Icebreaker Open 2023

Date April 21, 2023
Country United States
State Minnesota
City Minneapolis

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Singlestick 121 31
Mixed Steel Longsword 280 69
Mixed Steel Any Weapon 171 58
Mixed Synthetic Longsword 60 16
Mixed Synthetic Any Weapon 48 20
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword 22 6

Fighters in event

Hannes Penttinen Superior HEMA
Sithisone Douangmala Superior HEMA
Alex Pirie Superior HEMA
Xuanran Qi Toronto Historical Combatants
Douglas Crighton Valour Historical European Martial Arts Academy
Nicholas McConnell Valour Historical European Martial Arts Academy
Derek D Young WHFC Valour
Shannon Loewen Winnipeg Historical Fencing Club
Dajiang Wang
Sihong Fu Academie Duello
Paul Bates Center for Blade Arts
Ryan David
Brian Fleming
Derek Swart
Ezekiel Town
Kevin Wander
Scott Christie
Nancy Hiquet
Benjamin Dietrich
Isa Martell
Mark Nelson
Peter Altschwager
Bryant Coston Arena Weapon Arts
Duane Kristensen Athena School of Arms
Micheal Aldape-Sandmeyer Band of Iron Lions
Eric Wood Bent Blades
Romana Shemayev Bent Blades
John Keizer Bent Blades
Becky Rose Bent Blades
John Paul Leong Black Tiger Martial Arts Academy
Joe van Ert Borealis Blades Historical Fencing
Annette Sherrod Boston Armizare
Dylan Kostman Center for Blade Arts
Max Richter Center for Blade Arts
Autumn Eule-Nashoba Center for Blade Arts
Dale Utt Center for Blade Arts
Andrew Sell Center for Blade Arts
Brendan Maloney Center for Blade Arts
Brent Jungclaus Center for Blade Arts
Caitlin Iverson Center for Blade Arts
Nathan Wichman Center for Blade Arts
Ryan Mahoney Center for Blade Arts
Jeff Burbank Center for Blade Arts
Jon Reding Center for Blade Arts
Kenny Reed Center for Blade Arts
Mike Tschida Center for Blade Arts
Thomas Tang Center for Blade Arts
Jennifer Lindgren Center for Blade Arts
Andrew Dale Center for Blade Arts
Leo Dannersmith Center for Blade Arts
Timothy Verseput Center for Blade Arts
Timothy Roach Center for Blade Arts
Shane Hillen Centerline Sword School
Mark Maddox Centerline Sword School
Patrick Fuller Centerline Sword School
Kevin Farthing Chicago Swordplay Guild
Nat Morse-Noland Chicago Swordplay Guild
Davis Vader Chicago Swordplay Guild
Aaron Labertew House of Blades
Scott Hansen House of Blades
Matt Karmelich House of Blades
Paul Hubbard House of Blades
Izaak Wadle House of Blades
Mac Siruta House of Blades
Daniel Wogan Indianapolis Fencing Club
Zoe Badía Indianapolis Fencing Club
Aaron Washik Meyer Freifechter Guild
Samuel Gabel Minneapolis Amateur Swordfighting Association
Richard Young Minneapolis Amateur Swordfighting Association
Lars Olsen Minneapolis Amateur Swordfighting Association
Keith Leung Nickel City Longsword Academy
Tyler Sigman Omaha Kunst des Fechtens
Ralph Hill Omaha Kunst des Fechtens
Michael Waggoner Omaha Kunst des Fechtens
Jason Skirry Ram's Head Fencing
Lucie Biros Ram's Head Fencing
Alex Nutt Ram's Head Fencing
Hershel-Mars Auberon Ram's Head Fencing
Benjamin Marie Ram's Head Fencing
Josias Arcadia Ram's Head Fencing
Casey Kopp Red River Fencing
Grant Smith Red River Fencing
Lilith Lehman Red River Fencing
Taylor Hodne St. Paul Freifechter
Zachary Brown Superior HEMA
Matthew Currey Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing
Melania Li Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing
Christopher French Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing
David Ito Toronto Historical Combatants
William Tucker Tuathair Academy of Swordsmanship
Michael Tucker Tuathair Hema Academy
Bryan Taylor Tuathair Hema Academy
Nick Yehl Tuathair Hema Academy
Dane Samples Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Leon Fuller Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Noah Gumness Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Parker Middendorp Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Anthony Scott Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Brady Mueller Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Jereme Griesel Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Patrick Stahl Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Bryant Cobarrubias Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Lucas Olson Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Ben Welch Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Jack Richeson Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Daniel Rauens Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
pool A Matthew Currey Aaron Labertew WIN LOSS
pool A Jereme Griesel Andrew Sell LOSS WIN
pool A Brady Mueller Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
pool A Andrew Sell Brady Mueller WIN LOSS
pool A Matthew Currey Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
pool A Aaron Labertew Andrew Sell LOSS WIN
pool A Lucas Olson Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
pool A Brady Mueller Jereme Griesel WIN LOSS
pool A Casey Kopp Jereme Griesel WIN LOSS
pool A Lucas Olson Andrew Sell WIN LOSS
pool A Matthew Currey Andrew Sell LOSS WIN
pool A Aaron Labertew Brady Mueller WIN LOSS
pool A Jereme Griesel Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
pool A Lucas Olson Brady Mueller WIN LOSS
pool A Casey Kopp Aaron Labertew WIN LOSS
pool A Matthew Currey Brady Mueller WIN LOSS
pool A Lucas Olson Aaron Labertew WIN LOSS
pool A Jereme Griesel Aaron Labertew WIN LOSS
pool A Matthew Currey Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
pool A Jereme Griesel Matthew Currey LOSS WIN
pool A Andrew Sell Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
pool B Patrick Fuller Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
pool B Dale Utt Paul Bates DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
pool B Brent Jungclaus Josias Arcadia LOSS WIN
pool B Izaak Wadle Timothy Verseput WIN LOSS
pool B Josias Arcadia Timothy Verseput WIN LOSS
pool B Paul Bates Brent Jungclaus WIN LOSS
pool B Dale Utt Patrick Fuller DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
pool B Daniel Rauens Josias Arcadia WIN LOSS
pool B Izaak Wadle Dale Utt LOSS WIN
pool B Brent Jungclaus Timothy Verseput LOSS WIN
pool B Izaak Wadle Brent Jungclaus DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
pool B Josias Arcadia Dale Utt WIN LOSS
pool B Paul Bates Daniel Rauens WIN LOSS
pool B Josias Arcadia Patrick Fuller WIN LOSS
pool B Timothy Verseput Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
pool B Dale Utt Brent Jungclaus WIN LOSS
pool B Timothy Verseput Dale Utt DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
pool B Daniel Rauens Izaak Wadle WIN LOSS
pool B Paul Bates Patrick Fuller WIN LOSS
pool B Izaak Wadle Paul Bates LOSS WIN
pool B Patrick Fuller Timothy Verseput DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
pool B Dale Utt Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
pool B Brent Jungclaus Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
pool B Izaak Wadle Patrick Fuller WIN LOSS
pool B Josias Arcadia Paul Bates DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
pool B Patrick Fuller Brent Jungclaus WIN LOSS
pool B Timothy Verseput Paul Bates LOSS WIN
pool B Josias Arcadia Izaak Wadle WIN LOSS
Pool C Parker Middendorp Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Pool C Michael Waggoner Ryan David LOSS WIN
Pool C Mac Siruta Shane Hillen LOSS WIN
Pool C Scott Hansen David Ito LOSS WIN
Pool C David Ito Shane Hillen LOSS WIN
Pool C Mac Siruta Ryan David LOSS WIN
Pool C Parker Middendorp Michael Waggoner DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool C Jack Richeson Shane Hillen WIN LOSS
Pool C Michael Waggoner Scott Hansen LOSS WIN
Pool C David Ito Mac Siruta WIN LOSS
Pool C Scott Hansen Mac Siruta WIN LOSS
Pool C Shane Hillen Michael Waggoner WIN LOSS
Pool C Ryan David Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Pool C Shane Hillen Parker Middendorp WIN LOSS
Pool C David Ito Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Pool C Michael Waggoner Mac Siruta LOSS WIN
Pool C David Ito Michael Waggoner WIN LOSS
Pool C Jack Richeson Scott Hansen WIN LOSS
Pool C Parker Middendorp Ryan David DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool C Scott Hansen Ryan David WIN LOSS
Pool C Parker Middendorp David Ito LOSS WIN
Pool C Jack Richeson Michael Waggoner WIN LOSS
Pool C Mac Siruta Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Pool C Scott Hansen Parker Middendorp LOSS WIN
Pool C Ryan David Shane Hillen LOSS WIN
Pool C Parker Middendorp Mac Siruta WIN LOSS
Pool C Ryan David David Ito LOSS WIN
Pool C Scott Hansen Shane Hillen LOSS WIN
Pool D Shannon Loewen Kevin Wander DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool D Lucie Biros Noah Gumness LOSS WIN
Pool D Ben Welch Ezekiel Town WIN LOSS
Pool D Lucie Biros Ben Welch LOSS WIN
Pool D Noah Gumness Kevin Wander LOSS WIN
Pool D Patrick Stahl Paul Hubbard WIN LOSS
Pool D Kevin Wander Patrick Stahl LOSS WIN
Pool D Paul Hubbard Lucie Biros WIN LOSS
Pool D Shannon Loewen Ezekiel Town LOSS WIN
Pool D Ben Welch Noah Gumness WIN LOSS
Pool D Noah Gumness Ezekiel Town LOSS WIN
Pool D Shannon Loewen Lucie Biros LOSS WIN
Pool D Paul Hubbard Kevin Wander WIN LOSS
Pool D Ezekiel Town Patrick Stahl WIN LOSS
Pool D Ben Welch Paul Hubbard LOSS WIN
Pool D Noah Gumness Shannon Loewen DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool D Ben Welch Shannon Loewen DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool D Ezekiel Town Paul Hubbard LOSS WIN
Pool D Patrick Stahl Lucie Biros WIN LOSS
Pool D Kevin Wander Ezekiel Town LOSS WIN
Pool D Patrick Stahl Noah Gumness WIN LOSS
Pool D Shannon Loewen Paul Hubbard LOSS WIN
Pool D Paul Hubbard Noah Gumness DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool D Ben Welch Patrick Stahl LOSS WIN
Pool D Lucie Biros Kevin Wander LOSS WIN
Pool D Patrick Stahl Shannon Loewen WIN LOSS
Pool D Kevin Wander Ben Welch WIN LOSS
Pool D Lucie Biros Ezekiel Town LOSS WIN
Eliminations Casey Kopp Kevin Wander WIN LOSS
Eliminations David Ito Josias Arcadia WIN LOSS
Eliminations Lucas Olson Ezekiel Town WIN LOSS
Eliminations Scott Hansen Daniel Rauens LOSS WIN
Eliminations Matthew Currey Patrick Stahl LOSS WIN
Eliminations Shane Hillen Paul Bates WIN LOSS
Eliminations Andrew Sell Paul Hubbard LOSS WIN
Eliminations Izaak Wadle Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Qtr Final Lucas Olson Daniel Rauens WIN LOSS
Qtr Final Patrick Stahl Shane Hillen WIN LOSS
Qtr Final Jack Richeson Paul Hubbard WIN LOSS
Qtr Final David Ito Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
Semi Final Casey Kopp Lucas Olson WIN LOSS
Semi Final Patrick Stahl Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Lucas Olson Patrick Stahl WIN LOSS
Gold Medal Casey Kopp Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Derek Swart Romana Shemayev DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool A Alex Nutt Brian Fleming DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool A Bryant Cobarrubias Jereme Griesel WIN LOSS
Pool A Hannes Penttinen Ralph Hill LOSS WIN
Pool A Bryant Cobarrubias Hannes Penttinen WIN LOSS
Pool A Jereme Griesel Brian Fleming LOSS WIN
Pool A Alex Nutt Derek Swart LOSS WIN
Pool A Romana Shemayev Bryant Cobarrubias LOSS WIN
Pool A Ralph Hill Alex Nutt LOSS WIN
Pool A Hannes Penttinen Jereme Griesel LOSS WIN
Pool A Ralph Hill Jereme Griesel LOSS WIN
Pool A Bryant Cobarrubias Alex Nutt LOSS WIN
Pool A Brian Fleming Romana Shemayev WIN LOSS
Pool A Bryant Cobarrubias Derek Swart LOSS WIN
Pool A Hannes Penttinen Romana Shemayev LOSS WIN
Pool A Jereme Griesel Alex Nutt LOSS WIN
Pool A Hannes Penttinen Alex Nutt LOSS WIN
Pool A Romana Shemayev Ralph Hill WIN LOSS
Pool A Brian Fleming Derek Swart LOSS WIN
Pool A Ralph Hill Brian Fleming LOSS WIN
Pool A Hannes Penttinen Derek Swart LOSS WIN
Pool A Romana Shemayev Alex Nutt DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool A Jereme Griesel Romana Shemayev DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool A Ralph Hill Derek Swart LOSS WIN
Pool A Bryant Cobarrubias Brian Fleming WIN LOSS
Pool A Jereme Griesel Derek Swart LOSS WIN
Pool A Hannes Penttinen Brian Fleming LOSS WIN
Pool A Bryant Cobarrubias Ralph Hill DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool B Duane Kristensen Josias Arcadia DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool B Kevin Farthing Nick Yehl LOSS WIN
Pool B Aaron Washik Patrick Fuller LOSS WIN
Pool B Peter Altschwager Bryant Coston WIN LOSS
Pool B Patrick Fuller Bryant Coston LOSS WIN
Pool B Aaron Washik Kevin Farthing LOSS WIN
Pool B Nick Yehl Duane Kristensen LOSS WIN
Pool B Josias Arcadia Patrick Fuller WIN LOSS
Pool B Nick Yehl Peter Altschwager LOSS WIN
Pool B Bryant Coston Aaron Washik WIN LOSS
Pool B Aaron Washik Peter Altschwager DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool B Patrick Fuller Nick Yehl LOSS WIN
Pool B Josias Arcadia Kevin Farthing WIN LOSS
Pool B Duane Kristensen Patrick Fuller WIN LOSS
Pool B Josias Arcadia Bryant Coston DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool B Aaron Washik Nick Yehl LOSS WIN
Pool B Bryant Coston Nick Yehl WIN LOSS
Pool B Josias Arcadia Peter Altschwager LOSS WIN
Pool B Duane Kristensen Kevin Farthing WIN LOSS
Pool B Peter Altschwager Kevin Farthing WIN LOSS
Pool B Duane Kristensen Bryant Coston LOSS WIN
Pool B Josias Arcadia Nick Yehl WIN LOSS
Pool B Aaron Washik Josias Arcadia LOSS WIN
Pool B Peter Altschwager Duane Kristensen DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool B Patrick Fuller Kevin Farthing LOSS WIN
Pool B Aaron Washik Duane Kristensen LOSS WIN
Pool B Bryant Coston Kevin Farthing WIN LOSS
Pool B Patrick Fuller Peter Altschwager LOSS WIN
Pool C Grant Smith Paul Hubbard LOSS WIN
Pool C David Ito Anthony Scott WIN LOSS
Pool C Zachary Brown Christopher French WIN LOSS
Pool C Lucie Biros Aaron Labertew WIN LOSS
Pool C Aaron Labertew Christopher French WIN LOSS
Pool C Anthony Scott Zachary Brown LOSS WIN
Pool C David Ito Grant Smith WIN LOSS
Pool C Dale Utt Paul Hubbard WIN LOSS
Pool C Anthony Scott Dale Utt WIN LOSS
Pool C Paul Hubbard Christopher French WIN LOSS
Pool C Lucie Biros David Ito LOSS WIN
Pool C Aaron Labertew Zachary Brown LOSS WIN
Pool C Lucie Biros Zachary Brown LOSS WIN
Pool C Christopher French David Ito LOSS WIN
Pool C Paul Hubbard Anthony Scott WIN LOSS
Pool C Grant Smith Dale Utt LOSS WIN
Pool C Christopher French Grant Smith WIN LOSS
Pool C Dale Utt Lucie Biros WIN LOSS
Pool C Paul Hubbard Aaron Labertew WIN LOSS
Pool C David Ito Zachary Brown WIN LOSS
Pool C Aaron Labertew David Ito LOSS WIN
Pool C Lucie Biros Paul Hubbard LOSS WIN
Pool C Dale Utt Christopher French WIN LOSS
Pool C Anthony Scott Grant Smith LOSS WIN
Pool C Lucie Biros Anthony Scott WIN LOSS
Pool C Aaron Labertew Grant Smith WIN LOSS
Pool C Zachary Brown Dale Utt WIN LOSS
Pool C David Ito Paul Hubbard DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool C Zachary Brown Paul Hubbard LOSS WIN
Pool C Aaron Labertew Dale Utt LOSS WIN
Pool C Grant Smith Lucie Biros WIN LOSS
Pool C Christopher French Anthony Scott DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool C Dale Utt David Ito LOSS WIN
Pool C Grant Smith Zachary Brown LOSS WIN
Pool C Aaron Labertew Anthony Scott LOSS WIN
Pool C Lucie Biros Christopher French LOSS WIN
Pool D Patrick Stahl Micheal Aldape-Sandmeyer LOSS WIN
Pool D Alex Pirie Dajiang Wang LOSS WIN
Pool D Mark Maddox Benjamin Dietrich WIN LOSS
Pool D Keith Leung Scott Hansen LOSS WIN
Pool D Benjamin Dietrich Scott Hansen LOSS WIN
Pool D Mark Maddox Alex Pirie LOSS WIN
Pool D Patrick Stahl Dajiang Wang WIN LOSS
Pool D Micheal Aldape-Sandmeyer Joe van Ert WIN LOSS
Pool D Joe van Ert Alex Pirie LOSS WIN
Pool D Benjamin Dietrich Micheal Aldape-Sandmeyer LOSS WIN
Pool D Dajiang Wang Keith Leung DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool D Scott Hansen Mark Maddox WIN LOSS
Pool D Keith Leung Mark Maddox LOSS WIN
Pool D Benjamin Dietrich Dajiang Wang LOSS WIN
Pool D Alex Pirie Micheal Aldape-Sandmeyer LOSS WIN
Pool D Joe van Ert Patrick Stahl LOSS WIN
Pool D Benjamin Dietrich Patrick Stahl LOSS WIN
Pool D Joe van Ert Keith Leung WIN LOSS
Pool D Micheal Aldape-Sandmeyer Scott Hansen LOSS WIN
Pool D Mark Maddox Dajiang Wang DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool D Scott Hansen Dajiang Wang WIN LOSS
Pool D Micheal Aldape-Sandmeyer Keith Leung LOSS WIN
Pool D Joe van Ert Benjamin Dietrich LOSS WIN
Pool D Alex Pirie Patrick Stahl LOSS WIN
Pool D Keith Leung Alex Pirie DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool D Patrick Stahl Scott Hansen WIN LOSS
Pool D Joe van Ert Mark Maddox WIN LOSS
Pool D Micheal Aldape-Sandmeyer Dajiang Wang LOSS WIN
Pool D Mark Maddox Micheal Aldape-Sandmeyer LOSS WIN
Pool D Joe van Ert Scott Hansen LOSS WIN
Pool D Patrick Stahl Keith Leung WIN LOSS
Pool D Benjamin Dietrich Alex Pirie LOSS WIN
Pool D Joe van Ert Dajiang Wang LOSS WIN
Pool D Patrick Stahl Mark Maddox WIN LOSS
Pool D Alex Pirie Scott Hansen LOSS WIN
Pool D Keith Leung Benjamin Dietrich WIN LOSS
Pool E Nancy Hiquet Douglas Crighton LOSS WIN
Pool E Ezekiel Town Xuanran Qi LOSS WIN
Pool E Brent Jungclaus Izaak Wadle WIN LOSS
Pool E Andrew Dale Mark Nelson DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool E Brent Jungclaus Mark Nelson WIN LOSS
Pool E Xuanran Qi Izaak Wadle DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool E Nancy Hiquet Ezekiel Town LOSS WIN
Pool E Douglas Crighton Parker Middendorp WIN LOSS
Pool E Xuanran Qi Parker Middendorp WIN LOSS
Pool E Brent Jungclaus Douglas Crighton DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool E Ezekiel Town Andrew Dale WIN LOSS
Pool E Mark Nelson Izaak Wadle WIN LOSS
Pool E Andrew Dale Izaak Wadle LOSS WIN
Pool E Brent Jungclaus Ezekiel Town LOSS WIN
Pool E Xuanran Qi Douglas Crighton WIN LOSS
Pool E Parker Middendorp Nancy Hiquet WIN LOSS
Pool E Brent Jungclaus Nancy Hiquet WIN LOSS
Pool E Andrew Dale Parker Middendorp WIN LOSS
Pool E Mark Nelson Douglas Crighton DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool E Ezekiel Town Izaak Wadle WIN LOSS
Pool E Mark Nelson Ezekiel Town LOSS WIN
Pool E Andrew Dale Douglas Crighton LOSS WIN
Pool E Brent Jungclaus Parker Middendorp WIN LOSS
Pool E Xuanran Qi Nancy Hiquet WIN LOSS
Pool E Andrew Dale Xuanran Qi WIN LOSS
Pool E Mark Nelson Nancy Hiquet WIN LOSS
Pool E Izaak Wadle Parker Middendorp WIN LOSS
Pool E Douglas Crighton Ezekiel Town LOSS WIN
Pool E Izaak Wadle Douglas Crighton LOSS WIN
Pool E Mark Nelson Parker Middendorp WIN LOSS
Pool E Andrew Dale Nancy Hiquet WIN LOSS
Pool E Brent Jungclaus Xuanran Qi LOSS WIN
Pool E Parker Middendorp Ezekiel Town DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool E Izaak Wadle Nancy Hiquet WIN LOSS
Pool E Mark Nelson Xuanran Qi LOSS WIN
Pool E Andrew Dale Brent Jungclaus WIN LOSS
Pool F Brady Mueller Michael Waggoner WIN LOSS
Pool F Scott Christie Nicholas McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool F Matt Karmelich Ryan David LOSS WIN
Pool F Eric Wood Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
Pool F Ryan David Eric Wood WIN LOSS
Pool F Matt Karmelich Scott Christie WIN LOSS
Pool F Michael Waggoner Nicholas McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool F Lucas Olson Brady Mueller WIN LOSS
Pool F Scott Christie Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
Pool F Brady Mueller Ryan David LOSS WIN
Pool F Casey Kopp Nicholas McConnell WIN LOSS
Pool F Matt Karmelich Eric Wood WIN LOSS
Pool F Casey Kopp Matt Karmelich WIN LOSS
Pool F Ryan David Nicholas McConnell WIN LOSS
Pool F Brady Mueller Scott Christie WIN LOSS
Pool F Michael Waggoner Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
Pool F Ryan David Michael Waggoner DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool F Casey Kopp Lucas Olson WIN LOSS
Pool F Brady Mueller Eric Wood WIN LOSS
Pool F Nicholas McConnell Matt Karmelich LOSS WIN
Pool F Eric Wood Nicholas McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool F Brady Mueller Casey Kopp DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool F Ryan David Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
Pool F Scott Christie Michael Waggoner LOSS WIN
Pool F Casey Kopp Scott Christie WIN LOSS
Pool F Michael Waggoner Eric Wood DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool F Matt Karmelich Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
Pool F Nicholas McConnell Brady Mueller LOSS WIN
Pool F Matt Karmelich Brady Mueller WIN LOSS
Pool F Eric Wood Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
Pool F Michael Waggoner Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
Pool F Scott Christie Ryan David LOSS WIN
Pool F Nicholas McConnell Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
Pool F Michael Waggoner Matt Karmelich LOSS WIN
Pool F Eric Wood Scott Christie WIN LOSS
Pool F Ryan David Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
Pool G Lars Olsen Leo Dannersmith WIN LOSS
Pool G Noah Gumness Bryan Taylor WIN LOSS
Pool G Davis Vader Mac Siruta WIN LOSS
Pool G Tyler Sigman Dylan Kostman LOSS WIN
Pool G Davis Vader Tyler Sigman LOSS WIN
Pool G Bryan Taylor Mac Siruta DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool G Lars Olsen Noah Gumness WIN LOSS
Pool G Leo Dannersmith Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Pool G Jack Richeson Bryan Taylor WIN LOSS
Pool G Leo Dannersmith Davis Vader LOSS WIN
Pool G Dylan Kostman Noah Gumness WIN LOSS
Pool G Mac Siruta Tyler Sigman LOSS WIN
Pool G Dylan Kostman Mac Siruta WIN LOSS
Pool G Noah Gumness Davis Vader LOSS WIN
Pool G Bryan Taylor Leo Dannersmith LOSS WIN
Pool G Lars Olsen Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Pool G Davis Vader Lars Olsen LOSS WIN
Pool G Jack Richeson Dylan Kostman WIN LOSS
Pool G Leo Dannersmith Tyler Sigman LOSS WIN
Pool G Noah Gumness Mac Siruta WIN LOSS
Pool G Tyler Sigman Noah Gumness WIN LOSS
Pool G Leo Dannersmith Dylan Kostman LOSS WIN
Pool G Jack Richeson Davis Vader LOSS WIN
Pool G Bryan Taylor Lars Olsen LOSS WIN
Pool G Dylan Kostman Bryan Taylor WIN LOSS
Pool G Tyler Sigman Lars Olsen WIN LOSS
Pool G Mac Siruta Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Pool G Leo Dannersmith Noah Gumness WIN LOSS
Pool G Mac Siruta Leo Dannersmith LOSS WIN
Pool G Tyler Sigman Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Pool G Dylan Kostman Lars Olsen WIN LOSS
Pool G Bryan Taylor Davis Vader LOSS WIN
Pool G Jack Richeson Noah Gumness DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool G Mac Siruta Lars Olsen LOSS WIN
Pool G Tyler Sigman Bryan Taylor WIN LOSS
Pool G Dylan Kostman Davis Vader LOSS WIN
Pool H Leon Fuller Annette Sherrod WIN LOSS
Pool H Matthew Currey Sithisone Douangmala WIN LOSS
Pool H Melania Li Andrew Sell LOSS WIN
Pool H Matthew Currey Melania Li WIN LOSS
Pool H Leon Fuller Sithisone Douangmala WIN LOSS
Pool H Michael Tucker Annette Sherrod WIN LOSS
Pool H Leon Fuller Sihong Fu LOSS WIN
Pool H Andrew Sell Annette Sherrod WIN LOSS
Pool H Sithisone Douangmala Melania Li LOSS WIN
Pool H Andrew Sell Sithisone Douangmala WIN LOSS
Pool H Annette Sherrod Matthew Currey LOSS WIN
Pool H Sihong Fu Michael Tucker LOSS WIN
Pool H Matthew Currey Michael Tucker LOSS WIN
Pool H Andrew Sell Sihong Fu WIN LOSS
Pool H Sithisone Douangmala Annette Sherrod WIN LOSS
Pool H Annette Sherrod Melania Li LOSS WIN
Pool H Matthew Currey Sihong Fu LOSS WIN
Pool H Leon Fuller Michael Tucker LOSS WIN
Pool H Andrew Sell Leon Fuller DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool H Melania Li Michael Tucker LOSS WIN
Pool H Sihong Fu Sithisone Douangmala WIN LOSS
Pool H Melania Li Sihong Fu LOSS WIN
Pool H Michael Tucker Andrew Sell WIN LOSS
Pool H Leon Fuller Matthew Currey LOSS WIN
Pool H Sihong Fu Annette Sherrod WIN LOSS
Pool H Sithisone Douangmala Michael Tucker LOSS WIN
Pool H Leon Fuller Melania Li DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool H Andrew Sell Matthew Currey LOSS WIN
Eliminations Derek Swart Patrick Stahl LOSS WIN
Eliminations Paul Hubbard Bryant Coston LOSS WIN
Eliminations David Ito Bryant Cobarrubias WIN LOSS
Eliminations Scott Hansen Peter Altschwager WIN LOSS
Eliminations Xuanran Qi Sihong Fu LOSS WIN
Eliminations Dylan Kostman Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
Eliminations Ezekiel Town Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Eliminations Michael Tucker Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
Qtr Final Bryant Coston Patrick Stahl LOSS WIN
Qtr Final David Ito Scott Hansen WIN LOSS
Qtr Final Sihong Fu Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
Qtr Final Casey Kopp Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Semi final David Ito Patrick Stahl WIN LOSS
Semi final Lucas Olson Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
Bronze medal Patrick Stahl Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
Gold Medal David Ito Jack Richeson WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
pool A Jereme Griesel Xuanran Qi WIN LOSS
pool A Annette Sherrod Timothy Roach LOSS WIN
pool A Lucas Olson Shannon Loewen WIN LOSS
pool A Timothy Roach Lucas Olson DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
pool A Annette Sherrod Jereme Griesel LOSS WIN
pool A Xuanran Qi Hannes Penttinen WIN LOSS
pool A Shannon Loewen Xuanran Qi LOSS WIN
pool A Lucas Olson Annette Sherrod WIN LOSS
pool A Shannon Loewen Annette Sherrod LOSS WIN
pool A Timothy Roach Xuanran Qi WIN LOSS
pool A Hannes Penttinen Timothy Roach LOSS WIN
pool A Xuanran Qi Annette Sherrod DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
pool A Lucas Olson Xuanran Qi WIN LOSS
pool A Hannes Penttinen Jereme Griesel LOSS WIN
pool A Jereme Griesel Shannon Loewen WIN LOSS
pool A Hannes Penttinen Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
pool A Shannon Loewen Hannes Penttinen WIN LOSS
pool A Timothy Roach Jereme Griesel WIN LOSS
pool A Annette Sherrod Hannes Penttinen WIN LOSS
pool A Lucas Olson Jereme Griesel WIN LOSS
pool A Shannon Loewen Timothy Roach LOSS WIN
pool B Nicholas McConnell Patrick Stahl LOSS WIN
pool B Joe van Ert Nicholas McConnell LOSS WIN
pool B Patrick Stahl Patrick Fuller WIN LOSS
pool B Joe van Ert Patrick Stahl WIN LOSS
pool B Isa Martell Nicholas McConnell LOSS WIN
pool B Patrick Fuller Isa Martell LOSS WIN
pool B Brian Fleming Patrick Fuller WIN LOSS
pool B Isa Martell Joe van Ert WIN LOSS
pool B Brian Fleming Joe van Ert WIN LOSS
pool B Isa Martell Brian Fleming LOSS WIN
pool B Patrick Fuller Nicholas McConnell WIN LOSS
pool B Isa Martell Patrick Stahl LOSS WIN
pool B Patrick Fuller Joe van Ert WIN LOSS
pool C Casey Kopp Jack Richeson WIN LOSS
pool C Scott Christie Davis Vader LOSS WIN
pool C Shane Hillen Aaron Washik WIN LOSS
pool C Scott Christie Shane Hillen LOSS WIN
pool C Casey Kopp Davis Vader WIN LOSS
pool C Peter Altschwager Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
pool C Aaron Washik Jack Richeson DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
pool C Davis Vader Shane Hillen LOSS WIN
pool C Aaron Washik Davis Vader LOSS WIN
pool C Jack Richeson Scott Christie WIN LOSS
pool C Scott Christie Peter Altschwager LOSS WIN
pool C Davis Vader Jack Richeson LOSS WIN
pool C Shane Hillen Jack Richeson WIN LOSS
pool C Casey Kopp Peter Altschwager WIN LOSS
pool C Aaron Washik Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
pool C Peter Altschwager Aaron Washik WIN LOSS
pool C Scott Christie Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
pool C Davis Vader Peter Altschwager DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
pool C Casey Kopp Shane Hillen LOSS WIN
pool C Scott Christie Aaron Washik LOSS WIN
Pool D Zachary Brown Eric Wood WIN LOSS
Pool D Kevin Wander Andrew Sell LOSS WIN
Pool D Zachary Brown Kevin Wander WIN LOSS
Pool D Kevin Wander Eric Wood WIN LOSS
Pool D Andrew Sell Eric Wood WIN LOSS
Pool D Timothy Verseput Zachary Brown LOSS WIN
Pool D Parker Middendorp Timothy Verseput LOSS WIN
Pool D Andrew Sell Parker Middendorp DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool D Kevin Wander Timothy Verseput WIN LOSS
Pool D Andrew Sell Timothy Verseput DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool D Timothy Verseput Eric Wood WIN LOSS
Pool D Parker Middendorp Kevin Wander LOSS WIN
Pool D Zachary Brown Andrew Sell WIN LOSS
Pool E Derek D Young Paul Bates LOSS WIN
Pool E Alex Pirie Ben Welch LOSS WIN
Pool E Paul Bates Ben Welch LOSS WIN
Pool E Derek D Young Brendan Maloney LOSS WIN
Pool E Ben Welch Derek D Young WIN LOSS
Pool E Derek D Young Alex Pirie LOSS WIN
Pool E Paul Bates Nathan Wichman LOSS WIN
Pool E Nathan Wichman Brendan Maloney WIN LOSS
Pool E Alex Pirie Brendan Maloney LOSS WIN
Pool E Nathan Wichman Ben Welch LOSS WIN
Pool E Alex Pirie Nathan Wichman LOSS WIN
Pool E Paul Bates Brendan Maloney WIN LOSS
Pool E Nathan Wichman Derek D Young WIN LOSS
Pool E Ben Welch Brendan Maloney WIN LOSS
Pool E Alex Pirie Paul Bates LOSS WIN
Pool F Sihong Fu Samuel Gabel WIN LOSS
Pool F Nick Yehl Brady Mueller LOSS WIN
Pool F Michael Waggoner Derek Swart LOSS WIN
Pool F Nick Yehl Michael Waggoner LOSS WIN
Pool F Samuel Gabel Brady Mueller WIN LOSS
Pool F Sihong Fu Derek Swart LOSS WIN
Pool F Brady Mueller Derek Swart LOSS WIN
Pool F Sihong Fu Nick Yehl WIN LOSS
Pool F Samuel Gabel Derek Swart LOSS WIN
Pool F Michael Waggoner Brady Mueller LOSS WIN
Pool F Sihong Fu Michael Waggoner LOSS WIN
Pool F Samuel Gabel Nick Yehl WIN LOSS
Pool F Samuel Gabel Michael Waggoner WIN LOSS
Pool F Sihong Fu Brady Mueller WIN LOSS
Pool F Derek Swart Nick Yehl LOSS WIN
Pool F Samuel Gabel Michael Waggoner LOSS WIN
Pool G Josias Arcadia Nat Morse-Noland WIN LOSS
Pool G David Ito Ryan David WIN LOSS
Pool G Mark Nelson Bryant Cobarrubias WIN LOSS
Pool G Nat Morse-Noland Ryan David LOSS WIN
Pool G Aaron Labertew Josias Arcadia LOSS WIN
Pool G David Ito Bryant Cobarrubias WIN LOSS
Pool G Aaron Labertew David Ito LOSS WIN
Pool G Mark Nelson Josias Arcadia DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool G Ryan David Bryant Cobarrubias WIN LOSS
Pool G Josias Arcadia David Ito WIN LOSS
Pool G Nat Morse-Noland Aaron Labertew LOSS WIN
Pool G Mark Nelson Ryan David LOSS WIN
Pool G Nat Morse-Noland Mark Nelson LOSS WIN
Pool G Aaron Labertew Bryant Cobarrubias WIN LOSS
Pool G Ryan David Josias Arcadia WIN LOSS
Pool G Mark Nelson Aaron Labertew WIN LOSS
Pool G David Ito Nat Morse-Noland WIN LOSS
Pool G Josias Arcadia Bryant Cobarrubias WIN LOSS
Pool G Ryan David Aaron Labertew LOSS WIN
Pool G Bryant Cobarrubias Nat Morse-Noland LOSS WIN
Pool G David Ito Mark Nelson WIN LOSS
Pool H Sithisone Douangmala Romana Shemayev LOSS WIN
Pool H Andrew Dale Ezekiel Town WIN LOSS
Pool H Matthew Currey Mac Siruta WIN LOSS
Pool H Andrew Dale Mac Siruta WIN LOSS
Pool H Sithisone Douangmala Ezekiel Town WIN LOSS
Pool H Romana Shemayev Bryant Coston WIN LOSS
Pool H Andrew Dale Bryant Coston WIN LOSS
Pool H Romana Shemayev Matthew Currey WIN LOSS
Pool H Ezekiel Town Mac Siruta WIN LOSS
Pool H Matthew Currey Ezekiel Town DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool H Andrew Dale Romana Shemayev LOSS WIN
Pool H Sithisone Douangmala Bryant Coston LOSS WIN
Pool H Matthew Currey Sithisone Douangmala WIN LOSS
Pool H Mac Siruta Bryant Coston LOSS WIN
Pool H Romana Shemayev Ezekiel Town WIN LOSS
Pool H Mac Siruta Romana Shemayev LOSS WIN
Pool H Matthew Currey Bryant Coston LOSS WIN
Pool H Sithisone Douangmala Andrew Dale LOSS WIN
Pool H Bryant Coston Ezekiel Town WIN LOSS
Pool H Sithisone Douangmala Mac Siruta LOSS WIN
Pool H Matthew Currey Andrew Dale LOSS WIN
Pool J Paul Hubbard Grant Smith WIN LOSS
Pool J Ryan Mahoney Brent Jungclaus LOSS WIN
Pool J Mark Maddox Brent Jungclaus WIN LOSS
Pool J Ryan Mahoney Paul Hubbard LOSS WIN
Pool J Grant Smith Kevin Farthing LOSS WIN
Pool J Brent Jungclaus Kevin Farthing WIN LOSS
Pool J Ryan Mahoney Mark Maddox LOSS WIN
Pool J Grant Smith Brent Jungclaus WIN LOSS
Pool J Kevin Farthing Paul Hubbard LOSS WIN
Pool J Mark Maddox Kevin Farthing LOSS WIN
Pool J Ryan Mahoney Grant Smith LOSS WIN
Pool J Mark Maddox Grant Smith WIN LOSS
Pool J Paul Hubbard Brent Jungclaus WIN LOSS
Pool J Ryan Mahoney Kevin Farthing LOSS WIN
Pool J Paul Hubbard Mark Maddox WIN LOSS
Eliminations Nathan Wichman Timothy Roach LOSS WIN
Eliminations Patrick Stahl Andrew Dale WIN LOSS
Eliminations David Ito Shane Hillen LOSS WIN
Eliminations Zachary Brown Mark Maddox LOSS WIN
Eliminations Ben Welch Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
Eliminations Derek Swart Lucas Olson WIN LOSS
Eliminations Paul Hubbard Ryan David WIN LOSS
Eliminations Romana Shemayev Michael Waggoner WIN LOSS
Qtr Final Timothy Roach Patrick Stahl LOSS WIN
Qtr Final Shane Hillen Mark Maddox WIN LOSS
Qtr Final Derek Swart Casey Kopp WIN LOSS
Qtr Final Romana Shemayev Paul Hubbard LOSS WIN
Semi Final Patrick Stahl Shane Hillen LOSS WIN
Semi Final Derek Swart Paul Hubbard LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Patrick Stahl Derek Swart LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Paul Hubbard Shane Hillen WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Jon Reding Dane Samples LOSS WIN
Pool A Kenny Reed Hershel-Mars Auberon LOSS WIN
Pool A Caitlin Iverson Taylor Hodne LOSS WIN
Pool A Kenny Reed Taylor Hodne LOSS WIN
Pool A Hershel-Mars Auberon Jon Reding DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool A Zoe Badía Dane Samples WIN LOSS
Pool A Kenny Reed Zoe Badía WIN LOSS
Pool A Dane Samples Caitlin Iverson WIN LOSS
Pool A Lilith Lehman Hershel-Mars Auberon WIN LOSS
Pool A Taylor Hodne Lilith Lehman DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool A Caitlin Iverson Hershel-Mars Auberon LOSS WIN
Pool A Kenny Reed Dane Samples LOSS WIN
Pool A Jon Reding Zoe Badía WIN LOSS
Pool A Caitlin Iverson Jon Reding LOSS WIN
Pool A Lilith Lehman Zoe Badía WIN LOSS
Pool A Hershel-Mars Auberon Taylor Hodne DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool A Lilith Lehman Dane Samples DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool A Caitlin Iverson Zoe Badía LOSS WIN
Pool A Kenny Reed Jon Reding LOSS WIN
Pool A Lilith Lehman Kenny Reed LOSS WIN
Pool A Zoe Badía Taylor Hodne LOSS WIN
Pool A Hershel-Mars Auberon Dane Samples LOSS WIN
Pool A Taylor Hodne Dane Samples WIN LOSS
Pool A Jon Reding Lilith Lehman WIN LOSS
Pool A Kenny Reed Caitlin Iverson WIN LOSS
Pool A Hershel-Mars Auberon Zoe Badía WIN LOSS
Pool A Taylor Hodne Jon Reding DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool A Caitlin Iverson Lilith Lehman LOSS WIN
Pool B Daniel Wogan Benjamin Marie WIN LOSS
Pool B Mike Tschida Jeff Burbank LOSS WIN
Pool B Becky Rose Jason Skirry LOSS WIN
Pool B Mike Tschida Becky Rose WIN LOSS
Pool B Jeff Burbank Benjamin Marie WIN LOSS
Pool B Thomas Tang Daniel Wogan LOSS WIN
Pool B Benjamin Marie William Tucker WIN LOSS
Pool B Daniel Wogan Jason Skirry LOSS WIN
Pool B Becky Rose Jeff Burbank LOSS WIN
Pool B Jason Skirry Jeff Burbank LOSS WIN
Pool B Mike Tschida Daniel Wogan DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool B William Tucker Thomas Tang LOSS WIN
Pool B Mike Tschida Thomas Tang LOSS WIN
Pool B Jason Skirry William Tucker WIN LOSS
Pool B Jeff Burbank Daniel Wogan WIN LOSS
Pool B Becky Rose Daniel Wogan LOSS WIN
Pool B Mike Tschida William Tucker DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool B Benjamin Marie Thomas Tang WIN LOSS
Pool B Jason Skirry Benjamin Marie LOSS WIN
Pool B Thomas Tang Becky Rose DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool B Jeff Burbank William Tucker WIN LOSS
Pool B William Tucker Becky Rose WIN LOSS
Pool B Jason Skirry Thomas Tang DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool B Mike Tschida Benjamin Marie LOSS WIN
Pool B Daniel Wogan William Tucker WIN LOSS
Pool B Thomas Tang Jeff Burbank DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool B Becky Rose Benjamin Marie LOSS WIN
Pool B Mike Tschida Jason Skirry LOSS WIN
Semi Final Jeff Burbank Dane Samples WIN LOSS
Semi Final Jon Reding Benjamin Marie LOSS WIN
bronze Medal Dane Samples Jon Reding WIN LOSS
Gold Medal Benjamin Marie Jeff Burbank LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Jereme Griesel Douglas Crighton LOSS WIN
Pool A Ben Welch Patrick Stahl LOSS WIN
Pool A Jereme Griesel Patrick Stahl LOSS WIN
Pool A Brent Jungclaus Douglas Crighton LOSS WIN
Pool A Patrick Stahl Douglas Crighton LOSS WIN
Pool A Ben Welch Douglas Crighton WIN LOSS
Pool A Brent Jungclaus Ben Welch LOSS WIN
Pool A Jereme Griesel Brent Jungclaus WIN LOSS
Pool A Ben Welch Jereme Griesel WIN LOSS
Pool A Patrick Stahl Brent Jungclaus WIN LOSS
Pool B Brendan Maloney Kevin Wander LOSS WIN
Pool B Richard Young Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
Pool B Autumn Eule-Nashoba Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
Pool B Richard Young Brendan Maloney LOSS WIN
Pool B Autumn Eule-Nashoba Brendan Maloney WIN LOSS
Pool B Kevin Wander Richard Young LOSS WIN
Pool B Casey Kopp Brendan Maloney WIN LOSS
Pool B Kevin Wander Autumn Eule-Nashoba LOSS WIN
Pool B Casey Kopp Kevin Wander WIN LOSS
Pool B Richard Young Autumn Eule-Nashoba LOSS WIN
Pool C John Paul Leong Max Richter WIN LOSS
pool C David Ito Parker Middendorp WIN LOSS
Pool C Josias Arcadia David Ito LOSS WIN
pool C John Paul Leong Parker Middendorp LOSS WIN
Pool C David Ito John Paul Leong LOSS WIN
pool C Josias Arcadia Max Richter WIN LOSS
Pool C John Paul Leong Josias Arcadia LOSS WIN
pool C Josias Arcadia Parker Middendorp WIN LOSS
Pool C Parker Middendorp Max Richter WIN LOSS
pool C David Ito Max Richter WIN LOSS
Pool D Lucas Olson Grant Smith WIN LOSS
Pool D Shannon Loewen Michael Waggoner WIN LOSS
Pool D Grant Smith Ryan Mahoney WIN LOSS
Pool D Lucas Olson Michael Waggoner WIN LOSS
Pool D Shannon Loewen Ryan Mahoney WIN LOSS
Pool D Michael Waggoner Ryan Mahoney WIN LOSS
Pool D Grant Smith Michael Waggoner WIN LOSS
Pool D Ryan Mahoney Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
Pool D Lucas Olson Shannon Loewen WIN LOSS
Pool D Shannon Loewen Grant Smith LOSS WIN
Qtr Final Ben Welch Grant Smith LOSS WIN
Qtr Final Casey Kopp Josias Arcadia WIN LOSS
Qtr Final David Ito Douglas Crighton WIN LOSS
Qtr Final Lucas Olson Autumn Eule-Nashoba WIN LOSS
semi final Grant Smith Casey Kopp LOSS WIN
semi final Lucas Olson David Ito WIN LOSS
bronze medal Grant Smith David Ito LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Casey Kopp Lucas Olson LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
pools Nancy Hiquet John Keizer LOSS WIN
pools Romana Shemayev Annette Sherrod WIN LOSS
pools Melania Li Jennifer Lindgren DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
pools Nancy Hiquet Romana Shemayev LOSS WIN
pools Jennifer Lindgren John Keizer LOSS WIN
pools Melania Li Annette Sherrod DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
pools Romana Shemayev Jennifer Lindgren WIN LOSS
pools Annette Sherrod Nancy Hiquet LOSS WIN
pools Melania Li John Keizer LOSS WIN
pools Jennifer Lindgren Annette Sherrod LOSS WIN
pools Romana Shemayev John Keizer WIN LOSS
pools Melania Li Nancy Hiquet DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
pools John Keizer Annette Sherrod WIN LOSS
pools Nancy Hiquet Jennifer Lindgren DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
pools Melania Li Romana Shemayev LOSS WIN
pools Nancy Hiquet John Keizer DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
pools Romana Shemayev Annette Sherrod WIN LOSS
pools Jennifer Lindgren Melania Li WIN LOSS
semi final Jennifer Lindgren Romana Shemayev LOSS WIN
semi final Nancy Hiquet John Keizer LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Nancy Hiquet Jennifer Lindgren WIN LOSS
Gold Medal John Keizer Romana Shemayev LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Icebreaker Open 2023

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
45 43 David Ito Toronto Historical Combatants 1728.3 66.6
94 57 Jack Richeson Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1655.1 56.1
171 133 Casey Kopp Red River Fencing 1583.3 81.8
207 4 Josias Arcadia Ram's Head Fencing 1562 6.6
226 86 Lucas Olson Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1549.2 49.4
258 7 Tyler Sigman Omaha Kunst des Fechtens 1531.1 7.2
259 5 Sihong Fu Academie Duello 1528.9 4.8
308 33 Xuanran Qi Toronto Historical Combatants 1504.4 14.3
309 172 Scott Hansen House of Blades 1504.2 77.4
310 80 Zachary Brown Superior HEMA 1503.3 35.7
330 39 Bryant Coston Arena Weapon Arts 1495.6 19.3
382 107 Patrick Stahl Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1474 50.9
397 44 Lars Olsen Minneapolis Amateur Swordfighting Association 1467.1 25.8
422 15 Douglas Crighton Valour Historical European Martial Arts Academy 1456.6 13.6
429 294 Dylan Kostman Center for Blade Arts 1452.8 104
454 334 Michael Tucker Tuathair Hema Academy 1438.9 111.5
506 301 Paul Hubbard House of Blades 1419.4 97.7
517 76 Matthew Currey Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing 1415 28.6
551 939 Peter Altschwager N/A 1404.6 256
623 882 Ezekiel Town N/A 1381.5 237.2
627 284 Dale Utt Center for Blade Arts 1380.4 85.5
684 485 Derek Swart N/A 1364.8 141.2
742 549 Davis Vader Chicago Swordplay Guild 1348.3 151.5
770 173 Dajiang Wang N/A 1338.9 55.3
935 169 Matt Karmelich House of Blades 1294.4 53.3
945 866 Ryan David N/A 1292.7 217.5
957 695 Duane Kristensen Athena School of Arms 1287.4 174.8
966 35 Romana Shemayev Bent Blades 1284.7 3.2
993 Alex Nutt Ram's Head Fencing 1275.5
998 78 Brady Mueller Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1274.9 26.9
1133 Micheal Aldape-Sandmeyer Band of Iron Lions 1239.9
1138 400 Andrew Dale Center for Blade Arts 1238.6 101.6
1234 Brian Fleming N/A 1215.3
1274 250 Bryan Taylor Tuathair Hema Academy 1206.6 51.7
1287 490 Izaak Wadle House of Blades 1203.9 121.5
1352 516 Leo Dannersmith Center for Blade Arts 1191.9 129.1
1423 450 Bryant Cobarrubias Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1175.8 114.8
1449 65 Kevin Farthing Chicago Swordplay Guild 1170.4 4.5
1547 596 Patrick Fuller Centerline Sword School 1148 133.5
1584 154 Jereme Griesel Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1139 24.6
1707 132 Keith Leung Nickel City Longsword Academy 1112 15.9
1711 5 Aaron Labertew House of Blades 1111.8 14.8
1719 609 Alex Pirie Superior HEMA 1110.4 153.2
1725 359 Andrew Sell Center for Blade Arts 1109.1 99.2
1763 265 Mark Nelson N/A 1099.7 75.8
1781 137 Mac Siruta House of Blades 1096.1 18
1785 Leon Fuller Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1095.3
1800 Anthony Scott Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1090.4
1846 Noah Gumness Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1081.9
1856 288 Lucie Biros Ram's Head Fencing 1079.8 81.7
1886 Nicholas McConnell Valour Historical European Martial Arts Academy 1072.9
1906 778 Nick Yehl Tuathair Hema Academy 1069.8 206.6
1960 59 Joe van Ert Borealis Blades Historical Fencing 1057.2 29.8
1998 672 Brent Jungclaus Center for Blade Arts 1048.8 182.2
2000 Christopher French Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing 1048.2
2064 120 Eric Wood Bent Blades 1035.7 8.6
2070 Grant Smith Red River Fencing 1033.3
2075 114 Michael Waggoner Omaha Kunst des Fechtens 1032.4 8.9
2136 110 Ralph Hill Omaha Kunst des Fechtens 1019.5 4.7
2179 109 Mark Maddox Centerline Sword School 1008.3 43
2197 Melania Li Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing 1005
2631 Sithisone Douangmala Superior HEMA 905.3
2729 Benjamin Dietrich N/A 878
2916 Annette Sherrod Boston Armizare 820
2922 Aaron Washik Meyer Freifechter Guild 818.3
2957 Parker Middendorp Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 802.2
2971 176 Scott Christie N/A 796.5 28.2
3036 Hannes Penttinen Superior HEMA 763.5
3039 195 Nancy Hiquet N/A 761.9 42.4
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
1 4 Jack Richeson Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1774.7 102.9
14 Daniel Rauens Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1580.9 29.2
15 1 Patrick Stahl Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1573.9 43.3
16 Casey Kopp Red River Fencing 1571.4
17 2 Lucas Olson Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1549 48.7
20 6 Paul Hubbard House of Blades 1504.5 71
23 36 Shane Hillen Centerline Sword School 1484.3 237.3
31 9 Josias Arcadia Ram's Head Fencing 1421.1 66.9
32 35 David Ito Toronto Historical Combatants 1415.9 194.9
34 9 Dale Utt Center for Blade Arts 1409.4 25.4
38 22 Paul Bates Center for Blade Arts 1393.9 151.6
48 Ezekiel Town N/A 1339.7
53 3 Scott Hansen House of Blades 1315.2 4.1
71 17 Ben Welch Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1230.8 104.5
83 19 Kevin Wander N/A 1186.2 139.6
88 18 Andrew Sell Center for Blade Arts 1160.6 118.8
96 Parker Middendorp Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1119
99 Izaak Wadle House of Blades 1097.6
102 24 Matthew Currey Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing 1089.5 130.9
110 Ryan David N/A 1063.8
122 46 Brady Mueller Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1025.3 152.6
134 31 Jereme Griesel Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 970.6 76
137 39 Michael Waggoner Omaha Kunst des Fechtens 958.1 111.1
138 Patrick Fuller Centerline Sword School 954.4
139 Timothy Verseput Center for Blade Arts 954.4
142 Lucie Biros Ram's Head Fencing 952.2
146 Noah Gumness Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 944.5
161 Shannon Loewen Winnipeg Historical Fencing Club 868.8
172 1 Mac Siruta House of Blades 840.5 70.5
173 26 Brent Jungclaus Center for Blade Arts 838.1 22.6
195 14 Aaron Labertew House of Blades 718.2 101.1
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
4 19 Romana Shemayev Bent Blades 1735.3 150.7
69 John Keizer Bent Blades 1412.8
216 Nancy Hiquet N/A 1082.3
279 Jennifer Lindgren Center for Blade Arts 945.8
315 Annette Sherrod Boston Armizare 874.8
354 Melania Li Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing 786.9