Swordsquatch 2019

Date September 6, 2019
Country United States
State Washington
City Seattle

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 96 38
Women's Steel Longsword 28 10

Fighters in event

Sander Dijk Academie Duello
Tony Pacheco Academie Duello
Ion Nichifor Academie Duello
Benjamin Davis Academie Duello
Stacy Stocki Tosetti Institute of MMA and Fitness
Sihong Fu Academie Duello
Matúš Koronthály Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok
Justin Ring
Matthew Benedict
Shiyi Yu
Masami Hoshino-Spafford
Samantha Dittmann
Brandon Ingham
Evan Croshaw
Robyn Alman Athena School of Arms
Joseph Giuliano Athena School of Arms
Nathan Weston Athena School of Arms
Christina Beaulieu Boston Armizare
Jamie Kikilidis Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Thomas Schratwieser Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Cameron Metcalf Centerline Sword School
Joseph Brassey Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts
Douglas Mayovsky Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts
Callie Jones Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts
Klaus McGlinchey Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts
Anthony Zavin Indes Ferox Gladio
Stephen Loch Indes Ferox Gladio
Dashiell Harrison Indes Ferox Gladio
Joseph Colistro Indes Ferox Gladio
Connor Wood Inland Northwest Longsword Academy
Shane Gabbard Kingfisher Historical Fencing Club
Scarlett Wren Ord Krieg School
Rebecca Glass L'Arte Della Bellica
Daniel Halliday Liberty Sword Club
Jon Chouinard Lonin League
Shane Malone Lonin League
Calum Clark Lonin League
Ian Cook Lonin League
Isadora Baden-Payne Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Joseph Ingrao Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Joseph Ceirante New York Historical Fencing Association
Chad Marsellis Seven Swords Academy
Ryan Kolick Seven Swords Academy
Abigail Yang Seven Swords Academy
Ian McLean Tattershall School of Defense
Kirsten Meredith True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Joseph Brassey Scarlett Wren Ord WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Benjamin Davis Joseph Giuliano WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Ian Cook Joseph Brassey LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Benjamin Davis Scarlett Wren Ord WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Ian Cook Joseph Giuliano WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Joseph Brassey Benjamin Davis LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Joseph Giuliano Scarlett Wren Ord LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Ian Cook Benjamin Davis LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Joseph Brassey Joseph Giuliano WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Ian Cook Scarlett Wren Ord WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Tony Pacheco Nathan Weston LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Sihong Fu Jon Chouinard LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Justin Ring Nathan Weston LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Tony Pacheco Jon Chouinard LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Justin Ring Sihong Fu LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Nathan Weston Jon Chouinard DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Tony Pacheco Sihong Fu LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Justin Ring Jon Chouinard LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Nathan Weston Sihong Fu LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Justin Ring Tony Pacheco LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Ian McLean Isadora Baden-Payne LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Chad Marsellis Anthony Zavin LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Joseph Ceirante Ian McLean WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Chad Marsellis Isadora Baden-Payne LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Anthony Zavin Joseph Ceirante LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Chad Marsellis Ian McLean LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Anthony Zavin Isadora Baden-Payne LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Chad Marsellis Joseph Ceirante LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Anthony Zavin Ian McLean LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Isadora Baden-Payne Joseph Ceirante DRAW DRAW
Pool 4 Connor Wood Calum Clark WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Dashiell Harrison Daniel Halliday WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Calum Clark Daniel Halliday WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Dashiell Harrison Connor Wood DRAW DRAW
Pool 4 Calum Clark Dashiell Harrison LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Connor Wood Daniel Halliday WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Ion Nichifor Douglas Mayovsky WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Christina Beaulieu Stephen Loch LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Matthew Benedict Ion Nichifor WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Douglas Mayovsky Stephen Loch LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Matthew Benedict Christina Beaulieu LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Stephen Loch Ion Nichifor WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Douglas Mayovsky Christina Beaulieu WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Matthew Benedict Stephen Loch LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Ion Nichifor Christina Beaulieu WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Matthew Benedict Douglas Mayovsky LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Klaus McGlinchey Sander Dijk LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Joseph Colistro Ryan Kolick WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Klaus McGlinchey Joseph Ingrao LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Joseph Colistro Sander Dijk WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Joseph Ingrao Ryan Kolick LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Joseph Colistro Klaus McGlinchey WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Sander Dijk Ryan Kolick WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Joseph Colistro Joseph Ingrao WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Ryan Kolick Klaus McGlinchey LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Joseph Ingrao Sander Dijk LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Jamie Kikilidis Thomas Schratwieser WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Brandon Ingham Abigail Yang WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Jamie Kikilidis Evan Croshaw WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Abigail Yang Thomas Schratwieser LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Brandon Ingham Evan Croshaw WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Jamie Kikilidis Abigail Yang WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Brandon Ingham Thomas Schratwieser LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Abigail Yang Evan Croshaw WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Brandon Ingham Jamie Kikilidis LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Thomas Schratwieser Evan Croshaw WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Shane Gabbard Cameron Metcalf LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Shiyi Yu Matúš Koronthály WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Cameron Metcalf Shiyi Yu LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Matúš Koronthály Cameron Metcalf DRAW DRAW
Pool 8 Shiyi Yu Shane Gabbard WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Matúš Koronthály Shane Gabbard DRAW DRAW
Buy-in Round Joseph Ceirante Joseph Ingrao LOSS WIN
Buy-in Round Sander Dijk Abigail Yang WIN LOSS
Buy-in Round Nathan Weston Ian McLean WIN LOSS
Buy-in Round Ion Nichifor Tony Pacheco LOSS WIN
Buy-in Round Jon Chouinard Brandon Ingham WIN LOSS
Buy-in Round Ian Cook Dashiell Harrison LOSS WIN
Buy-in Round Scarlett Wren Ord Thomas Schratwieser WIN LOSS
Buy-in Round Douglas Mayovsky Joseph Brassey LOSS WIN
Round of 16 Joseph Ingrao Benjamin Davis LOSS WIN
Round of 16 Sihong Fu Sander Dijk LOSS WIN
Round of 16 Nathan Weston Isadora Baden-Payne WIN LOSS
Round of 16 Connor Wood Tony Pacheco WIN LOSS
Round of 16 Jon Chouinard Stephen Loch WIN LOSS
Round of 16 Dashiell Harrison Joseph Colistro LOSS WIN
Round of 16 Jamie Kikilidis Scarlett Wren Ord LOSS WIN
Round of 16 Shiyi Yu Joseph Brassey WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Sander Dijk Benjamin Davis WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Nathan Weston Connor Wood LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Jon Chouinard Joseph Colistro LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Shiyi Yu Scarlett Wren Ord WIN LOSS
Semifinals Sander Dijk Connor Wood WIN LOSS
Semifinals Shiyi Yu Joseph Colistro LOSS WIN
Finals - Bronze Connor Wood Shiyi Yu LOSS WIN
Finals - Gold Joseph Colistro Sander Dijk WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Samantha Dittmann Kirsten Meredith LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Christina Beaulieu Masami Hoshino-Spafford WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Samantha Dittmann Robyn Alman LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Kirsten Meredith Masami Hoshino-Spafford WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Christina Beaulieu Robyn Alman WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Samantha Dittmann Masami Hoshino-Spafford LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Kirsten Meredith Christina Beaulieu WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Masami Hoshino-Spafford Robyn Alman LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Christina Beaulieu Samantha Dittmann WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Kirsten Meredith Robyn Alman LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Shane Malone Stacy Stocki LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Abigail Yang Rebecca Glass WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Shane Malone Callie Jones LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Abigail Yang Stacy Stocki WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Rebecca Glass Callie Jones LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Abigail Yang Shane Malone WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Rebecca Glass Stacy Stocki DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Abigail Yang Callie Jones DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Rebecca Glass Shane Malone LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Callie Jones Stacy Stocki LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Robyn Alman Shane Malone WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Stacy Stocki Christina Beaulieu LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Kirsten Meredith Callie Jones WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Abigail Yang Masami Hoshino-Spafford WIN LOSS
Semifinals Robyn Alman Christina Beaulieu WIN LOSS
Semifinals Abigail Yang Kirsten Meredith WIN LOSS
Finals - Bronze Christina Beaulieu Kirsten Meredith LOSS WIN
Finals - Gold Abigail Yang Robyn Alman WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Swordsquatch 2019

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
145 6 Dashiell Harrison Indes Ferox Gladio 1618.6 4.6
171 222 Joseph Colistro Indes Ferox Gladio 1600.3 121.1
222 1 Sihong Fu Academie Duello 1568.4 6.8
242 30 Cameron Metcalf Centerline Sword School 1554.9 11.2
290 112 Scarlett Wren Ord Krieg School 1528.7 60.6
344 Shiyi Yu N/A 1507.7
456 19 Nathan Weston Athena School of Arms 1461.8 16.9
463 16 Isadora Baden-Payne Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1460.3 0.8
469 493 Jon Chouinard Lonin League 1457.5 150.6
482 Sander Dijk Academie Duello 1452.1
548 32 Joseph Ceirante New York Historical Fencing Association 1424.6 5.1
593 99 Stephen Loch Indes Ferox Gladio 1414.3 31.9
715 610 Benjamin Davis Academie Duello 1383.9 162.1
863 Connor Wood Inland Northwest Longsword Academy 1342.1
1072 34 Thomas Schratwieser Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1284.5 14.1
1073 127 Jamie Kikilidis Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1284.4 37.4
1275 503 Joseph Brassey Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts 1238.3 106.3
1294 129 Daniel Halliday Liberty Sword Club 1234.7 21.9
1462 205 Christina Beaulieu Boston Armizare 1197.2 46.1
1587 90 Ian McLean Tattershall School of Defense 1168.8 19.3
1595 Ryan Kolick Seven Swords Academy 1166.9 3
1734 194 Joseph Ingrao Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1144.6 44.8
1805 Ian Cook Lonin League 1131.3
1934 305 Douglas Mayovsky Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts 1104.1 66.5
1965 120 Joseph Giuliano Athena School of Arms 1098.4 30.2
2045 Ion Nichifor Academie Duello 1082.7
2047 Tony Pacheco Academie Duello 1081.5
2352 565 Calum Clark Lonin League 1017.7 112.5
2502 Brandon Ingham N/A 989.7
2607 Klaus McGlinchey Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts 968.9
2822 Matúš Koronthály Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 934.2
2957 Matthew Benedict N/A 905.8
2963 Justin Ring N/A 904.6
3063 135 Abigail Yang Seven Swords Academy 882.2 47.9
3096 162 Anthony Zavin Indes Ferox Gladio 873.9 55.8
3484 Chad Marsellis Seven Swords Academy 758.9
3545 17 Shane Gabbard Kingfisher Historical Fencing Club 736.3 45.8
3607 Evan Croshaw N/A 693.3
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
29 7 Kirsten Meredith True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1540.8 23.3
31 2 Christina Beaulieu Boston Armizare 1534.9 13.8
60 41 Robyn Alman Athena School of Arms 1430.3 96.2
73 137 Abigail Yang Seven Swords Academy 1393.4 286.6
156 17 Rebecca Glass L'Arte Della Bellica 1222 28.4
201 31 Stacy Stocki Tosetti Institute of MMA and Fitness 1132.7 76.3
214 25 Callie Jones Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts 1114 80.5
262 1 Shane Malone Lonin League 995.3 12.2
263 Masami Hoshino-Spafford N/A 995.2
320 Samantha Dittmann N/A 897.8
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
29 7 Kirsten Meredith True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1540.8 23.3
31 2 Christina Beaulieu Boston Armizare 1534.9 13.8
60 41 Robyn Alman Athena School of Arms 1430.3 96.2
73 137 Abigail Yang Seven Swords Academy 1393.4 286.6
156 17 Rebecca Glass L'Arte Della Bellica 1222 28.4
201 31 Stacy Stocki Tosetti Institute of MMA and Fitness 1132.7 76.3
214 25 Callie Jones Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts 1114 80.5
262 1 Shane Malone Lonin League 995.3 12.2
263 Masami Hoshino-Spafford N/A 995.2
320 Samantha Dittmann N/A 897.8