Ostravská Cepel 2023

Date April 15, 2023
Country Czech Republic
City Ostrava

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Men's Any Material Knife 72 23
Women's Any Material Knife 6 4

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Marcin BeŁczowski Honza Blažek LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Martin Král Honza Blažek LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Valdis Romulis Honza Blažek LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Honza Blažek Václav Vašek LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Martin Král Marcin BeŁczowski LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Valdis Romulis Marcin BeŁczowski WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Marcin BeŁczowski Václav Vašek LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Valdis Romulis Martin Král WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Martin Král Václav Vašek LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Valdis Romulis Václav Vašek LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Deniss Komarovs Aleksejs Ponomarjovs LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Tomáš Laštovička Deniss Komarovs WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Peter Lazorik Deniss Komarovs WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Václav Kantor Deniss Komarovs WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Tomasz Nowak Deniss Komarovs WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Tomáš Laštovička Aleksejs Ponomarjovs WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Aleksejs Ponomarjovs Peter Lazorik WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Václav Kantor Aleksejs Ponomarjovs LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Aleksejs Ponomarjovs Tomasz Nowak LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Tomáš Laštovička Peter Lazorik WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Václav Kantor Tomáš Laštovička LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Tomáš Laštovička Tomasz Nowak LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Václav Kantor Peter Lazorik LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Tomasz Nowak Peter Lazorik LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Tomasz Nowak Václav Kantor LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Aleš Slovák Tadeáš Podepřel LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Natan Žilkins Aleš Slovák WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Deniss Grigorenko Aleš Slovák WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Aleš Slovák Stanislav Bayarchuk LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Vít Škobrtal Aleš Slovák WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Natan Žilkins Tadeáš Podepřel WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Deniss Grigorenko Tadeáš Podepřel LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Tadeáš Podepřel Stanislav Bayarchuk LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Vít Škobrtal Tadeáš Podepřel WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Deniss Grigorenko Natan Žilkins WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Natan Žilkins Stanislav Bayarchuk WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Vít Škobrtal Natan Žilkins LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Deniss Grigorenko Stanislav Bayarchuk LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Vít Škobrtal Deniss Grigorenko WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Stanislav Bayarchuk Vít Škobrtal WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Andrejs Strukovs Aleksadrs Žilkins WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Roman Kašok Aleksadrs Žilkins WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Aleksadrs Žilkins Vlastimil Diškan WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Miroslav Kalous Aleksadrs Žilkins WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Aleksadrs Žilkins Ludwik Karol Zagórski LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Roman Kašok Andrejs Strukovs LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Andrejs Strukovs Vlastimil Diškan WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Miroslav Kalous Andrejs Strukovs LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Ludwik Karol Zagórski Andrejs Strukovs LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Roman Kašok Vlastimil Diškan WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Miroslav Kalous Roman Kašok LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Ludwik Karol Zagórski Roman Kašok LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Vlastimil Diškan Miroslav Kalous LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Ludwik Karol Zagórski Vlastimil Diškan WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Miroslav Kalous Ludwik Karol Zagórski WIN LOSS
contest 16th place Ludwik Karol Zagórski Deniss Grigorenko WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Ludwik Karol Zagórski Andrejs Strukovs LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Miroslav Kalous Aleksejs Ponomarjovs LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Vít Škobrtal Tomáš Laštovička WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Roman Kašok Valdis Romulis LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Tadeáš Podepřel Stanislav Bayarchuk LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Tomasz Nowak Natan Žilkins WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Honza Blažek Peter Lazorik WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Václav Vašek Václav Kantor WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Aleksejs Ponomarjovs Andrejs Strukovs WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Vít Škobrtal Valdis Romulis LOSS WIN
Table of 8 Stanislav Bayarchuk Tomasz Nowak WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Václav Vašek Honza Blažek LOSS WIN
Semi-Finals Valdis Romulis Aleksejs Ponomarjovs LOSS WIN
Semi-Finals Stanislav Bayarchuk Honza Blažek LOSS WIN
Finals Aleksejs Ponomarjovs Honza Blažek LOSS WIN
Fence-off for Third Stanislav Bayarchuk Valdis Romulis WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Jana Golková Yelyzaveta Chernova WIN LOSS
Pool Yelyzaveta Chernova Lada Jokešová WIN LOSS
Pool Hrochová Terezie Yelyzaveta Chernova LOSS WIN
Pool Lada Jokešová Jana Golková LOSS WIN
Pool Hrochová Terezie Jana Golková LOSS WIN
Pool Lada Jokešová Hrochová Terezie LOSS WIN