Four Openings Rapier Tournament 2023
Date | October 14, 2023 |
Country | United States |
State | Michigan |
City | Lansing |
Tournament stats
Division | Number of fights | Number of fighters |
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger | 50 | 14 |
Mixed Steel Single Rapier | 150 | 26 |
Fighters in event
All 26 fighters
This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger - 50 fights
Stage | Fighter 1 | Fighter 2 | Fighter 1 result | Fighter 2 result |
Sword and Dagger pool 1 | Jim Lai | Scott Jeffers | WIN | LOSS |
Sword and Dagger pool 1 | Thayne Alexander | Anthony Buonomo | LOSS | WIN |
Sword and Dagger pool 1 | Arik Mendelevitz | Cameron Metcalf | WIN | LOSS |
Sword and Dagger pool 1 | Sidney Salud | Scott Jeffers | WIN | LOSS |
Sword and Dagger pool 1 | Jim Lai | Anthony Buonomo | WIN | LOSS |
Sword and Dagger pool 1 | Arik Mendelevitz | Thayne Alexander | WIN | LOSS |
Sword and Dagger pool 1 | Cameron Metcalf | Sidney Salud | LOSS | WIN |
Sword and Dagger pool 1 | Anthony Buonomo | Scott Jeffers | WIN | LOSS |
Sword and Dagger pool 1 | Arik Mendelevitz | Jim Lai | LOSS | WIN |
Sword and Dagger pool 1 | Thayne Alexander | Cameron Metcalf | WIN | LOSS |
Sword and Dagger pool 1 | Anthony Buonomo | Sidney Salud | WIN | LOSS |
Sword and Dagger pool 1 | Arik Mendelevitz | Scott Jeffers | WIN | LOSS |
Sword and Dagger pool 1 | Jim Lai | Cameron Metcalf | WIN | LOSS |
Sword and Dagger pool 1 | Sidney Salud | Thayne Alexander | WIN | LOSS |
Sword and Dagger pool 1 | Arik Mendelevitz | Anthony Buonomo | WIN | LOSS |
Sword and Dagger pool 1 | Cameron Metcalf | Scott Jeffers | LOSS | WIN |
Sword and Dagger pool 1 | Jim Lai | Thayne Alexander | LOSS | WIN |
Sword and Dagger pool 1 | Arik Mendelevitz | Sidney Salud | WIN | LOSS |
Sword and Dagger pool 1 | Anthony Buonomo | Cameron Metcalf | WIN | LOSS |
Sword and Dagger pool 1 | Thayne Alexander | Scott Jeffers | WIN | LOSS |
Sword and Dagger pool 1 | Jim Lai | Sidney Salud | WIN | LOSS |
Sword and Dagger pool 2 | Raphael Ku | Nat Morse-Noland | WIN | LOSS |
Sword and Dagger pool 2 | Shane Hillen | Andrew Peoples | WIN | LOSS |
Sword and Dagger pool 2 | Stratos Kotzabassi | Matthew Currey | LOSS | WIN |
Sword and Dagger pool 2 | Anders Johnson | Nat Morse-Noland | WIN | LOSS |
Sword and Dagger pool 2 | Raphael Ku | Shane Hillen | LOSS | WIN |
Sword and Dagger pool 2 | Matthew Currey | Andrew Peoples | LOSS | WIN |
Sword and Dagger pool 2 | Stratos Kotzabassi | Anders Johnson | LOSS | WIN |
Sword and Dagger pool 2 | Shane Hillen | Nat Morse-Noland | WIN | LOSS |
Sword and Dagger pool 2 | Raphael Ku | Matthew Currey | DRAW | DRAW |
Sword and Dagger pool 2 | Andrew Peoples | Stratos Kotzabassi | WIN | LOSS |
Sword and Dagger pool 2 | Shane Hillen | Anders Johnson | LOSS | WIN |
Sword and Dagger pool 2 | Matthew Currey | Nat Morse-Noland | WIN | LOSS |
Sword and Dagger pool 2 | Raphael Ku | Stratos Kotzabassi | WIN | LOSS |
Sword and Dagger pool 2 | Anders Johnson | Andrew Peoples | WIN | LOSS |
Sword and Dagger pool 2 | Matthew Currey | Shane Hillen | LOSS | WIN |
Sword and Dagger pool 2 | Nat Morse-Noland | Stratos Kotzabassi | LOSS | WIN |
Sword and Dagger pool 2 | Raphael Ku | Andrew Peoples | LOSS | WIN |
Sword and Dagger pool 2 | Matthew Currey | Anders Johnson | LOSS | WIN |
Sword and Dagger pool 2 | Stratos Kotzabassi | Shane Hillen | LOSS | WIN |
Sword and Dagger pool 2 | Andrew Peoples | Nat Morse-Noland | WIN | LOSS |
Sword and Dagger pool 2 | Anders Johnson | Raphael Ku | WIN | LOSS |
Finals - Sword and Dagger | Arik Mendelevitz | Shane Hillen | WIN | LOSS |
Finals - Sword and Dagger | Jim Lai | Anders Johnson | LOSS | WIN |
Finals - Sword and Dagger | Arik Mendelevitz | Anders Johnson | WIN | LOSS |
Finals - Sword and Dagger | Shane Hillen | Jim Lai | WIN | LOSS |
Finals - Sword and Dagger | Anders Johnson | Shane Hillen | WIN | LOSS |
Finals - Sword and Dagger | Arik Mendelevitz | Jim Lai | LOSS | WIN |
Gold Medal Match | Anders Johnson | Arik Mendelevitz | LOSS | WIN |
Bronze Medal Match | Shane Hillen | Jim Lai | LOSS | WIN |
Mixed Steel Single Rapier - 150 fights
Stage | Fighter 1 | Fighter 2 | Fighter 1 result | Fighter 2 result |
Fechtschule pool 1 | Han Yoo | Anders Johnson | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 1 | Thomas Nagle | Stephen Patrias | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 1 | Tavvi Anderson | Anders Johnson | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 1 | Stephen Patrias | Han Yoo | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 1 | Thomas Nagle | Stratos Kotzabassi | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 1 | Stephen Patrias | Anders Johnson | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 1 | Han Yoo | Stratos Kotzabassi | DRAW | DRAW |
Fechtschule pool 1 | Tavvi Anderson | Stephen Patrias | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 1 | Stratos Kotzabassi | Anders Johnson | WIN | LOSS |
Fechtschule pool 1 | Tavvi Anderson | Thomas Nagle | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 1 | Stephen Patrias | Stratos Kotzabassi | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 1 | Thomas Nagle | Han Yoo | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 1 | Tavvi Anderson | Stratos Kotzabassi | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 1 | Thomas Nagle | Anders Johnson | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 1 | Tavvi Anderson | Han Yoo | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 2 | Katharine Keller | Andrew Peoples | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 2 | Scott Jeffers | Matthew Currey | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 2 | Jim Lai | Raymond Koren | WIN | LOSS |
Fechtschule pool 2 | Andrew Peoples | Scott Jeffers | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 2 | Raymond Koren | Matthew Currey | WIN | LOSS |
Fechtschule pool 2 | Jim Lai | Katharine Keller | WIN | LOSS |
Fechtschule pool 2 | Andrew Peoples | Matthew Currey | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 2 | Katharine Keller | Raymond Koren | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 2 | Scott Jeffers | Jim Lai | WIN | LOSS |
Fechtschule pool 2 | Andrew Peoples | Raymond Koren | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 2 | Scott Jeffers | Katharine Keller | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 2 | Jim Lai | Matthew Currey | WIN | LOSS |
Fechtschule pool 2 | Raymond Koren | Scott Jeffers | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 2 | Katharine Keller | Matthew Currey | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 2 | Andrew Peoples | Jim Lai | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 3 | Shane Hillen | Nat Morse-Noland | WIN | LOSS |
Fechtschule pool 3 | Raphael Ku | Nathaniel Tinker | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 3 | Thayne Alexander | Sergio Carabellese | WIN | LOSS |
Fechtschule pool 3 | Cameron Metcalf | Shane Hillen | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 3 | Nat Morse-Noland | Nathaniel Tinker | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 3 | Thayne Alexander | Raphael Ku | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 3 | Sergio Carabellese | Cameron Metcalf | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 3 | Shane Hillen | Nathaniel Tinker | WIN | LOSS |
Fechtschule pool 3 | Nat Morse-Noland | Thayne Alexander | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 3 | Sergio Carabellese | Raphael Ku | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 3 | Cameron Metcalf | Nathaniel Tinker | WIN | LOSS |
Fechtschule pool 3 | Shane Hillen | Thayne Alexander | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 3 | Sergio Carabellese | Nat Morse-Noland | WIN | LOSS |
Fechtschule pool 3 | Cameron Metcalf | Raphael Ku | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 3 | Nathaniel Tinker | Thayne Alexander | WIN | LOSS |
Fechtschule pool 3 | Shane Hillen | Sergio Carabellese | DRAW | DRAW |
Fechtschule pool 3 | Raphael Ku | Nat Morse-Noland | WIN | LOSS |
Fechtschule pool 3 | Cameron Metcalf | Thayne Alexander | WIN | LOSS |
Fechtschule pool 3 | Sergio Carabellese | Nathaniel Tinker | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 3 | Shane Hillen | Raphael Ku | WIN | LOSS |
Fechtschule pool 3 | Nat Morse-Noland | Cameron Metcalf | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 4 | Mark Maddox | Arik Mendelevitz | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 4 | Sal Walker | Sidney Salud | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 4 | Anthony Buonomo | Ian Kozic | WIN | LOSS |
Fechtschule pool 4 | Arik Mendelevitz | John Westendorf | WIN | LOSS |
Fechtschule pool 4 | Sidney Salud | Mark Maddox | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 4 | Sal Walker | Anthony Buonomo | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 4 | John Westendorf | Ian Kozic | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 4 | Arik Mendelevitz | Sidney Salud | WIN | LOSS |
Fechtschule pool 4 | Mark Maddox | Anthony Buonomo | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 4 | Ian Kozic | Sal Walker | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 4 | Sidney Salud | John Westendorf | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 4 | Arik Mendelevitz | Anthony Buonomo | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 4 | Mark Maddox | Ian Kozic | WIN | LOSS |
Fechtschule pool 4 | Sal Walker | John Westendorf | WIN | LOSS |
Fechtschule pool 4 | Sidney Salud | Anthony Buonomo | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 4 | Ian Kozic | Arik Mendelevitz | LOSS | WIN |
Fechtschule pool 4 | Mark Maddox | Sal Walker | WIN | LOSS |
Fechtschule pool 4 | Anthony Buonomo | John Westendorf | WIN | LOSS |
Fechtschule pool 4 | Ian Kozic | Sidney Salud | DRAW | DRAW |
Fechtschule pool 4 | Arik Mendelevitz | Sal Walker | WIN | LOSS |
Fechtschule pool 4 | Mark Maddox | John Westendorf | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 1 | Nathaniel Tinker | Thomas Nagle | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 1 | Scott Jeffers | Sergio Carabellese | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 1 | Anders Johnson | John Westendorf | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 1 | Scott Jeffers | Thomas Nagle | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 1 | Sergio Carabellese | John Westendorf | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 1 | Anders Johnson | Nathaniel Tinker | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 1 | Thomas Nagle | Sergio Carabellese | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 1 | Nathaniel Tinker | John Westendorf | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 1 | Scott Jeffers | Anders Johnson | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 1 | John Westendorf | Thomas Nagle | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 1 | Nathaniel Tinker | Scott Jeffers | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 1 | Sergio Carabellese | Anders Johnson | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 1 | John Westendorf | Scott Jeffers | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 1 | Nathaniel Tinker | Sergio Carabellese | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 1 | Anders Johnson | Thomas Nagle | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 2 | Nat Morse-Noland | Jim Lai | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 2 | Sidney Salud | Andrew Peoples | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 2 | Ian Kozic | Thayne Alexander | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 2 | Jim Lai | Tavvi Anderson | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 2 | Nat Morse-Noland | Sidney Salud | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 2 | Thayne Alexander | Andrew Peoples | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 2 | Ian Kozic | Tavvi Anderson | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 2 | Jim Lai | Sidney Salud | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 2 | Nat Morse-Noland | Thayne Alexander | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 2 | Andrew Peoples | Ian Kozic | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 2 | Sidney Salud | Tavvi Anderson | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 2 | Jim Lai | Thayne Alexander | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 2 | Nat Morse-Noland | Ian Kozic | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 2 | Andrew Peoples | Tavvi Anderson | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 2 | Sidney Salud | Thayne Alexander | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 2 | Ian Kozic | Jim Lai | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 2 | Nat Morse-Noland | Andrew Peoples | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 2 | Thayne Alexander | Tavvi Anderson | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 2 | Ian Kozic | Sidney Salud | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 2 | Jim Lai | Andrew Peoples | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 2 | Nat Morse-Noland | Tavvi Anderson | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 3 | Shane Hillen | Mark Maddox | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 3 | Stephen Patrias | Raphael Ku | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 3 | Raymond Koren | Shane Hillen | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 3 | Stephen Patrias | Mark Maddox | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 3 | Anthony Buonomo | Raphael Ku | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 3 | Stephen Patrias | Shane Hillen | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 3 | Mark Maddox | Anthony Buonomo | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 3 | Stephen Patrias | Raymond Koren | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 3 | Anthony Buonomo | Shane Hillen | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 3 | Raphael Ku | Raymond Koren | DOUBLE LOSS | DOUBLE LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 3 | Anthony Buonomo | Stephen Patrias | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 3 | Raphael Ku | Mark Maddox | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 3 | Raymond Koren | Anthony Buonomo | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 3 | Raphael Ku | Shane Hillen | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 3 | Mark Maddox | Raymond Koren | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 4 | Arik Mendelevitz | Han Yoo | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 4 | Katharine Keller | Sal Walker | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 4 | Stratos Kotzabassi | Matthew Currey | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 4 | Cameron Metcalf | Arik Mendelevitz | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 4 | Han Yoo | Katharine Keller | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 4 | Sal Walker | Stratos Kotzabassi | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 4 | Cameron Metcalf | Matthew Currey | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 4 | Arik Mendelevitz | Katharine Keller | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 4 | Stratos Kotzabassi | Han Yoo | DRAW | DRAW |
Sword Alone pool 4 | Matthew Currey | Sal Walker | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 4 | Cameron Metcalf | Katharine Keller | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 4 | Stratos Kotzabassi | Arik Mendelevitz | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 4 | Matthew Currey | Han Yoo | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 4 | Sal Walker | Cameron Metcalf | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 4 | Katharine Keller | Stratos Kotzabassi | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 4 | Arik Mendelevitz | Matthew Currey | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 4 | Han Yoo | Sal Walker | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 4 | Cameron Metcalf | Stratos Kotzabassi | LOSS | WIN |
Sword Alone pool 4 | Matthew Currey | Katharine Keller | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 4 | Arik Mendelevitz | Sal Walker | WIN | LOSS |
Sword Alone pool 4 | Cameron Metcalf | Han Yoo | WIN | LOSS |
Finals - Sword Alone | Arik Mendelevitz | Shane Hillen | WIN | LOSS |
Finals - Sword Alone | Jim Lai | Anders Johnson | DRAW | DRAW |
Finals - Sword Alone | Arik Mendelevitz | Anders Johnson | WIN | LOSS |
Finals - Sword Alone | Shane Hillen | Jim Lai | LOSS | WIN |
Finals - Sword Alone | Anders Johnson | Shane Hillen | WIN | LOSS |
Finals - Sword Alone | Jim Lai | Arik Mendelevitz | LOSS | WIN |
Rating outcomes
This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.
Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Four Openings Rapier Tournament 2023
Mixed & Men's Steel Rapier and Dagger - 14 fighters
Rank | Name | Nationality | Club | Weighted rating | Confidence | ||
32 | Arik Mendelevitz | The Carbonari | 1613.9 | ||||
42 | 4 | Anders Johnson | Ann Arbor Sword Club | 1575.2 | 38.5 | ||
97 | Jim Lai | Society for Creative Anachronism | 1439.1 | ||||
112 | 12 | Sidney Salud | Chicago Swordplay Guild | 1415.5 | 25.7 | ||
113 | 186 | Anthony Buonomo | Austin Historical Weapons Guild | 1415.3 | 240.7 | ||
138 | 95 | Cameron Metcalf | Centerline Sword School | 1379.7 | 166.7 | ||
223 | 112 | Shane Hillen | Centerline Sword School | 1272.2 | 141.7 | ||
231 | Andrew Peoples | Centerline Sword School | 1257 | ||||
250 | Thayne Alexander | Lansing Longsword Guild | 1239 | ||||
345 | 76 | Raphael Ku | Ann Arbor Sword Club | 1132.5 | 93.1 | ||
362 | 66 | Stratos Kotzabassi | Ann Arbor Sword Club | 1115.7 | 62.9 | ||
388 | Matthew Currey | Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing | 1094 | ||||
451 | Scott Jeffers | Chicago Swordplay Guild | 1022.3 | ||||
621 | Nat Morse-Noland | Chicago Swordplay Guild | 798.4 |