Glasgow HEMA Open 2023

Date February 25, 2023
Country United Kingdom
City Glasgow

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 78 29
Mixed Steel Sabre 63 23

Fighters in event

Jan Pavelka Glasgow University Historical Swordsmanship
Diana Matthess
Anders Jensen The Vanguard Centre
Conor McKeag The Vanguard Centre
Dmitrij Bugajev Durham Medieval Combat Academy
Jacek Kaminski Ausardia HEMA Club
Mateusz Leksander Ausardia HEMA Club
Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg Ausardia HEMA Club
Duncan McLaren Caledonian Sword Guild
Zoltan Betlen Cambridge HEMA
Alexandru-Daniel Chirita Dawn Duellists Society
Scott Gallacher Glasgow HEMA
Iain Murtagh Glasgow HEMA
Michael Muldoon Glasgow HEMA
Euan Shearer Glasgow HEMA
Sean McNamara Glasgow Sword Breakers
Christopher Strang-Moran Glasgow Sword Breakers
Finn Rhys Davies Glasgow University Historical Swordsmanship
Benjamin Brown Glasgow University Historical Swordsmanship
Jamie Budge Hotspur School of Defence
Louise Tolson Hotspur School of Defence
Tom Wise Hotspur School of Defence
Jo York Hotspur School of Defence
Wojciech Kwasik Liverpool HEMA
Perth Ophaswongse London Historical Fencing Club
Owen Wright Renaissance Martial Arts Society
Gary Gillies Saorsa: Scottish Swordsmanship
Mark Hudson Saorsa: Scottish Swordsmanship
Benjamin Hamilton Saorsa: Scottish Swordsmanship
David Muir The Vanguard Centre
Jamie T Kirk The Vanguard Centre
Gavin Thomson The Vanguard Centre
Jonathan Spouge The Vanguard Centre
Marcus McCormick The Vanguard Centre
Andrew Bussey The Vanguard Centre
Chris Stewart The Vanguard Centre
Mark West Wolfshead Western Martial Arts
Christopher Wood Wolfshead Western Martial Arts
Matt Leaning Wolfshead Western Martial Arts
Brian Schwartz Saorsa: Scottish Swordsmanship


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg Diana Matthess WIN LOSS
Pool A Matt Leaning Finn Rhys Davies WIN LOSS
Pool A Jamie T Kirk Benjamin Brown WIN LOSS
Pool A Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg Matt Leaning WIN LOSS
Pool A Benjamin Brown Finn Rhys Davies LOSS WIN
Pool A Jamie T Kirk Diana Matthess LOSS WIN
Pool A Matt Leaning Benjamin Brown WIN LOSS
Pool A Finn Rhys Davies Diana Matthess LOSS WIN
Pool A Jamie T Kirk Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg LOSS WIN
Pool A Diana Matthess Matt Leaning WIN LOSS
Pool A Benjamin Brown Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg LOSS WIN
Pool A Jamie T Kirk Finn Rhys Davies LOSS WIN
Pool A Benjamin Brown Diana Matthess LOSS WIN
Pool A Jamie T Kirk Matt Leaning LOSS WIN
Pool A Finn Rhys Davies Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg LOSS WIN
Pool B Wojciech Kwasik Dmitrij Bugajev WIN LOSS
Pool B Tom Wise Mark West LOSS WIN
Pool B Conor McKeag Michael Muldoon LOSS WIN
Pool B Tom Wise Dmitrij Bugajev LOSS WIN
Pool B Michael Muldoon Mark West LOSS WIN
Pool B Conor McKeag Wojciech Kwasik LOSS WIN
Pool B Tom Wise Michael Muldoon WIN LOSS
Pool B Mark West Wojciech Kwasik WIN LOSS
Pool B Conor McKeag Dmitrij Bugajev LOSS WIN
Pool B Tom Wise Wojciech Kwasik LOSS WIN
Pool B Dmitrij Bugajev Michael Muldoon WIN LOSS
Pool B Conor McKeag Mark West LOSS WIN
Pool B Wojciech Kwasik Michael Muldoon WIN LOSS
Pool B Tom Wise Conor McKeag WIN LOSS
Pool B Dmitrij Bugajev Mark West LOSS WIN
Pool C Zoltan Betlen Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pool C Louise Tolson Jan Pavelka LOSS WIN
Pool C Zoltan Betlen Louise Tolson WIN LOSS
Pool C Chris Stewart Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pool C Jan Pavelka Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pool C Chris Stewart Zoltan Betlen LOSS WIN
Pool C Louise Tolson Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pool C Chris Stewart Jan Pavelka LOSS WIN
Pool C Louise Tolson Chris Stewart LOSS WIN
Pool C Zoltan Betlen Jan Pavelka WIN LOSS
Pool D Jonathan Spouge Owen Wright WIN LOSS
Pool D Andrew Bussey Christopher Wood WIN LOSS
Pool D Mateusz Leksander Jamie Budge WIN LOSS
Pool D Jonathan Spouge Andrew Bussey WIN LOSS
Pool D Mateusz Leksander Christopher Wood WIN LOSS
Pool D Owen Wright Jamie Budge WIN LOSS
Pool D Mateusz Leksander Andrew Bussey DRAW DRAW
Pool D Owen Wright Christopher Wood WIN LOSS
Pool D Jamie Budge Jonathan Spouge LOSS WIN
Pool D Owen Wright Andrew Bussey WIN LOSS
Pool D Mateusz Leksander Jonathan Spouge LOSS WIN
Pool D Christopher Wood Jamie Budge LOSS WIN
Pool D Mateusz Leksander Owen Wright LOSS WIN
Pool D Andrew Bussey Jamie Budge LOSS WIN
Pool D Jonathan Spouge Christopher Wood WIN LOSS
Pool E Jo York Scott Gallacher LOSS WIN
Pool E Anders Jensen Iain Murtagh LOSS WIN
Pool E David Muir Jacek Kaminski WIN LOSS
Pool E Scott Gallacher Anders Jensen WIN LOSS
Pool E Jacek Kaminski Iain Murtagh WIN LOSS
Pool E Jo York David Muir LOSS WIN
Pool E Anders Jensen Jacek Kaminski LOSS WIN
Pool E Iain Murtagh Jo York WIN LOSS
Pool E David Muir Scott Gallacher LOSS WIN
Pool E Jo York Anders Jensen LOSS WIN
Pool E Jacek Kaminski Scott Gallacher LOSS WIN
Pool E Iain Murtagh David Muir LOSS WIN
Pool E Jacek Kaminski Jo York WIN LOSS
Pool E David Muir Anders Jensen WIN LOSS
Pool E Scott Gallacher Iain Murtagh WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Jonathan Spouge Scott Gallacher WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Duncan McLaren Zoltan Betlen LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Wojciech Kwasik Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Mark West David Muir LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Jonathan Spouge Zoltan Betlen LOSS WIN
Semi Finals David Muir Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg LOSS WIN
Bronze Finals Jonathan Spouge David Muir WIN LOSS
Championship Zoltan Betlen Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Sean McNamara Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg LOSS WIN
Pool A Michael Muldoon Brian Schwartz WIN LOSS
Pool A David Muir Diana Matthess WIN LOSS
Pool A Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg Brian Schwartz WIN LOSS
Pool A Diana Matthess Michael Muldoon LOSS WIN
Pool A Sean McNamara David Muir LOSS WIN
Pool A Diana Matthess Brian Schwartz LOSS WIN
Pool A Sean McNamara Michael Muldoon WIN LOSS
Pool A Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg David Muir WIN LOSS
Pool A Brian Schwartz Sean McNamara WIN LOSS
Pool A Diana Matthess Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg LOSS WIN
Pool A David Muir Michael Muldoon WIN LOSS
Pool A Diana Matthess Sean McNamara LOSS WIN
Pool A Brian Schwartz David Muir LOSS WIN
Pool A Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg Michael Muldoon WIN LOSS
Pool B Benjamin Hamilton Duncan McLaren WIN LOSS
Pool B Euan Shearer Wojciech Kwasik LOSS WIN
Pool B Benjamin Hamilton Mateusz Leksander LOSS WIN
Pool B Euan Shearer Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pool B Wojciech Kwasik Mateusz Leksander WIN LOSS
Pool B Euan Shearer Benjamin Hamilton LOSS WIN
Pool B Duncan McLaren Mateusz Leksander WIN LOSS
Pool B Benjamin Hamilton Wojciech Kwasik WIN LOSS
Pool B Duncan McLaren Wojciech Kwasik WIN LOSS
Pool B Euan Shearer Mateusz Leksander LOSS WIN
Pool B Mark West Alexandru-Daniel Chirita LOSS WIN
Pool C Jacek Kaminski Gavin Thomson WIN LOSS
Pool C Dmitrij Bugajev Marcus McCormick LOSS WIN
Pool C Jacek Kaminski Alexandru-Daniel Chirita WIN LOSS
Pool C Gavin Thomson Dmitrij Bugajev LOSS WIN
Pool C Marcus McCormick Mark West WIN LOSS
Pool C Dmitrij Bugajev Jacek Kaminski LOSS WIN
Pool C Gavin Thomson Mark West WIN LOSS
Pool C Marcus McCormick Alexandru-Daniel Chirita WIN LOSS
Pool C Mark West Jacek Kaminski LOSS WIN
Pool C Alexandru-Daniel Chirita Dmitrij Bugajev LOSS WIN
Pool C Gavin Thomson Marcus McCormick DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool C Dmitrij Bugajev Mark West WIN LOSS
Pool C Jacek Kaminski Marcus McCormick WIN LOSS
Pool C Gavin Thomson Alexandru-Daniel Chirita WIN LOSS
Pool D Christopher Strang-Moran Jonathan Spouge LOSS WIN
Pool D Mark Hudson Gary Gillies LOSS WIN
Pool D Scott Gallacher Perth Ophaswongse WIN LOSS
Pool D Mark Hudson Christopher Strang-Moran LOSS WIN
Pool D Gary Gillies Perth Ophaswongse WIN LOSS
Pool D Jonathan Spouge Scott Gallacher WIN LOSS
Pool D Mark Hudson Perth Ophaswongse LOSS WIN
Pool D Gary Gillies Jonathan Spouge WIN LOSS
Pool D Christopher Strang-Moran Scott Gallacher LOSS WIN
Pool D Jonathan Spouge Mark Hudson WIN LOSS
Pool D Perth Ophaswongse Christopher Strang-Moran LOSS WIN
Pool D Scott Gallacher Gary Gillies LOSS WIN
Pool D Perth Ophaswongse Jonathan Spouge LOSS WIN
Pool D Scott Gallacher Mark Hudson WIN LOSS
Pool D Christopher Strang-Moran Gary Gillies LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals David Muir Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Duncan McLaren Jacek Kaminski LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Benjamin Hamilton Gary Gillies WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Marcus McCormick Jonathan Spouge LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg Benjamin Hamilton LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Jacek Kaminski Jonathan Spouge LOSS WIN
Bronze Final Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg Jacek Kaminski WIN LOSS
Championship Benjamin Hamilton Jonathan Spouge WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Glasgow HEMA Open 2023

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
46 10 Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg Ausardia HEMA Club 1725.3 16.9
374 31 Zoltan Betlen Cambridge HEMA 1464.6 24.9
494 247 Jonathan Spouge The Vanguard Centre 1413.8 94
587 198 Duncan McLaren Caledonian Sword Guild 1378.7 70.8
633 67 Jacek Kaminski Ausardia HEMA Club 1361.3 17.4
665 295 Scott Gallacher Glasgow HEMA 1351.2 99.7
955 213 Diana Matthess N/A 1261.8 66.3
958 115 Wojciech Kwasik Liverpool HEMA 1260.5 39.9
1030 David Muir The Vanguard Centre 1243.9
1136 364 Owen Wright Renaissance Martial Arts Society 1214.9 105.5
1305 511 Mark West Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 1172.8 148.2
1395 54 Dmitrij Bugajev Durham Medieval Combat Academy 1149.2 27.2
1493 574 Matt Leaning Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 1124.7 165.8
1676 295 Jan Pavelka Glasgow University Historical Swordsmanship 1082 97.8
1700 72 Finn Rhys Davies Glasgow University Historical Swordsmanship 1075.7 40.4
1904 Mateusz Leksander Ausardia HEMA Club 1023.6
2127 177 Iain Murtagh Glasgow HEMA 968.1 81.2
2152 Jamie Budge Hotspur School of Defence 963.4
2272 Chris Stewart The Vanguard Centre 932.2
2363 185 Christopher Wood Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 907.2 17.7
2372 Tom Wise Hotspur School of Defence 904.1
2373 Andrew Bussey The Vanguard Centre 903.2
2622 Jamie T Kirk The Vanguard Centre 825
2638 224 Benjamin Brown Glasgow University Historical Swordsmanship 817.6 38.5
2645 Anders Jensen The Vanguard Centre 813.7
2650 Louise Tolson Hotspur School of Defence 812.2
2664 28 Michael Muldoon Glasgow HEMA 806.2 60.1
2845 172 Jo York Hotspur School of Defence 685.4 26.1
2873 Conor McKeag The Vanguard Centre 635