Rebel Fencing League: Rapier and Dagger edition, Wroclaw 2022

Date January 29, 2022
Country Poland
City Wroclaw

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger 44 14
Women's Steel Rapier & Dagger 6 4

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Jakub Antczak Pawel Ponichtera LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Filip Marszalek Jakub Antczak WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Pawel Ponichtera Filip Marszalek WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Marcin Kozieł Mateusz Grzęda LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Mateusz Majewski Magdalena Jurczyk LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Mateusz Grzęda Mateusz Majewski WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Marcin Kozieł Magdalena Jurczyk LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Mateusz Grzęda Magdalena Jurczyk WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Marcin Kozieł Mateusz Majewski LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Ziemowit Podwysocki Artur Bojko WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Rox Pływaczyk Szymon Kraus WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Ziemowit Podwysocki Szymon Kraus LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Rox Pływaczyk Artur Bojko WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Ziemowit Podwysocki Rox Pływaczyk WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Szymon Kraus Artur Bojko WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Paulina Popiel Jakub Ziegler LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Leonardo Salomao Jakub Ziegler WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Paulina Popiel Leonardo Salomao LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Pawel Ponichtera Mateusz Grzęda WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Leonardo Salomao Ziemowit Podwysocki DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool 5 Pawel Ponichtera Ziemowit Podwysocki WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Leonardo Salomao Mateusz Grzęda WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Pawel Ponichtera Leonardo Salomao LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Ziemowit Podwysocki Mateusz Grzęda LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Marcin Kozieł Jakub Antczak WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Jakub Antczak Artur Bojko WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Artur Bojko Marcin Kozieł LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Szymon Kraus Jakub Ziegler WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Mateusz Majewski Jakub Ziegler LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Szymon Kraus Mateusz Majewski WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Filip Marszalek Magdalena Jurczyk LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Rox Pływaczyk Paulina Popiel WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Filip Marszalek Rox Pływaczyk WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Paulina Popiel Magdalena Jurczyk LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Filip Marszalek Paulina Popiel WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Rox Pływaczyk Magdalena Jurczyk LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Ziemowit Podwysocki Leonardo Salomao WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Magdalena Jurczyk Filip Marszalek WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Szymon Kraus Mateusz Grzęda LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Jakub Ziegler Pawel Ponichtera LOSS WIN
Semi Final Magdalena Jurczyk Ziemowit Podwysocki LOSS WIN
Semi Final Mateusz Grzęda Pawel Ponichtera LOSS WIN
Bronze Final Magdalena Jurczyk Mateusz Grzęda WIN LOSS
Final Ziemowit Podwysocki Pawel Ponichtera WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Rox Pływaczyk Paulina Popiel LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Paulina Pająk Magdalena Jurczyk LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Paulina Popiel Paulina Pająk LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Rox Pływaczyk Magdalena Jurczyk LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Paulina Popiel Magdalena Jurczyk WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Paulina Pająk Rox Pływaczyk WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Rebel Fencing League: Rapier and Dagger edition, Wroclaw 2022