Queens Court 2023

Date July 14, 2023
Country United States
State Ohio
City Harveysburg
Software Ferrotas

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Messer 83 24
Mixed Steel Longsword 35 16
Mixed Steel Longsword 133 34
Mixed Steel Longsword 50 16

Fighters in event

Matthew Huller Boston Armizare
Eric King
Tanner Martin
Dustin Frenton
Lex DeGraaf
AJ Trefney
Patrick Kunkel
Zachery Koenig
Katharine Keller Ars Gladii
Jacob Pigeon Ars Gladii
Jack Seyler Ars Gladii
David Lillethun Boston Armizare
Frank Zamary Columbus United Fencing Club
Matthew Dicken Columbus United Fencing Club
Christopher Yang Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts
Lucas Caldwell Gem City Duelists Society
Samuel Ryals Gem City Duelists Society
J.J. Conlon Gem City Duelists Society
David Reddy Gem City Duelists Society
Thomas Kesler Gem City Duelists Society
Julia Holfelder Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club
Christopher Shelton Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club
Pete May Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club
Jesse May Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club
David Burgman Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club
Aidan Witherspoon Medieval European Martial Arts Guild
Kari Baker Mordhau Historical Combat
Gerard Averill Nashville School of Historical Fencing
Loyd Briski Queen City Sword Guild
Nicholas Mills Queen City Sword Guild
William Grube Queen City Sword Guild
Robert Stewart Queen City Sword Guild
Joe Hartman Queen City Sword Guild
Anabelle Reininger Queen City Sword Guild
Ethan Adkins Queen City Sword Guild
Jason Feldman Queen City Sword Guild
Patrick McCarthy Queen City Sword Guild
Sean McCarthy Queen City Sword Guild
Brady O'Callaghan Queen City Sword Guild
J Hendrix Queen City Sword Guild
Aaron Hudson Queen City Sword Guild
Ethan Rettig Queen City Sword Guild
Eric Roge River Heron HEMA
Ashton Roge River Heron HEMA
Branden Zipplinger Royal Arts Fencing Academy
John Osborn Royal Arts Fencing Academy
Joseph Pugnetti Steel City Historical Fencing
Kevin Brough Steel City Historical Fencing
Nick Chiappazzi Steelhead Western Martial Arts
Colin McConnell Two Ravens Fencing School
Alec Willette Two Ravens Fencing School
Patrick Chick Two Ravens Fencing School
Tyler Indermuhle Two Ravens Fencing School


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Anabelle Reininger J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Pool Patrick McCarthy Kari Baker LOSS WIN
Pool Julia Holfelder J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Pool Patrick McCarthy Sean McCarthy WIN LOSS
Pool Anabelle Reininger Julia Holfelder LOSS WIN
Pool Sean McCarthy Kari Baker LOSS WIN
Pool J.J. Conlon Patrick McCarthy WIN LOSS
Pool Anabelle Reininger Kari Baker LOSS WIN
Pool Patrick McCarthy Julia Holfelder WIN LOSS
Pool Anabelle Reininger Sean McCarthy LOSS WIN
Pool J.J. Conlon Kari Baker LOSS WIN
Pool Sean McCarthy Julia Holfelder LOSS WIN
Pool Anabelle Reininger Patrick McCarthy LOSS WIN
Pool Kari Baker Julia Holfelder WIN LOSS
Pool Sean McCarthy J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Pool Nick Chiappazzi Loyd Briski LOSS WIN
Pool Ashton Roge Eric Roge WIN LOSS
Pool Jacob Pigeon Nick Chiappazzi WIN LOSS
Pool Ashton Roge Matthew Dicken LOSS WIN
Pool Loyd Briski Jacob Pigeon LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Dicken Eric Roge WIN LOSS
Pool Ashton Roge Nick Chiappazzi WIN LOSS
Pool Loyd Briski Eric Roge LOSS WIN
Pool Ashton Roge Jacob Pigeon WIN LOSS
Pool Loyd Briski Matthew Dicken WIN LOSS
Pool Nick Chiappazzi Eric Roge WIN LOSS
Pool Jacob Pigeon Matthew Dicken LOSS WIN
Pool Ashton Roge Loyd Briski WIN LOSS
Pool Jacob Pigeon Eric Roge LOSS WIN
Pool Nick Chiappazzi Matthew Dicken LOSS WIN
Pool Aidan Witherspoon John Osborn WIN LOSS
Pool Tyler Indermuhle Jack Seyler WIN LOSS
Pool John Osborn Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Tyler Indermuhle Frank Zamary LOSS WIN
Pool Samuel Ryals Aidan Witherspoon WIN LOSS
Pool Frank Zamary Jack Seyler WIN LOSS
Pool Tyler Indermuhle John Osborn WIN LOSS
Pool Jack Seyler Aidan Witherspoon LOSS WIN
Pool Tyler Indermuhle Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Frank Zamary Aidan Witherspoon WIN LOSS
Pool Jack Seyler John Osborn LOSS WIN
Pool Frank Zamary Samuel Ryals WIN LOSS
Pool Tyler Indermuhle Aidan Witherspoon LOSS WIN
Pool Samuel Ryals Jack Seyler WIN LOSS
Pool John Osborn Frank Zamary LOSS WIN
Pool David Burgman David Lillethun WIN LOSS
Pool David Reddy Eric King WIN LOSS
Pool Jason Feldman David Lillethun LOSS WIN
Pool Eric King AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Pool David Burgman Jason Feldman LOSS WIN
Pool David Reddy AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Pool David Lillethun Eric King LOSS WIN
Pool David Burgman David Reddy LOSS WIN
Pool Eric King Jason Feldman WIN LOSS
Pool David Burgman AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Pool David Lillethun David Reddy LOSS WIN
Pool Jason Feldman AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Pool David Reddy Jason Feldman WIN LOSS
Pool AJ Trefney David Lillethun WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Jacob Pigeon David Burgman WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Jack Seyler Aidan Witherspoon LOSS WIN
Table of 32 David Lillethun Eric Roge WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Tyler Indermuhle John Osborn LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Jason Feldman Julia Holfelder WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Sean McCarthy Eric King LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Anabelle Reininger Patrick McCarthy LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Nick Chiappazzi Loyd Briski LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Kari Baker Jacob Pigeon LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Ashton Roge Aidan Witherspoon LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Matthew Dicken David Lillethun WIN LOSS
Table of 16 John Osborn J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Jason Feldman Frank Zamary LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Eric King Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Patrick McCarthy David Reddy WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Loyd Briski AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Quarters Jacob Pigeon Aidan Witherspoon LOSS WIN
Quarters J.J. Conlon Matthew Dicken WIN LOSS
Quarters Samuel Ryals Frank Zamary WIN LOSS
Quarters Patrick McCarthy AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Semi Aidan Witherspoon J.J. Conlon WIN LOSS
Semi Samuel Ryals AJ Trefney WIN LOSS
Final Aidan Witherspoon Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Semi AJ Trefney J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Branden Zipplinger Tanner Martin LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Dicken Matthew Huller WIN LOSS
Pool Tanner Martin Christopher Shelton WIN LOSS
Pool Branden Zipplinger Matthew Huller WIN LOSS
Pool Christopher Shelton Matthew Dicken LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Huller Tanner Martin LOSS WIN
Pool Christopher Shelton Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Pool Tanner Martin Matthew Dicken WIN LOSS
Pool Christopher Shelton Matthew Huller WIN LOSS
Pool Branden Zipplinger Matthew Dicken LOSS WIN
Pool Joseph Pugnetti Colin McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Kesler Aidan Witherspoon LOSS WIN
Pool Eric King Colin McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Kesler Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pool Eric King Aidan Witherspoon LOSS WIN
Pool Colin McConnell Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
Pool Joseph Pugnetti Eric King WIN LOSS
Pool Colin McConnell Aidan Witherspoon LOSS WIN
Pool Eric King Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Pool Aidan Witherspoon Joseph Pugnetti WIN LOSS
Pool J.J. Conlon AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Pool Ethan Adkins Christopher Yang LOSS WIN
Pool John Osborn AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Pool Ethan Adkins Frank Zamary WIN LOSS
Pool John Osborn J.J. Conlon WIN LOSS
Pool Christopher Yang Frank Zamary WIN LOSS
Pool AJ Trefney Ethan Adkins WIN LOSS
Pool J.J. Conlon Christopher Yang LOSS WIN
Pool Ethan Adkins John Osborn WIN LOSS
Pool Frank Zamary J.J. Conlon WIN LOSS
Pool AJ Trefney Christopher Yang WIN LOSS
Pool John Osborn Frank Zamary LOSS WIN
Pool Ethan Adkins J.J. Conlon WIN LOSS
Pool John Osborn Christopher Yang LOSS WIN
Pool AJ Trefney Frank Zamary WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Sean McCarthy Jacob Pigeon LOSS WIN
Pool Katharine Keller Ashton Roge LOSS WIN
Pool Patrick Kunkel Ethan Rettig WIN LOSS
Pool Gerard Averill Jacob Pigeon LOSS WIN
Pool Sean McCarthy Ashton Roge LOSS WIN
Pool Katharine Keller Ethan Rettig LOSS WIN
Pool Patrick Kunkel Gerard Averill LOSS WIN
Pool Jacob Pigeon Ashton Roge LOSS WIN
Pool Sean McCarthy Ethan Rettig LOSS WIN
Pool Katharine Keller Patrick Kunkel LOSS WIN
Pool Ashton Roge Gerard Averill LOSS WIN
Pool Jacob Pigeon Ethan Rettig LOSS WIN
Pool Patrick Kunkel Sean McCarthy WIN LOSS
Pool Gerard Averill Katharine Keller WIN LOSS
Pool Ashton Roge Ethan Rettig LOSS WIN
Pool Jacob Pigeon Patrick Kunkel WIN LOSS
Pool Sean McCarthy Katharine Keller LOSS WIN
Pool Gerard Averill Ethan Rettig WIN LOSS
Pool Patrick Kunkel Ashton Roge LOSS WIN
Pool Jacob Pigeon Katharine Keller WIN LOSS
Pool Sean McCarthy Gerard Averill LOSS WIN
Pool Jason Feldman Jack Seyler LOSS WIN
Pool Aaron Hudson Eric Roge LOSS WIN
Pool Kevin Brough Jesse May WIN LOSS
Pool Kari Baker Jason Feldman WIN LOSS
Pool Eric Roge Jack Seyler LOSS WIN
Pool Jesse May Aaron Hudson LOSS WIN
Pool Kevin Brough Kari Baker WIN LOSS
Pool Eric Roge Jason Feldman WIN LOSS
Pool Jack Seyler Jesse May WIN LOSS
Pool Kevin Brough Aaron Hudson WIN LOSS
Pool Eric Roge Kari Baker WIN LOSS
Pool Jason Feldman Jesse May WIN LOSS
Pool Jack Seyler Kevin Brough LOSS WIN
Pool Kari Baker Aaron Hudson WIN LOSS
Pool Eric Roge Jesse May WIN LOSS
Pool Jason Feldman Kevin Brough WIN LOSS
Pool Aaron Hudson Jack Seyler LOSS WIN
Pool Kari Baker Jesse May LOSS WIN
Pool Eric Roge Kevin Brough LOSS WIN
Pool Jason Feldman Aaron Hudson WIN LOSS
Pool Jack Seyler Kari Baker WIN LOSS
Pool Joe Hartman Alec Willette LOSS WIN
Pool J Hendrix David Burgman LOSS WIN
Pool Pete May Joe Hartman WIN LOSS
Pool J Hendrix Brady O'Callaghan WIN LOSS
Pool Pete May Alec Willette LOSS WIN
Pool Brady O'Callaghan David Burgman WIN LOSS
Pool Joe Hartman J Hendrix LOSS WIN
Pool Alec Willette David Burgman WIN LOSS
Pool Pete May J Hendrix WIN LOSS
Pool Alec Willette Brady O'Callaghan WIN LOSS
Pool Joe Hartman David Burgman LOSS WIN
Pool Brady O'Callaghan Pete May LOSS WIN
Pool Alec Willette J Hendrix WIN LOSS
Pool Pete May David Burgman WIN LOSS
Pool Brady O'Callaghan Joe Hartman WIN LOSS
Pool David Lillethun Anabelle Reininger WIN LOSS
Pool Zachery Koenig Nicholas Mills LOSS WIN
Pool Dustin Frenton Lex DeGraaf LOSS WIN
Pool Loyd Briski David Lillethun WIN LOSS
Pool Zachery Koenig Anabelle Reininger LOSS WIN
Pool Lex DeGraaf Nicholas Mills LOSS WIN
Pool Loyd Briski Dustin Frenton WIN LOSS
Pool Zachery Koenig David Lillethun LOSS WIN
Pool Anabelle Reininger Lex DeGraaf LOSS WIN
Pool Dustin Frenton Nicholas Mills LOSS WIN
Pool Zachery Koenig Loyd Briski LOSS WIN
Pool David Lillethun Lex DeGraaf LOSS WIN
Pool Anabelle Reininger Dustin Frenton LOSS WIN
Pool Nicholas Mills Loyd Briski WIN LOSS
Pool Zachery Koenig Lex DeGraaf LOSS WIN
Pool David Lillethun Dustin Frenton LOSS WIN
Pool Anabelle Reininger Nicholas Mills LOSS WIN
Pool Lex DeGraaf Loyd Briski LOSS WIN
Pool Zachery Koenig Dustin Frenton LOSS WIN
Pool Nicholas Mills David Lillethun WIN LOSS
Pool Anabelle Reininger Loyd Briski LOSS WIN
Pool Patrick Chick David Reddy LOSS WIN
Pool William Grube Julia Holfelder LOSS WIN
Pool Nick Chiappazzi Robert Stewart LOSS WIN
Pool Patrick Chick Lucas Caldwell LOSS WIN
Pool David Reddy Julia Holfelder WIN LOSS
Pool William Grube Robert Stewart WIN LOSS
Pool Lucas Caldwell Nick Chiappazzi LOSS WIN
Pool Julia Holfelder Patrick Chick WIN LOSS
Pool David Reddy Robert Stewart LOSS WIN
Pool William Grube Nick Chiappazzi WIN LOSS
Pool Lucas Caldwell Julia Holfelder WIN LOSS
Pool Robert Stewart Patrick Chick LOSS WIN
Pool David Reddy Nick Chiappazzi WIN LOSS
Pool Lucas Caldwell William Grube LOSS WIN
Pool Robert Stewart Julia Holfelder WIN LOSS
Pool Patrick Chick Nick Chiappazzi WIN LOSS
Pool William Grube David Reddy LOSS WIN
Pool Lucas Caldwell Robert Stewart WIN LOSS
Pool Nick Chiappazzi Julia Holfelder WIN LOSS
Pool Patrick Chick William Grube LOSS WIN
Pool David Reddy Lucas Caldwell LOSS WIN
Table of 64 Sean McCarthy Joe Hartman LOSS WIN
Table of 64 Aaron Hudson Zachery Koenig WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Joe Hartman Alec Willette LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Robert Stewart Jason Feldman WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Patrick Chick William Grube LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Jacob Pigeon David Lillethun LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Kevin Brough Katharine Keller WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Brady O'Callaghan Eric Roge WIN LOSS
Table of 32 David Reddy David Burgman WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Jesse May Gerard Averill LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Loyd Briski Anabelle Reininger WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Patrick Kunkel Lex DeGraaf WIN LOSS
Table of 32 J Hendrix Lucas Caldwell WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Jack Seyler Julia Holfelder WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Kari Baker Pete May LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Ashton Roge Nick Chiappazzi LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Dustin Frenton Ethan Rettig LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Aaron Hudson Nicholas Mills LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Robert Stewart Alec Willette LOSS WIN
Table of 16 William Grube David Lillethun WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Brady O'Callaghan Kevin Brough LOSS WIN
Table of 16 David Reddy Gerard Averill WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Patrick Kunkel Loyd Briski LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Jack Seyler J Hendrix WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Nick Chiappazzi Pete May WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Ethan Rettig Nicholas Mills LOSS WIN
Quarters William Grube Alec Willette LOSS WIN
Quarters David Reddy Kevin Brough WIN LOSS
Quarters Jack Seyler Loyd Briski WIN LOSS
Quarters Nick Chiappazzi Nicholas Mills LOSS WIN
Semi Alec Willette David Reddy WIN LOSS
Semi Nicholas Mills Jack Seyler WIN LOSS
Final Alec Willette Nicholas Mills WIN LOSS
Semi David Reddy Jack Seyler WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Ethan Adkins John Osborn WIN LOSS
Pool Aidan Witherspoon Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
Pool Ethan Adkins Matthew Dicken LOSS WIN
Pool John Osborn Aidan Witherspoon LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Kesler Matthew Dicken LOSS WIN
Pool Ethan Adkins Aidan Witherspoon LOSS WIN
Pool John Osborn Matthew Dicken LOSS WIN
Pool Ethan Adkins Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Pool Aidan Witherspoon Matthew Dicken LOSS WIN
Pool John Osborn Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Pool Colin McConnell Eric King WIN LOSS
Pool Christopher Shelton AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Pool Branden Zipplinger Eric King WIN LOSS
Pool Christopher Shelton Colin McConnell WIN LOSS
Pool Branden Zipplinger AJ Trefney WIN LOSS
Pool Eric King Christopher Shelton LOSS WIN
Pool Colin McConnell Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Pool Eric King AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Pool Branden Zipplinger Christopher Shelton WIN LOSS
Pool AJ Trefney Colin McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool Tanner Martin J.J. Conlon WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Huller Christopher Yang WIN LOSS
Pool Tanner Martin Frank Zamary WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Huller Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pool Frank Zamary J.J. Conlon WIN LOSS
Pool Joseph Pugnetti Christopher Yang LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Huller Tanner Martin LOSS WIN
Pool J.J. Conlon Christopher Yang LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Huller Frank Zamary LOSS WIN
Pool Joseph Pugnetti J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Pool Tanner Martin Christopher Yang WIN LOSS
Pool Joseph Pugnetti Frank Zamary LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Huller J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Pool Christopher Yang Frank Zamary WIN LOSS
Pool Joseph Pugnetti Tanner Martin LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Colin McConnell AJ Trefney WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Frank Zamary Ethan Adkins LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Aidan Witherspoon Joseph Pugnetti WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Eric King Matthew Dicken WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Christopher Yang J.J. Conlon WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Thomas Kesler Christopher Shelton WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Branden Zipplinger John Osborn WIN LOSS
Quarters Tanner Martin Colin McConnell WIN LOSS
Quarters Ethan Adkins Aidan Witherspoon WIN LOSS
Quarters Christopher Yang Eric King WIN LOSS
Quarters Branden Zipplinger Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
Semi Tanner Martin Ethan Adkins WIN LOSS
Semi Branden Zipplinger Christopher Yang WIN LOSS
Final Tanner Martin Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Semi Ethan Adkins Christopher Yang LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Queens Court 2023

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
38 27 Tanner Martin N/A 1756.9 52.4
69 3 AJ Trefney N/A 1703.7 6.8
80 40 Joseph Pugnetti Steel City Historical Fencing 1688.9 49
84 18 Aidan Witherspoon Medieval European Martial Arts Guild 1683.2 28.6
86 87 Branden Zipplinger Royal Arts Fencing Academy 1682.5 86.7
113 37 Matthew Dicken Columbus United Fencing Club 1647.7 35.4
154 21 Frank Zamary Columbus United Fencing Club 1611.3 19.3
157 75 Christopher Yang Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1608.8 47.7
195 56 Colin McConnell Two Ravens Fencing School 1583.6 34.4
215 23 Christopher Shelton Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 1571.5 10.1
263 34 J.J. Conlon Gem City Duelists Society 1544.4 18.8
393 56 Matthew Huller Boston Armizare 1488.4 20.7
437 32 Thomas Kesler Gem City Duelists Society 1469.2 14.1
449 110 Eric King N/A 1467.4 39.6
514 605 Alec Willette Two Ravens Fencing School 1442.6 171.5
523 166 Ethan Adkins Queen City Sword Guild 1440.7 57.8
574 346 Nicholas Mills Queen City Sword Guild 1423.1 101.9
605 35 Gerard Averill Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1414 3
630 20 Kevin Brough Steel City Historical Fencing 1407.5 13.6
821 1 Pete May Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 1357.5 11.1
904 155 John Osborn Royal Arts Fencing Academy 1333.5 33.2
1005 246 Loyd Briski Queen City Sword Guild 1311.2 68
1369 950 Jack Seyler Ars Gladii 1229.3 195
1397 461 David Reddy Gem City Duelists Society 1223.3 103.3
1461 270 William Grube Queen City Sword Guild 1210.3 65.3
1484 109 Lex DeGraaf N/A 1205.5 33.1
1579 Ethan Rettig Queen City Sword Guild 1188.8
1669 138 Kari Baker Mordhau Historical Combat 1172.4 42.5
1794 18 Dustin Frenton N/A 1148.1 19.7
1870 291 Jacob Pigeon Ars Gladii 1132.9 68.9
1881 627 Eric Roge River Heron HEMA 1130.4 137.6
1897 526 Patrick Kunkel N/A 1127.1 116.2
1927 51 Nick Chiappazzi Steelhead Western Martial Arts 1121.8 24.1
2050 Ashton Roge River Heron HEMA 1100.7
2118 778 Robert Stewart Queen City Sword Guild 1087.6 175.8
2152 Brady O'Callaghan Queen City Sword Guild 1082
2191 49 Jason Feldman Queen City Sword Guild 1075 25.9
2292 187 Katharine Keller Ars Gladii 1056.4 59.1
2345 Lucas Caldwell Gem City Duelists Society 1046.6
2360 493 David Lillethun Boston Armizare 1044.1 123.8
2482 J Hendrix Queen City Sword Guild 1018.8
2938 David Burgman Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 928.3
2962 85 Julia Holfelder Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 922.2 52.6
3002 76 Jesse May Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 914.6 10.9
3046 130 Anabelle Reininger Queen City Sword Guild 904.9 0.8
3249 Aaron Hudson Queen City Sword Guild 855
3338 60 Joe Hartman Queen City Sword Guild 828.4 29.4
3399 Patrick Chick Two Ravens Fencing School 805.4
3636 Zachery Koenig N/A 688.3
3702 Sean McCarthy Queen City Sword Guild 563.7