Anvil 2023

Date June 10, 2023
Country Canada
State Alberta
City Calgary

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 68 24
Mixed Steel Messer 68 24
Mixed Synthetic Longsword 33 11

Fighters in event

Matthew Thompson Bighorn Historical Combat
Lexa Giguère Bighorn Historical Combat
Alex Williamson Bighorn Historical Combat
Jason LaCroix Bighorn Historical Combat
Tony Huang Black Tigers
Alexa LaCroix Calgary Fellowship of the Sword
Daniel Dagenais Calgary Fellowship of the Sword
David Cranswick Calgary Fellowship of the Sword
Sheri Cardall Calgary Fellowship of the Sword
Matt Cardall Calgary Fellowship of the Sword
Ryan Broadhead Calgary Fellowship of the Sword
Liam Armstrong Calgary Fellowship of the Sword
Adam Andrews Edmonton German Fencing Guild
Andrew Rodriguez Edmonton Historical Martial Arts
Cale Rainkie Edmonton Historical Martial Arts
Stephen Briggs Edmonton Historical Martial Arts
Eric Dalshaug Edmonton Historical Martial Arts
Selena Cline Edmonton Historical Martial Arts
Laury Plant Edmonton Historical Martial Arts
Hai Zhu Mustang Sword Club
Joseph Paches The Academy of European Swordsmanship
Nicholas Morrish The Academy of European Swordsmanship
Colton Strohschein The Academy of European Swordsmanship
Sancho Hernandez Arriaga The Academy of European Swordsmanship
Aislinn MacCulloch The Forge: Western Martial Arts
Nathan Wellsman The Forge: Western Martial Arts
Jimmy Munkaspeni The Forge: Western Martial Arts
Erin Fletcher The Forge: Western Martial Arts
Mehmet Can The Forge: Western Martial Arts
James Emerson The Forge: Western Martial Arts
Tavis McKee The Forge: Western Martial Arts
Silken Kleer The Forge: Western Martial Arts
Thora Jensdottir The Forge: Western Martial Arts
Mark Winkelman The Forge: Western Martial Arts
Dan Nagtegaal The Historical Combat Collective
Derek Usher The Historical Combat Collective
David Ito Toronto Historical Combatants


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Dan Nagtegaal Adam Andrews LOSS WIN
Pool A Tavis McKee Mark Winkelman DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool A Cale Rainkie Colton Strohschein WIN LOSS
Pool A Tavis McKee Dan Nagtegaal WIN LOSS
Pool A Cale Rainkie Adam Andrews LOSS WIN
Pool A Colton Strohschein Mark Winkelman WIN LOSS
Pool A Dan Nagtegaal Cale Rainkie LOSS WIN
Pool A Colton Strohschein Tavis McKee WIN LOSS
Pool A Adam Andrews Mark Winkelman LOSS WIN
Pool A Colton Strohschein Dan Nagtegaal WIN LOSS
Pool A Cale Rainkie Mark Winkelman WIN LOSS
Pool A Adam Andrews Tavis McKee LOSS WIN
Pool A Mark Winkelman Dan Nagtegaal WIN LOSS
Pool A Adam Andrews Colton Strohschein LOSS WIN
Pool A Cale Rainkie Tavis McKee LOSS WIN
Pool B Derek Usher Joseph Paches LOSS WIN
Pool B Tony Huang Alex Williamson WIN LOSS
Pool B Laury Plant Silken Kleer LOSS WIN
Pool B Alex Williamson Derek Usher WIN LOSS
Pool B Silken Kleer Joseph Paches LOSS WIN
Pool B Laury Plant Tony Huang LOSS WIN
Pool B Silken Kleer Derek Usher WIN LOSS
Pool B Alex Williamson Laury Plant WIN LOSS
Pool B Joseph Paches Tony Huang LOSS WIN
Pool B Derek Usher Laury Plant WIN LOSS
Pool B Silken Kleer Tony Huang LOSS WIN
Pool B Alex Williamson Joseph Paches WIN LOSS
Pool B Tony Huang Derek Usher WIN LOSS
Pool B Laury Plant Joseph Paches LOSS WIN
Pool B Silken Kleer Alex Williamson LOSS WIN
Pool C Nathan Wellsman Lexa Giguère LOSS WIN
Pool C Nicholas Morrish Sancho Hernandez Arriaga WIN LOSS
Pool C Andrew Rodriguez James Emerson LOSS WIN
Pool C Sancho Hernandez Arriaga Nathan Wellsman WIN LOSS
Pool C Lexa Giguère James Emerson WIN LOSS
Pool C Andrew Rodriguez Nicholas Morrish WIN LOSS
Pool C James Emerson Nathan Wellsman LOSS WIN
Pool C Sancho Hernandez Arriaga Andrew Rodriguez WIN LOSS
Pool C Lexa Giguère Nicholas Morrish WIN LOSS
Pool C Nathan Wellsman Andrew Rodriguez DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool C James Emerson Nicholas Morrish WIN LOSS
Pool C Sancho Hernandez Arriaga Lexa Giguère LOSS WIN
Pool C Nicholas Morrish Nathan Wellsman WIN LOSS
Pool C Andrew Rodriguez Lexa Giguère LOSS WIN
Pool C James Emerson Sancho Hernandez Arriaga WIN LOSS
Pool D David Ito Aislinn MacCulloch WIN LOSS
Pool D Hai Zhu Matthew Thompson LOSS WIN
Pool D Eric Dalshaug Stephen Briggs WIN LOSS
Pool D Aislinn MacCulloch Matthew Thompson LOSS WIN
Pool D Eric Dalshaug David Ito WIN LOSS
Pool D Hai Zhu Stephen Briggs LOSS WIN
Pool D Aislinn MacCulloch Eric Dalshaug LOSS WIN
Pool D Stephen Briggs Matthew Thompson LOSS WIN
Pool D David Ito Hai Zhu LOSS WIN
Pool D Stephen Briggs Aislinn MacCulloch WIN LOSS
Pool D Hai Zhu Eric Dalshaug LOSS WIN
Pool D Matthew Thompson David Ito LOSS WIN
Pool D Hai Zhu Aislinn MacCulloch WIN LOSS
Pool D David Ito Stephen Briggs WIN LOSS
Pool D Eric Dalshaug Matthew Thompson LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals James Emerson Tony Huang LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Lexa Giguère Matthew Thompson WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Eric Dalshaug Colton Strohschein WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Alex Williamson Tavis McKee WIN LOSS
Semifinals Eric Dalshaug Lexa Giguère WIN LOSS
Semifinals Alex Williamson Tony Huang WIN LOSS
Bronze Medal Match Lexa Giguère Tony Huang LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Alex Williamson Eric Dalshaug LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Nathan Wellsman Jimmy Munkaspeni LOSS WIN
Pool A Stephen Briggs Mark Winkelman LOSS WIN
Pool A James Emerson Tony Huang LOSS WIN
Pool A Mark Winkelman Jimmy Munkaspeni LOSS WIN
Pool A Nathan Wellsman Tony Huang LOSS WIN
Pool A James Emerson Stephen Briggs WIN LOSS
Pool A Tony Huang Jimmy Munkaspeni WIN LOSS
Pool A James Emerson Mark Winkelman LOSS WIN
Pool A Nathan Wellsman Stephen Briggs LOSS WIN
Pool A Jimmy Munkaspeni James Emerson LOSS WIN
Pool A Tony Huang Stephen Briggs WIN LOSS
Pool A Nathan Wellsman Mark Winkelman LOSS WIN
Pool A Jimmy Munkaspeni Stephen Briggs LOSS WIN
Pool A Nathan Wellsman James Emerson LOSS WIN
Pool A Tony Huang Mark Winkelman WIN LOSS
Pool B Sancho Hernandez Arriaga Thora Jensdottir LOSS WIN
Pool B David Ito Dan Nagtegaal WIN LOSS
Pool B Alex Williamson Aislinn MacCulloch WIN LOSS
Pool B Sancho Hernandez Arriaga David Ito LOSS WIN
Pool B Thora Jensdottir Alex Williamson WIN LOSS
Pool B Dan Nagtegaal Aislinn MacCulloch WIN LOSS
Pool B Alex Williamson Sancho Hernandez Arriaga WIN LOSS
Pool B David Ito Aislinn MacCulloch WIN LOSS
Pool B Thora Jensdottir Dan Nagtegaal WIN LOSS
Pool B Sancho Hernandez Arriaga Aislinn MacCulloch WIN LOSS
Pool B Alex Williamson Dan Nagtegaal LOSS WIN
Pool B Thora Jensdottir David Ito LOSS WIN
Pool B Dan Nagtegaal Sancho Hernandez Arriaga LOSS WIN
Pool B Thora Jensdottir Aislinn MacCulloch WIN LOSS
Pool B Alex Williamson David Ito DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool C Lexa Giguère Adam Andrews WIN LOSS
Pool C Cale Rainkie Colton Strohschein WIN LOSS
Pool C Tavis McKee Nicholas Morrish WIN LOSS
Pool C Cale Rainkie Adam Andrews WIN LOSS
Pool C Lexa Giguère Nicholas Morrish WIN LOSS
Pool C Tavis McKee Colton Strohschein WIN LOSS
Pool C Nicholas Morrish Adam Andrews DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool C Tavis McKee Cale Rainkie LOSS WIN
Pool C Colton Strohschein Lexa Giguère WIN LOSS
Pool C Adam Andrews Tavis McKee WIN LOSS
Pool C Nicholas Morrish Colton Strohschein LOSS WIN
Pool C Cale Rainkie Lexa Giguère WIN LOSS
Pool C Adam Andrews Colton Strohschein LOSS WIN
Pool C Lexa Giguère Tavis McKee WIN LOSS
Pool C Cale Rainkie Nicholas Morrish WIN LOSS
Pool D Derek Usher Andrew Rodriguez LOSS WIN
Pool D Joseph Paches Matthew Thompson LOSS WIN
Pool D Hai Zhu Silken Kleer WIN LOSS
Pool D Andrew Rodriguez Joseph Paches LOSS WIN
Pool D Hai Zhu Derek Usher WIN LOSS
Pool D Matthew Thompson Silken Kleer WIN LOSS
Pool D Hai Zhu Andrew Rodriguez WIN LOSS
Pool D Joseph Paches Silken Kleer WIN LOSS
Pool D Derek Usher Matthew Thompson LOSS WIN
Pool D Silken Kleer Andrew Rodriguez DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool D Matthew Thompson Hai Zhu WIN LOSS
Pool D Joseph Paches Derek Usher WIN LOSS
Pool D Andrew Rodriguez Matthew Thompson LOSS WIN
Pool D Silken Kleer Derek Usher LOSS WIN
Pool D Hai Zhu Joseph Paches DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Quarterfinals Colton Strohschein Tony Huang LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Cale Rainkie James Emerson LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Matthew Thompson David Ito WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Thora Jensdottir Joseph Paches WIN LOSS
Semifinals James Emerson Matthew Thompson LOSS WIN
Semifinals Tony Huang Thora Jensdottir WIN LOSS
Bronze Medal Match James Emerson Thora Jensdottir WIN LOSS
Gold Medal Match Matthew Thompson Tony Huang WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Jason LaCroix Liam Armstrong LOSS WIN
Pool A Selena Cline Matt Cardall WIN LOSS
Pool A Sheri Cardall Mehmet Can LOSS WIN
Pool A Liam Armstrong Matt Cardall DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool A Mehmet Can Jason LaCroix LOSS WIN
Pool A Sheri Cardall Selena Cline LOSS WIN
Pool A Liam Armstrong Mehmet Can WIN LOSS
Pool A Sheri Cardall Matt Cardall LOSS WIN
Pool A Jason LaCroix Selena Cline WIN LOSS
Pool A Sheri Cardall Liam Armstrong LOSS WIN
Pool A Mehmet Can Selena Cline LOSS WIN
Pool A Jason LaCroix Matt Cardall WIN LOSS
Pool A Selena Cline Liam Armstrong WIN LOSS
Pool A Jason LaCroix Sheri Cardall WIN LOSS
Pool A Mehmet Can Matt Cardall WIN LOSS
Pool B Erin Fletcher Ryan Broadhead LOSS WIN
Pool B Daniel Dagenais Alexa LaCroix DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool B Erin Fletcher David Cranswick WIN LOSS
Pool B Ryan Broadhead Daniel Dagenais WIN LOSS
Pool B Erin Fletcher Daniel Dagenais WIN LOSS
Pool B Alexa LaCroix David Cranswick LOSS WIN
Pool B Erin Fletcher Alexa LaCroix LOSS WIN
Pool B Ryan Broadhead David Cranswick LOSS WIN
Pool B Alexa LaCroix Ryan Broadhead WIN LOSS
Pool B David Cranswick Daniel Dagenais LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Selena Cline Alexa LaCroix WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Jason LaCroix Mehmet Can WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Ryan Broadhead Erin Fletcher LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Liam Armstrong David Cranswick WIN LOSS
Semifinals Jason LaCroix Erin Fletcher WIN LOSS
Semifinals Selena Cline Liam Armstrong WIN LOSS
Bronze Medal Match Erin Fletcher Liam Armstrong LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Selena Cline Jason LaCroix WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Anvil 2023

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
58 8 David Ito Toronto Historical Combatants 1708.6 14.2
189 180 Alex Williamson Bighorn Historical Combat 1584.4 98.2
197 62 Tony Huang Black Tigers 1579.7 43.6
212 23 Matthew Thompson Bighorn Historical Combat 1572.6 23.1
419 330 Eric Dalshaug Edmonton Historical Martial Arts 1473.5 116.1
439 31 Joseph Paches The Academy of European Swordsmanship 1466.4 3.8
474 75 Tavis McKee The Forge: Western Martial Arts 1453.8 19.1
548 125 Mark Winkelman The Forge: Western Martial Arts 1425.1 38.3
961 18 Stephen Briggs Edmonton Historical Martial Arts 1313.3 15.2
1130 1182 Colton Strohschein The Academy of European Swordsmanship 1267.4 259.2
1211 362 Cale Rainkie Edmonton Historical Martial Arts 1249 87.6
1329 59 Adam Andrews Edmonton German Fencing Guild 1225.3 26.3
1467 306 Derek Usher The Historical Combat Collective 1196.7 51.3
1497 1510 Lexa Giguère Bighorn Historical Combat 1191.5 350.6
1577 Hai Zhu Mustang Sword Club 1176.5
1698 22 James Emerson The Forge: Western Martial Arts 1152.3 13.7
1880 710 Sancho Hernandez Arriaga The Academy of European Swordsmanship 1116.8 129.6
2224 828 Silken Kleer The Forge: Western Martial Arts 1052.2 227.1
2635 266 Nicholas Morrish The Academy of European Swordsmanship 965.7 94.7
2823 365 Laury Plant Edmonton Historical Martial Arts 928.5 48.5
2856 51 Andrew Rodriguez Edmonton Historical Martial Arts 920.1 22
2897 Aislinn MacCulloch The Forge: Western Martial Arts 910.8
3132 Dan Nagtegaal The Historical Combat Collective 849.5
3165 4 Nathan Wellsman The Forge: Western Martial Arts 839.8 68.7