club at VCU
Mike Wallace Triangle Sword Guild
Kyle Pruett Triangle Sword Guild
Christopher Birchfield Triangle Sword Guild
Logan Sites Triangle Sword Guild
Randi Cramer University of West Florida Fencing
Bradley Cramer University of West Florida Fencing
Malcolm Ponte Virginia Academy of Fencing
Dustin Collier Virginia Academy of Fencing
James McDonnell Virginia Academy of Fencing
Kieran Garrity Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research
Abby Rodriguez Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research
Jake Nelson Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Abigail Moore Pike Pullen LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Billy Matt Thompson Joseph Sherill LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Duncan Tennant RJ Bacon LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Pike Pullen Billy Matt Thompson WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Abigail Moore Duncan Tennant LOSS WIN
Pool 1 RJ Bacon Joseph Sherill WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Duncan Tennant Pike Pullen LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Billy Matt Thompson RJ Bacon WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Abigail Moore Joseph Sherill WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Pike Pullen RJ Bacon WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Duncan Tennant Joseph Sherill LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Billy Matt Thompson Abigail Moore WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Joseph Sherill Pike Pullen LOSS WIN
Pool 1 RJ Bacon Abigail Moore WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Duncan Tennant Billy Matt Thompson WIN LOSS
Pool 2 David Lillethun Dustin Collier LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Pablo Illing Sai Rallabhandi WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Piotr Przanowski Neil Satterlund WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Sai Rallabhandi David Lillethun WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Neil Satterlund Dustin Collier LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Piotr Przanowski Pablo Illing WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Neil Satterlund David Lillethun DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Sai Rallabhandi Piotr Przanowski LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Pablo Illing Dustin Collier WIN LOSS
Pool 2 David Lillethun Piotr Przanowski LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Neil Satterlund Pablo Illing LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Sai Rallabhandi Dustin Collier LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Pablo Illing David Lillethun WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Dustin Collier Piotr Przanowski LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Neil Satterlund Sai Rallabhandi LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Skye Tsow Andrew Gleason LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Megan Fornasar Daniel Pierce LOSS WIN
Pool 3 John Blood Jeff Schmaley WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Megan Fornasar Skye Tsow WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Andrew Gleason Jeff Schmaley LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Daniel Pierce John Blood WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Jeff Schmaley Skye Tsow WIN LOSS
Pool 3 John Blood Megan Fornasar WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Andrew Gleason Daniel Pierce LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Skye Tsow John Blood LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Jeff Schmaley Daniel Pierce LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Megan Fornasar Andrew Gleason LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Skye Tsow Daniel Pierce LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Andrew Gleason John Blood LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Megan Fornasar Jeff Schmaley LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Craig Kellner Eric Musgrove LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Jay Jordan Kieran Garrity LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Collin Vredenburg Declan Moloney WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Jay Jordan Eric Musgrove LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Craig Kellner Declan Moloney LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Kieran Garrity Collin Vredenburg LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Eric Musgrove Declan Moloney WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Jay Jordan Collin Vredenburg LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Craig Kellner Kieran Garrity LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Eric Musgrove Collin Vredenburg DRAW DRAW
Pool 4 Declan Moloney Kieran Garrity LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Craig Kellner Jay Jordan LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Kieran Garrity Eric Musgrove LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Collin Vredenburg Craig Kellner WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Declan Moloney Jay Jordan WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Elizabeth Scott Ashley Hearn LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Katie Letsinger Jonathan Rider LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Elizabeth Scott Jim Ng LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Jonathan Rider Ashley Hearn WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Jim Ng Katie Letsinger WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Elizabeth Scott Jonathan Rider LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Jim Ng Ashley Hearn LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Elizabeth Scott Katie Letsinger DRAW DRAW
Pool 5 Jim Ng Jonathan Rider LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Ashley Hearn Katie Letsinger WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Michael Duchetta Dustin Kirkpatrick WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Joseph Lilly Julie Gaunt WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Lawrence Robinson Benjamin Aycrigg LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Joseph Lilly Dustin Kirkpatrick DRAW DRAW
Pool 6 Michael Duchetta Benjamin Aycrigg LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Julie Gaunt Lawrence Robinson LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Dustin Kirkpatrick Benjamin Aycrigg LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Lawrence Robinson Joseph Lilly WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Julie Gaunt Michael Duchetta LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Dustin Kirkpatrick Lawrence Robinson LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Julie Gaunt Benjamin Aycrigg LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Joseph Lilly Michael Duchetta WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Julie Gaunt Dustin Kirkpatrick LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Lawrence Robinson Michael Duchetta DRAW DRAW
Pool 6 Joseph Lilly Benjamin Aycrigg LOSS WIN
Pool 7 David Covington Caitlyn Trautwein LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Omar José Hernández Alcalá Leila Bobrow WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Timothy Ware Ian Larson LOSS WIN
Pool 7 David Covington Leila Bobrow DRAW DRAW
Pool 7 Timothy Ware Caitlyn Trautwein WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Omar José Hernández Alcalá Ian Larson WIN LOSS
Pool 7 David Covington Timothy Ware LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Ian Larson Leila Bobrow WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Caitlyn Trautwein Omar José Hernández Alcalá LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Ian Larson David Covington LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Timothy Ware Omar José Hernández Alcalá LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Caitlyn Trautwein Leila Bobrow WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Omar José Hernández Alcalá David Covington WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Caitlyn Trautwein Ian Larson DRAW DRAW
Pool 7 Timothy Ware Leila Bobrow WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Andi Nealon Justin Drury LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Kees Leliveld Charles Parr LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Richard Escoto Ben Adiletto DRAW DRAW
Pool 8 Andi Nealon Charles Parr LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Richard Escoto Justin Drury WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Kees Leliveld Ben Adiletto WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Richard Escoto Andi Nealon WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Charles Parr Ben Adiletto WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Kees Leliveld Justin Drury WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Andi Nealon Ben Adiletto LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Richard Escoto Kees Leliveld LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Justin Drury Charles Parr WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Kees Leliveld Andi Nealon WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Ben Adiletto Justin Drury LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Richard Escoto Charles Parr LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Graham Wallis Gretchen Settle WIN LOSS
Pool 9 Julie Seeley-Hall Abby Rodriguez LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Alexander Szramoski Joe DeMartino DRAW DRAW
Pool 9 Gretchen Settle Julie Seeley-Hall LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Graham Wallis Joe DeMartino DRAW DRAW
Pool 9 Alexander Szramoski Abby Rodriguez LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Gretchen Settle Joe DeMartino LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Alexander Szramoski Julie Seeley-Hall WIN LOSS
Pool 9 Abby Rodriguez Graham Wallis WIN LOSS
Pool 9 Gretchen Settle Alexander Szramoski LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Joe DeMartino Abby Rodriguez LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Graham Wallis Julie Seeley-Hall WIN LOSS
Pool 9 Gretchen Settle Abby Rodriguez LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Alexander Szramoski Graham Wallis LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Joe DeMartino Julie Seeley-Hall WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Omkar Kale Drake Stephens WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Ian Lowry Joseph VerValin WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Stephen Dougherty Bradley Smith LOSS WIN
Pool 10 Drake Stephens Ian Lowry LOSS WIN
Pool 10 Bradley Smith Omkar Kale WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Joseph VerValin Stephen Dougherty LOSS WIN
Pool 10 Bradley Smith Drake Stephens WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Ian Lowry Stephen Dougherty LOSS WIN
Pool 10 Omkar Kale Joseph VerValin WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Stephen Dougherty Drake Stephens WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Joseph VerValin Bradley Smith LOSS WIN
Pool 10 Omkar Kale Ian Lowry LOSS WIN
Pool 10 Joseph VerValin Drake Stephens LOSS WIN
Pool 10 Stephen Dougherty Omkar Kale WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Ian Lowry Bradley Smith LOSS WIN
Pool 11 Bradford Kuhn Zachary Showalter LOSS WIN
Pool 11 Veronica Young Christopher Deraney LOSS WIN
Pool 11 Robert Sherry Zachary Showalter LOSS WIN
Pool 11 Bradford Kuhn Veronica Young WIN LOSS
Pool 11 Robert Sherry Christopher Deraney WIN LOSS
Pool 11 Veronica Young Zachary Showalter LOSS WIN
Pool 11 Bradford Kuhn Robert Sherry WIN LOSS
Pool 11 Veronica Young Robert Sherry WIN LOSS
Pool 12 Jack Haley Ania Chaney WIN LOSS
Pool 12 Jen Richards Christian Gunberg LOSS WIN
Pool 12 Travis Mayott Cameron Low LOSS WIN
Pool 12 Jack Haley Jen Richards WIN LOSS
Pool 12 Travis Mayott Ania Chaney WIN LOSS
Pool 12 Christian Gunberg Cameron Low LOSS WIN
Pool 12 Travis Mayott Jack Haley WIN LOSS
Pool 12 Jen Richards Cameron Low LOSS WIN
Pool 12 Ania Chaney Christian Gunberg LOSS WIN
Pool 12 Travis Mayott Christian Gunberg WIN LOSS
Pool 12 Jen Richards Ania Chaney WIN LOSS
Pool 12 Cameron Low Ania Chaney WIN LOSS
Pool 12 Jen Richards Travis Mayott LOSS WIN
Pool 13 Jacob McDonald Ethan Morrill-Ploum WIN LOSS
Pool 13 Joseph Yeager Christina Beaulieu LOSS WIN
Pool 13 Andrew Bakry Thomas Pifer LOSS WIN
Pool 13 Joseph Yeager Jacob McDonald LOSS WIN
Pool 13 Ethan Morrill-Ploum Andrew Bakry WIN LOSS
Pool 13 Thomas Pifer Christina Beaulieu WIN LOSS
Pool 13 Andrew Bakry Jacob McDonald LOSS WIN
Pool 13 Thomas Pifer Joseph Yeager WIN LOSS
Pool 13 Ethan Morrill-Ploum Christina Beaulieu LOSS WIN
Pool 13 Thomas Pifer Jacob McDonald WIN LOSS
Pool 13 Andrew Bakry Christina Beaulieu WIN LOSS
Pool 13 Ethan Morrill-Ploum Joseph Yeager WIN LOSS
Pool 13 Jacob McDonald Christina Beaulieu WIN LOSS
Pool 13 Ethan Morrill-Ploum Thomas Pifer LOSS WIN
Pool 13 Andrew Bakry Joseph Yeager WIN LOSS
Pool 14 Erik Miao Mike O'Brien LOSS WIN
Pool 14 Adam Sandor Britney Atwell WIN LOSS
Pool 14 Lindsey Mitchell Erik Miao WIN LOSS
Pool 14 Mike O'Brien Adam Sandor LOSS WIN
Pool 14 Britney Atwell Lindsey Mitchell LOSS WIN
Pool 14 Adam Sandor Erik Miao WIN LOSS
Pool 14 Lindsey Mitchell Mike O'Brien WIN LOSS
Pool 14 Britney Atwell Erik Miao LOSS WIN
Pool 14 Adam Sandor Lindsey Mitchell DRAW DRAW
Pool 14 Britney Atwell Mike O'Brien LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Craig Kellner Neil Satterlund WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Katie Letsinger Erik Miao LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Julie Gaunt Jay Jordan LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Joseph Yeager Ben Adiletto LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket David Covington David Lillethun WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Elizabeth Scott Megan Fornasar WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Ania Chaney Veronica Young LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Dustin Kirkpatrick Britney Atwell WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Andi Nealon Drake Stephens LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Joseph VerValin Jen Richards WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Abigail Moore Robert Sherry LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Thomas Pifer Craig Kellner WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Ian Lowry Dustin Collier WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Kees Leliveld Andrew Gleason WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Pablo Illing Duncan Tennant WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Pike Pullen Erik Miao WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Bradford Kuhn Omkar Kale LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Ian Larson Justin Drury LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Jay Jordan Jonathan Rider LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Omar José Hernández Alcalá Ben Adiletto WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Jeff Schmaley Billy Matt Thompson LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Andrew Bakry Adam Sandor LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Alexander Szramoski Jacob McDonald LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Collin Vredenburg Caitlyn Trautwein WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Ethan Morrill-Ploum Lindsey Mitchell LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Lawrence Robinson Christian Gunberg WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Cameron Low David Covington WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Piotr Przanowski Elizabeth Scott WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Graham Wallis Mike O'Brien LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Joseph Lilly Charles Parr WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Eric Musgrove Sai Rallabhandi LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Veronica Young Daniel Pierce LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Michael Duchetta Travis Mayott WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Declan Moloney Timothy Ware LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Dustin Kirkpatrick Abby Rodriguez WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Zachary Showalter Drake Stephens WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Joseph Sherill Kieran Garrity LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Ashley Hearn Joe DeMartino WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Benjamin Aycrigg Joseph VerValin WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Stephen Dougherty Christina Beaulieu WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket John Blood Richard Escoto WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Jim Ng RJ Bacon LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Bradley Smith Robert Sherry WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Ian Lowry Thomas Pifer LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Pablo Illing Kees Leliveld WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Pike Pullen Omkar Kale WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Justin Drury Jonathan Rider LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Billy Matt Thompson Omar José Hernández Alcalá LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Jacob McDonald Adam Sandor WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Lindsey Mitchell Collin Vredenburg WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Cameron Low Lawrence Robinson WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Mike O'Brien Piotr Przanowski LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Sai Rallabhandi Joseph Lilly LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Michael Duchetta Daniel Pierce LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Dustin Kirkpatrick Timothy Ware WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Kieran Garrity Zachary Showalter LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Benjamin Aycrigg Ashley Hearn WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Stephen Dougherty John Blood WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket RJ Bacon Bradley Smith LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Pablo Illing Thomas Pifer LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Pike Pullen Jonathan Rider LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Jacob McDonald Omar José Hernández Alcalá WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Lindsey Mitchell Cameron Low LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Piotr Przanowski Joseph Lilly WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Daniel Pierce Dustin Kirkpatrick WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Zachary Showalter Benjamin Aycrigg LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Bradley Smith Stephen Dougherty WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Jonathan Rider Thomas Pifer LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Cameron Low Jacob McDonald LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Piotr Przanowski Daniel Pierce WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Benjamin Aycrigg Bradley Smith WIN LOSS
Semifinals Thomas Pifer Jacob McDonald WIN LOSS
Semifinals Benjamin Aycrigg Piotr Przanowski WIN LOSS
Bronze Medal Match Jacob McDonald Piotr Przanowski LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Benjamin Aycrigg Thomas Pifer WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pools Ben Samuels Piotr Przanowski LOSS WIN
Pools Cameron Low David Lillethun WIN LOSS
Pools Ben Samuels Cameron Low LOSS WIN
Pools David Lillethun Joseph VerValin LOSS WIN
Pools Cameron Low Piotr Przanowski LOSS WIN
Pools Ben Samuels Joseph VerValin LOSS WIN
Pools David Lillethun Piotr Przanowski LOSS WIN
Pools Cameron Low Joseph VerValin WIN LOSS
Pools Piotr Przanowski Joseph VerValin WIN LOSS
Pools Ben Samuels David Lillethun LOSS WIN
Pools Thomas Pifer Nathan Weston LOSS WIN
Pools RJ Bacon Bradley Cramer LOSS WIN
Pools Connor Turley Mike Wallace WIN LOSS
Pools Thomas Pifer Bradley Cramer LOSS WIN
Pools Connor Turley Nathan Weston WIN LOSS
Pools RJ Bacon Mike Wallace LOSS WIN
Pools Thomas Pifer Connor Turley LOSS WIN
Pools Mike Wallace Bradley Cramer LOSS WIN
Pools Nathan Weston RJ Bacon WIN LOSS
Pools Mike Wallace Thomas Pifer LOSS WIN
Pools Connor Turley RJ Bacon WIN LOSS
Pools Nathan Weston Bradley Cramer LOSS WIN
Pools RJ Bacon Thomas Pifer LOSS WIN
Pools Nathan Weston Mike Wallace WIN LOSS
Pools Connor Turley Bradley Cramer LOSS WIN
Pools Makena Bauss Richard Escoto LOSS WIN
Pools Jake Nelson Morgan Conway WIN LOSS
Pools Morgan Conway Makena Bauss LOSS WIN
Pools Jake Nelson Elizabeth Scott WIN LOSS
Pools Morgan Conway Elizabeth Scott DRAW DRAW
Pools Richard Escoto Jake Nelson LOSS WIN
Pools Elizabeth Scott Makena Bauss WIN LOSS
Pools Richard Escoto Morgan Conway DRAW DRAW
Pools Makena Bauss Jake Nelson LOSS WIN
Pools Richard Escoto Elizabeth Scott WIN LOSS
Pools Jake Nelson Christina Beaulieu WIN LOSS
Pools Makena Bauss Christina Beaulieu WIN LOSS
Pools Christina Beaulieu Elizabeth Scott LOSS WIN
Pools Richard Escoto Christina Beaulieu WIN LOSS
Pools Morgan Conway Christina Beaulieu WIN LOSS
Pools Kevin Rezac Derek Wise WIN LOSS
Pools Malcolm Ponte Andrew Bakry LOSS WIN
Pools Lauren Loria-Sklar Kristofer Stanson LOSS WIN
Pools Derek Wise Malcolm Ponte WIN LOSS
Pools Lauren Loria-Sklar Kevin Rezac LOSS WIN
Pools Kristofer Stanson Andrew Bakry WIN LOSS
Pools Lauren Loria-Sklar Derek Wise LOSS WIN
Pools Malcolm Ponte Kristofer Stanson LOSS WIN
Pools Kevin Rezac Andrew Bakry WIN LOSS
Pools Kristofer Stanson Derek Wise DRAW DRAW
Pools Lauren Loria-Sklar Andrew Bakry LOSS WIN
Pools Malcolm Ponte Kevin Rezac WIN LOSS
Pools Derek Wise Andrew Bakry WIN LOSS
Pools Kristofer Stanson Kevin Rezac WIN LOSS
Pools Lauren Loria-Sklar Malcolm Ponte LOSS WIN
Pools Randi Cramer Kieran Garrity LOSS WIN
Pools Matthew Pham Christopher Birchfield DRAW DRAW
Pools David Blair Kieran Garrity LOSS WIN
Pools Randi Cramer Matthew Pham LOSS WIN
Pools Kieran Garrity Matthew Pham WIN LOSS
Pools David Blair Christopher Birchfield LOSS WIN
Pools Kieran Garrity Christopher Birchfield WIN LOSS
Pools Randi Cramer David Blair LOSS WIN
Pools Christopher Birchfield Randi Cramer WIN LOSS
Pools David Blair Matthew Pham LOSS WIN
Pools Dustin Kirkpatrick Christopher Birchfield LOSS WIN
Pools Kieran Garrity Dustin Kirkpatrick WIN LOSS
Pools Dustin Kirkpatrick Matthew Pham LOSS WIN
Pools Randi Cramer Dustin Kirkpatrick LOSS WIN
Pools David Blair Dustin Kirkpatrick DRAW DRAW
Pools Neil Satterlund Ben Adiletto LOSS WIN
Pools Kyle Galambos Omkar Kale LOSS WIN
Pools Neil Satterlund Omkar Kale LOSS WIN
Pools Kyle Galambos Ben Adiletto WIN LOSS
Pools Neil Satterlund Kyle Galambos WIN LOSS
Pools Omkar Kale Ben Adiletto WIN LOSS
Pools Omar José Hernández Alcalá Steve Massaroni LOSS WIN
Pools Cody Kiwaczyk Dustin Collier LOSS WIN
Pools Omar José Hernández Alcalá Cody Kiwaczyk LOSS WIN
Pools Steve Massaroni Dustin Collier WIN LOSS
Pools Omar José Hernández Alcalá Dustin Collier DRAW DRAW
Pools Cody Kiwaczyk Steve Massaroni LOSS WIN
Pools Bradley Smith Jessie Tatum DRAW DRAW
Pools James Darling Joseph Lilly LOSS WIN
Pools Jeff Schmaley Jessie Tatum LOSS WIN
Pools Bradley Smith James Darling DRAW DRAW
Pools Jeff Schmaley Joseph Lilly LOSS WIN
Pools James Darling Jessie Tatum LOSS WIN
Pools Jeff Schmaley Bradley Smith WIN LOSS
Pools Joseph Lilly Jessie Tatum WIN LOSS
Pools Jeff Schmaley James Darling LOSS WIN
Pools Bradley Smith Joseph Lilly DRAW DRAW
Elimination Bracket RJ Bacon Thomas Pifer LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Dustin Collier Lauren Loria-Sklar WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Ben Samuels Ben Adiletto LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Christina Beaulieu Neil Satterlund LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Cody Kiwaczyk Randi Cramer WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Omar José Hernández Alcalá Kyle Galambos LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Jeff Schmaley Bradley Smith LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket James Darling Dustin Kirkpatrick WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Mike Wallace David Lillethun WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Morgan Conway David Blair WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Bradley Cramer Morgan Conway WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Omkar Kale Mike Wallace WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket James Darling Kieran Garrity LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Bradley Smith Jake Nelson WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Kyle Galambos Steve Massaroni LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Piotr Przanowski Cody Kiwaczyk WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Neil Satterlund Connor Turley LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Kristofer Stanson Ben Adiletto WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Cameron Low Dustin Collier WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Joseph Lilly Thomas Pifer WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Kevin Rezac Andrew Bakry WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Makena Bauss Derek Wise LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Malcolm Ponte Richard Escoto LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Elizabeth Scott Nathan Weston LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Christopher Birchfield Jessie Tatum WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Joseph VerValin Matthew Pham LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Bradley Cramer Matthew Pham WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Omkar Kale Christopher Birchfield WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Nathan Weston Kieran Garrity LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Bradley Smith Richard Escoto WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Derek Wise Steve Massaroni LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Piotr Przanowski Kevin Rezac WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Connor Turley Joseph Lilly LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Kristofer Stanson Cameron Low WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Bradley Cramer Kristofer Stanson LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Omkar Kale Joseph Lilly LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Piotr Przanowski Kieran Garrity WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Bradley Smith Steve Massaroni LOSS WIN
Semifinals Kristofer Stanson Steve Massaroni WIN LOSS
Semifinals Joseph Lilly Piotr Przanowski WIN LOSS
Gold Medal Match Kristofer Stanson Joseph Lilly WIN LOSS
Bronze Medal Match Piotr Przanowski Steve Massaroni LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pools Julie Seeley-Hall Ryan Vreeland LOSS WIN
Pools Piotr Przanowski Abigail Moore WIN LOSS
Pools Ryan Vreeland Derek Wise DRAW DRAW
Pools Julie Seeley-Hall Abigail Moore LOSS WIN
Pools Piotr Przanowski Derek Wise LOSS WIN
Pools Ryan Vreeland Abigail Moore WIN LOSS
Pools Derek Wise Julie Seeley-Hall WIN LOSS
Pools Ryan Vreeland Piotr Przanowski LOSS WIN
Pools Derek Wise Abigail Moore WIN LOSS
Pools Julie Seeley-Hall Piotr Przanowski LOSS WIN
Pools Dustin Kirkpatrick Britney Atwell WIN LOSS
Pools Chad Reese Daniel Pierce WIN LOSS
Pools Britney Atwell Logan Sites LOSS WIN
Pools Chad Reese Dustin Kirkpatrick WIN LOSS
Pools Daniel Pierce Logan Sites LOSS WIN
Pools Chad Reese Britney Atwell WIN LOSS
Pools Dustin Kirkpatrick Logan Sites LOSS WIN
Pools Britney Atwell Daniel Pierce LOSS WIN
Pools Chad Reese Logan Sites LOSS WIN
Pools Dustin Kirkpatrick Daniel Pierce LOSS WIN
Pools Bradley Cramer Jeff Schmaley WIN LOSS
Pools Pablo Illing Declan Moloney LOSS WIN
Pools Craig Kellner River Furlow LOSS WIN
Pools Declan Moloney Bradley Cramer LOSS WIN
Pools Craig Kellner Jeff Schmaley LOSS WIN
Pools Pablo Illing River Furlow LOSS WIN
Pools Bradley Cramer Craig Kellner WIN LOSS
Pools Declan Moloney River Furlow DRAW DRAW
Pools Jeff Schmaley Pablo Illing WIN LOSS
Pools Bradley Cramer River Furlow WIN LOSS
Pools Pablo Illing Craig Kellner LOSS WIN
Pools Jeff Schmaley Declan Moloney WIN LOSS
Pools Bradley Cramer Pablo Illing WIN LOSS
Pools Jeff Schmaley River Furlow LOSS WIN
Pools Craig Kellner Declan Moloney WIN LOSS
Pools Andrew Gleason Ben Adiletto DRAW DRAW
Pools Jack Bolger Kyle Pruett WIN LOSS
Pools Jonathan Rider Brendan Morris DRAW DRAW
Pools Jack Bolger Andrew Gleason WIN LOSS
Pools Ben Adiletto Brendan Morris WIN LOSS
Pools Jonathan Rider Kyle Pruett LOSS WIN
Pools Brendan Morris Andrew Gleason WIN LOSS
Pools Jonathan Rider Jack Bolger LOSS WIN
Pools Kyle Pruett Ben Adiletto LOSS WIN
Pools Andrew Gleason Jonathan Rider LOSS WIN
Pools Brendan Morris Kyle Pruett DRAW DRAW
Pools Ben Adiletto Jack Bolger LOSS WIN
Pools Kyle Pruett Andrew Gleason WIN LOSS
Pools Ben Adiletto Jonathan Rider LOSS WIN
Pools Brendan Morris Jack Bolger DRAW DRAW
Pools Malcolm Ponte Robin Conrad WIN LOSS
Pools Ania Chaney Randi Cramer WIN LOSS
Pools Jacob McDonald Robin Conrad WIN LOSS
Pools Malcolm Ponte Randi Cramer WIN LOSS
Pools Ania Chaney Jacob McDonald LOSS WIN
Pools Randi Cramer Robin Conrad LOSS WIN
Pools Malcolm Ponte Jacob McDonald LOSS WIN
Pools Ania Chaney Robin Conrad WIN LOSS
Pools Randi Cramer Jacob McDonald LOSS WIN
Pools Ania Chaney Malcolm Ponte LOSS WIN
Pools James McDonnell Mike O'Brien LOSS WIN
!! Attention !! Excluded From Scoring Calculations Pools Timothy Ware Thomas Pifer LOSS WIN
Pools James McDonnell Kieran Garrity LOSS WIN
Pools Timothy Ware Mike O'Brien LOSS WIN
!! Attention !! Excluded From Scoring Calculations Pools Thomas Pifer Kieran Garrity LOSS WIN
Pools Timothy Ware James McDonnell LOSS WIN
Pools Mike O'Brien Kieran Garrity DRAW DRAW
Pools Timothy Ware Kieran Garrity LOSS WIN
Pools Connor Ingalls Pike Pullen LOSS WIN
Pools RJ Bacon Joseph VerValin WIN LOSS
Pools James Darling Omkar Kale LOSS WIN
Pools Connor Ingalls RJ Bacon LOSS WIN
Pools Pike Pullen Omkar Kale DRAW DRAW
Pools Joseph VerValin James Darling LOSS WIN
Pools Connor Ingalls Omkar Kale LOSS WIN
Pools RJ Bacon James Darling LOSS WIN
Pools Joseph VerValin Pike Pullen LOSS WIN
Pools Connor Ingalls James Darling WIN LOSS
Pools Omkar Kale Joseph VerValin WIN LOSS
Pools RJ Bacon Pike Pullen LOSS WIN
Pools Connor Ingalls Joseph VerValin WIN LOSS
Pools James Darling Pike Pullen LOSS WIN
Pools RJ Bacon Omkar Kale LOSS WIN
Pools David Blair Omar José Hernández Alcalá LOSS WIN
Pools Andrew Bakry Richard Shepro LOSS WIN
Pools Omar José Hernández Alcalá Bradley Smith LOSS WIN
Pools David Blair Andrew Bakry DRAW DRAW
Pools Richard Shepro Bradley Smith WIN LOSS
Pools Omar José Hernández Alcalá Andrew Bakry WIN LOSS
Pools David Blair Bradley Smith LOSS WIN
Pools Richard Shepro Omar José Hernández Alcalá WIN LOSS
Pools Andrew Bakry Bradley Smith LOSS WIN
Pools David Blair Richard Shepro LOSS WIN
Pools Alexander Szramoski Matthew Jenkins LOSS WIN
Pools Kevin Rezac Lindsey Mitchell WIN LOSS
Pools Cody Kiwaczyk Matthew Jenkins WIN LOSS
Pools Alexander Szramoski Lindsey Mitchell LOSS WIN
Pools Kevin Rezac Cody Kiwaczyk LOSS WIN
Pools Lindsey Mitchell Matthew Jenkins LOSS WIN
Pools Cody Kiwaczyk Alexander Szramoski WIN LOSS
Pools Kevin Rezac Matthew Jenkins LOSS WIN
Pools Lindsey Mitchell Cody Kiwaczyk LOSS WIN
Pools Kevin Rezac Alexander Szramoski WIN LOSS
Pools John Blood Jenevieve Frank WIN LOSS
Pools David Lillethun Kristofer Stanson LOSS WIN
Pools Kai Filippucci John Blood LOSS WIN
Pools Jenevieve Frank David Lillethun WIN LOSS
Pools Kai Filippucci Kristofer Stanson LOSS WIN
Pools John Blood David Lillethun WIN LOSS
Pools Kai Filippucci Jenevieve Frank WIN LOSS
Pools John Blood Kristofer Stanson LOSS WIN
Pools Kai Filippucci David Lillethun WIN LOSS
Pools Jenevieve Frank Kristofer Stanson LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Alexander Szramoski Malcolm Ponte LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Chad Reese Randi Cramer WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Kieran Garrity Pablo Illing WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Mike O'Brien David Lillethun WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Jeff Schmaley Timothy Ware LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket River Furlow Julie Seeley-Hall WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Ryan Vreeland David Blair WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Britney Atwell Daniel Pierce LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Kevin Rezac Joseph VerValin WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Kai Filippucci Declan Moloney LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Ania Chaney Brendan Morris LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Omar José Hernández Alcalá Abigail Moore WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Dustin Kirkpatrick Jonathan Rider LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket James Darling Lindsey Mitchell WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Ben Adiletto Jenevieve Frank WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Kyle Pruett Robin Conrad LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket James McDonnell RJ Bacon LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Connor Ingalls Craig Kellner WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Richard Shepro Connor Ingalls WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Cody Kiwaczyk RJ Bacon WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Logan Sites Robin Conrad WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Jacob McDonald Ben Adiletto WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Kristofer Stanson James Darling WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Jonathan Rider Bradley Cramer LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Jack Bolger Omar José Hernández Alcalá LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Omkar Kale Brendan Morris LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Declan Moloney Pike Pullen LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Bradley Smith Kevin Rezac WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Daniel Pierce Matthew Jenkins LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Derek Wise Ryan Vreeland WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket River Furlow John Blood LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Piotr Przanowski Timothy Ware WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Malcolm Ponte Mike O'Brien LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Chad Reese Kieran Garrity WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Richard Shepro Chad Reese WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Cody Kiwaczyk Mike O'Brien LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Piotr Przanowski Logan Sites WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals John Blood Jacob McDonald WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Kristofer Stanson Derek Wise WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Matthew Jenkins Bradley Cramer LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Omar José Hernández Alcalá Bradley Smith LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Brendan Morris Pike Pullen LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Richard Shepro Pike Pullen LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Bradley Smith Mike O'Brien LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Bradley Cramer Piotr Przanowski WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals John Blood Kristofer Stanson LOSS WIN
Semifinals Pike Pullen Kristofer Stanson LOSS WIN
Semifinals Mike O'Brien Bradley Cramer LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Bradley Cramer Kristofer Stanson WIN LOSS
Bronze Medal Match Pike Pullen Mike O'Brien WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Skye Tsow Randi Cramer WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Britney Atwell Ashley Hearn LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Abigail Moore Jen Richards WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Skye Tsow Ashley Hearn LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Abigail Moore Randi Cramer LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Britney Atwell Jen Richards WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Abigail Moore Skye Tsow LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Jen Richards Ashley Hearn LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Randi Cramer Britney Atwell WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Jen Richards Skye Tsow LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Abigail Moore Britney Atwell WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Randi Cramer Ashley Hearn LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Britney Atwell Skye Tsow WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Randi Cramer Jen Richards WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Abigail Moore Ashley Hearn LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Veronica Young Elizabeth Scott LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Alex Lawson Julie Seeley-Hall WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Andi Nealon Megan Fornasar LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Veronica Young Alex Lawson WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Andi Nealon Elizabeth Scott LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Julie Seeley-Hall Megan Fornasar LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Veronica Young Andi Nealon WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Alex Lawson Megan Fornasar WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Elizabeth Scott Julie Seeley-Hall WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Megan Fornasar Veronica Young LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Andi Nealon Julie Seeley-Hall WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Elizabeth Scott Alex Lawson LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Julie Seeley-Hall Veronica Young LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Elizabeth Scott Megan Fornasar WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Andi Nealon Alex Lawson LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Leila Bobrow Ania Chaney LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Des Hollinger Lindsey Mitchell LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Jenevieve Frank Christina Beaulieu WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Leila Bobrow Lindsey Mitchell LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Ania Chaney Christina Beaulieu LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Jenevieve Frank Des Hollinger WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Leila Bobrow Christina Beaulieu LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Jenevieve Frank Lindsey Mitchell LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Ania Chaney Des Hollinger WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Leila Bobrow Jenevieve Frank LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Des Hollinger Christina Beaulieu LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Lindsey Mitchell Ania Chaney WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Des Hollinger Leila Bobrow WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Jenevieve Frank Ania Chaney WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Lindsey Mitchell Christina Beaulieu WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Katie Letsinger Abby Rodriguez LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Marr Hovastak Maiji Castro LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Katie Letsinger Caitlyn Trautwein LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Abby Rodriguez Maiji Castro WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Caitlyn Trautwein Marr Hovastak WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Maiji Castro Katie Letsinger WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Abby Rodriguez Caitlyn Trautwein WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Marr Hovastak Katie Letsinger WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Caitlyn Trautwein Maiji Castro WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Marr Hovastak Abby Rodriguez LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Marr Hovastak Ania Chaney WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Katie Letsinger Maiji Castro LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Leila Bobrow Megan Fornasar LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Britney Atwell Des Hollinger WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Skye Tsow Julie Seeley-Hall WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Jen Richards Randi Cramer LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Abigail Moore Andi Nealon WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Marr Hovastak Abby Rodriguez LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Christina Beaulieu Caitlyn Trautwein LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Maiji Castro Elizabeth Scott LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Veronica Young Megan Fornasar WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Britney Atwell Lindsey Mitchell LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Jenevieve Frank Skye Tsow LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Alex Lawson Randi Cramer WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Abigail Moore Ashley Hearn LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Caitlyn Trautwein Abby Rodriguez WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Veronica Young Elizabeth Scott WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Lindsey Mitchell Skye Tsow WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Alex Lawson Ashley Hearn LOSS WIN
Semifinals Veronica Young Caitlyn Trautwein WIN LOSS
Semifinals Lindsey Mitchell Ashley Hearn WIN LOSS
Bronze Medal Match Caitlyn Trautwein Ashley Hearn LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Lindsey Mitchell Veronica Young WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just King's Cup 2024

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
19 9 Benjamin Aycrigg Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1857.6 51.8
30 1 Zachary Showalter Scuffletown Federfechters 1796.6 2.2
90 29 Bradley Smith Denver Historical Fencing Academy 1687.9 31.8
115 93 Piotr Przanowski Bractwo Szermiercze 1663.3 78.7
136 110 Thomas Pifer Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1637.4 70.8
151 Jacob McDonald Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1626.5 6
281 5 Joseph Lilly Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1553.7 2.2
313 10 Travis Mayott Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1536.3 5.3
328 175 Cameron Low Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1530.5 64.8
332 29 Kieran Garrity Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research 1528.4 14
335 119 Stephen Dougherty Medieval European Martial Arts Guild 1527 47.8
369 493 Daniel Pierce Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1513.7 146.2
463 110 Michael Duchetta Lew Fighters 1479.4 39.9
469 201 Pike Pullen Swordwind Historical Swordsmanship 1477.6 63.3
498 338 Lawrence Robinson Athens School of Arms 1470.1 98
505 33 Ian Lowry Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1468.5 13
511 668 Jonathan Rider Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1466.8 171.9
543 67 John Blood Athens School of Arms 1459.2 28.5
547 174 Collin Vredenburg Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1458 57.1
595 502 Pablo Illing Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1442.6 130.5
637 155 Ashley Hearn Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1429.2 46
747 638 Adam Sandor Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1398.1 146.3
779 93 Dustin Collier Virginia Academy of Fencing 1390.6 18.4
896 428 Eric Musgrove Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1364 99.2
934 203 Dustin Kirkpatrick Boston Armizare 1355.5 49.7
1007 46 Jeff Schmaley Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1338.6 3.3
1011 Kees Leliveld N/A 1337.5
1030 113 Justin Drury Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1333 28.1
1058 13 Christopher Deraney Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1326.3 3.2
1144 1293 Lindsey Mitchell Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1309.4 234.8
1175 62 Robert Sherry Medieval European Martial Arts Guild 1305.1 4
1214 2209 Omar José Hernández Alcalá Wolfskopf Fencing Academy 1295.5 402.6
1259 60 Veronica Young Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1285.4 6.8
1272 40 Billy Matt Thompson Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1282.1 2.4
1314 491 Declan Moloney Boston Armizare 1274 102.4
1346 309 Craig Kellner Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1267.6 56.9
1361 203 Sai Rallabhandi Bucks Historical Longsword 1264.6 44.8
1366 240 RJ Bacon Boston Armizare 1264 51.9
1469 27 Andrew Bakry Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1244.8 12.6
1478 224 Alexander Szramoski N/A 1244.1 35.9
1525 247 Mike O'Brien Boston Armizare 1237.1 51.6
1532 88 Richard Escoto Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1234.9 24.9
1552 334 Joe DeMartino Boston Armizare 1231.6 56.1
1588 12 Christina Beaulieu Boston Armizare 1226.3 8
1599 93 Andrew Gleason Boston Armizare 1223.9 6.7
1706 1857 Charles Parr Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1205.6 345.3
1719 180 Omkar Kale Athens School of Arms 1202.8 40
1757 329 Timothy Ware N/A 1197.2 64.9
1939 578 Ben Adiletto Medieval European Martial Arts Guild 1166.4 89.7
2053 69 Drake Stephens Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1150 24.8
2098 1241 Graham Wallis Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1143.3 232.9
2101 514 Jay Jordan Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1142.8 97.9
2140 91 Ian Larson Blacksburg Blades 1136.3 2.9
2144 1168 Abby Rodriguez Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research 1135.4 220.2
2322 Jack Haley Athens School of Arms 1106.1
2398 203 Julie Gaunt Athena School of Arms 1092.8 20.1
2402 293 David Lillethun Boston Armizare 1092.1 35.8
2435 354 Joseph Yeager Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1087.1 45.9
2533 Christian Gunberg Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1073.5
2655 Ethan Morrill-Ploum Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1053.5
2738 Jim Ng Long Island Historical Fencing Society 1041.6
2796 1005 Bradford Kuhn Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1031.3 229.9
2808 359 Caitlyn Trautwein Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1029.3 87.5
2823 Duncan Tennant Gotham European Martial Arts Collective 1026.1
2836 Erik Miao N/A 1023.6
2884 147 Joseph VerValin Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1013.1 9.1
2944 Elizabeth Scott Boston Armizare 1001.4
3044 591 David Covington Smart HEMA Clubs 982.8 138.1
3159 7 Abigail Moore Denver Historical Fencing Academy 959.3 17.5
3272 590 Joseph Sherill Capital Kunst des Fechtens 940.5 165.6
3293 Megan Fornasar Capital Kunst des Fechtens 938.8
3368 282 Leila Bobrow Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 922.4 34.3
3481 30 Neil Satterlund N/A 899 27
3737 Britney Atwell Swordwind Historical Swordsmanship 844.6
3817 35 Katie Letsinger Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 825.8 45.9
3918 Ania Chaney Boston Armizare 797.5
3941 Andi Nealon Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 788.5
3950 Julie Seeley-Hall Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 785.5
4110 184 Gretchen Settle Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 716.2 29.8
4119 27 Jen Richards Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 712.9 119.1
4160 122 Skye Tsow The HEMA Club at VCU 683.9 1.9
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
12 13 Kristofer Stanson Stockholm HEMA 1735.6 71.1
13 7 Bradley Cramer University of West Florida Fencing 1720.8 43.9
22 23 Steve Massaroni Boston Armizare 1692.3 88.4
24 1 Piotr Przanowski Bractwo Szermiercze 1679.6 7.5
44 46 Joseph Lilly Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1607.3 100.9
53 10 Nathan Weston Athena School of Arms 1583.7 23.1
54 Kieran Garrity Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research 1583.5
118 Connor Turley Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1468.1
159 31 Cody Kiwaczyk Ironwood Historic Swordsmanship 1412 35.3
167 Omkar Kale Athens School of Arms 1408.2
198 16 James Darling Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1378 7.1
213 Jake Nelson Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1363.6
225 96 Bradley Smith Denver Historical Fencing Academy 1353.3 85
243 343 Derek Wise Boston Armizare 1339.4 273.7
257 30 Thomas Pifer Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1329.1 32.6
297 261 Richard Escoto Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1294.9 214.8
303 Matthew Pham N/A 1292.1
345 90 Malcolm Ponte Virginia Academy of Fencing 1258 65.5
356 Christopher Birchfield Triangle Sword Guild 1250.9
374 Kevin Rezac Round Table Historical Fencing 1242
377 466 Cameron Low Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1236.2 390.3
397 Jessie Tatum N/A 1220.6
427 101 Dustin Collier Virginia Academy of Fencing 1203.7 99.4
505 Morgan Conway Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1141.2
539 78 Joseph VerValin Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1111 70.6
554 Elizabeth Scott Boston Armizare 1102.1
580 Ben Adiletto Medieval European Martial Arts Guild 1084
603 Mike Wallace Triangle Sword Guild 1068
628 47 David Lillethun Boston Armizare 1051.5 16.1
636 Kyle Galambos Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1044.3
638 Neil Satterlund N/A 1040.8
644 Jeff Schmaley Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1038.9
670 116 Andrew Bakry Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1017.5 107.2
688 Makena Bauss Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1005.4
732 Dustin Kirkpatrick Boston Armizare 969.2
777 85 Randi Cramer University of West Florida Fencing 939.2 49.2
782 David Blair Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 936.4
840 RJ Bacon Boston Armizare 886.8
875 29 Omar José Hernández Alcalá Wolfskopf Fencing Academy 846.6 68.5
916 Lauren Loria-Sklar N/A 799
938 Christina Beaulieu Boston Armizare 773.3
975 Ben Samuels Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 718.3
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
1 Kristofer Stanson Stockholm HEMA 1920.6 10.8
11 23 Bradley Cramer University of West Florida Fencing 1788 123.1
25 5 Piotr Przanowski Bractwo Szermiercze 1718.5 15.6
29 34 Derek Wise Boston Armizare 1708.4 119.3
45 28 Pike Pullen Swordwind Historical Swordsmanship 1647.2 84.1
123 6 Bradley Smith Denver Historical Fencing Academy 1491.3 6.9
128 42 Richard Shepro Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1478.9 58
131 21 Kieran Garrity Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research 1476.5 39.3
158 17 James Darling Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1450.4 1.6
164 Logan Sites Triangle Sword Guild 1440.6
180 Omkar Kale Athens School of Arms 1428.3
181 203 Mike O'Brien Boston Armizare 1428 207.1
182 139 Cody Kiwaczyk Ironwood Historic Swordsmanship 1425.4 158.8
222 305 John Blood Athens School of Arms 1379.9 267.5
233 233 Jacob McDonald Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1372.9 214.5
235 Chad Reese Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1369.8
259 3 Malcolm Ponte Virginia Academy of Fencing 1346.1 26.7
279 Matthew Jenkins Appalachian Highland Historical Fencing 1331.4
288 Jack Bolger Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1328.5
319 Ryan Vreeland Mid-Atlantic Society for Historic Swordsmanship 1297.3
329 River Furlow N/A 1290.4
369 Dustin Kirkpatrick Boston Armizare 1258.5
376 36 Daniel Pierce Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1253.3 55.3
383 Brendan Morris Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1243
394 63 RJ Bacon Boston Armizare 1238.2 71.8
432 2 Thomas Pifer Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1211.1 29.5
439 187 Jeff Schmaley Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1204.8 160.7
445 Jonathan Rider Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1202.1
451 Omar José Hernández Alcalá Wolfskopf Fencing Academy 1199.2
459 Connor Ingalls Blacksburg Blades 1192.9
487 Kevin Rezac Round Table Historical Fencing 1175.3
510 Ben Adiletto Medieval European Martial Arts Guild 1160.2
589 28 Robin Conrad Swordwind Historical Swordsmanship 1106.2 17.9
611 66 Craig Kellner Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1092.8 83.6
633 Declan Moloney Boston Armizare 1080.6
652 3 Andrew Gleason Boston Armizare 1071.2 43.3
656 Kyle Pruett Triangle Sword Guild 1067.7
719 Kai Filippucci N/A 1022.5
767 143 Pablo Illing Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 987 59.4
769 Timothy Ware N/A 984.7
777 60 Andrew Bakry Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 979.3 3
780 James McDonnell Virginia Academy of Fencing 977.4
795 Lindsey Mitchell Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 970.1
805 60 Jenevieve Frank Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 963 4.1
859 30 Ania Chaney Boston Armizare 936.6 41.2
861 155 Randi Cramer University of West Florida Fencing 935.8 51.1
912 71 David Lillethun Boston Armizare 889.6 152.3
916 David Blair Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 881.7
932 Joseph VerValin Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 867.3
937 16 Abigail Moore Denver Historical Fencing Academy 860.4 67.4
969 Alexander Szramoski N/A 833.4
986 Britney Atwell Swordwind Historical Swordsmanship 815
1079 Julie Seeley-Hall Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 724.9