Hemageddon 2023

August 5
United States

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 71 22
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler 27 7

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Seanpatrick Brady Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pool Tony Cavalline Jenn Guska WIN LOSS
Pool Joseph Pugnetti David Burgman WIN LOSS
Pool Seanpatrick Brady Tony Cavalline WIN LOSS
Pool David Burgman Jenn Guska LOSS WIN
Pool Joseph Pugnetti Tony Cavalline WIN LOSS
Pool David Burgman Seanpatrick Brady LOSS WIN
Pool Joseph Pugnetti Jenn Guska WIN LOSS
Pool David Burgman Tony Cavalline WIN LOSS
Pool Jenn Guska Seanpatrick Brady LOSS WIN
Pool Ryan Leonard Kevin Brough LOSS WIN
Pool Colin McConnell Benjamin Orr WIN LOSS
Pool Christopher Shelton Kevin Brough WIN LOSS
Pool Ryan Leonard Colin McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool Christopher Shelton Benjamin Orr WIN LOSS
Pool Kevin Brough Colin McConnell WIN LOSS
Pool Ryan Leonard Christopher Shelton LOSS WIN
Pool Benjamin Orr Kevin Brough WIN LOSS
Pool Colin McConnell Christopher Shelton WIN LOSS
Pool Ryan Leonard Benjamin Orr LOSS WIN
Pool Pete May Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Pool Mary McConnell Douglas Silfies LOSS WIN
Pool Matt Lo Pete May LOSS WIN
Pool Samuel Ryals Douglas Silfies WIN LOSS
Pool Branden Zipplinger Matt Lo WIN LOSS
Pool Mary McConnell Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Douglas Silfies Pete May WIN LOSS
Pool Branden Zipplinger Mary McConnell WIN LOSS
Pool Douglas Silfies Matt Lo WIN LOSS
Pool Branden Zipplinger Samuel Ryals WIN LOSS
Pool Pete May Mary McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool Matt Lo Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Douglas Silfies Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Pool Matt Lo Mary McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool Pete May Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Jesse May Jack Peer LOSS WIN
Pool Trevor Pedersen Lucas Caldwell WIN LOSS
Pool Jesse May Ian Broderick LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Kesler Trevor Pedersen LOSS WIN
Pool Jack Peer Ian Broderick LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Kesler Lucas Caldwell WIN LOSS
Pool Jesse May Trevor Pedersen LOSS WIN
Pool Jack Peer Lucas Caldwell WIN LOSS
Pool Trevor Pedersen Ian Broderick WIN LOSS
Pool Jack Peer Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Pool Jesse May Lucas Caldwell LOSS WIN
Pool Ian Broderick Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
Pool Jack Peer Trevor Pedersen LOSS WIN
Pool Ian Broderick Lucas Caldwell WIN LOSS
Pool Jesse May Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Tony Cavalline Jenn Guska WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Benjamin Orr Jesse May WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Mary McConnell Ryan Leonard LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Lucas Caldwell Jack Peer LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Kevin Brough Matt Lo WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Pete May David Burgman WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Tony Cavalline Trevor Pedersen LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Thomas Kesler Seanpatrick Brady LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Benjamin Orr Ian Broderick LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Samuel Ryals Ryan Leonard WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Jack Peer Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Colin McConnell Kevin Brough WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Christopher Shelton Douglas Silfies WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Branden Zipplinger Pete May WIN LOSS
Quarters Trevor Pedersen Seanpatrick Brady WIN LOSS
Quarters Ian Broderick Samuel Ryals WIN LOSS
Quarters Joseph Pugnetti Colin McConnell WIN LOSS
Quarters Branden Zipplinger Christopher Shelton LOSS WIN
Semi Trevor Pedersen Ian Broderick WIN LOSS
Semi Christopher Shelton Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Final Trevor Pedersen Joseph Pugnetti WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Thomas Kesler Richard Shepro LOSS WIN
Pool Samuel Ryals Ian Broderick WIN LOSS
Pool Adam Spies Colin McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool Christopher Shelton Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
Pool Samuel Ryals Richard Shepro LOSS WIN
Pool Ian Broderick Adam Spies WIN LOSS
Pool Christopher Shelton Colin McConnell WIN LOSS
Pool Samuel Ryals Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
Pool Richard Shepro Adam Spies WIN LOSS
Pool Colin McConnell Ian Broderick LOSS WIN
Pool Christopher Shelton Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Adam Spies Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Pool Richard Shepro Colin McConnell WIN LOSS
Pool Ian Broderick Christopher Shelton WIN LOSS
Pool Adam Spies Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Kesler Colin McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool Richard Shepro Ian Broderick LOSS WIN
Pool Adam Spies Christopher Shelton LOSS WIN
Pool Samuel Ryals Colin McConnell WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Kesler Ian Broderick LOSS WIN
Pool Richard Shepro Christopher Shelton WIN LOSS
Quarters Colin McConnell Christopher Shelton LOSS WIN
Quarters Richard Shepro Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
Quarters Adam Spies Ian Broderick LOSS WIN
Semi Christopher Shelton Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Semi Ian Broderick Richard Shepro LOSS WIN
Final Samuel Ryals Richard Shepro WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Hemageddon 2023