Blue Box Open 2023

Date November 18, 2023
Country United States
State Ohio
City Columbus
Software Ferrotas

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 55 14
Mixed Steel Longsword 97 26
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword 35 8
Mixed Steel Sabre 71 16

Fighters in event

Nathaniel Tinker Ann Arbor Sword Club
Blake Schrock Ann Arbor Sword Club
Moe Chojecki Ann Arbor Sword Club
Eli Zev Arena Weapon Arts
Jack Seyler Ars Gladii
Katharine Keller Ars Gladii
Derek Ray Columbus United Fencing Club
Dwain Crackel Columbus United Fencing Club
Olivia Cleymaet Columbus United Fencing Club
Sydney Schulte Columbus United Fencing Club
Lucas Caldwell Gem City Duelists Society
David Reddy Gem City Duelists Society
Thomas Kesler Gem City Duelists Society
Jonathan Rose Gem City Duelists Society
Samuel Ryals Gem City Duelists Society
Tyland Steiner Gem City Duelists Society
Addison Foley HEMA Lexington
Auren Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club
Christopher Shelton Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club
Julia Holfelder Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club
Chuck Sees Lake Erie Historical Fencing
Geoff Ebbert L'Arte Della Bellica
Rebecca Glass L'Arte Della Bellica
Joseph DiFrancesca L'Arte Lehigh Valley Historical Fencing
Patrick McCaffrey L'Arte NYC Historical Fencing
Donald Kullman Nashville School of Historical Fencing
Chris Holloman Nashville School of Historical Fencing
Ethan Rettig Queen City Sword Guild
Jaron Bernstein Royal Arts Fencing Academy
Branden Zipplinger Royal Arts Fencing Academy
Rhys Grayson Steel City Historical Fencing
Kevin Brough Steel City Historical Fencing
Joseph Pugnetti Steel City Historical Fencing
Kathryn Dunn Two Ravens Fencing School
Lacey Eck Two Ravens Fencing School
Seanpatrick Brady Two Ravens Fencing School
Alex Kellogg Two Ravens Fencing School
Alec Willette Two Ravens Fencing School
Tasia Socha Two Ravens Fencing School
David Socha Two Ravens Fencing School


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Derek Ray Patrick McCaffrey WIN LOSS
Pool Alex Kellogg Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Kesler Alec Willette LOSS WIN
Pool Derek Ray Christopher Shelton LOSS WIN
Pool Patrick McCaffrey Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pool Alex Kellogg Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Pool Christopher Shelton Alec Willette WIN LOSS
Pool Derek Ray Joseph Pugnetti WIN LOSS
Pool Patrick McCaffrey Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Pool Alex Kellogg Alec Willette LOSS WIN
Pool Joseph Pugnetti Christopher Shelton WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Kesler Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pool Alec Willette Patrick McCaffrey WIN LOSS
Pool Christopher Shelton Alex Kellogg WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Kesler Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pool Alec Willette Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pool Patrick McCaffrey Alex Kellogg LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Kesler Christopher Shelton WIN LOSS
Pool Alec Willette Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pool Derek Ray Alex Kellogg WIN LOSS
Pool Patrick McCaffrey Christopher Shelton LOSS WIN
Pool Branden Zipplinger Rhys Grayson WIN LOSS
Pool Lacey Eck Seanpatrick Brady LOSS WIN
Pool Geoff Ebbert Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Chris Holloman Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Pool Lacey Eck Rhys Grayson LOSS WIN
Pool Seanpatrick Brady Samuel Ryals WIN LOSS
Pool Chris Holloman Geoff Ebbert LOSS WIN
Pool Branden Zipplinger Lacey Eck WIN LOSS
Pool Samuel Ryals Rhys Grayson WIN LOSS
Pool Geoff Ebbert Seanpatrick Brady LOSS WIN
Pool Chris Holloman Lacey Eck LOSS WIN
Pool Samuel Ryals Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Pool Rhys Grayson Geoff Ebbert WIN LOSS
Pool Chris Holloman Seanpatrick Brady LOSS WIN
Pool Lacey Eck Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Geoff Ebbert Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Pool Rhys Grayson Seanpatrick Brady LOSS WIN
Pool Chris Holloman Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Geoff Ebbert Lacey Eck WIN LOSS
Pool Branden Zipplinger Seanpatrick Brady LOSS WIN
Pool Chris Holloman Rhys Grayson LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Thomas Kesler Rhys Grayson WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Alex Kellogg Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Chris Holloman Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Patrick McCaffrey Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Lacey Eck Christopher Shelton LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Alec Willette Geoff Ebbert WIN LOSS
Quarters Thomas Kesler Seanpatrick Brady LOSS WIN
Quarters Joseph Pugnetti Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Quarters Christopher Shelton Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Quarters Alec Willette Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Semi Samuel Ryals Seanpatrick Brady WIN LOSS
Semi Derek Ray Branden Zipplinger WIN LOSS
Final Samuel Ryals Derek Ray LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool David Socha Jaron Bernstein WIN LOSS
Pool Geoff Ebbert Jack Seyler LOSS WIN
Pool David Reddy Julia Holfelder WIN LOSS
Pool Ethan Rettig Jaron Bernstein WIN LOSS
Pool Geoff Ebbert David Socha LOSS WIN
Pool Jack Seyler Julia Holfelder WIN LOSS
Pool Ethan Rettig David Reddy LOSS WIN
Pool Geoff Ebbert Jaron Bernstein WIN LOSS
Pool David Socha Julia Holfelder WIN LOSS
Pool David Reddy Jack Seyler LOSS WIN
Pool Ethan Rettig Geoff Ebbert LOSS WIN
Pool Jaron Bernstein Julia Holfelder WIN LOSS
Pool David Socha David Reddy WIN LOSS
Pool Jack Seyler Ethan Rettig LOSS WIN
Pool Geoff Ebbert Julia Holfelder WIN LOSS
Pool Jaron Bernstein David Reddy WIN LOSS
Pool David Socha Jack Seyler WIN LOSS
Pool Julia Holfelder Ethan Rettig LOSS WIN
Pool David Reddy Geoff Ebbert LOSS WIN
Pool Jack Seyler Jaron Bernstein WIN LOSS
Pool David Socha Ethan Rettig WIN LOSS
Pool Moe Chojecki Chuck Sees WIN LOSS
Pool Jonathan Rose Eli Zev WIN LOSS
Pool Auren Dwain Crackel LOSS WIN
Pool Moe Chojecki Chris Holloman WIN LOSS
Pool Chuck Sees Jonathan Rose LOSS WIN
Pool Eli Zev Auren WIN LOSS
Pool Chris Holloman Dwain Crackel LOSS WIN
Pool Moe Chojecki Jonathan Rose LOSS WIN
Pool Chuck Sees Auren WIN LOSS
Pool Dwain Crackel Eli Zev WIN LOSS
Pool Chris Holloman Jonathan Rose LOSS WIN
Pool Auren Moe Chojecki LOSS WIN
Pool Dwain Crackel Chuck Sees WIN LOSS
Pool Eli Zev Chris Holloman LOSS WIN
Pool Auren Jonathan Rose LOSS WIN
Pool Moe Chojecki Dwain Crackel WIN LOSS
Pool Chuck Sees Eli Zev LOSS WIN
Pool Chris Holloman Auren WIN LOSS
Pool Jonathan Rose Dwain Crackel LOSS WIN
Pool Moe Chojecki Eli Zev WIN LOSS
Pool Chuck Sees Chris Holloman LOSS WIN
Pool Kevin Brough Lacey Eck WIN LOSS
Pool Joseph DiFrancesca Katharine Keller LOSS WIN
Pool Lacey Eck Olivia Cleymaet WIN LOSS
Pool Nathaniel Tinker Katharine Keller LOSS WIN
Pool Olivia Cleymaet Kevin Brough LOSS WIN
Pool Nathaniel Tinker Joseph DiFrancesca WIN LOSS
Pool Katharine Keller Lacey Eck LOSS WIN
Pool Joseph DiFrancesca Kevin Brough LOSS WIN
Pool Katharine Keller Olivia Cleymaet WIN LOSS
Pool Nathaniel Tinker Kevin Brough LOSS WIN
Pool Joseph DiFrancesca Lacey Eck LOSS WIN
Pool Nathaniel Tinker Olivia Cleymaet WIN LOSS
Pool Katharine Keller Kevin Brough LOSS WIN
Pool Joseph DiFrancesca Olivia Cleymaet WIN LOSS
Pool Nathaniel Tinker Lacey Eck WIN LOSS
Pool Addison Foley Rhys Grayson LOSS WIN
Pool Alec Willette Donald Kullman WIN LOSS
Pool Lucas Caldwell Rhys Grayson LOSS WIN
Pool Donald Kullman Blake Schrock WIN LOSS
Pool Lucas Caldwell Addison Foley LOSS WIN
Pool Alec Willette Blake Schrock WIN LOSS
Pool Donald Kullman Rhys Grayson LOSS WIN
Pool Alec Willette Addison Foley WIN LOSS
Pool Lucas Caldwell Donald Kullman LOSS WIN
Pool Blake Schrock Addison Foley WIN LOSS
Pool Alec Willette Rhys Grayson WIN LOSS
Pool Lucas Caldwell Blake Schrock LOSS WIN
Pool Donald Kullman Addison Foley LOSS WIN
Pool Lucas Caldwell Alec Willette LOSS WIN
Pool Blake Schrock Rhys Grayson LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Donald Kullman Blake Schrock WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Lucas Caldwell Jack Seyler LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Geoff Ebbert Julia Holfelder WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Joseph DiFrancesca Katharine Keller LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Jaron Bernstein Chris Holloman WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Ethan Rettig Eli Zev LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Nathaniel Tinker Chuck Sees LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Auren Rhys Grayson LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Lacey Eck Olivia Cleymaet WIN LOSS
Table of 32 David Reddy Addison Foley LOSS WIN
Table of 16 David Socha Donald Kullman LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Jack Seyler Geoff Ebbert LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Jonathan Rose Katharine Keller WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Dwain Crackel Jaron Bernstein WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Eli Zev Alec Willette WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Chuck Sees Moe Chojecki WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Lacey Eck Rhys Grayson WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Addison Foley Kevin Brough WIN LOSS
Quarters Geoff Ebbert Donald Kullman LOSS WIN
Quarters Dwain Crackel Jonathan Rose WIN LOSS
Quarters Chuck Sees Eli Zev WIN LOSS
Quarters Lacey Eck Addison Foley WIN LOSS
Semi Donald Kullman Dwain Crackel WIN LOSS
Semi Chuck Sees Lacey Eck LOSS WIN
Final Donald Kullman Lacey Eck LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Sydney Schulte Katharine Keller LOSS WIN
Pool Tasia Socha Rebecca Glass WIN LOSS
Pool Lacey Eck Kathryn Dunn WIN LOSS
Pool Olivia Cleymaet Auren LOSS WIN
Pool Sydney Schulte Tasia Socha LOSS WIN
Pool Katharine Keller Lacey Eck LOSS WIN
Pool Auren Rebecca Glass WIN LOSS
Pool Kathryn Dunn Olivia Cleymaet WIN LOSS
Pool Lacey Eck Tasia Socha WIN LOSS
Pool Sydney Schulte Rebecca Glass LOSS WIN
Pool Olivia Cleymaet Katharine Keller LOSS WIN
Pool Kathryn Dunn Auren WIN LOSS
Pool Sydney Schulte Lacey Eck LOSS WIN
Pool Tasia Socha Olivia Cleymaet LOSS WIN
Pool Rebecca Glass Kathryn Dunn LOSS WIN
Pool Auren Katharine Keller LOSS WIN
Pool Sydney Schulte Olivia Cleymaet LOSS WIN
Pool Lacey Eck Rebecca Glass WIN LOSS
Pool Auren Tasia Socha WIN LOSS
Pool Katharine Keller Kathryn Dunn LOSS WIN
Pool Olivia Cleymaet Lacey Eck LOSS WIN
Pool Sydney Schulte Auren LOSS WIN
Pool Rebecca Glass Katharine Keller LOSS WIN
Pool Tasia Socha Kathryn Dunn LOSS WIN
Pool Lacey Eck Auren WIN LOSS
Pool Olivia Cleymaet Rebecca Glass WIN LOSS
Pool Kathryn Dunn Sydney Schulte WIN LOSS
Pool Tasia Socha Katharine Keller LOSS WIN
Quarters Lacey Eck Sydney Schulte WIN LOSS
Quarters Olivia Cleymaet Auren WIN LOSS
Quarters Katharine Keller Tasia Socha WIN LOSS
Quarters Kathryn Dunn Rebecca Glass WIN LOSS
Semi Olivia Cleymaet Lacey Eck LOSS WIN
Semi Katharine Keller Kathryn Dunn LOSS WIN
Final Kathryn Dunn Lacey Eck WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Tyland Steiner Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pool Alec Willette Donald Kullman WIN LOSS
Pool Christopher Shelton Nathaniel Tinker WIN LOSS
Pool Moe Chojecki Katharine Keller WIN LOSS
Pool Donald Kullman Tyland Steiner WIN LOSS
Pool Christopher Shelton Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pool Alec Willette Katharine Keller WIN LOSS
Pool Nathaniel Tinker Moe Chojecki LOSS WIN
Pool Donald Kullman Christopher Shelton LOSS WIN
Pool Alec Willette Tyland Steiner WIN LOSS
Pool Joseph Pugnetti Moe Chojecki WIN LOSS
Pool Nathaniel Tinker Katharine Keller LOSS WIN
Pool Christopher Shelton Tyland Steiner LOSS WIN
Pool Moe Chojecki Donald Kullman LOSS WIN
Pool Nathaniel Tinker Alec Willette LOSS WIN
Pool Joseph Pugnetti Katharine Keller WIN LOSS
Pool Tyland Steiner Moe Chojecki WIN LOSS
Pool Christopher Shelton Alec Willette LOSS WIN
Pool Katharine Keller Donald Kullman LOSS WIN
Pool Nathaniel Tinker Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pool Christopher Shelton Moe Chojecki WIN LOSS
Pool Tyland Steiner Katharine Keller LOSS WIN
Pool Joseph Pugnetti Alec Willette LOSS WIN
Pool Nathaniel Tinker Donald Kullman LOSS WIN
Pool Katharine Keller Christopher Shelton LOSS WIN
Pool Moe Chojecki Alec Willette LOSS WIN
Pool Tyland Steiner Nathaniel Tinker WIN LOSS
Pool Donald Kullman Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pool Blake Schrock Alex Kellogg LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Kesler Lucas Caldwell WIN LOSS
Pool Branden Zipplinger Jonathan Rose WIN LOSS
Pool Chris Holloman Julia Holfelder WIN LOSS
Pool Blake Schrock Lucas Caldwell LOSS WIN
Pool Branden Zipplinger Alex Kellogg WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Kesler Julia Holfelder WIN LOSS
Pool Chris Holloman Jonathan Rose LOSS WIN
Pool Lucas Caldwell Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Kesler Blake Schrock WIN LOSS
Pool Alex Kellogg Chris Holloman LOSS WIN
Pool Jonathan Rose Julia Holfelder WIN LOSS
Pool Branden Zipplinger Blake Schrock WIN LOSS
Pool Chris Holloman Lucas Caldwell WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Kesler Jonathan Rose WIN LOSS
Pool Julia Holfelder Alex Kellogg LOSS WIN
Pool Chris Holloman Blake Schrock LOSS WIN
Pool Branden Zipplinger Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
Pool Lucas Caldwell Julia Holfelder LOSS WIN
Pool Jonathan Rose Alex Kellogg WIN LOSS
Pool Branden Zipplinger Chris Holloman WIN LOSS
Pool Blake Schrock Julia Holfelder WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Kesler Alex Kellogg WIN LOSS
Pool Lucas Caldwell Jonathan Rose LOSS WIN
Pool Branden Zipplinger Julia Holfelder WIN LOSS
Pool Chris Holloman Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Pool Blake Schrock Jonathan Rose LOSS WIN
Pool Alex Kellogg Lucas Caldwell LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Branden Zipplinger Nathaniel Tinker WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Chris Holloman Tyland Steiner LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Blake Schrock Jonathan Rose LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Joseph Pugnetti Moe Chojecki WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Lucas Caldwell Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Christopher Shelton Katharine Keller WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Alex Kellogg Donald Kullman LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Alec Willette Julia Holfelder WIN LOSS
Quarters Tyland Steiner Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Quarters Joseph Pugnetti Jonathan Rose WIN LOSS
Quarters Thomas Kesler Christopher Shelton WIN LOSS
Quarters Alec Willette Donald Kullman WIN LOSS
Semi Joseph Pugnetti Branden Zipplinger WIN LOSS
Semi Alec Willette Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
Final Joseph Pugnetti Alec Willette WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Blue Box Open 2023

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
72 3 Joseph Pugnetti Steel City Historical Fencing 1708.1 5.4
93 64 Seanpatrick Brady Two Ravens Fencing School 1685.4 68.3
97 5 Branden Zipplinger Royal Arts Fencing Academy 1681.6 11.6
99 48 Derek Ray Columbus United Fencing Club 1681.1 52.9
114 14 Samuel Ryals Gem City Duelists Society 1660.2 16.7
198 6 Christopher Shelton Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 1591.2 9.1
409 163 Alec Willette Two Ravens Fencing School 1495.7 56.8
443 47 Thomas Kesler Gem City Duelists Society 1483.5 18.1
548 39 Rhys Grayson Steel City Historical Fencing 1452 18.9
634 109 Alex Kellogg Two Ravens Fencing School 1424.5 29.4
640 25 Kevin Brough Steel City Historical Fencing 1422 12.4
684 659 David Socha Two Ravens Fencing School 1409.3 158.8
779 140 Patrick McCaffrey L'Arte NYC Historical Fencing 1385.4 32.7
792 144 Dwain Crackel Columbus United Fencing Club 1382.7 42
917 304 Moe Chojecki Ann Arbor Sword Club 1352.9 77.9
943 98 Lacey Eck Two Ravens Fencing School 1345.9 32.3
1026 252 Chris Holloman Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1326.4 54.9
1110 317 Geoff Ebbert L'Arte Della Bellica 1309.1 73.6
1239 83 Addison Foley HEMA Lexington 1281.8 28.1
1256 671 Donald Kullman Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1278.4 129
1298 231 Jack Seyler Ars Gladii 1270.7 54
1402 57 Jaron Bernstein Royal Arts Fencing Academy 1248.9 1.4
1538 18 Nathaniel Tinker Ann Arbor Sword Club 1224.4 12.7
1635 113 David Reddy Gem City Duelists Society 1206.7 11.6
1760 51 Ethan Rettig Queen City Sword Guild 1186.4 0.1
1837 1470 Jonathan Rose Gem City Duelists Society 1173.2 281.9
1968 458 Eli Zev Arena Weapon Arts 1151.7 91.5
2218 156 Katharine Keller Ars Gladii 1107.5 38
2320 Chuck Sees Lake Erie Historical Fencing 1090.7
2337 229 Blake Schrock Ann Arbor Sword Club 1087.3 50.7
2524 451 Lucas Caldwell Gem City Duelists Society 1057.9 61
3411 242 Julia Holfelder Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 890.6 28.6
3749 Auren Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 809.2
3764 230 Olivia Cleymaet Columbus United Fencing Club 805.5 29.7
3861 Joseph DiFrancesca L'Arte Lehigh Valley Historical Fencing 763.4