Looking Sharpe 2023

January 21
United States

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Messer 55 14
Mixed Steel Rapier And Any Sidearm 56 17
Underrepresented Genders Steel Rapier and Dagger 20 6

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool William Handford Dwain Crackel LOSS WIN
Pool Vic Mechler William Grube WIN LOSS
Pool Derek Ray Marten Dollinger WIN LOSS
Pool Dwain Crackel Christopher Shelton WIN LOSS
Pool Vic Mechler William Handford LOSS WIN
Pool Derek Ray William Grube WIN LOSS
Pool Marten Dollinger Christopher Shelton WIN LOSS
Pool Vic Mechler Dwain Crackel LOSS WIN
Pool Derek Ray William Handford WIN LOSS
Pool Marten Dollinger William Grube WIN LOSS
Pool Christopher Shelton Vic Mechler LOSS WIN
Pool Dwain Crackel Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pool Marten Dollinger William Handford LOSS WIN
Pool William Grube Christopher Shelton LOSS WIN
Pool Derek Ray Vic Mechler WIN LOSS
Pool Marten Dollinger Dwain Crackel LOSS WIN
Pool William Grube William Handford LOSS WIN
Pool Christopher Shelton Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pool Vic Mechler Marten Dollinger LOSS WIN
Pool Dwain Crackel William Grube WIN LOSS
Pool William Handford Christopher Shelton WIN LOSS
Pool Jaron Bernstein Matthew Huller LOSS WIN
Pool Jason Feldman Matthew Dicken LOSS WIN
Pool Mica Macrae Loyd Briski LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Huller Charles Paschke WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Dicken Jaron Bernstein WIN LOSS
Pool Loyd Briski Jason Feldman WIN LOSS
Pool Mica Macrae Charles Paschke LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Dicken Matthew Huller WIN LOSS
Pool Loyd Briski Jaron Bernstein WIN LOSS
Pool Jason Feldman Mica Macrae WIN LOSS
Pool Charles Paschke Matthew Dicken LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Huller Loyd Briski WIN LOSS
Pool Mica Macrae Jaron Bernstein LOSS WIN
Pool Jason Feldman Charles Paschke LOSS WIN
Pool Loyd Briski Matthew Dicken LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Huller Mica Macrae WIN LOSS
Pool Jaron Bernstein Jason Feldman WIN LOSS
Pool Charles Paschke Loyd Briski LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Dicken Mica Macrae WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Huller Jason Feldman WIN LOSS
Pool Jaron Bernstein Charles Paschke LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Vic Mechler Charles Paschke WIN LOSS
Table of 16 William Handford Jason Feldman WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Mica Macrae Dwain Crackel LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Matthew Huller William Grube WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Loyd Briski Christopher Shelton WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Jaron Bernstein Marten Dollinger LOSS WIN
Quarters Vic Mechler Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Quarters William Handford Dwain Crackel WIN LOSS
Quarters Loyd Briski Matthew Huller LOSS WIN
Quarters Matthew Dicken Marten Dollinger WIN LOSS
Semi William Handford Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Semi Matthew Dicken Matthew Huller WIN LOSS
Final Derek Ray Matthew Dicken WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Nicholas Mills Ian Broderick LOSS WIN
Pool Dwain Crackel Christian Achgill LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Kesler Ian Broderick LOSS WIN
Pool Marten Dollinger Dwain Crackel WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Kesler Nicholas Mills WIN LOSS
Pool Marten Dollinger Christian Achgill LOSS WIN
Pool Dwain Crackel Ian Broderick LOSS WIN
Pool Christian Achgill Nicholas Mills WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Kesler Dwain Crackel WIN LOSS
Pool Marten Dollinger Nicholas Mills WIN LOSS
Pool Ian Broderick Christian Achgill WIN LOSS
Pool Marten Dollinger Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Pool Dwain Crackel Nicholas Mills WIN LOSS
Pool Christian Achgill Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
Pool Ian Broderick Marten Dollinger WIN LOSS
Pool William Handford Stephanie Eaton WIN LOSS
Pool Christopher Shelton Katharine Keller WIN LOSS
Pool Stephanie Eaton Brian Stone LOSS WIN
Pool Brandon Nguyen Katharine Keller WIN LOSS
Pool Brian Stone William Handford WIN LOSS
Pool Christopher Shelton Brandon Nguyen WIN LOSS
Pool Stephanie Eaton Katharine Keller LOSS WIN
Pool Christopher Shelton William Handford LOSS WIN
Pool Brian Stone Katharine Keller WIN LOSS
Pool Brandon Nguyen William Handford LOSS WIN
Pool Christopher Shelton Stephanie Eaton WIN LOSS
Pool Brian Stone Brandon Nguyen WIN LOSS
Pool Katharine Keller William Handford LOSS WIN
Pool Brian Stone Christopher Shelton WIN LOSS
Pool Brandon Nguyen Stephanie Eaton WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Huller Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pool Derek Ray Anson Eckel WIN LOSS
Pool Caitlin Richards Matthew Huller LOSS WIN
Pool Derek Ray Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pool Anson Eckel Caitlin Richards WIN LOSS
Pool Derek Ray Matthew Huller WIN LOSS
Pool Caitlin Richards Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pool Anson Eckel Matthew Huller WIN LOSS
Pool Derek Ray Caitlin Richards WIN LOSS
Pool Anson Eckel Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Stephanie Eaton Nicholas Mills LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Brian Stone Nicholas Mills WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Christopher Shelton Anson Eckel LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Christian Achgill Matthew Huller WIN LOSS
Table of 16 William Handford Dwain Crackel LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Katharine Keller Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Marten Dollinger Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Thomas Kesler Brandon Nguyen WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Caitlin Richards Ian Broderick LOSS WIN
Quarters Anson Eckel Brian Stone LOSS WIN
Quarters Dwain Crackel Christian Achgill LOSS WIN
Quarters Derek Ray Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Quarters Ian Broderick Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
Semi Brian Stone Christian Achgill WIN LOSS
Semi Joseph Pugnetti Ian Broderick WIN LOSS
Final Brian Stone Joseph Pugnetti WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Caitlin Richards Stephanie Eaton WIN LOSS
Pool Mica Macrae Anabelle Reininger WIN LOSS
Pool Stephanie Eaton Rhea Debussy LOSS WIN
Pool Anabelle Reininger Lacey Eck LOSS WIN
Pool Caitlin Richards Rhea Debussy WIN LOSS
Pool Mica Macrae Lacey Eck LOSS WIN
Pool Stephanie Eaton Anabelle Reininger WIN LOSS
Pool Mica Macrae Caitlin Richards LOSS WIN
Pool Anabelle Reininger Rhea Debussy LOSS WIN
Pool Lacey Eck Caitlin Richards LOSS WIN
Pool Mica Macrae Stephanie Eaton WIN LOSS
Pool Lacey Eck Rhea Debussy WIN LOSS
Pool Anabelle Reininger Caitlin Richards LOSS WIN
Pool Mica Macrae Rhea Debussy LOSS WIN
Pool Stephanie Eaton Lacey Eck LOSS WIN
Quarters Mica Macrae Stephanie Eaton LOSS WIN
Quarters Anabelle Reininger Rhea Debussy LOSS WIN
Semi Caitlin Richards Stephanie Eaton WIN LOSS
Semi Rhea Debussy Lacey Eck WIN LOSS
Final Caitlin Richards Rhea Debussy WIN LOSS