Swiss Bears Cup 2023

Date October 7, 2023
Country Switzerland
City Bern
Software HEMA Scorecard (results )

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 202 74
Women's Steel Longsword 19 6

Fighters in event

Gerhard Reich
David Wieser INDES Wien
Anna Straif Kunst des Historischen Fechtens Tirol
Nico Freiler Kunst des Historischen Fechtens Tirol
Max Kaser Kunst des Historischen Fechtens Tirol
Joris Jacobs Arte Mortiferum
Gille Buyle Arte Mortiferum
Pieter Jacobs Arte Mortiferum
Robin Pittoors Arte Mortiferum
Bjarne van Os Arte Mortiferum
Jan Pelgrims Sumus Soldani
Aäron Faes Sumus Soldani
Maarten van der Auwera Sumus Soldani
Egon Beyrens SwArta
Mateo Schops SwArta
Yannick De smet SwArta
Michael Schweizer
Janis Staub
Luca Amgarten
Philipp Heim Artes Certaminis
Luca Zollinger Artes Certaminis
Julian Müller-Hewer Calhistar-Cercle des Armes
Giuliano Giovanardi Compagnia del Corvo Grigio
Nathan Wyss Compagnia del Corvo Grigio
Stephan Wullschleger Die Baskerhunde
Nikolas Epp Die Baskerhunde
Azaria Voegeli École Lémanique d'Arts et d'Actions
Loïc Guinchard École Lémanique d'Arts et d'Actions
Colin Freymond École Lémanique d'Arts et d'Actions
Simon Favre École Lémanique d'Arts et d'Actions
Raphael Heim Freifechter Basel
Dominik Eaton Freifechter Basel
Vincent Brunet Freifechter Basel
Valentin Heim Freifechter Basel
Yannic Müller Gladius et Codex
Nikolay Kurtov Gladius et Codex
Michael Spring Historicae Artes Dimicationes Ustrachense
Vina Zahnd Historicae Artes Dimicationes Ustrachense
Lucien Nicolet Historicae Artes Dimicationes Ustrachense
Sabina Erbeková Historicae Artes Dimicationes Ustrachense
Tony Simion Historische Kampfkunst Luzern
Lukas Hebeisen Historische Kampfkunst Luzern
Noah Reber Liberi Ensis
Bojan Bockorec Mittelalterverein Bern
Raphael Leu Mittelalterverein Bern
Rolf Gottier Mittelalterverein Bern
Benjamin Hutter Säbelrassler
Ferdinand Hutter Säbelrassler
Christoph Stutz Säbelrassler
Louis Bonard Unil'AMHE
Thomas Flossmann Gladiatores München
Ole Soldatow INDES Wien
Valentin Hellbach Schule des inneren Schwertes
Miro Lahtela EHMS
Idamaria Lehtinen EHMS
Thomas Pelosse Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon
Pierre-Antoine Thevenin Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon
Adrien Ala Frères d'AMHE
Anna Sophie Pöggeler Frères d'AMHE
Titouan Le Bussy La Maisnie du Chevalier Bragon
Emmanuel Bertrand La Maisnie du Chevalier Bragon de Bourg en Bresse
Fabien Douvre La Maisnie du Chevalier Bragon de Bourg en Bresse
Bertrand Petit Le Cercle des Épées Libres
Kathleen Cesca Le Cercle des Épées Libres
Pierre Clervil Le Cercle des Épées Libres
Lutz Horvath Le Cercle des Épées Libres
Romain Gudet Lyon AMHE
Mikaël Kalisperatis Iarumas
Ferenc Hucker Ars Ensis
Nuno Valverde Blademasters Academy
Samuel Gassmann Goats Head Historical Fencing
Abraham Klink De Zwaardkring
Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg Ausardia HEMA Club
James Tamplin London Historical Fencing Club
Patrick Lawton London Historical Fencing Club
Dan Powell London Historical Fencing Club


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Set 1 Dan Powell Christoph Stutz LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Janis Staub Dan Powell LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Christoph Stutz Raphael Leu WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Raphael Leu Dan Powell LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Christoph Stutz Janis Staub WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Raphael Leu Janis Staub WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Ferenc Hucker Dan Powell WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Raphael Leu Ferenc Hucker LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Ferenc Hucker Christoph Stutz WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Janis Staub Ferenc Hucker LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Samuel Gassmann Benjamin Hutter WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Nuno Valverde Samuel Gassmann LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Benjamin Hutter Nuno Valverde LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Mikaël Kalisperatis Nuno Valverde LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Benjamin Hutter Mikaël Kalisperatis WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Mikaël Kalisperatis Samuel Gassmann LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Nuno Valverde Idamaria Lehtinen WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Idamaria Lehtinen Samuel Gassmann LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Idamaria Lehtinen Mikaël Kalisperatis WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Benjamin Hutter Idamaria Lehtinen WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Stephan Wullschleger Nuno Valverde LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Stephan Wullschleger Samuel Gassmann LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Mikaël Kalisperatis Stephan Wullschleger LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Benjamin Hutter Stephan Wullschleger WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Idamaria Lehtinen Stephan Wullschleger LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Yannick De smet Lukas Hebeisen WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Gille Buyle Yannick De smet LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Lukas Hebeisen Gille Buyle WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Noah Reber Gille Buyle LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Lukas Hebeisen Noah Reber WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Noah Reber Yannick De smet LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Azaria Voegeli Gille Buyle LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Yannick De smet Azaria Voegeli WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Azaria Voegeli Noah Reber LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Lukas Hebeisen Azaria Voegeli WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Michael Schweizer Gille Buyle LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Yannick De smet Michael Schweizer WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Michael Schweizer Noah Reber LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Lukas Hebeisen Michael Schweizer WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Azaria Voegeli Michael Schweizer WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg Dominik Eaton WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Pieter Jacobs Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Dominik Eaton Pieter Jacobs LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Nikolay Kurtov Dominik Eaton LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Pieter Jacobs Nikolay Kurtov WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Nikolay Kurtov Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Anna Sophie Pöggeler Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Dominik Eaton Anna Sophie Pöggeler WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Anna Sophie Pöggeler Pieter Jacobs LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Nikolay Kurtov Anna Sophie Pöggeler WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Pieter Jacobs David Wieser WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 David Wieser Dominik Eaton WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Nikolay Kurtov David Wieser WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg David Wieser WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 David Wieser Anna Sophie Pöggeler WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 James Tamplin Michael Spring LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Nikolas Epp Michael Spring WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 James Tamplin Nikolas Epp LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Rolf Gottier Michael Spring LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 James Tamplin Rolf Gottier WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Rolf Gottier Nikolas Epp WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Adrien Ala Nikolas Epp WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Michael Spring Adrien Ala LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 James Tamplin Adrien Ala DRAW DRAW
Pool Set 1 Rolf Gottier Adrien Ala LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Miro Lahtela Simon Favre WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Romain Gudet Miro Lahtela LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Simon Favre Romain Gudet LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Robin Pittoors Romain Gudet WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Miro Lahtela Robin Pittoors WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Luca Amgarten Simon Favre LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Miro Lahtela Luca Amgarten WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Luca Amgarten Romain Gudet LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Simon Favre Robin Pittoors LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Luca Amgarten Robin Pittoors LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Gerhard Reich Romain Gudet WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Miro Lahtela Gerhard Reich WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Luca Amgarten Gerhard Reich LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Simon Favre Gerhard Reich LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Robin Pittoors Gerhard Reich LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Ferdinand Hutter Thomas Flossmann LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Vina Zahnd Ferdinand Hutter LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Thomas Flossmann Vina Zahnd WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Philipp Heim Thomas Flossmann LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Vina Zahnd Philipp Heim LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Ferdinand Hutter Philipp Heim WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Colin Freymond Ferdinand Hutter LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Thomas Flossmann Colin Freymond WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Colin Freymond Vina Zahnd WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Philipp Heim Colin Freymond WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Anonymous fighter Vina Zahnd WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Thomas Flossmann Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Anonymous fighter Philipp Heim LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Ferdinand Hutter Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Colin Freymond Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Valentin Hellbach Mateo Schops WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Valentin Heim Valentin Hellbach DRAW DRAW
Pool Set 1 Mateo Schops Valentin Heim LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Pierre Clervil Mateo Schops WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Valentin Hellbach Pierre Clervil WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Valentin Heim Pierre Clervil LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Mateo Schops Nico Freiler WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Valentin Heim Nico Freiler LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Valentin Hellbach Nico Freiler WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Nico Freiler Pierre Clervil LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Tony Simion Valentin Heim WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Valentin Hellbach Tony Simion WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Tony Simion Pierre Clervil LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Mateo Schops Tony Simion WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Nico Freiler Tony Simion WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Yannic Müller Jan Pelgrims LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Ole Soldatow Titouan Le Bussy WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Yannic Müller Bojan Bockorec WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jan Pelgrims Titouan Le Bussy WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Ole Soldatow Bojan Bockorec WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Titouan Le Bussy Yannic Müller LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jan Pelgrims Bojan Bockorec WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Yannic Müller Ole Soldatow WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Bojan Bockorec Titouan Le Bussy LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Ole Soldatow Jan Pelgrims LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Nathan Wyss Titouan Le Bussy LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Yannic Müller Nathan Wyss WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Ole Soldatow Nathan Wyss WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Nathan Wyss Jan Pelgrims LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Bojan Bockorec Nathan Wyss DRAW DRAW
Pool Set 1 Joris Jacobs Abraham Klink WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Julian Müller-Hewer Joris Jacobs LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Abraham Klink Julian Müller-Hewer LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Patrick Lawton Julian Müller-Hewer WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Abraham Klink Patrick Lawton LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Joris Jacobs Patrick Lawton WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Lutz Horvath Joris Jacobs LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Patrick Lawton Lutz Horvath WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Abraham Klink Lutz Horvath DRAW DRAW
Pool Set 1 Julian Müller-Hewer Lutz Horvath WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Pierre-Antoine Thevenin Julian Müller-Hewer WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Joris Jacobs Pierre-Antoine Thevenin WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Patrick Lawton Pierre-Antoine Thevenin LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Abraham Klink Pierre-Antoine Thevenin LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Lutz Horvath Pierre-Antoine Thevenin LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Lucien Nicolet Aäron Faes LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Thomas Pelosse Lucien Nicolet LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Aäron Faes Thomas Pelosse WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Giuliano Giovanardi Aäron Faes LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Thomas Pelosse Giuliano Giovanardi WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Giuliano Giovanardi Lucien Nicolet LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Fabien Douvre Aäron Faes LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Thomas Pelosse Fabien Douvre LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Fabien Douvre Lucien Nicolet LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Giuliano Giovanardi Fabien Douvre LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Louis Bonard Bertrand Petit WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Bertrand Petit Egon Beyrens LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Louis Bonard Luca Zollinger WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Luca Zollinger Egon Beyrens LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Bertrand Petit Luca Zollinger WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Louis Bonard Egon Beyrens DRAW DRAW
Pool Set 1 Bertrand Petit Vincent Brunet LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Louis Bonard Vincent Brunet WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Egon Beyrens Vincent Brunet WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Luca Zollinger Vincent Brunet WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Emmanuel Bertrand Bjarne van Os WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Raphael Heim Emmanuel Bertrand WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Bjarne van Os Raphael Heim DRAW DRAW
Pool Set 1 Max Kaser Raphael Heim LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Loïc Guinchard Emmanuel Bertrand LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Max Kaser Loïc Guinchard WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Bjarne van Os Loïc Guinchard WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Emmanuel Bertrand Max Kaser LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Loïc Guinchard Raphael Heim WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Max Kaser Bjarne van Os WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Yannick De smet Raphael Heim WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Ole Soldatow Thomas Flossmann WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Samuel Gassmann Philipp Heim WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Robin Pittoors Jan Pelgrims LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Benjamin Hutter Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Joris Jacobs Christoph Stutz WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Patrick Lawton Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Miro Lahtela Gille Buyle WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Gerhard Reich Egon Beyrens LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Lukas Hebeisen Max Kaser LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Pieter Jacobs Valentin Hellbach LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Yannic Müller Louis Bonard WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Pierre Clervil Pierre-Antoine Thevenin WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Ferdinand Hutter Adrien Ala LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Ferenc Hucker Nuno Valverde WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Lucien Nicolet Aäron Faes WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Yannick De smet Lucien Nicolet WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Ole Soldatow Ferenc Hucker WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Samuel Gassmann Adrien Ala WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Jan Pelgrims Pierre Clervil WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Yannic Müller Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Joris Jacobs Valentin Hellbach WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg Max Kaser WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Miro Lahtela Egon Beyrens WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Yannick De smet Miro Lahtela WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Ole Soldatow Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Samuel Gassmann Joris Jacobs WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Jan Pelgrims Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
Semifinals Yannick De smet Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
Semifinals Ole Soldatow Samuel Gassmann LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Maarten van der Auwera Samuel Gassmann LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Match Ole Soldatow Yannick De smet LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Set 1 Anna Sophie Pöggeler Vina Zahnd LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Idamaria Lehtinen Anna Straif WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Kathleen Cesca Sabina Erbeková WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Vina Zahnd Idamaria Lehtinen LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Sabina Erbeková Anna Sophie Pöggeler WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Anna Straif Kathleen Cesca LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Vina Zahnd Sabina Erbeková LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Kathleen Cesca Idamaria Lehtinen LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Anna Sophie Pöggeler Anna Straif WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Vina Zahnd Kathleen Cesca WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Sabina Erbeková Anna Straif WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Idamaria Lehtinen Anna Sophie Pöggeler WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Anna Straif Vina Zahnd LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Kathleen Cesca Anna Sophie Pöggeler WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Sabina Erbeková Idamaria Lehtinen LOSS WIN
Semifinals Idamaria Lehtinen Kathleen Cesca WIN LOSS
Semifinals Sabina Erbeková Vina Zahnd LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Vina Zahnd Idamaria Lehtinen LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Match Sabina Erbeková Kathleen Cesca WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Swiss Bears Cup 2023

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
8 1 Miro Lahtela EHMS 1907.9 2.7
20 4 Yannick De smet SwArta 1843.6 24.8
27 6 Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg Ausardia HEMA Club 1803.3 27
29 1 Joris Jacobs Arte Mortiferum 1794.8 9.6
51 51 Samuel Gassmann Goats Head Historical Fencing 1727.5 64.4
125 61 Maarten van der Auwera Sumus Soldani 1646.5 54.9
136 32 Egon Beyrens SwArta 1635.4 32.3
173 23 Thomas Flossmann Gladiatores München 1602.6 19
195 432 Jan Pelgrims Sumus Soldani 1587.6 174.2
217 24 Ferdinand Hutter Säbelrassler 1576 10.1
254 54 Yannic Müller Gladius et Codex 1558.6 34.4
296 80 Michael Spring Historicae Artes Dimicationes Ustrachense 1537.3 36.3
359 123 Aäron Faes Sumus Soldani 1513.6 50.4
411 153 Thomas Pelosse Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon 1489.2 60.2
421 394 Max Kaser Kunst des Historischen Fechtens Tirol 1486.6 122.5
431 18 Christoph Stutz Säbelrassler 1483.9 11.2
444 249 Adrien Ala Frères d'AMHE 1481.3 86.4
447 3 Raphael Heim Freifechter Basel 1480.4 6.1
458 Ole Soldatow INDES Wien 1478.1
480 26 Nikolas Epp Die Baskerhunde 1469 15.6
491 48 Dan Powell London Historical Fencing Club 1464.3 10
519 983 Lucien Nicolet Historicae Artes Dimicationes Ustrachense 1455.9 243.1
530 383 Louis Bonard Unil'AMHE 1451.9 111.5
558 110 James Tamplin London Historical Fencing Club 1442 40.2
580 126 Gerhard Reich N/A 1435.3 43.7
677 David Wieser INDES Wien 1406.2
745 496 Pierre-Antoine Thevenin Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon 1386.7 124.4
757 344 Valentin Hellbach Schule des inneren Schwertes 1384.1 89.7
816 340 Pieter Jacobs Arte Mortiferum 1370.1 89.1
924 146 Patrick Lawton London Historical Fencing Club 1342.9 42
940 204 Mateo Schops SwArta 1339.9 43.5
950 522 Ferenc Hucker Ars Ensis 1335.6 118.4
951 272 Lukas Hebeisen Historische Kampfkunst Luzern 1335 68.5
953 137 Dominik Eaton Freifechter Basel 1333.8 30.2
955 21 Benjamin Hutter Säbelrassler 1333.7 2.4
1029 699 Robin Pittoors Arte Mortiferum 1316.2 142.6
1123 514 Pierre Clervil Le Cercle des Épées Libres 1296.5 107.6
1134 81 Julian Müller-Hewer Calhistar-Cercle des Armes 1295 11
1159 258 Lutz Horvath Le Cercle des Épées Libres 1289.3 53.5
1356 309 Nuno Valverde Blademasters Academy 1248 63.4
1362 123 Emmanuel Bertrand La Maisnie du Chevalier Bragon de Bourg en Bresse 1247.3 32.1
1445 219 Romain Gudet Lyon AMHE 1232.8 48.2
1456 274 Fabien Douvre La Maisnie du Chevalier Bragon de Bourg en Bresse 1231.4 58.5
1523 57 Stephan Wullschleger Die Baskerhunde 1218.2 1.5
1598 333 Simon Favre École Lémanique d'Arts et d'Actions 1204.7 53
1610 435 Gille Buyle Arte Mortiferum 1202.1 87.7
1685 607 Philipp Heim Artes Certaminis 1191.5 119.6
1912 350 Bjarne van Os Arte Mortiferum 1151.5 73.3
2152 Nikolay Kurtov Gladius et Codex 1107.1
2202 Rolf Gottier Mittelalterverein Bern 1098
2268 282 Noah Reber Liberi Ensis 1085 61
2450 Colin Freymond École Lémanique d'Arts et d'Actions 1055.5
2583 Loïc Guinchard École Lémanique d'Arts et d'Actions 1032.8
2641 710 Titouan Le Bussy La Maisnie du Chevalier Bragon 1021.2 165.4
2663 535 Nathan Wyss Compagnia del Corvo Grigio 1015.6 84.2
2707 39 Idamaria Lehtinen EHMS 1007.7 6.2
2720 Nico Freiler Kunst des Historischen Fechtens Tirol 1006.1
2799 198 Vincent Brunet Freifechter Basel 991.7 55
2810 Raphael Leu Mittelalterverein Bern 989
2827 Luca Zollinger Artes Certaminis 986.8
2837 Valentin Heim Freifechter Basel 984.5
3089 Bertrand Petit Le Cercle des Épées Libres 936.8
3142 250 Anna Sophie Pöggeler Frères d'AMHE 925.9 32
3166 158 Abraham Klink De Zwaardkring 919.9 59.3
3275 400 Mikaël Kalisperatis Iarumas 896.7 64.3
3294 52 Tony Simion Historische Kampfkunst Luzern 894 37.4
3324 Luca Amgarten N/A 887.9
3328 Giuliano Giovanardi Compagnia del Corvo Grigio 887.6
3368 Bojan Bockorec Mittelalterverein Bern 874.3
3374 Janis Staub N/A 873.5
3385 Azaria Voegeli École Lémanique d'Arts et d'Actions 870.5
3401 264 Michael Schweizer N/A 867 40
3521 189 Vina Zahnd Historicae Artes Dimicationes Ustrachense 837.6 21.2