Musketeer Challenge 2023

Date July 22, 2023
Country United States
State Ohio
City Columbus
Software Ferrotas

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger 107 24
Mixed Steel Smallsword 82 24

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Stratos Kotzabassi Christian Achgill LOSS WIN
Pool William Handford Branden Zipplinger WIN LOSS
Pool Mica Macrae Caitlin Richards LOSS WIN
Pool Joseph Streb Olivia Bruyere WIN LOSS
Pool Stratos Kotzabassi Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Pool Mica Macrae Christian Achgill LOSS WIN
Pool William Handford Olivia Bruyere WIN LOSS
Pool Caitlin Richards Joseph Streb LOSS WIN
Pool Mica Macrae Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Pool William Handford Stratos Kotzabassi LOSS WIN
Pool Christian Achgill Joseph Streb WIN LOSS
Pool Olivia Bruyere Caitlin Richards LOSS WIN
Pool Stratos Kotzabassi Mica Macrae WIN LOSS
Pool Joseph Streb Branden Zipplinger WIN LOSS
Pool Caitlin Richards William Handford LOSS WIN
Pool Olivia Bruyere Christian Achgill LOSS WIN
Pool Joseph Streb Stratos Kotzabassi WIN LOSS
Pool Mica Macrae William Handford LOSS WIN
Pool Branden Zipplinger Olivia Bruyere WIN LOSS
Pool Christian Achgill Caitlin Richards LOSS WIN
Pool Mica Macrae Joseph Streb LOSS WIN
Pool Stratos Kotzabassi Olivia Bruyere WIN LOSS
Pool William Handford Christian Achgill WIN LOSS
Pool Branden Zipplinger Caitlin Richards WIN LOSS
Pool Mica Macrae Olivia Bruyere WIN LOSS
Pool Joseph Streb William Handford LOSS WIN
Pool Stratos Kotzabassi Caitlin Richards LOSS WIN
Pool Branden Zipplinger Christian Achgill WIN LOSS
Pool Derek Ray Tanner Martin WIN LOSS
Pool Ian Broderick Ryan Stump WIN LOSS
Pool Edward Francis Justin Hernandez WIN LOSS
Pool Anders Johnson Jaymes Walker WIN LOSS
Pool Ian Broderick Derek Ray WIN LOSS
Pool Edward Francis Tanner Martin LOSS WIN
Pool Anders Johnson Ryan Stump WIN LOSS
Pool Jaymes Walker Justin Hernandez LOSS WIN
Pool Ian Broderick Edward Francis WIN LOSS
Pool Derek Ray Ryan Stump WIN LOSS
Pool Jaymes Walker Tanner Martin LOSS WIN
Pool Anders Johnson Justin Hernandez WIN LOSS
Pool Edward Francis Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pool Ian Broderick Jaymes Walker WIN LOSS
Pool Ryan Stump Justin Hernandez LOSS WIN
Pool Anders Johnson Tanner Martin LOSS WIN
Pool Jaymes Walker Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pool Ryan Stump Edward Francis LOSS WIN
Pool Anders Johnson Ian Broderick WIN LOSS
Pool Tanner Martin Justin Hernandez WIN LOSS
Pool Jaymes Walker Edward Francis LOSS WIN
Pool Derek Ray Anders Johnson WIN LOSS
Pool Tanner Martin Ryan Stump WIN LOSS
Pool Ian Broderick Justin Hernandez WIN LOSS
Pool Edward Francis Anders Johnson WIN LOSS
Pool Jaymes Walker Ryan Stump LOSS WIN
Pool Justin Hernandez Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pool Ian Broderick Tanner Martin LOSS WIN
Pool Moe Chojecki Trevor Pedersen LOSS WIN
Pool Joseph Humes Brandon Ransbury LOSS WIN
Pool Paul Geraci Sal Walker WIN LOSS
Pool Nathaniel Tinker Rachelle Hitt WIN LOSS
Pool Brandon Ransbury Moe Chojecki WIN LOSS
Pool Trevor Pedersen Sal Walker WIN LOSS
Pool Joseph Humes Nathaniel Tinker LOSS WIN
Pool Rachelle Hitt Paul Geraci LOSS WIN
Pool Brandon Ransbury Sal Walker WIN LOSS
Pool Moe Chojecki Joseph Humes WIN LOSS
Pool Rachelle Hitt Trevor Pedersen LOSS WIN
Pool Nathaniel Tinker Paul Geraci LOSS WIN
Pool Sal Walker Moe Chojecki LOSS WIN
Pool Brandon Ransbury Rachelle Hitt WIN LOSS
Pool Paul Geraci Joseph Humes WIN LOSS
Pool Trevor Pedersen Nathaniel Tinker WIN LOSS
Pool Rachelle Hitt Moe Chojecki LOSS WIN
Pool Joseph Humes Sal Walker LOSS WIN
Pool Nathaniel Tinker Brandon Ransbury WIN LOSS
Pool Paul Geraci Trevor Pedersen LOSS WIN
Pool Sal Walker Rachelle Hitt WIN LOSS
Pool Moe Chojecki Nathaniel Tinker LOSS WIN
Pool Joseph Humes Trevor Pedersen LOSS WIN
Pool Paul Geraci Brandon Ransbury WIN LOSS
Pool Nathaniel Tinker Sal Walker WIN LOSS
Pool Rachelle Hitt Joseph Humes LOSS WIN
Pool Moe Chojecki Paul Geraci LOSS WIN
Pool Brandon Ransbury Trevor Pedersen LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Stratos Kotzabassi Sal Walker WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Jaymes Walker Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Edward Francis Mica Macrae WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Brandon Ransbury Ryan Stump WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Caitlin Richards Joseph Humes WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Olivia Bruyere Christian Achgill LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Anders Johnson Rachelle Hitt WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Justin Hernandez Moe Chojecki LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Stratos Kotzabassi Trevor Pedersen LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Ian Broderick Branden Zipplinger WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Edward Francis Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Brandon Ransbury William Handford LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Caitlin Richards Paul Geraci LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Joseph Streb Christian Achgill LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Nathaniel Tinker Anders Johnson LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Tanner Martin Moe Chojecki WIN LOSS
Quarters Ian Broderick Trevor Pedersen LOSS WIN
Quarters Derek Ray William Handford WIN LOSS
Quarters Paul Geraci Christian Achgill WIN LOSS
Quarters Tanner Martin Anders Johnson WIN LOSS
Semi Trevor Pedersen Derek Ray WIN LOSS
Semi Paul Geraci Tanner Martin LOSS WIN
Final Trevor Pedersen Tanner Martin WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Ray Schaefer Ian Broderick LOSS WIN
Pool Nathaniel Tinker Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pool Ray Schaefer Fred Hunker LOSS WIN
Pool Nathaniel Tinker Jenn Guska WIN LOSS
Pool Fred Hunker Ian Broderick LOSS WIN
Pool Derek Ray Jenn Guska WIN LOSS
Pool Ray Schaefer Nathaniel Tinker LOSS WIN
Pool Ian Broderick Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pool Fred Hunker Nathaniel Tinker WIN LOSS
Pool Ian Broderick Jenn Guska WIN LOSS
Pool Ray Schaefer Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pool Fred Hunker Jenn Guska LOSS WIN
Pool Nathaniel Tinker Ian Broderick LOSS WIN
Pool Fred Hunker Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pool Ray Schaefer Jenn Guska LOSS WIN
Pool Jaymes Walker Joseph Martin WIN LOSS
Pool Leonardo Santucci William Handford LOSS WIN
Pool Stratos Kotzabassi Jaymes Walker WIN LOSS
Pool William Handford Justin Hernandez WIN LOSS
Pool Joseph Martin Stratos Kotzabassi LOSS WIN
Pool Leonardo Santucci Justin Hernandez WIN LOSS
Pool Jaymes Walker William Handford LOSS WIN
Pool Leonardo Santucci Joseph Martin WIN LOSS
Pool William Handford Stratos Kotzabassi WIN LOSS
Pool Joseph Martin Justin Hernandez LOSS WIN
Pool Leonardo Santucci Jaymes Walker WIN LOSS
Pool Justin Hernandez Stratos Kotzabassi LOSS WIN
Pool Joseph Martin William Handford LOSS WIN
Pool Leonardo Santucci Stratos Kotzabassi LOSS WIN
Pool Justin Hernandez Jaymes Walker LOSS WIN
Pool Joseph Humes Caleb Tong LOSS WIN
Pool Rachelle Hitt Leonardo Prior LOSS WIN
Pool Branden Zipplinger Caleb Tong WIN LOSS
Pool Leonardo Prior Anders Johnson LOSS WIN
Pool Joseph Humes Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Pool Anders Johnson Rachelle Hitt WIN LOSS
Pool Leonardo Prior Caleb Tong LOSS WIN
Pool Branden Zipplinger Leonardo Prior WIN LOSS
Pool Joseph Humes Anders Johnson LOSS WIN
Pool Caleb Tong Rachelle Hitt WIN LOSS
Pool Branden Zipplinger Anders Johnson WIN LOSS
Pool Leonardo Prior Joseph Humes WIN LOSS
Pool Branden Zipplinger Rachelle Hitt WIN LOSS
Pool Caleb Tong Anders Johnson LOSS WIN
Pool Paul Geraci Trevor Pedersen LOSS WIN
Pool Mica Macrae Moe Chojecki LOSS WIN
Pool Trevor Pedersen Jennifer Davis WIN LOSS
Pool David Frederick Mica Macrae WIN LOSS
Pool Jennifer Davis Paul Geraci WIN LOSS
Pool Moe Chojecki David Frederick WIN LOSS
Pool Trevor Pedersen Mica Macrae WIN LOSS
Pool Paul Geraci Moe Chojecki WIN LOSS
Pool Mica Macrae Jennifer Davis LOSS WIN
Pool Paul Geraci David Frederick WIN LOSS
Pool Trevor Pedersen Moe Chojecki WIN LOSS
Pool Jennifer Davis David Frederick WIN LOSS
Pool Mica Macrae Paul Geraci LOSS WIN
Pool Jennifer Davis Moe Chojecki WIN LOSS
Pool Trevor Pedersen David Frederick WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Leonardo Prior Jaymes Walker LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Caleb Tong Joseph Martin WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Rachelle Hitt Jenn Guska LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Moe Chojecki Joseph Humes WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Nathaniel Tinker David Frederick WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Paul Geraci Mica Macrae WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Ray Schaefer Leonardo Santucci LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Justin Hernandez Fred Hunker LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Jaymes Walker Trevor Pedersen LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Caleb Tong Jennifer Davis LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Ian Broderick Jenn Guska WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Moe Chojecki Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Derek Ray Nathaniel Tinker WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Paul Geraci Stratos Kotzabassi WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Leonardo Santucci Anders Johnson LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Fred Hunker William Handford LOSS WIN
Quarters Trevor Pedersen Jennifer Davis WIN LOSS
Quarters Branden Zipplinger Ian Broderick LOSS WIN
Quarters Paul Geraci Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Quarters Anders Johnson William Handford WIN LOSS
Semi Trevor Pedersen Ian Broderick WIN LOSS
Semi Anders Johnson Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Final Derek Ray Trevor Pedersen LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Musketeer Challenge 2023