Blue Box Open 2022

Date November 20, 2022
Country United States
State Ohio
City Columbus

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Sabre 82 24
Mixed Steel Longsword 55 14
Mixed Steel Longsword 102 27
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword 35 11

Fighters in event

Matthew Huller Boston Armizare
Justin Hernandez
AJ Trefney
Daniel Park
Matthew Coolidge
Rhea Debussy
Katina Dunham Ars Gladii
Tyler Dunham Ars Gladii
Dwain Crackel Columbus United Fencing Club
Stephanie Eaton Columbus United Fencing Club
William Handford Columbus United Fencing Club
Matthew Dicken Columbus United Fencing Club
Derek Ray Columbus United Fencing Club
Maria Rieske Columbus United Fencing Club
Charles Paschke Columbus United Fencing Club
Christopher Yang Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts
J.J. Conlon Gem City Duelists Society
Thomas Kesler Gem City Duelists Society
Samuel Ryals Gem City Duelists Society
Christopher Shelton Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club
Julia Holfelder Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club
Kari Baker Mordhau Historical Combat
Alexander Brindley Nashville School of Historical Fencing
Anabelle Reininger Queen City Sword Guild
Ethan Adkins Queen City Sword Guild
Kaitlin Evans Queen City Sword Guild
Vic Mechler Queen City Sword Guild
Daniel Evans Ram's Head Fencing
Branden Zipplinger Royal Arts Fencing Academy
Brandon Caylor Royal Arts Fencing Academy
Ian Broderick Royal Arts Fencing Academy
Trevor Stevenson Royal Arts Fencing Academy
Jenn Guska Royal Arts Fencing Academy
Mica Edmiston Royal Arts Fencing Academy
Joseph Pugnetti Steel City Historical Fencing
Kevin Brough Steel City Historical Fencing
Melissa McGaughey Steelhead Western Martial Arts
Nick Chiappazzi Steelhead Western Martial Arts
Jieyu Wu Sword Inquisition
David Pharis The Vanguard Centre
Donald Schumitsh Two Ravens Fencing School
Alex Beaudet Two Ravens Fencing School
Kathryn Dunn Two Ravens Fencing School
Colin McConnell Two Ravens Fencing School
Lacey Eck Two Ravens Fencing School
Caitlin Richards Two Ravens Fencing School
Alec Willette Two Ravens Fencing School
Alex Kellogg Two Ravens Fencing School
Seanpatrick Brady Two Ravens Fencing School
Samantha Tietjen Two Ravens Fencing School


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Ethan Adkins Matthew Huller WIN LOSS
Pool Tyler Dunham Kathryn Dunn WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Huller Ian Broderick LOSS WIN
Pool Tyler Dunham William Handford LOSS WIN
Pool Ethan Adkins Ian Broderick LOSS WIN
Pool William Handford Kathryn Dunn WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Huller Tyler Dunham LOSS WIN
Pool Ethan Adkins Kathryn Dunn WIN LOSS
Pool Tyler Dunham Ian Broderick LOSS WIN
Pool Ethan Adkins William Handford LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Huller Kathryn Dunn WIN LOSS
Pool Ian Broderick William Handford WIN LOSS
Pool Ethan Adkins Tyler Dunham WIN LOSS
Pool Ian Broderick Kathryn Dunn WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Huller William Handford LOSS WIN
Pool J.J. Conlon Alex Beaudet WIN LOSS
Pool Charles Paschke Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pool Alec Willette Alex Beaudet WIN LOSS
Pool Joseph Pugnetti Jenn Guska WIN LOSS
Pool Alec Willette J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Pool Charles Paschke Jenn Guska WIN LOSS
Pool Joseph Pugnetti Alex Beaudet WIN LOSS
Pool Charles Paschke J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Pool Alec Willette Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pool Jenn Guska J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Pool Charles Paschke Alex Beaudet WIN LOSS
Pool Alec Willette Jenn Guska WIN LOSS
Pool Joseph Pugnetti J.J. Conlon WIN LOSS
Pool Alec Willette Charles Paschke WIN LOSS
Pool Jenn Guska Alex Beaudet LOSS WIN
Pool Dwain Crackel Vic Mechler WIN LOSS
Pool Alex Kellogg Justin Hernandez LOSS WIN
Pool Christopher Shelton Dwain Crackel LOSS WIN
Pool Samuel Ryals Alex Kellogg WIN LOSS
Pool Christopher Shelton Vic Mechler WIN LOSS
Pool Samuel Ryals Justin Hernandez WIN LOSS
Pool Dwain Crackel Alex Kellogg WIN LOSS
Pool Vic Mechler Justin Hernandez LOSS WIN
Pool Christopher Shelton Alex Kellogg WIN LOSS
Pool Vic Mechler Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Dwain Crackel Justin Hernandez LOSS WIN
Pool Christopher Shelton Samuel Ryals WIN LOSS
Pool Alex Kellogg Vic Mechler WIN LOSS
Pool Justin Hernandez Christopher Shelton WIN LOSS
Pool Samuel Ryals Dwain Crackel WIN LOSS
Pool Julia Holfelder Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Pool Branden Zipplinger Kari Baker WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Kesler Mica Edmiston WIN LOSS
Pool Stephanie Eaton Kari Baker WIN LOSS
Pool Julia Holfelder Mica Edmiston WIN LOSS
Pool Stephanie Eaton Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Kesler Kari Baker WIN LOSS
Pool Julia Holfelder Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Pool Kari Baker Mica Edmiston LOSS WIN
Pool Julia Holfelder Stephanie Eaton LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Kesler Branden Zipplinger WIN LOSS
Pool Mica Edmiston Stephanie Eaton LOSS WIN
Pool Julia Holfelder Kari Baker LOSS WIN
Pool Branden Zipplinger Mica Edmiston WIN LOSS
Pool Stephanie Eaton Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Matthew Huller Alex Beaudet WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Ethan Adkins Kathryn Dunn WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Alec Willette Julia Holfelder WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Tyler Dunham Mica Edmiston WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Vic Mechler Christopher Shelton LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Stephanie Eaton Jenn Guska WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Charles Paschke Alex Kellogg LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Joseph Pugnetti Matthew Huller WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Justin Hernandez Dwain Crackel LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Ethan Adkins J.J. Conlon WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Alec Willette Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Ian Broderick Tyler Dunham WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Samuel Ryals Christopher Shelton WIN LOSS
Table of 16 William Handford Stephanie Eaton WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Alex Kellogg Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Quarters Dwain Crackel Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Quarters Ethan Adkins Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Quarters Ian Broderick Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Quarters Thomas Kesler William Handford LOSS WIN
Semi Branden Zipplinger Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Semi William Handford Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Final Samuel Ryals Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Jieyu Wu Christopher Shelton LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Dicken J.J. Conlon WIN LOSS
Pool Joseph Pugnetti Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
Pool AJ Trefney Christopher Shelton WIN LOSS
Pool J.J. Conlon Jieyu Wu LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Dicken Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
Pool AJ Trefney Joseph Pugnetti WIN LOSS
Pool Christopher Shelton J.J. Conlon WIN LOSS
Pool Jieyu Wu Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Pool Joseph Pugnetti Matthew Dicken WIN LOSS
Pool AJ Trefney J.J. Conlon WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Kesler Christopher Shelton LOSS WIN
Pool Jieyu Wu Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Dicken AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Pool J.J. Conlon Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
Pool Joseph Pugnetti Christopher Shelton WIN LOSS
Pool Jieyu Wu Matthew Dicken WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Kesler AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Pool J.J. Conlon Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Dicken Christopher Shelton WIN LOSS
Pool AJ Trefney Jieyu Wu WIN LOSS
Pool Alexander Brindley Matthew Huller WIN LOSS
Pool Samuel Ryals Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pool Christopher Yang Ethan Adkins WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Huller Tyler Dunham LOSS WIN
Pool Alexander Brindley Samuel Ryals WIN LOSS
Pool Ethan Adkins Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pool Christopher Yang Tyler Dunham LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Huller Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Alexander Brindley Ethan Adkins WIN LOSS
Pool Derek Ray Christopher Yang WIN LOSS
Pool Samuel Ryals Tyler Dunham WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Huller Ethan Adkins WIN LOSS
Pool Christopher Yang Alexander Brindley WIN LOSS
Pool Tyler Dunham Derek Ray WIN LOSS
Pool Samuel Ryals Ethan Adkins WIN LOSS
Pool Christopher Yang Matthew Huller WIN LOSS
Pool Derek Ray Alexander Brindley LOSS WIN
Pool Ethan Adkins Tyler Dunham LOSS WIN
Pool Christopher Yang Samuel Ryals WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Huller Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pool Alexander Brindley Tyler Dunham WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Samuel Ryals Christopher Shelton WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Derek Ray Matthew Huller WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Christopher Yang Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Ethan Adkins Alexander Brindley LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Tyler Dunham J.J. Conlon WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Matthew Dicken Jieyu Wu WIN LOSS
Quarters Samuel Ryals AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Quarters Christopher Yang Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Quarters Tyler Dunham Alexander Brindley LOSS WIN
Quarters Joseph Pugnetti Matthew Dicken WIN LOSS
Semi AJ Trefney Derek Ray WIN LOSS
Semi Alexander Brindley Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Final AJ Trefney Joseph Pugnetti WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Ethan Adkins Matthew Huller LOSS WIN
Pool Daniel Evans Matthew Coolidge WIN LOSS
Pool Dwain Crackel Seanpatrick Brady LOSS WIN
Pool Trevor Stevenson Ethan Adkins LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Huller Daniel Evans WIN LOSS
Pool Seanpatrick Brady Matthew Coolidge WIN LOSS
Pool Dwain Crackel Trevor Stevenson WIN LOSS
Pool Daniel Evans Ethan Adkins LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Huller Seanpatrick Brady LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Coolidge Dwain Crackel LOSS WIN
Pool Trevor Stevenson Daniel Evans LOSS WIN
Pool Ethan Adkins Seanpatrick Brady LOSS WIN
Pool Dwain Crackel Matthew Huller WIN LOSS
Pool Trevor Stevenson Matthew Coolidge LOSS WIN
Pool Seanpatrick Brady Daniel Evans WIN LOSS
Pool Dwain Crackel Ethan Adkins WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Coolidge Matthew Huller LOSS WIN
Pool Seanpatrick Brady Trevor Stevenson WIN LOSS
Pool Daniel Evans Dwain Crackel WIN LOSS
Pool Ethan Adkins Matthew Coolidge WIN LOSS
Pool Trevor Stevenson Matthew Huller LOSS WIN
Pool David Pharis Alex Kellogg WIN LOSS
Pool Melissa McGaughey Maria Rieske LOSS WIN
Pool Lacey Eck Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
Pool Julia Holfelder Alex Kellogg LOSS WIN
Pool David Pharis Melissa McGaughey WIN LOSS
Pool Maria Rieske Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Pool Julia Holfelder Lacey Eck LOSS WIN
Pool Melissa McGaughey Alex Kellogg LOSS WIN
Pool David Pharis Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Pool Maria Rieske Lacey Eck LOSS WIN
Pool Julia Holfelder Melissa McGaughey WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Kesler Alex Kellogg WIN LOSS
Pool Lacey Eck David Pharis LOSS WIN
Pool Julia Holfelder Maria Rieske LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Kesler Melissa McGaughey WIN LOSS
Pool Alex Kellogg Lacey Eck WIN LOSS
Pool Maria Rieske David Pharis WIN LOSS
Pool Julia Holfelder Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Pool Lacey Eck Melissa McGaughey WIN LOSS
Pool Alex Kellogg Maria Rieske WIN LOSS
Pool David Pharis Julia Holfelder WIN LOSS
Pool Kevin Brough Kari Baker WIN LOSS
Pool Nick Chiappazzi Daniel Park WIN LOSS
Pool Anabelle Reininger Donald Schumitsh LOSS WIN
Pool Kari Baker William Handford LOSS WIN
Pool Daniel Park Kevin Brough LOSS WIN
Pool Nick Chiappazzi Anabelle Reininger LOSS WIN
Pool Donald Schumitsh William Handford LOSS WIN
Pool Kari Baker Daniel Park WIN LOSS
Pool Kevin Brough Anabelle Reininger WIN LOSS
Pool Nick Chiappazzi Donald Schumitsh LOSS WIN
Pool Daniel Park William Handford LOSS WIN
Pool Kari Baker Anabelle Reininger LOSS WIN
Pool Donald Schumitsh Kevin Brough WIN LOSS
Pool Nick Chiappazzi William Handford LOSS WIN
Pool Anabelle Reininger Daniel Park LOSS WIN
Pool Kari Baker Donald Schumitsh LOSS WIN
Pool Kevin Brough Nick Chiappazzi WIN LOSS
Pool William Handford Anabelle Reininger WIN LOSS
Pool Daniel Park Donald Schumitsh LOSS WIN
Pool Kari Baker Nick Chiappazzi LOSS WIN
Pool Kevin Brough William Handford WIN LOSS
Pool Alec Willette Brandon Caylor LOSS WIN
Pool Vic Mechler Colin McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool Brandon Caylor Katina Dunham WIN LOSS
Pool Branden Zipplinger Colin McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool Alec Willette Katina Dunham WIN LOSS
Pool Vic Mechler Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Pool Colin McConnell Brandon Caylor WIN LOSS
Pool Alec Willette Vic Mechler WIN LOSS
Pool Katina Dunham Colin McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool Alec Willette Branden Zipplinger WIN LOSS
Pool Brandon Caylor Vic Mechler LOSS WIN
Pool Branden Zipplinger Katina Dunham WIN LOSS
Pool Alec Willette Colin McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool Vic Mechler Katina Dunham WIN LOSS
Pool Brandon Caylor Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Vic Mechler Maria Rieske LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Katina Dunham Dwain Crackel LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Melissa McGaughey Matthew Huller LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Branden Zipplinger Daniel Park WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Alec Willette Anabelle Reininger WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Nick Chiappazzi Ethan Adkins LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Alex Kellogg Julia Holfelder WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Lacey Eck Trevor Stevenson WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Daniel Evans Brandon Caylor WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Seanpatrick Brady Maria Rieske WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Dwain Crackel Matthew Huller WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Donald Schumitsh Branden Zipplinger WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Alec Willette William Handford LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Ethan Adkins Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Alex Kellogg Kevin Brough WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Lacey Eck David Pharis WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Daniel Evans Colin McConnell WIN LOSS
Quarters Seanpatrick Brady Dwain Crackel WIN LOSS
Quarters William Handford Donald Schumitsh LOSS WIN
Quarters Alex Kellogg Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Quarters Lacey Eck Daniel Evans LOSS WIN
Semi Seanpatrick Brady Donald Schumitsh WIN LOSS
Semi Daniel Evans Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Final Seanpatrick Brady Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Anabelle Reininger Kathryn Dunn LOSS WIN
Pool Katina Dunham Samantha Tietjen WIN LOSS
Pool Kathryn Dunn Stephanie Eaton WIN LOSS
Pool Kari Baker Samantha Tietjen WIN LOSS
Pool Anabelle Reininger Stephanie Eaton LOSS WIN
Pool Kari Baker Katina Dunham LOSS WIN
Pool Samantha Tietjen Kathryn Dunn LOSS WIN
Pool Katina Dunham Anabelle Reininger WIN LOSS
Pool Samantha Tietjen Stephanie Eaton LOSS WIN
Pool Kari Baker Anabelle Reininger WIN LOSS
Pool Kathryn Dunn Katina Dunham WIN LOSS
Pool Kari Baker Stephanie Eaton LOSS WIN
Pool Samantha Tietjen Anabelle Reininger LOSS WIN
Pool Katina Dunham Stephanie Eaton WIN LOSS
Pool Kathryn Dunn Kari Baker LOSS WIN
Pool Kaitlin Evans Rhea Debussy LOSS WIN
Pool Caitlin Richards Lacey Eck LOSS WIN
Pool Rhea Debussy Jenn Guska WIN LOSS
Pool Lacey Eck Kaitlin Evans WIN LOSS
Pool Jenn Guska Caitlin Richards LOSS WIN
Pool Lacey Eck Rhea Debussy WIN LOSS
Pool Kaitlin Evans Jenn Guska LOSS WIN
Pool Caitlin Richards Rhea Debussy LOSS WIN
Pool Jenn Guska Lacey Eck LOSS WIN
Pool Caitlin Richards Kaitlin Evans WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Jenn Guska Anabelle Reininger WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Stephanie Eaton Samantha Tietjen WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Caitlin Richards Kaitlin Evans WIN LOSS
Quarters Lacey Eck Jenn Guska WIN LOSS
Quarters Rhea Debussy Kari Baker LOSS WIN
Quarters Stephanie Eaton Kathryn Dunn WIN LOSS
Quarters Katina Dunham Caitlin Richards WIN LOSS
Semi Lacey Eck Kari Baker WIN LOSS
Semi Katina Dunham Stephanie Eaton WIN LOSS
Final Lacey Eck Katina Dunham WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Blue Box Open 2022

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
36 6 Joseph Pugnetti Steel City Historical Fencing 1737.9 21.8
46 29 AJ Trefney N/A 1715.7 54.5
100 63 Alexander Brindley Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1635.3 73
104 1 Tyler Dunham Ars Gladii 1633 11.6
109 422 Seanpatrick Brady Two Ravens Fencing School 1622.2 246.6
121 2 Matthew Dicken Columbus United Fencing Club 1610.7 11.9
132 13 Derek Ray Columbus United Fencing Club 1603.9 26
138 33 Jieyu Wu Sword Inquisition 1592.8 27.5
142 8 Christopher Shelton Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 1584.6 0.6
162 36 J.J. Conlon Gem City Duelists Society 1568.7 24.3
180 16 Christopher Yang Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1553.4 18.2
190 16 Colin McConnell Two Ravens Fencing School 1548.7 17.1
194 15 Samuel Ryals Gem City Duelists Society 1545.6 15.6
303 182 Donald Schumitsh Two Ravens Fencing School 1484.4 91.6
360 36 Thomas Kesler Gem City Duelists Society 1456.6 21.8
394 43 Matthew Huller Boston Armizare 1438 13.3
469 81 William Handford Columbus United Fencing Club 1407.9 40.6
488 111 Kevin Brough Steel City Historical Fencing 1400.4 54.6
552 86 Alex Kellogg Two Ravens Fencing School 1371 41.9
555 72 Branden Zipplinger Royal Arts Fencing Academy 1370.2 22.8
588 174 Dwain Crackel Columbus United Fencing Club 1358 72.8
647 104 Ethan Adkins Queen City Sword Guild 1336 34.2
677 Daniel Evans Ram's Head Fencing 1325.5
842 16 David Pharis The Vanguard Centre 1264.9 14
885 59 Brandon Caylor Royal Arts Fencing Academy 1253.1 7.4
1095 362 Lacey Eck Two Ravens Fencing School 1194.1 123.3
1122 Alec Willette Two Ravens Fencing School 1184.3
1153 278 Kari Baker Mordhau Historical Combat 1176.6 70.9
1170 179 Katina Dunham Ars Gladii 1170.4 38.1
1313 258 Maria Rieske Columbus United Fencing Club 1128.2 89
1329 37 Nick Chiappazzi Steelhead Western Martial Arts 1125.7 3.3
1737 211 Vic Mechler Queen City Sword Guild 1004.1 84
1820 Matthew Coolidge N/A 980.5
1993 44 Daniel Park N/A 927.8 8.3
2042 195 Anabelle Reininger Queen City Sword Guild 912.4 110.6
2147 Julia Holfelder Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 875.1
2238 Trevor Stevenson Royal Arts Fencing Academy 845.7
2318 Melissa McGaughey Steelhead Western Martial Arts 806.1