Four Openings Rapier Tournament 2023

Date October 14, 2023
Country United States
State Michigan
City Lansing

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger 50 14
Mixed Steel Single Rapier 150 26

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Sword and Dagger pool 1 Jim Lai Scott Jeffers WIN LOSS
Sword and Dagger pool 1 Thayne Alexander Anthony Buonomo LOSS WIN
Sword and Dagger pool 1 Arik Mendelevitz Cameron Metcalf WIN LOSS
Sword and Dagger pool 1 Sidney Salud Scott Jeffers WIN LOSS
Sword and Dagger pool 1 Jim Lai Anthony Buonomo WIN LOSS
Sword and Dagger pool 1 Arik Mendelevitz Thayne Alexander WIN LOSS
Sword and Dagger pool 1 Cameron Metcalf Sidney Salud LOSS WIN
Sword and Dagger pool 1 Anthony Buonomo Scott Jeffers WIN LOSS
Sword and Dagger pool 1 Arik Mendelevitz Jim Lai LOSS WIN
Sword and Dagger pool 1 Thayne Alexander Cameron Metcalf WIN LOSS
Sword and Dagger pool 1 Anthony Buonomo Sidney Salud WIN LOSS
Sword and Dagger pool 1 Arik Mendelevitz Scott Jeffers WIN LOSS
Sword and Dagger pool 1 Jim Lai Cameron Metcalf WIN LOSS
Sword and Dagger pool 1 Sidney Salud Thayne Alexander WIN LOSS
Sword and Dagger pool 1 Arik Mendelevitz Anthony Buonomo WIN LOSS
Sword and Dagger pool 1 Cameron Metcalf Scott Jeffers LOSS WIN
Sword and Dagger pool 1 Jim Lai Thayne Alexander LOSS WIN
Sword and Dagger pool 1 Arik Mendelevitz Sidney Salud WIN LOSS
Sword and Dagger pool 1 Anthony Buonomo Cameron Metcalf WIN LOSS
Sword and Dagger pool 1 Thayne Alexander Scott Jeffers WIN LOSS
Sword and Dagger pool 1 Jim Lai Sidney Salud WIN LOSS
Sword and Dagger pool 2 Raphael Ku Nat Morse-Noland WIN LOSS
Sword and Dagger pool 2 Shane Hillen Andrew Peoples WIN LOSS
Sword and Dagger pool 2 Stratos Kotzabassi Matthew Currey LOSS WIN
Sword and Dagger pool 2 Anders Johnson Nat Morse-Noland WIN LOSS
Sword and Dagger pool 2 Raphael Ku Shane Hillen LOSS WIN
Sword and Dagger pool 2 Matthew Currey Andrew Peoples LOSS WIN
Sword and Dagger pool 2 Stratos Kotzabassi Anders Johnson LOSS WIN
Sword and Dagger pool 2 Shane Hillen Nat Morse-Noland WIN LOSS
Sword and Dagger pool 2 Raphael Ku Matthew Currey DRAW DRAW
Sword and Dagger pool 2 Andrew Peoples Stratos Kotzabassi WIN LOSS
Sword and Dagger pool 2 Shane Hillen Anders Johnson LOSS WIN
Sword and Dagger pool 2 Matthew Currey Nat Morse-Noland WIN LOSS
Sword and Dagger pool 2 Raphael Ku Stratos Kotzabassi WIN LOSS
Sword and Dagger pool 2 Anders Johnson Andrew Peoples WIN LOSS
Sword and Dagger pool 2 Matthew Currey Shane Hillen LOSS WIN
Sword and Dagger pool 2 Nat Morse-Noland Stratos Kotzabassi LOSS WIN
Sword and Dagger pool 2 Raphael Ku Andrew Peoples LOSS WIN
Sword and Dagger pool 2 Matthew Currey Anders Johnson LOSS WIN
Sword and Dagger pool 2 Stratos Kotzabassi Shane Hillen LOSS WIN
Sword and Dagger pool 2 Andrew Peoples Nat Morse-Noland WIN LOSS
Sword and Dagger pool 2 Anders Johnson Raphael Ku WIN LOSS
Finals - Sword and Dagger Arik Mendelevitz Shane Hillen WIN LOSS
Finals - Sword and Dagger Jim Lai Anders Johnson LOSS WIN
Finals - Sword and Dagger Arik Mendelevitz Anders Johnson WIN LOSS
Finals - Sword and Dagger Shane Hillen Jim Lai WIN LOSS
Finals - Sword and Dagger Anders Johnson Shane Hillen WIN LOSS
Finals - Sword and Dagger Arik Mendelevitz Jim Lai LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Anders Johnson Arik Mendelevitz LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Match Shane Hillen Jim Lai LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Fechtschule pool 1 Han Yoo Anders Johnson LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 1 Thomas Nagle Stephen Patrias LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 1 Tavvi Anderson Anders Johnson LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 1 Stephen Patrias Han Yoo LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 1 Thomas Nagle Stratos Kotzabassi LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 1 Stephen Patrias Anders Johnson LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 1 Han Yoo Stratos Kotzabassi DRAW DRAW
Fechtschule pool 1 Tavvi Anderson Stephen Patrias LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 1 Stratos Kotzabassi Anders Johnson WIN LOSS
Fechtschule pool 1 Tavvi Anderson Thomas Nagle LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 1 Stephen Patrias Stratos Kotzabassi LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 1 Thomas Nagle Han Yoo LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 1 Tavvi Anderson Stratos Kotzabassi LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 1 Thomas Nagle Anders Johnson LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 1 Tavvi Anderson Han Yoo LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 2 Katharine Keller Andrew Peoples LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 2 Scott Jeffers Matthew Currey LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 2 Jim Lai Raymond Koren WIN LOSS
Fechtschule pool 2 Andrew Peoples Scott Jeffers LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 2 Raymond Koren Matthew Currey WIN LOSS
Fechtschule pool 2 Jim Lai Katharine Keller WIN LOSS
Fechtschule pool 2 Andrew Peoples Matthew Currey LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 2 Katharine Keller Raymond Koren LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 2 Scott Jeffers Jim Lai WIN LOSS
Fechtschule pool 2 Andrew Peoples Raymond Koren LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 2 Scott Jeffers Katharine Keller LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 2 Jim Lai Matthew Currey WIN LOSS
Fechtschule pool 2 Raymond Koren Scott Jeffers LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 2 Katharine Keller Matthew Currey LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 2 Andrew Peoples Jim Lai LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 3 Shane Hillen Nat Morse-Noland WIN LOSS
Fechtschule pool 3 Raphael Ku Nathaniel Tinker LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 3 Thayne Alexander Sergio Carabellese WIN LOSS
Fechtschule pool 3 Cameron Metcalf Shane Hillen LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 3 Nat Morse-Noland Nathaniel Tinker LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 3 Thayne Alexander Raphael Ku LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 3 Sergio Carabellese Cameron Metcalf LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 3 Shane Hillen Nathaniel Tinker WIN LOSS
Fechtschule pool 3 Nat Morse-Noland Thayne Alexander LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 3 Sergio Carabellese Raphael Ku LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 3 Cameron Metcalf Nathaniel Tinker WIN LOSS
Fechtschule pool 3 Shane Hillen Thayne Alexander LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 3 Sergio Carabellese Nat Morse-Noland WIN LOSS
Fechtschule pool 3 Cameron Metcalf Raphael Ku LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 3 Nathaniel Tinker Thayne Alexander WIN LOSS
Fechtschule pool 3 Shane Hillen Sergio Carabellese DRAW DRAW
Fechtschule pool 3 Raphael Ku Nat Morse-Noland WIN LOSS
Fechtschule pool 3 Cameron Metcalf Thayne Alexander WIN LOSS
Fechtschule pool 3 Sergio Carabellese Nathaniel Tinker LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 3 Shane Hillen Raphael Ku WIN LOSS
Fechtschule pool 3 Nat Morse-Noland Cameron Metcalf LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 4 Mark Maddox Arik Mendelevitz LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 4 Sal Walker Sidney Salud LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 4 Anthony Buonomo Ian Kozic WIN LOSS
Fechtschule pool 4 Arik Mendelevitz John Westendorf WIN LOSS
Fechtschule pool 4 Sidney Salud Mark Maddox LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 4 Sal Walker Anthony Buonomo LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 4 John Westendorf Ian Kozic LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 4 Arik Mendelevitz Sidney Salud WIN LOSS
Fechtschule pool 4 Mark Maddox Anthony Buonomo LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 4 Ian Kozic Sal Walker LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 4 Sidney Salud John Westendorf LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 4 Arik Mendelevitz Anthony Buonomo LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 4 Mark Maddox Ian Kozic WIN LOSS
Fechtschule pool 4 Sal Walker John Westendorf WIN LOSS
Fechtschule pool 4 Sidney Salud Anthony Buonomo LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 4 Ian Kozic Arik Mendelevitz LOSS WIN
Fechtschule pool 4 Mark Maddox Sal Walker WIN LOSS
Fechtschule pool 4 Anthony Buonomo John Westendorf WIN LOSS
Fechtschule pool 4 Ian Kozic Sidney Salud DRAW DRAW
Fechtschule pool 4 Arik Mendelevitz Sal Walker WIN LOSS
Fechtschule pool 4 Mark Maddox John Westendorf LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 1 Nathaniel Tinker Thomas Nagle WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 1 Scott Jeffers Sergio Carabellese WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 1 Anders Johnson John Westendorf WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 1 Scott Jeffers Thomas Nagle WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 1 Sergio Carabellese John Westendorf LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 1 Anders Johnson Nathaniel Tinker WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 1 Thomas Nagle Sergio Carabellese LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 1 Nathaniel Tinker John Westendorf LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 1 Scott Jeffers Anders Johnson LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 1 John Westendorf Thomas Nagle WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 1 Nathaniel Tinker Scott Jeffers LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 1 Sergio Carabellese Anders Johnson LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 1 John Westendorf Scott Jeffers LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 1 Nathaniel Tinker Sergio Carabellese WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 1 Anders Johnson Thomas Nagle WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 2 Nat Morse-Noland Jim Lai LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 2 Sidney Salud Andrew Peoples WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 2 Ian Kozic Thayne Alexander LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 2 Jim Lai Tavvi Anderson WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 2 Nat Morse-Noland Sidney Salud LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 2 Thayne Alexander Andrew Peoples LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 2 Ian Kozic Tavvi Anderson WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 2 Jim Lai Sidney Salud WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 2 Nat Morse-Noland Thayne Alexander LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 2 Andrew Peoples Ian Kozic WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 2 Sidney Salud Tavvi Anderson WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 2 Jim Lai Thayne Alexander WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 2 Nat Morse-Noland Ian Kozic LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 2 Andrew Peoples Tavvi Anderson WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 2 Sidney Salud Thayne Alexander LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 2 Ian Kozic Jim Lai LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 2 Nat Morse-Noland Andrew Peoples WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 2 Thayne Alexander Tavvi Anderson WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 2 Ian Kozic Sidney Salud WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 2 Jim Lai Andrew Peoples WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 2 Nat Morse-Noland Tavvi Anderson WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 3 Shane Hillen Mark Maddox WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 3 Stephen Patrias Raphael Ku LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 3 Raymond Koren Shane Hillen WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 3 Stephen Patrias Mark Maddox WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 3 Anthony Buonomo Raphael Ku LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 3 Stephen Patrias Shane Hillen LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 3 Mark Maddox Anthony Buonomo LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 3 Stephen Patrias Raymond Koren LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 3 Anthony Buonomo Shane Hillen LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 3 Raphael Ku Raymond Koren DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Sword Alone pool 3 Anthony Buonomo Stephen Patrias WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 3 Raphael Ku Mark Maddox WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 3 Raymond Koren Anthony Buonomo LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 3 Raphael Ku Shane Hillen WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 3 Mark Maddox Raymond Koren LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 4 Arik Mendelevitz Han Yoo WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 4 Katharine Keller Sal Walker WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 4 Stratos Kotzabassi Matthew Currey WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 4 Cameron Metcalf Arik Mendelevitz LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 4 Han Yoo Katharine Keller WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 4 Sal Walker Stratos Kotzabassi LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 4 Cameron Metcalf Matthew Currey LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 4 Arik Mendelevitz Katharine Keller WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 4 Stratos Kotzabassi Han Yoo DRAW DRAW
Sword Alone pool 4 Matthew Currey Sal Walker WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 4 Cameron Metcalf Katharine Keller WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 4 Stratos Kotzabassi Arik Mendelevitz LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 4 Matthew Currey Han Yoo LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 4 Sal Walker Cameron Metcalf LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 4 Katharine Keller Stratos Kotzabassi LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 4 Arik Mendelevitz Matthew Currey WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 4 Han Yoo Sal Walker WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 4 Cameron Metcalf Stratos Kotzabassi LOSS WIN
Sword Alone pool 4 Matthew Currey Katharine Keller WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 4 Arik Mendelevitz Sal Walker WIN LOSS
Sword Alone pool 4 Cameron Metcalf Han Yoo WIN LOSS
Finals - Sword Alone Arik Mendelevitz Shane Hillen WIN LOSS
Finals - Sword Alone Jim Lai Anders Johnson DRAW DRAW
Finals - Sword Alone Arik Mendelevitz Anders Johnson WIN LOSS
Finals - Sword Alone Shane Hillen Jim Lai LOSS WIN
Finals - Sword Alone Anders Johnson Shane Hillen WIN LOSS
Finals - Sword Alone Jim Lai Arik Mendelevitz LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Four Openings Rapier Tournament 2023