Bellum Vitudurum 2023

Date August 26, 2023
Country Switzerland
City Winterthur
Software HEMA Scorecard (results )

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 66 25
Women's Steel Longsword 1 2

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Set 1 Gerhard Reich Patrik Baumann WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Sébastien Schwab Ferdinand Hutter LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Sébastien Schwab Yannick De smet LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Ferdinand Hutter Gerhard Reich LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Patrik Baumann Ferdinand Hutter LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Gerhard Reich Yannick De smet LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Sébastien Schwab Gerhard Reich LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Patrik Baumann Yannick De smet LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Ferdinand Hutter Yannick De smet LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Patrik Baumann Sébastien Schwab WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Nathan Hess Julia Huck WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Nikolas Epp Nathan Hess WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Julia Huck Philipp Blanc LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Nikolas Epp Philipp Blanc WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Philipp Blanc Nathan Hess LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Nikolas Epp Julia Huck WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Nikolas Epp Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Anonymous fighter Philipp Blanc WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Nathan Hess Anonymous fighter LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Anonymous fighter Julia Huck WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Benjamin Josi Egon Beyrens LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jonas Bürgi Patrick Müller WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Sahin Karakoc Benjamin Josi LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jonas Bürgi Egon Beyrens WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Sahin Karakoc Patrick Müller LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jonas Bürgi Benjamin Josi WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Sahin Karakoc Egon Beyrens LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Patrick Müller Benjamin Josi WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Sahin Karakoc Jonas Bürgi LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Patrick Müller Egon Beyrens LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Christoph Stutz Yannic Müller LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Mateo Schops Stephan Wullschleger WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Christoph Stutz Michael Schweizer WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Mateo Schops Yannic Müller LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Stephan Wullschleger Michael Schweizer WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Mateo Schops Christoph Stutz LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Yannic Müller Michael Schweizer WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Stephan Wullschleger Christoph Stutz LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Mateo Schops Michael Schweizer WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Yannic Müller Stephan Wullschleger WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Andrin Schumacher Benjamin Hutter LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Valentin Hellbach Benjamin Hutter LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Benedict Häfeli Valentin Hellbach LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Andrin Schumacher Valentin Hellbach LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Benedict Häfeli Benjamin Hutter LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Andrin Schumacher Benedict Häfeli WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Benjamin Hutter Idamaria Lehtinen WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Idamaria Lehtinen Benedict Häfeli LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Andrin Schumacher Idamaria Lehtinen WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Idamaria Lehtinen Valentin Hellbach LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Yannic Müller Philipp Blanc WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Gerhard Reich Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Yannick De smet Mateo Schops WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Nathan Hess Benjamin Hutter LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Ferdinand Hutter Nikolas Epp WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Valentin Hellbach Andrin Schumacher WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Christoph Stutz Egon Beyrens LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Jonas Bürgi Patrick Müller WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Yannic Müller Jonas Bürgi WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Gerhard Reich Egon Beyrens WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Yannick De smet Valentin Hellbach WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Ferdinand Hutter Benjamin Hutter WIN LOSS
Semifinals Yannic Müller Ferdinand Hutter LOSS WIN
Semifinals Gerhard Reich Yannick De smet LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Ferdinand Hutter Yannick De smet LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Match Gerhard Reich Yannic Müller LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Set 1 Julia Huck Idamaria Lehtinen LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Bellum Vitudurum 2023

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
21 12 Yannick De smet SwArta 1820.2 46.5
85 6 Jonas Bürgi Reisläufer Bern 1685.1 10.7
165 53 Egon Beyrens SwArta 1604.1 45.8
189 25 Ferdinand Hutter Säbelrassler 1587.8 16.2
299 629 Yannic Müller Gladius et Codex 1525.4 198.3
430 64 Christoph Stutz Säbelrassler 1474.1 23.8
484 112 Nikolas Epp Die Baskerhunde 1454.5 38.6
651 96 Patrik Baumann Die Baskerhunde 1401.7 28.1
684 348 Gerhard Reich N/A 1393.1 87.7
716 4 Mateo Schops SwArta 1384.5 1
908 456 Benjamin Hutter Säbelrassler 1332.5 102.1
1069 171 Valentin Hellbach Schule des inneren Schwertes 1295.6 41.8
1240 187 Patrick Müller Die Baskerhunde 1254.4 38.5
1408 4 Stephan Wullschleger Die Baskerhunde 1220.9 1.1
2253 146 Sébastien Schwab Gladiatorium Artium Friburgensis Schola 1063.9 25.8
2564 135 Idamaria Lehtinen EHMS 1003.6 27.8
2629 Nathan Hess Säbelrassler 992.5
2741 Benjamin Josi Säbelrassler 970.8
2820 Andrin Schumacher Säbelrassler 955.9
2959 128 Benedict Häfeli Die Baskerhunde 927 32.5
3047 Michael Schweizer N/A 907.6
3064 Philipp Blanc Säbelrassler 903.9
3205 84 Sahin Karakoc Schule des inneren Schwertes 866.8 17.8
3409 107 Julia Huck Schule des inneren Schwertes 807.9 30.6
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
141 10 Idamaria Lehtinen EHMS 1176.7 21.2
276 7 Julia Huck Schule des inneren Schwertes 861.4 10.7
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
186 11 Idamaria Lehtinen EHMS 1176.7 21.2
367 8 Julia Huck Schule des inneren Schwertes 861.4 10.7