Queen's Court Open 2022

Date June 18, 2022
Country United States
State Ohio
City Harveysburg

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 112 31
Mixed Steel Messer 49 13

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pools Ethan Adkins Brandon Caylor LOSS WIN
Pools Derek Ray Chris Holloman WIN LOSS
Pools Nicholas Mills Brandon Caylor LOSS WIN
Pools Joseph Pugnetti Derek Ray WIN LOSS
Pools Ethan Adkins Nicholas Mills LOSS WIN
Pools Chris Holloman Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pools Brandon Caylor Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pools Ethan Adkins Chris Holloman LOSS WIN
Pools Derek Ray Nicholas Mills WIN LOSS
Pools Ethan Adkins Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pools Brandon Caylor Chris Holloman LOSS WIN
Pools Nicholas Mills Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pools Derek Ray Ethan Adkins LOSS WIN
Pools Nicholas Mills Chris Holloman WIN LOSS
Pools Brandon Caylor Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pools David Reddy Nick Chiappazzi LOSS WIN
Pools Matthew Huller Rhys Grayson LOSS WIN
Pools Tanner Martin Nick Chiappazzi WIN LOSS
Pools Matthew Huller Frank Zamary LOSS WIN
Pools David Reddy Tanner Martin LOSS WIN
Pools Rhys Grayson Frank Zamary LOSS WIN
Pools Nick Chiappazzi Matthew Huller WIN LOSS
Pools Rhys Grayson David Reddy LOSS WIN
Pools Tanner Martin Matthew Huller WIN LOSS
Pools Frank Zamary David Reddy WIN LOSS
Pools Rhys Grayson Nick Chiappazzi LOSS WIN
Pools Frank Zamary Tanner Martin WIN LOSS
Pools Matthew Huller David Reddy WIN LOSS
Pools Tanner Martin Rhys Grayson WIN LOSS
Pools Frank Zamary Nick Chiappazzi WIN LOSS
Pools Thomas Kesler Stephanie Eaton WIN LOSS
Pools Anabelle Reininger Daniel Park LOSS WIN
Pools Christopher Shelton Stephanie Eaton WIN LOSS
Pools Anabelle Reininger Christopher Burke LOSS WIN
Pools Christopher Shelton Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
Pools Daniel Park Christopher Burke LOSS WIN
Pools Stephanie Eaton Anabelle Reininger WIN LOSS
Pools Daniel Park Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Pools Christopher Shelton Anabelle Reininger WIN LOSS
Pools Christopher Burke Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Pools Daniel Park Stephanie Eaton LOSS WIN
Pools Christopher Shelton Christopher Burke WIN LOSS
Pools Anabelle Reininger Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Pools Christopher Shelton Daniel Park WIN LOSS
Pools Stephanie Eaton Christopher Burke WIN LOSS
Pools Kevin Brough John Osborn WIN LOSS
Pools Maria Rieske J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Pools Kaitlin Evans Marilyn Smith LOSS WIN
Pools Colin McConnell Kevin Brough WIN LOSS
Pools John Osborn Maria Rieske WIN LOSS
Pools Marilyn Smith J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Pools Colin McConnell Kaitlin Evans WIN LOSS
Pools Kevin Brough Maria Rieske WIN LOSS
Pools John Osborn Marilyn Smith WIN LOSS
Pools Kaitlin Evans J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Pools Colin McConnell Maria Rieske WIN LOSS
Pools Kevin Brough Marilyn Smith WIN LOSS
Pools John Osborn Kaitlin Evans WIN LOSS
Pools Colin McConnell J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Pools Marilyn Smith Maria Rieske WIN LOSS
Pools Kevin Brough Kaitlin Evans WIN LOSS
Pools John Osborn J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Pools Marilyn Smith Colin McConnell LOSS WIN
Pools Maria Rieske Kaitlin Evans WIN LOSS
Pools Kevin Brough J.J. Conlon WIN LOSS
Pools Colin McConnell John Osborn WIN LOSS
Pools Christopher Yang Jason Feldman WIN LOSS
Pools Joe Hartman Thomas Amoroso LOSS WIN
Pools Christopher Yang Logan Santerelli LOSS WIN
Pools Thomas Amoroso Matthew Dicken WIN LOSS
Pools Logan Santerelli Jason Feldman WIN LOSS
Pools Matthew Dicken Joe Hartman WIN LOSS
Pools Thomas Amoroso Christopher Yang WIN LOSS
Pools Joe Hartman Jason Feldman WIN LOSS
Pools Thomas Amoroso Logan Santerelli WIN LOSS
Pools Matthew Dicken Jason Feldman WIN LOSS
Pools Joe Hartman Christopher Yang LOSS WIN
Pools Matthew Dicken Logan Santerelli WIN LOSS
Pools Thomas Amoroso Jason Feldman WIN LOSS
Pools Joe Hartman Logan Santerelli LOSS WIN
Pools Christopher Yang Matthew Dicken WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Christopher Burke John Osborn LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Rhys Grayson Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Tanner Martin Daniel Park WIN LOSS
Table of 32 J.J. Conlon Maria Rieske WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Marilyn Smith Matthew Dicken WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Brandon Caylor Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Thomas Amoroso Jason Feldman WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Kaitlin Evans Christopher Shelton LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Stephanie Eaton Nicholas Mills LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Matthew Huller Logan Santerelli WIN LOSS
Table of 32 David Reddy Colin McConnell LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Kevin Brough Joe Hartman WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Christopher Yang Ethan Adkins WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Nick Chiappazzi Chris Holloman LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Anabelle Reininger Frank Zamary LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Joseph Pugnetti John Osborn WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Tanner Martin Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Marilyn Smith J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Thomas Amoroso Derek Ray WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Nicholas Mills Christopher Shelton LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Colin McConnell Matthew Huller LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Kevin Brough Christopher Yang LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Chris Holloman Frank Zamary LOSS WIN
Quarters Tanner Martin Joseph Pugnetti WIN LOSS
Quarters J.J. Conlon Thomas Amoroso WIN LOSS
Quarters Matthew Huller Christopher Shelton LOSS WIN
Quarters Christopher Yang Frank Zamary WIN LOSS
Semi Tanner Martin J.J. Conlon WIN LOSS
Semi Christopher Shelton Christopher Yang LOSS WIN
Final Tanner Martin Christopher Yang WIN LOSS
Bronze Final Christopher Shelton J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pools William Grube Blake Evert LOSS WIN
Pools Matthew Dicken Marten Dollinger LOSS WIN
Pools William Grube Nick Chiappazzi LOSS WIN
Pools Matthew Dicken Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
Pools Blake Evert Nick Chiappazzi WIN LOSS
Pools Marten Dollinger Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Pools Matthew Dicken William Grube WIN LOSS
Pools Marten Dollinger Blake Evert LOSS WIN
Pools Matthew Dicken Nick Chiappazzi WIN LOSS
Pools Blake Evert Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
Pools William Grube Marten Dollinger WIN LOSS
Pools Thomas Kesler Nick Chiappazzi WIN LOSS
Pools Blake Evert Matthew Dicken LOSS WIN
Pools Nick Chiappazzi Marten Dollinger LOSS WIN
Pools William Grube Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
Pools Vic Mechler David Reddy LOSS WIN
Pools J.J. Conlon Robert Wilson WIN LOSS
Pools Brandon Caylor Frank Zamary LOSS WIN
Pools Vic Mechler Jason Feldman LOSS WIN
Pools David Reddy Robert Wilson WIN LOSS
Pools Brandon Caylor J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Pools Frank Zamary Jason Feldman LOSS WIN
Pools Vic Mechler Robert Wilson LOSS WIN
Pools Brandon Caylor David Reddy LOSS WIN
Pools J.J. Conlon Frank Zamary WIN LOSS
Pools Robert Wilson Jason Feldman LOSS WIN
Pools Brandon Caylor Vic Mechler WIN LOSS
Pools David Reddy Frank Zamary LOSS WIN
Pools Jason Feldman J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Pools Robert Wilson Brandon Caylor WIN LOSS
Pools Frank Zamary Vic Mechler WIN LOSS
Pools David Reddy J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Pools Jason Feldman Brandon Caylor WIN LOSS
Pools Robert Wilson Frank Zamary LOSS WIN
Pools J.J. Conlon Vic Mechler WIN LOSS
Pools Jason Feldman David Reddy LOSS WIN
Table of 16 William Grube Marten Dollinger LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Brandon Caylor Jason Feldman WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Vic Mechler Frank Zamary LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Nick Chiappazzi David Reddy LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Robert Wilson Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
Quarters J.J. Conlon Marten Dollinger WIN LOSS
Quarters Brandon Caylor Frank Zamary LOSS WIN
Quarters David Reddy Blake Evert LOSS WIN
Quarters Robert Wilson Matthew Dicken LOSS WIN
Semi J.J. Conlon Frank Zamary WIN LOSS
Semi Blake Evert Matthew Dicken LOSS WIN
Final J.J. Conlon Matthew Dicken WIN LOSS
Bronze final Blake Evert Frank Zamary LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Queen's Court Open 2022

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
27 2 Joseph Pugnetti Steel City Historical Fencing 1733 10.3
42 8 Tanner Martin N/A 1701.3 26.3
73 9 Frank Zamary Columbus United Fencing Club 1637.1 19.5
105 4 J.J. Conlon Gem City Duelists Society 1594.3 21.1
116 7 Christopher Shelton Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 1578.5 18.2
159 46 Matthew Dicken Columbus United Fencing Club 1539 31.1
199 10 Derek Ray Columbus United Fencing Club 1516.8 2.1
221 5 Colin McConnell Two Ravens Fencing School 1504.7 15.9
229 35 Christopher Yang Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1502.6 37.5
293 72 Thomas Amoroso Columbus Saber Academy 1462.7 56.2
381 63 Matthew Huller Boston Armizare 1412.4 19.9
383 9 Thomas Kesler Gem City Duelists Society 1410.7 21.3
407 31 Logan Santerelli Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1398.9 32.6
435 39 John Osborn Royal Arts Fencing Academy 1383.7 3.8
488 7 Nicholas Mills Queen City Sword Guild 1356.5 15.6
495 34 Chris Holloman Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1353.9 38.3
556 190 Kevin Brough Steel City Historical Fencing 1323.5 111.1
731 27 Brandon Caylor Royal Arts Fencing Academy 1245.1 37.2
733 141 Ethan Adkins Queen City Sword Guild 1244.2 34.6
746 7 Stephanie Eaton Columbus United Fencing Club 1239.6 31
942 Marilyn Smith Pittsburgh Fighters Guild 1160.5
1071 107 David Reddy Gem City Duelists Society 1110.4 8.6
1106 1 Christopher Burke Steelhead Western Martial Arts 1098.9 32
1151 109 Nick Chiappazzi Steelhead Western Martial Arts 1080.9 75.6
1276 128 Maria Rieske Columbus United Fencing Club 1043.1 9.5
1418 186 Jason Feldman Queen City Sword Guild 988.9 28.9
1536 Rhys Grayson Steel City Historical Fencing 943.2
1600 Daniel Park N/A 922.3
1805 60 Joe Hartman Queen City Sword Guild 824.1 107
1825 189 Anabelle Reininger Queen City Sword Guild 811.3 19.9
1880 190 Kaitlin Evans Queen City Sword Guild 766.9 14.4