SoCal Swordfight 2022

Date February 18, 2022
Country United States
State California
City Long Beach
Software HEMA Scorecard (results )

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword (Advanced) 26 12
Mixed Steel Longsword 175 89
Women's Steel Longsword 64 27
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger 34 14
Mixed Steel Single Rapier 86 39
Mixed Steel Sabre 92 43
Mixed Steel Smallsword 214 30

Fighters in event

Brittany Reeves Mordhau Historical Combat
Yanpeng Song Shanghai Historical Martial Arts
Jack Gassmann Goats Head Historical Fencing
Luis Arturo Alba Ramirez Axolotes Fencing Club
Kristine Konsmo HEMA Riga
Michal Sadowski Poznańska Grupa Fechtunku Salut
Cole Sass
Kenneth Bostrom
Justin Moorman
Dean Flagg Academy of Arms
Devin McCarthy Academy of Arms
Paul Barolet Academy of Arms
Paul Duffy Academy of Arms
Samuel Szymanski Academy of Arms
Michael McIntyre Academy of Arms
Linsay Rousseau Academy of European Fighting Arts
Claire Pahle Antelope Valley Kunst des Fechtens
Brandon Nguyen Ars Gladii
Joseph Mundo Ars Gladii
Jacob Pigeon Ars Gladii
Katina Dunham Ars Gladii
Tyler Dunham Ars Gladii
Anthony Buonomo Austin Historical Weapons Guild
Ashleigh Cote Austin Historical Weapons Guild
Dimitri Sanborn Bay Area Freifechter
Robert Childs Black Tigers
Patrick Wall Blackfriar's School of Fence
Mark Olsen Blackfriar's School of Fence
Sean Graham Blackfriar's School of Fence
Chris Jacober Blackfriar's School of Fence
Jenna Johnson Blackfriar's School of Fence
Kyle Parker Blackfriar's School of Fence
Oren Hemsworth Blackfriar's School of Fence
Allan Sherlock Bucks Historical Longsword
Justinder Singh Burning Sun
Jason Woo Chivalry Today
Will Landis Crossroads Swords
John Knoch Crossroads Swords
Derek Gill Czort Fencing
David Laudenslager Davenriche European Martial Artes School
Emily Humber Diamond Rose Academie D'Armes
Isaac Humber Diamond Rose Academie D'Armes
Korban Earles Diamond Rose Academie D'Armes
Lily Johnson Diamond Rose Academie D'Armes
Daniel Aldridge Diamond Rose Academie D'Armes
Martha Humber Diamond Rose Academie D'Armes
Grant Parrinello Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts
Paul Nester Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts
Ilyse Kullman Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts
Tom Ostrowski Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts
Chandler Ryder Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts
Andrew Hall Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts
Jonathan Han En Garde Fencing
Johnathan Bartlett En Garde Fencing
Ivar Bjornsson En Garde Fencing
Erik Copley En Garde Fencing
Chandler Brown En Garde Fencing
Sid Hess En Garde Fencing
Kat Fraser En Garde Fencing
Finnian Beazlie En Garde Fencing
Jeremiah Becker En Garde Fencing
Nathan Antill En Garde Fencing
Kai Eva En Garde Fencing
Joel Overly En Garde Fencing
Cameron Rasmussen F3 Sword Academy
Matt Lentzner F3 Sword Academy
Matthew Tyler McCaffrey F3 Sword Academy
Richard Chelminski F3 Sword Academy
Brendan Berejikian Indes Ferox Gladio
Joseph Colistro Indes Ferox Gladio
Elliot Robinson Indes Ferox Gladio
Jacob Plumb Iron Gate Swordfighting
Matthew Bento Iron Gate Swordfighting
Jason Salter Iron Gate Swordfighting
Crystal Ives Tallman Iron Gate Swordfighting
Mitchell Davis Iron Gate Swordfighting
Robert Placencia Ironwood Historic Swordsmanship
Shane Gabbard Kingfisher Historical Fencing Club
Ciaran Flanagan Kingfisher Historical Fencing Club
Woody Riehl Krieg School
Elizabeth Wheeler Kron Martial Arts
Haesung Kim Kron Martial Arts
Sylvia Lee Kron Martial Arts
Alex Jackson Kron Martial Arts
Jay Fonacier Kron Martial Arts
Nishan Jayasinghe Kron Martial Arts
Andrew Perkins Kron Martial Arts
Gary Ledford Kron Martial Arts
Jon Breshears Kron Martial Arts
Colin Farabee Kron Martial Arts
Kas Wampler-Goodbee Kron Martial Arts
Logan Zuniga Kron Martial Arts
Jordan Watson Kron Martial Arts
Jordan Divinagracia Kron Martial Arts
Brandon Murray Lake Charles HEMA Academy
Rebecca Glass L'Arte Della Bellica
Kevin Tang Lonin League
Sigmund Werndorf Los Angeles Historical Martial Arts Society
Calder Larsen Lost Arts Historic Fencing
Cassandra Threadgill Mordhau Historical Combat
Tyler AuBuchon Mordhau Historical Combat
Belinda Qualls Mordhau Historical Combat
Victoria Schultz Mordhau Historical Combat
Kari Baker Mordhau Historical Combat
Josh Furrate Nachreisen Historical Fencing
Amber Damare Nachreisen Historical Fencing
Michael Martin Noble Science Academy
Rashelle DeBolt Noble Science Academy
Harriet Coates Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship
Adam Simmons Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship
Christopher Nelson Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship
Peter Morrow Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy
Arthur Henry Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy
Erro Greenwood Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy
Andy Hilliard Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy
Stefan Voss Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy
Alec Villanueva Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy
Douglas Leonard Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy
Kaden Wang Sacramento Sword School
Max Zimet San Diego Swordfighters
Brian Stokes Schola San Marco
Charlton Jackson Schola San Marco
Andrei Pashkov Seven Swords Academy
Ryan Kolick Seven Swords Academy
Timothy Magnuson SoCal Swords
Jonathan Clyde Ying SoCal Swords
Rachel Van Dyke SoCal Swords
Myles Cupp SoCal Swords
Lacey Cupp SoCal Swords
Alexander Lianides SoCal Swords
Sean Dickinson SoCal Swords
Trevor Amspaugh SoCal Swords
Jack Kiesecker SoCal Swords
Christian Killingsworth SoCal Swords
Fern Pacheco SoCal Swords
Nolan Duino South Coast Swords
Michael Schachtner Tattershall School of Defense
Alex Nishimoto Tattershall School of Defense
Kristen Argyle True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship
Nathan King True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship
Timo Elliott True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship
Kirsten Meredith True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship
Janna Datahan True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship
Bryce Johns True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship
Amanda Webber Two Ravens Fencing School
Jack Stewart United Clans Swordsman Association
Jordan Hinckley United Clans Swordsman Association
Delon Martin United Clans Swordsman Association


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Set 1 Sigmund Werndorf Anthony Buonomo LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Joel Overly Myles Cupp LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Sigmund Werndorf Joel Overly WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Myles Cupp Sigmund Werndorf WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Anthony Buonomo Myles Cupp LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Joel Overly Anthony Buonomo LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jack Gassmann Paul Barolet WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Arthur Henry Jack Stewart WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jack Stewart Paul Barolet WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Arthur Henry Paul Barolet WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jack Gassmann Arthur Henry WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jack Stewart Jack Gassmann LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Josh Furrate Allan Sherlock WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Joseph Colistro Brittany Reeves WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Allan Sherlock Joseph Colistro LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Brittany Reeves Allan Sherlock LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Josh Furrate Brittany Reeves WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Joseph Colistro Josh Furrate LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Sigmund Werndorf Jack Gassmann LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Josh Furrate Allan Sherlock LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Arthur Henry Myles Cupp WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Anthony Buonomo Joseph Colistro WIN LOSS
Semifinals Jack Gassmann Anthony Buonomo WIN LOSS
Semifinals Arthur Henry Allan Sherlock LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Jack Gassmann Allan Sherlock WIN LOSS
Bronze Medal Match Arthur Henry Anthony Buonomo LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Set 1 Chandler Brown Nathan King WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Richard Chelminski Ciaran Flanagan LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Nathan King Richard Chelminski WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Ciaran Flanagan Nathan King WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Chandler Brown Ciaran Flanagan WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Richard Chelminski Chandler Brown LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Dimitri Sanborn Gary Ledford LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Matt Lentzner Patrick Wall LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Dimitri Sanborn Patrick Wall WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Matt Lentzner Dimitri Sanborn LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Gary Ledford Matt Lentzner DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool Set 1 Patrick Wall Gary Ledford LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Andrew Hall Jacob Pigeon WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Paul Nester Luis Arturo Alba Ramirez DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jacob Pigeon Luis Arturo Alba Ramirez LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Paul Nester Jacob Pigeon WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Andrew Hall Paul Nester WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Luis Arturo Alba Ramirez Andrew Hall LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Tyler Dunham Ashleigh Cote WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Matthew Tyler McCaffrey Jordan Divinagracia LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Ashleigh Cote Jordan Divinagracia WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Matthew Tyler McCaffrey Ashleigh Cote LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Tyler Dunham Matthew Tyler McCaffrey WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jordan Divinagracia Tyler Dunham LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Michael Schachtner Christopher Nelson WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Kenneth Bostrom Paul Duffy WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Michael Schachtner Paul Duffy WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Kenneth Bostrom Michael Schachtner WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Christopher Nelson Kenneth Bostrom WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Paul Duffy Christopher Nelson LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Joseph Mundo Jenna Johnson WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Delon Martin Jordan Watson LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jenna Johnson Delon Martin LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jordan Watson Jenna Johnson WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Joseph Mundo Jordan Watson WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Delon Martin Joseph Mundo LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Harriet Coates Sean Graham LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Brandon Murray Oren Hemsworth WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Mitchell Davis Sean Graham LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Harriet Coates Oren Hemsworth WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Mitchell Davis Brandon Murray WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Oren Hemsworth Sean Graham LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Mitchell Davis Harriet Coates LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Brandon Murray Sean Graham LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Mitchell Davis Oren Hemsworth DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool Set 1 Harriet Coates Brandon Murray WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Rashelle DeBolt Trevor Amspaugh LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jason Salter Will Landis LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Rashelle DeBolt Jason Salter LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Will Landis Rashelle DeBolt LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Trevor Amspaugh Will Landis WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jason Salter Trevor Amspaugh LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Bryce Johns Colin Farabee LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Andrei Pashkov Chandler Ryder WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Colin Farabee Chandler Ryder WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Andrei Pashkov Colin Farabee WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Bryce Johns Andrei Pashkov WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Chandler Ryder Bryce Johns WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Michael McIntyre John Knoch WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Kevin Tang Katina Dunham LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 John Knoch Katina Dunham LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Kevin Tang John Knoch WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Michael McIntyre Kevin Tang WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Katina Dunham Michael McIntyre LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Kai Eva Derek Gill WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Alec Villanueva Chris Jacober WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Derek Gill Chris Jacober WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Alec Villanueva Derek Gill WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Kai Eva Alec Villanueva WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Chris Jacober Kai Eva LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jay Fonacier Andrew Perkins LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Cameron Rasmussen Belinda Qualls WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Andrew Perkins Belinda Qualls WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Cameron Rasmussen Andrew Perkins WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jay Fonacier Cameron Rasmussen WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Belinda Qualls Jay Fonacier LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jordan Hinckley Brendan Berejikian WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Nishan Jayasinghe Lacey Cupp WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Brendan Berejikian Lacey Cupp WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Nishan Jayasinghe Brendan Berejikian LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jordan Hinckley Nishan Jayasinghe LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Lacey Cupp Jordan Hinckley LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jacob Plumb Alexander Lianides WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Nathan Antill Charlton Jackson WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Alexander Lianides Charlton Jackson WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Nathan Antill Alexander Lianides DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool Set 1 Nathan Antill Jacob Plumb LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Charlton Jackson Jacob Plumb LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Erik Copley Devin McCarthy WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Justin Moorman Sean Dickinson LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Erik Copley Sean Dickinson DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool Set 1 Justin Moorman Erik Copley LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Devin McCarthy Justin Moorman WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Sean Dickinson Devin McCarthy LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Fern Pacheco Grant Parrinello LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Andy Hilliard Samuel Szymanski WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Fern Pacheco Samuel Szymanski WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Andy Hilliard Fern Pacheco LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Grant Parrinello Andy Hilliard WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Samuel Szymanski Grant Parrinello LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Elliot Robinson Yanpeng Song WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Tyler AuBuchon Tom Ostrowski WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Elliot Robinson Tom Ostrowski WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Tyler AuBuchon Elliot Robinson LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Yanpeng Song Tyler AuBuchon LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Tom Ostrowski Yanpeng Song LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Johnathan Bartlett Brandon Nguyen WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Peter Morrow Michael Martin LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Johnathan Bartlett Peter Morrow LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Michael Martin Johnathan Bartlett WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Brandon Nguyen Michael Martin LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Peter Morrow Brandon Nguyen LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Robert Placencia Ryan Kolick WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Stefan Voss Calder Larsen WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Robert Placencia Calder Larsen LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Stefan Voss Robert Placencia LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Ryan Kolick Stefan Voss WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Calder Larsen Ryan Kolick LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Kristine Konsmo Alex Jackson LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Erro Greenwood Matthew Bento LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Kristine Konsmo Matthew Bento WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Erro Greenwood Kristine Konsmo LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Alex Jackson Erro Greenwood WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Timo Elliott Isaac Humber LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Sid Hess Mark Olsen WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Timo Elliott Mark Olsen WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Sid Hess Timo Elliott LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Isaac Humber Sid Hess WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Mark Olsen Isaac Humber LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jon Breshears Nolan Duino LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jeremiah Becker Shane Gabbard LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Nolan Duino Shane Gabbard LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jeremiah Becker Nolan Duino WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jon Breshears Jeremiah Becker DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool Set 1 Shane Gabbard Jon Breshears WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Erik Copley Michael Schachtner WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Timo Elliott Jordan Divinagracia WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Jordan Hinckley Nishan Jayasinghe WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Katina Dunham Christopher Nelson LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Ciaran Flanagan Kristine Konsmo LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Cameron Rasmussen Alec Villanueva WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Colin Farabee Robert Placencia LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Fern Pacheco Gary Ledford LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Kai Eva Gary Ledford WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Robert Placencia Trevor Amspaugh WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Cameron Rasmussen Tyler Dunham WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Michael Martin Kristine Konsmo WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Christopher Nelson Joseph Mundo LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Grant Parrinello Jordan Hinckley WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Timo Elliott Elliot Robinson LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Sean Graham Erik Copley WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Jay Fonacier Chandler Brown LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Harriet Coates Jacob Plumb LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Devin McCarthy Shane Gabbard LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Andrei Pashkov Michael McIntyre LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Isaac Humber Alex Jackson LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Andrew Hall Ryan Kolick LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Andrew Perkins Dimitri Sanborn LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Kenneth Bostrom Brendan Berejikian WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Kai Eva Kenneth Bostrom WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Robert Placencia Dimitri Sanborn WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Cameron Rasmussen Ryan Kolick LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Michael Martin Alex Jackson WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Michael McIntyre Joseph Mundo LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Shane Gabbard Grant Parrinello WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Jacob Plumb Elliot Robinson WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Sean Graham Chandler Brown WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Kai Eva Sean Graham WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Robert Placencia Jacob Plumb LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Shane Gabbard Ryan Kolick LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Michael Martin Joseph Mundo LOSS WIN
Semifinals Kai Eva Joseph Mundo WIN LOSS
Semifinals Jacob Plumb Ryan Kolick WIN LOSS
Gold Medal Match Kai Eva Jacob Plumb WIN LOSS
Bronze Medal Match Joseph Mundo Ryan Kolick WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Set 1 Belinda Qualls Rebecca Glass LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Rachel Van Dyke Janna Datahan WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Belinda Qualls Jenna Johnson LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Rebecca Glass Rachel Van Dyke LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Janna Datahan Jenna Johnson LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Rachel Van Dyke Belinda Qualls WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jenna Johnson Rebecca Glass WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Janna Datahan Belinda Qualls LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Rachel Van Dyke Jenna Johnson LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Janna Datahan Rebecca Glass LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Harriet Coates Victoria Schultz WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Linsay Rousseau Ashleigh Cote WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Kas Wampler-Goodbee Victoria Schultz LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Harriet Coates Linsay Rousseau WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Kas Wampler-Goodbee Ashleigh Cote LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Victoria Schultz Linsay Rousseau WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Harriet Coates Kas Wampler-Goodbee WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Ashleigh Cote Victoria Schultz LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Kas Wampler-Goodbee Linsay Rousseau LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Harriet Coates Ashleigh Cote WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Sylvia Lee Amber Damare LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Kat Fraser Kristen Argyle WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Sylvia Lee Kat Fraser LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Kristen Argyle Sylvia Lee WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Kristen Argyle Amber Damare WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Kat Fraser Amber Damare WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Katina Dunham Cassandra Threadgill WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Rashelle DeBolt Crystal Ives Tallman WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Kirsten Meredith Cassandra Threadgill WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Crystal Ives Tallman Katina Dunham LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Kirsten Meredith Rashelle DeBolt LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Cassandra Threadgill Crystal Ives Tallman LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Katina Dunham Kirsten Meredith LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Rashelle DeBolt Cassandra Threadgill WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Kirsten Meredith Crystal Ives Tallman WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Rashelle DeBolt Katina Dunham WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Kari Baker Elizabeth Wheeler LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Emily Humber Kristine Konsmo LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Kari Baker Emily Humber LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Kari Baker Kristine Konsmo LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Elizabeth Wheeler Kristine Konsmo LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Emily Humber Elizabeth Wheeler WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Ilyse Kullman Lacey Cupp LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Claire Pahle Amanda Webber WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Ilyse Kullman Claire Pahle LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Amanda Webber Ilyse Kullman WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Lacey Cupp Amanda Webber LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Claire Pahle Lacey Cupp WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Ashleigh Cote Kristine Konsmo LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Claire Pahle Amber Damare LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Harriet Coates Katina Dunham LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Rashelle DeBolt Rebecca Glass WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Jenna Johnson Kat Fraser WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Rachel Van Dyke Kristen Argyle LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Amanda Webber Emily Humber LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Kirsten Meredith Victoria Schultz LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Victoria Schultz Kristine Konsmo LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Emily Humber Amber Damare WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Kristen Argyle Katina Dunham LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Rashelle DeBolt Jenna Johnson WIN LOSS
Semifinals Kristine Konsmo Rashelle DeBolt WIN LOSS
Semifinals Katina Dunham Emily Humber WIN LOSS
Gold Medal Match Kristine Konsmo Katina Dunham WIN LOSS
Bronze Medal Match Rashelle DeBolt Emily Humber WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Set 1 Kai Eva Adam Simmons WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Allan Sherlock Kaden Wang LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Tyler AuBuchon Adam Simmons LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Allan Sherlock Kai Eva LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Tyler AuBuchon Kaden Wang LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Adam Simmons Allan Sherlock WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Kai Eva Tyler AuBuchon LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Adam Simmons Kaden Wang LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Tyler AuBuchon Allan Sherlock LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Kai Eva Kaden Wang WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Justinder Singh Robert Childs LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Douglas Leonard Robert Childs LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Justinder Singh Myles Cupp WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Robert Childs Myles Cupp WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Douglas Leonard Justinder Singh LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Myles Cupp Douglas Leonard LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Isaac Humber Kristine Konsmo WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Arthur Henry Tom Ostrowski WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Isaac Humber Peter Morrow WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Kristine Konsmo Arthur Henry LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Tom Ostrowski Peter Morrow WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Arthur Henry Isaac Humber WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Kristine Konsmo Peter Morrow WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Tom Ostrowski Isaac Humber LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Arthur Henry Peter Morrow WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Tom Ostrowski Kristine Konsmo LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Adam Simmons Arthur Henry LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Robert Childs Kristine Konsmo WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Kaden Wang Justinder Singh LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Isaac Humber Kai Eva LOSS WIN
Semifinals Arthur Henry Kai Eva WIN LOSS
Semifinals Justinder Singh Robert Childs LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Arthur Henry Robert Childs LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Match Kai Eva Justinder Singh WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Set 1 Brandon Nguyen Michal Sadowski LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Martha Humber Chandler Brown LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Brandon Nguyen Martha Humber LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Chandler Brown Brandon Nguyen WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Chandler Brown Michal Sadowski LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Martha Humber Michal Sadowski LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Kirsten Meredith Michael Schachtner LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jordan Divinagracia Joel Overly LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Kirsten Meredith Jordan Divinagracia LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Joel Overly Kirsten Meredith WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Michael Schachtner Joel Overly LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jordan Divinagracia Michael Schachtner LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Haesung Kim John Knoch WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Korban Earles Dimitri Sanborn WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Dimitri Sanborn John Knoch WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Korban Earles John Knoch WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Haesung Kim Korban Earles WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Dimitri Sanborn Haesung Kim WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Derek Gill Paul Barolet LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Alec Villanueva Jason Woo WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Derek Gill Alec Villanueva WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jason Woo Derek Gill LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Paul Barolet Jason Woo WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Alec Villanueva Paul Barolet LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 David Laudenslager Emily Humber WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jack Kiesecker Brian Stokes LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 David Laudenslager Jack Kiesecker WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Brian Stokes David Laudenslager LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Emily Humber Brian Stokes LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jack Kiesecker Emily Humber LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Ivar Bjornsson Christian Killingsworth WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Charlton Jackson Justin Moorman LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Christian Killingsworth Charlton Jackson WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Justin Moorman Christian Killingsworth WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Ivar Bjornsson Justin Moorman WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Charlton Jackson Ivar Bjornsson LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Dean Flagg Nolan Duino LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Lily Johnson Finnian Beazlie LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Dean Flagg Lily Johnson WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Finnian Beazlie Dean Flagg WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Nolan Duino Finnian Beazlie LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Lily Johnson Nolan Duino LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Nishan Jayasinghe Nolan Duino LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Finnian Beazlie Nishan Jayasinghe WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Dean Flagg Nishan Jayasinghe LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Lily Johnson Nishan Jayasinghe LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Anthony Buonomo Woody Riehl WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Sid Hess Sean Dickinson LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Woody Riehl Sid Hess LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Sean Dickinson Woody Riehl LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Anthony Buonomo Sean Dickinson WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Sid Hess Anthony Buonomo LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Alex Nishimoto Anthony Buonomo LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Sean Dickinson Alex Nishimoto WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Alex Nishimoto Woody Riehl WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Sid Hess Alex Nishimoto WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Chandler Ryder Erro Greenwood LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Daniel Aldridge Jonathan Han LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Chandler Ryder Daniel Aldridge LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jonathan Han Chandler Ryder WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jonathan Han Erro Greenwood WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Daniel Aldridge Erro Greenwood LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Ashleigh Cote Erro Greenwood LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jonathan Han Ashleigh Cote WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Chandler Ryder Ashleigh Cote WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Daniel Aldridge Ashleigh Cote WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Sean Dickinson Brian Stokes WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Sid Hess Nolan Duino WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Chandler Brown Dimitri Sanborn WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Nishan Jayasinghe Derek Gill LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Derek Gill Anthony Buonomo LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Jonathan Han Chandler Brown LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Ivar Bjornsson Sid Hess WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Joel Overly Sean Dickinson WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Finnian Beazlie Justin Moorman LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Michael Schachtner David Laudenslager WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Michal Sadowski Erro Greenwood WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Paul Barolet Korban Earles LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Korban Earles Anthony Buonomo WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Chandler Brown Michal Sadowski WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Michael Schachtner Ivar Bjornsson LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Justin Moorman Joel Overly LOSS WIN
Semifinals Joel Overly Korban Earles WIN LOSS
Semifinals Ivar Bjornsson Chandler Brown LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Joel Overly Chandler Brown LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Match Korban Earles Ivar Bjornsson WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Set 1 Kyle Parker Robert Childs LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Matt Lentzner Haesung Kim LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Robert Childs Kenneth Bostrom WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Matt Lentzner Kyle Parker WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Haesung Kim Kenneth Bostrom LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Matt Lentzner Robert Childs LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Kyle Parker Kenneth Bostrom LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Haesung Kim Robert Childs LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Matt Lentzner Kenneth Bostrom LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Kyle Parker Haesung Kim WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Yanpeng Song Derek Gill LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Nathan King Jordan Hinckley WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Derek Gill Jordan Hinckley WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Nathan King Derek Gill LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Yanpeng Song Nathan King WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jordan Hinckley Yanpeng Song LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Fern Pacheco Adam Simmons DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool Set 1 Logan Zuniga David Laudenslager LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Adam Simmons Ciaran Flanagan WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Fern Pacheco David Laudenslager WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Logan Zuniga Ciaran Flanagan LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Adam Simmons David Laudenslager LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Ciaran Flanagan Fern Pacheco WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Adam Simmons Logan Zuniga WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Ciaran Flanagan David Laudenslager WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Fern Pacheco Logan Zuniga WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Douglas Leonard Timothy Magnuson WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Luis Arturo Alba Ramirez Finnian Beazlie DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool Set 1 Timothy Magnuson Luis Arturo Alba Ramirez WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Finnian Beazlie Timothy Magnuson WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Douglas Leonard Finnian Beazlie WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Luis Arturo Alba Ramirez Douglas Leonard LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Christian Killingsworth Kai Eva LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Chandler Ryder Max Zimet LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Joseph Mundo Kai Eva WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Christian Killingsworth Chandler Ryder WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Joseph Mundo Max Zimet WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Chandler Ryder Kai Eva LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Christian Killingsworth Joseph Mundo LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Max Zimet Kai Eva LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Joseph Mundo Chandler Ryder LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Christian Killingsworth Max Zimet LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Justinder Singh Tyler Dunham WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Kat Fraser Tom Ostrowski WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Tyler Dunham Tom Ostrowski WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Kat Fraser Tyler Dunham LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Justinder Singh Kat Fraser WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Tom Ostrowski Justinder Singh LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Paul Barolet Gary Ledford LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jordan Watson Cole Sass LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Paul Barolet Jordan Watson WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Cole Sass Paul Barolet WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Gary Ledford Cole Sass DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jordan Watson Gary Ledford LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Andrew Hall Mark Olsen WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Sid Hess Korban Earles DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool Set 1 Mark Olsen Sid Hess LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Korban Earles Mark Olsen LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Andrew Hall Korban Earles WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Sid Hess Andrew Hall DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool Set 1 Grant Parrinello Woody Riehl WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Cameron Rasmussen Jason Salter WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Woody Riehl Cameron Rasmussen LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jason Salter Woody Riehl WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Grant Parrinello Jason Salter WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Cameron Rasmussen Grant Parrinello WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Kristine Konsmo Michael Schachtner WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Joel Overly Harriet Coates DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool Set 1 Michael Schachtner Harriet Coates WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Joel Overly Michael Schachtner LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Kristine Konsmo Joel Overly WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Harriet Coates Kristine Konsmo LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Kenneth Bostrom Adam Simmons LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Grant Parrinello David Laudenslager WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Finnian Beazlie Tyler Dunham LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Gary Ledford Michael Schachtner LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Michael Schachtner Robert Childs LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Derek Gill Tyler Dunham LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Justinder Singh Grant Parrinello WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Cameron Rasmussen Adam Simmons LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Yanpeng Song Ciaran Flanagan LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Joseph Mundo Kai Eva LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Andrew Hall Kristine Konsmo WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Douglas Leonard Cole Sass WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Robert Childs Douglas Leonard WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Tyler Dunham Andrew Hall WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Justinder Singh Kai Eva WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Ciaran Flanagan Adam Simmons LOSS WIN
Semifinals Robert Childs Adam Simmons WIN LOSS
Semifinals Tyler Dunham Justinder Singh LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Justinder Singh Robert Childs LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Match Tyler Dunham Adam Simmons LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Finals Korban Earles Isaac Humber LOSS WIN
Finals Michal Sadowski Kai Eva LOSS WIN
Finals Ciaran Flanagan Arthur Henry WIN LOSS
Finals Jonathan Han Kaden Wang WIN LOSS
Finals Korban Earles Kai Eva DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Finals Isaac Humber Ciaran Flanagan LOSS WIN
Finals Jonathan Han Michal Sadowski DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Finals Arthur Henry Kaden Wang DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Finals Ciaran Flanagan Kai Eva LOSS WIN
Finals Jonathan Han Korban Earles WIN LOSS
Finals Isaac Humber Arthur Henry LOSS WIN
Finals Michal Sadowski Kaden Wang WIN LOSS
Finals Ciaran Flanagan Jonathan Han WIN LOSS
Finals Arthur Henry Kai Eva LOSS WIN
Finals Korban Earles Michal Sadowski LOSS WIN
Finals Isaac Humber Kaden Wang WIN LOSS
Finals Jonathan Han Arthur Henry LOSS WIN
Finals Ciaran Flanagan Michal Sadowski DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Finals Isaac Humber Kai Eva LOSS WIN
Finals Korban Earles Kaden Wang LOSS WIN
Finals Arthur Henry Michal Sadowski DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Finals Jonathan Han Isaac Humber LOSS WIN
Finals Ciaran Flanagan Korban Earles WIN LOSS
Finals Kai Eva Kaden Wang WIN LOSS
Finals Isaac Humber Michal Sadowski LOSS WIN
Finals Korban Earles Arthur Henry WIN LOSS
Finals Kai Eva Jonathan Han DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Finals Ciaran Flanagan Kaden Wang WIN LOSS
Pools Jonathan Clyde Ying Jack Gassmann LOSS WIN
Pools Kai Eva Kristen Argyle WIN LOSS
Pools Michal Sadowski Jonathan Han WIN LOSS
Pools Ciaran Flanagan Woody Riehl WIN LOSS
Pools Daniel Aldridge Alec Villanueva LOSS WIN
Pools Kai Eva Jonathan Clyde Ying DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pools Alec Villanueva Jack Gassmann WIN LOSS
Pools Ciaran Flanagan Daniel Aldridge WIN LOSS
Pools Jonathan Han Woody Riehl WIN LOSS
Pools Kristen Argyle Michal Sadowski DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pools Daniel Aldridge Jonathan Han LOSS WIN
Pools Ciaran Flanagan Alec Villanueva WIN LOSS
Pools Jack Gassmann Kai Eva LOSS WIN
Pools Michal Sadowski Jonathan Clyde Ying WIN LOSS
Pools Woody Riehl Kristen Argyle DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pools Daniel Aldridge Kristen Argyle WIN LOSS
Pools Woody Riehl Jonathan Clyde Ying LOSS WIN
Pools Kai Eva Michal Sadowski LOSS WIN
Pools Ciaran Flanagan Jack Gassmann WIN LOSS
Pools Jonathan Han Alec Villanueva LOSS WIN
Pools Woody Riehl Kai Eva LOSS WIN
Pools Daniel Aldridge Jonathan Clyde Ying LOSS WIN
Pools Kristen Argyle Alec Villanueva DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pools Ciaran Flanagan Jonathan Han LOSS WIN
Pools Kristen Argyle Ciaran Flanagan LOSS WIN
Pools Alec Villanueva Jonathan Clyde Ying WIN LOSS
Pools Kai Eva Daniel Aldridge WIN LOSS
Pools Woody Riehl Michal Sadowski LOSS WIN
Pools Daniel Aldridge Michal Sadowski LOSS WIN
Pools Kai Eva Alec Villanueva WIN LOSS
Pools Ciaran Flanagan Jonathan Clyde Ying DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pools Jonathan Han Kristen Argyle WIN LOSS
Pools Daniel Aldridge Woody Riehl LOSS WIN
Pools Jonathan Han Jonathan Clyde Ying WIN LOSS
Pools Ciaran Flanagan Kai Eva WIN LOSS
Pools Michal Sadowski Alec Villanueva WIN LOSS
Pools Kai Eva Jonathan Han LOSS WIN
Pools Jonathan Clyde Ying Kristen Argyle WIN LOSS
Pools Alec Villanueva Woody Riehl DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pools Michal Sadowski Ciaran Flanagan WIN LOSS
Pools Isaac Humber Kaden Wang LOSS WIN
Pools Finnian Beazlie Arthur Henry LOSS WIN
Pools Nolan Duino Lily Johnson WIN LOSS
Pools Sean Dickinson Tom Ostrowski DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pools Kyle Parker Christopher Nelson DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pools Arthur Henry Kaden Wang LOSS WIN
Pools Kyle Parker Isaac Humber DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pools Christopher Nelson Sean Dickinson LOSS WIN
Pools Lily Johnson Tom Ostrowski DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pools Nolan Duino Finnian Beazlie LOSS WIN
Pools Lily Johnson Christopher Nelson LOSS WIN
Pools Kyle Parker Sean Dickinson LOSS WIN
Pools Arthur Henry Isaac Humber WIN LOSS
Pools Kaden Wang Nolan Duino DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pools Finnian Beazlie Tom Ostrowski LOSS WIN
Pools Christopher Nelson Finnian Beazlie WIN LOSS
Pools Kaden Wang Tom Ostrowski DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pools Arthur Henry Nolan Duino WIN LOSS
Pools Sean Dickinson Isaac Humber LOSS WIN
Pools Lily Johnson Kyle Parker WIN LOSS
Pools Arthur Henry Tom Ostrowski DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pools Kaden Wang Christopher Nelson WIN LOSS
Pools Finnian Beazlie Kyle Parker LOSS WIN
Pools Sean Dickinson Lily Johnson WIN LOSS
Pools Isaac Humber Nolan Duino WIN LOSS
Pools Lily Johnson Isaac Humber LOSS WIN
Pools Sean Dickinson Finnian Beazlie WIN LOSS
Pools Kyle Parker Kaden Wang LOSS WIN
Pools Christopher Nelson Arthur Henry LOSS WIN
Pools Tom Ostrowski Nolan Duino DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pools Isaac Humber Tom Ostrowski WIN LOSS
Pools Christopher Nelson Nolan Duino LOSS WIN
Pools Kyle Parker Arthur Henry LOSS WIN
Pools Sean Dickinson Kaden Wang WIN LOSS
Pools Lily Johnson Finnian Beazlie LOSS WIN
Pools Christopher Nelson Tom Ostrowski LOSS WIN
Pools Finnian Beazlie Isaac Humber WIN LOSS
Pools Kaden Wang Lily Johnson WIN LOSS
Pools Arthur Henry Sean Dickinson WIN LOSS
Pools Kyle Parker Nolan Duino WIN LOSS
Pools Lily Johnson Arthur Henry LOSS WIN
Pools Kaden Wang Finnian Beazlie DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pools Christopher Nelson Isaac Humber LOSS WIN
Pools Kyle Parker Tom Ostrowski WIN LOSS
Pools Nolan Duino Sean Dickinson WIN LOSS
Pools Robert Placencia Myles Cupp LOSS WIN
Pools Korban Earles Emily Humber LOSS WIN
Pools Dimitri Sanborn Christian Killingsworth DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pools Kat Fraser Peter Morrow WIN LOSS
Pools Jordan Divinagracia Janna Datahan LOSS WIN
Pools Emily Humber Robert Placencia DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pools Janna Datahan Myles Cupp LOSS WIN
Pools Jordan Divinagracia Kat Fraser DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pools Peter Morrow Dimitri Sanborn DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pools Korban Earles Christian Killingsworth WIN LOSS
Pools Jordan Divinagracia Dimitri Sanborn WIN LOSS
Pools Kat Fraser Janna Datahan DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pools Myles Cupp Emily Humber WIN LOSS
Pools Christian Killingsworth Robert Placencia DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pools Peter Morrow Korban Earles LOSS WIN
Pools Korban Earles Jordan Divinagracia WIN LOSS
Pools Peter Morrow Robert Placencia LOSS WIN
Pools Christian Killingsworth Emily Humber LOSS WIN
Pools Myles Cupp Kat Fraser LOSS WIN
Pools Janna Datahan Dimitri Sanborn LOSS WIN
Pools Emily Humber Peter Morrow LOSS WIN
Pools Jordan Divinagracia Robert Placencia WIN LOSS
Pools Korban Earles Janna Datahan WIN LOSS
Pools Dimitri Sanborn Kat Fraser DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pools Christian Killingsworth Myles Cupp DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pools Dimitri Sanborn Myles Cupp LOSS WIN
Pools Korban Earles Kat Fraser WIN LOSS
Pools Robert Placencia Janna Datahan WIN LOSS
Pools Emily Humber Jordan Divinagracia WIN LOSS
Pools Christian Killingsworth Peter Morrow LOSS WIN
Pools Myles Cupp Peter Morrow WIN LOSS
Pools Christian Killingsworth Jordan Divinagracia DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pools Emily Humber Janna Datahan WIN LOSS
Pools Kat Fraser Robert Placencia DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pools Dimitri Sanborn Korban Earles WIN LOSS
Pools Jordan Divinagracia Peter Morrow WIN LOSS
Pools Korban Earles Myles Cupp WIN LOSS
Pools Robert Placencia Dimitri Sanborn LOSS WIN
Pools Kat Fraser Emily Humber WIN LOSS
Pools Christian Killingsworth Janna Datahan WIN LOSS
Pools Dimitri Sanborn Emily Humber WIN LOSS
Pools Korban Earles Robert Placencia LOSS WIN
Pools Myles Cupp Jordan Divinagracia DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pools Janna Datahan Peter Morrow DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pools Christian Killingsworth Kat Fraser LOSS WIN
Semifinals Dimitri Sanborn Kat Fraser DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Semifinals Kaden Wang Michal Sadowski LOSS WIN
Semifinals Korban Earles Myles Cupp DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Semifinals Finnian Beazlie Ciaran Flanagan LOSS WIN
Semifinals Kaden Wang Dimitri Sanborn DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Semifinals Kat Fraser Myles Cupp LOSS WIN
Semifinals Michal Sadowski Ciaran Flanagan LOSS WIN
Semifinals Finnian Beazlie Korban Earles LOSS WIN
Semifinals Myles Cupp Kaden Wang DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Semifinals Ciaran Flanagan Dimitri Sanborn LOSS WIN
Semifinals Kat Fraser Korban Earles WIN LOSS
Semifinals Michal Sadowski Finnian Beazlie WIN LOSS
Semifinals Ciaran Flanagan Myles Cupp WIN LOSS
Semifinals Kaden Wang Korban Earles WIN LOSS
Semifinals Dimitri Sanborn Michal Sadowski LOSS WIN
Semifinals Kat Fraser Finnian Beazlie DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Semifinals Ciaran Flanagan Korban Earles WIN LOSS
Semifinals Michal Sadowski Myles Cupp WIN LOSS
Semifinals Kat Fraser Kaden Wang LOSS WIN
Semifinals Dimitri Sanborn Finnian Beazlie LOSS WIN
Semifinals Korban Earles Michal Sadowski LOSS WIN
Semifinals Kat Fraser Ciaran Flanagan WIN LOSS
Semifinals Myles Cupp Dimitri Sanborn LOSS WIN
Semifinals Finnian Beazlie Kaden Wang LOSS WIN
Semifinals Michal Sadowski Kat Fraser WIN LOSS
Semifinals Korban Earles Dimitri Sanborn WIN LOSS
Semifinals Kaden Wang Ciaran Flanagan DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Semifinals Finnian Beazlie Myles Cupp LOSS WIN
Semifinals Emily Humber Jonathan Clyde Ying WIN LOSS
Semifinals Arthur Henry Kai Eva DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Semifinals Jonathan Han Sean Dickinson DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Semifinals Alec Villanueva Isaac Humber WIN LOSS
Semifinals Emily Humber Kai Eva LOSS WIN
Semifinals Jonathan Clyde Ying Sean Dickinson WIN LOSS
Semifinals Arthur Henry Isaac Humber LOSS WIN
Semifinals Alec Villanueva Jonathan Han LOSS WIN
Semifinals Kai Eva Sean Dickinson WIN LOSS
Semifinals Isaac Humber Emily Humber LOSS WIN
Semifinals Jonathan Han Jonathan Clyde Ying WIN LOSS
Semifinals Alec Villanueva Arthur Henry LOSS WIN
Semifinals Sean Dickinson Isaac Humber LOSS WIN
Semifinals Jonathan Han Kai Eva DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Semifinals Arthur Henry Emily Humber WIN LOSS
Semifinals Alec Villanueva Jonathan Clyde Ying LOSS WIN
Semifinals Jonathan Han Isaac Humber DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Semifinals Arthur Henry Sean Dickinson WIN LOSS
Semifinals Kai Eva Jonathan Clyde Ying WIN LOSS
Semifinals Alec Villanueva Emily Humber WIN LOSS
Semifinals Arthur Henry Jonathan Han WIN LOSS
Semifinals Jonathan Clyde Ying Isaac Humber LOSS WIN
Semifinals Sean Dickinson Emily Humber WIN LOSS
Semifinals Alec Villanueva Kai Eva WIN LOSS
Semifinals Arthur Henry Jonathan Clyde Ying WIN LOSS
Semifinals Jonathan Han Emily Humber WIN LOSS
Semifinals Isaac Humber Kai Eva LOSS WIN
Semifinals Alec Villanueva Sean Dickinson WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just SoCal Swordfight 2022

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
12 1 Jack Gassmann Goats Head Historical Fencing 1822.3 27
75 Kai Eva En Garde Fencing 1612.1
89 33 Anthony Buonomo Austin Historical Weapons Guild 1586.6 36
103 23 Joseph Colistro Indes Ferox Gladio 1566.6 35.3
105 33 Myles Cupp SoCal Swords 1565.2 27.5
112 6 Jack Stewart United Clans Swordsman Association 1555 10.3
157 20 Tyler Dunham Ars Gladii 1516.2 11
184 236 Joseph Mundo Ars Gladii 1490.1 149
195 185 Sean Graham Blackfriar's School of Fence 1477.1 117.4
213 1 Sigmund Werndorf Los Angeles Historical Martial Arts Society 1467.3 5.3
225 27 Josh Furrate Nachreisen Historical Fencing 1455.4 15.3
237 38 Gary Ledford Kron Martial Arts 1447.3 25
271 136 Arthur Henry Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy 1421.8 75.1
280 136 Michael Martin Noble Science Academy 1413.6 70.8
282 161 Chandler Brown En Garde Fencing 1413.4 90.7
288 25 Andrew Hall Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 1409.3 11.2
292 70 Allan Sherlock Bucks Historical Longsword 1407.2 39.6
317 11 Christopher Nelson Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 1388.7 1
324 31 Paul Barolet Academy of Arms 1386 24.8
339 317 Jacob Plumb Iron Gate Swordfighting 1374 180.2
358 56 Joel Overly En Garde Fencing 1362.5 41.6
448 41 Trevor Amspaugh SoCal Swords 1302.2 11.6
450 308 Alex Jackson Kron Martial Arts 1297.9 157.1
461 271 Michael McIntyre Academy of Arms 1285.8 131.3
471 224 Grant Parrinello Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 1277.9 101.7
478 Cameron Rasmussen F3 Sword Academy 1272.2
493 391 Erik Copley En Garde Fencing 1264.5 190.9
516 250 Isaac Humber Diamond Rose Academie D'Armes 1251.2 116.3
523 233 Ryan Kolick Seven Swords Academy 1248 106.5
532 334 Elliot Robinson Indes Ferox Gladio 1243.8 163.3
546 99 Jordan Hinckley United Clans Swordsman Association 1235.9 36.5
582 3 Brittany Reeves Mordhau Historical Combat 1215.7 17.4
596 270 Robert Placencia Ironwood Historic Swordsmanship 1207.6 128.3
616 705 Shane Gabbard Kingfisher Historical Fencing Club 1196.5 398.9
621 Kenneth Bostrom N/A 1194.4
628 221 Kristine Konsmo HEMA Riga 1188.2 99
648 22 Devin McCarthy Academy of Arms 1178 7.2
665 18 Johnathan Bartlett En Garde Fencing 1172.5 26.2
682 441 Dimitri Sanborn Bay Area Freifechter 1157.5 214
684 106 Timo Elliott True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1156.9 35.8
698 15 Yanpeng Song Shanghai Historical Martial Arts 1150.9 17.2
700 159 Fern Pacheco SoCal Swords 1149.9 67.1
708 124 Bryce Johns True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1146.1 87
719 190 Ashleigh Cote Austin Historical Weapons Guild 1139 73.5
735 Jordan Watson Kron Martial Arts 1128
738 364 Michael Schachtner Tattershall School of Defense 1127.1 165.4
762 13 Nolan Duino South Coast Swords 1115 15.8
766 189 Andrew Perkins Kron Martial Arts 1114 65.3
782 Tyler AuBuchon Mordhau Historical Combat 1105.3
795 124 Brendan Berejikian Indes Ferox Gladio 1100.1 36.4
814 97 Alexander Lianides SoCal Swords 1086.9 21.8
827 189 Luis Arturo Alba Ramirez Axolotes Fencing Club 1079.8 71.5
835 Alec Villanueva Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy 1078.2
838 62 Brandon Nguyen Ars Gladii 1076.7 8.2
843 43 Derek Gill Czort Fencing 1074 0.4
857 79 Jon Breshears Kron Martial Arts 1067.9 62
871 206 Harriet Coates Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 1062.8 87.4
884 Jay Fonacier Kron Martial Arts 1058.3
892 35 Rashelle DeBolt Noble Science Academy 1054.9 6.6
894 Andrei Pashkov Seven Swords Academy 1053.7
897 142 Katina Dunham Ars Gladii 1053.5 59.6
914 67 Brandon Murray Lake Charles HEMA Academy 1046.8 43
935 Colin Farabee Kron Martial Arts 1035.9
963 Ciaran Flanagan Kingfisher Historical Fencing Club 1016.2
968 Nishan Jayasinghe Kron Martial Arts 1010.7
977 143 Calder Larsen Lost Arts Historic Fencing 1007.2 60.1
991 164 Matthew Bento Iron Gate Swordfighting 1000.3 69.4
1003 Paul Nester Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 994.5
1041 44 John Knoch Crossroads Swords 975.1 46.8
1042 Patrick Wall Blackfriar's School of Fence 974
1058 160 Chandler Ryder Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 963.6 81.6
1076 90 Nathan King True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 952.4 26.9
1084 8 Jacob Pigeon Ars Gladii 943.4 22.2
1087 177 Sean Dickinson SoCal Swords 941.6 96.9
1112 123 Peter Morrow Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy 935 64
1119 195 Delon Martin United Clans Swordsman Association 930.5 125.3
1145 174 Nathan Antill En Garde Fencing 908.3 109.5
1147 Andy Hilliard Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy 905.8
1148 Mitchell Davis Iron Gate Swordfighting 905.7
1170 94 Jenna Johnson Blackfriar's School of Fence 893.5 82
1185 Jeremiah Becker En Garde Fencing 885.1
1192 Will Landis Crossroads Swords 879.3
1204 162 Jason Salter Iron Gate Swordfighting 871.8 141.9
1212 Stefan Voss Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy 866.9
1224 Sid Hess En Garde Fencing 856.2
1227 Jordan Divinagracia Kron Martial Arts 852.5
1230 14 Tom Ostrowski Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 850 32.5
1250 Kevin Tang Lonin League 834.3
1267 9 Samuel Szymanski Academy of Arms 817.7 20.9
1290 Paul Duffy Academy of Arms 789.6
1291 8 Mark Olsen Blackfriar's School of Fence 787.8 28.5
1298 18 Chris Jacober Blackfriar's School of Fence 776.3 26.2
1309 16 Charlton Jackson Schola San Marco 764.3 26.8
1310 Matthew Tyler McCaffrey F3 Sword Academy 762.7
1324 18 Belinda Qualls Mordhau Historical Combat 743.6 22.9
1325 Erro Greenwood Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy 743
1327 Matt Lentzner F3 Sword Academy 739.3
1330 25 Lacey Cupp SoCal Swords 734.7 12.6
1336 Justin Moorman N/A 714.7
1346 Richard Chelminski F3 Sword Academy 659.5
1356 34 Oren Hemsworth Blackfriar's School of Fence 588.5 0.3
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
9 5 Kristine Konsmo HEMA Riga 1588.7 53.9
11 20 Rashelle DeBolt Noble Science Academy 1578.1 185.1
14 3 Kirsten Meredith True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1541.8 10.4
20 1 Kat Fraser En Garde Fencing 1492.1 1.9
30 5 Harriet Coates Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 1419.6 54.4
31 3 Rachel Van Dyke SoCal Swords 1415.2 13.2
32 36 Jenna Johnson Blackfriar's School of Fence 1408.9 271
34 Katina Dunham Ars Gladii 1385
36 4 Amber Damare Nachreisen Historical Fencing 1368 15.1
39 7 Emily Humber Diamond Rose Academie D'Armes 1343.2 92.4
41 5 Kristen Argyle True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1331.1 71.8
44 28 Victoria Schultz Mordhau Historical Combat 1315.5 200.1
53 Claire Pahle Antelope Valley Kunst des Fechtens 1240.3
59 5 Rebecca Glass L'Arte Della Bellica 1218.1 8.9
69 Lacey Cupp SoCal Swords 1144 7.7
80 Amanda Webber Two Ravens Fencing School 1105.8
83 Linsay Rousseau Academy of European Fighting Arts 1083.3
92 Crystal Ives Tallman Iron Gate Swordfighting 1009.1
98 Ashleigh Cote Austin Historical Weapons Guild 974.3
100 8 Sylvia Lee Kron Martial Arts 962.7 15.8
102 8 Elizabeth Wheeler Kron Martial Arts 939.5 94.5
112 3 Belinda Qualls Mordhau Historical Combat 880 73.3
114 15 Kari Baker Mordhau Historical Combat 864.7 66.3
115 Cassandra Threadgill Mordhau Historical Combat 859
122 Kas Wampler-Goodbee Kron Martial Arts 820.6
130 Janna Datahan True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 749.7
131 Ilyse Kullman Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 726.6
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
9 23 Robert Childs Black Tigers 1755.4 170.2
53 Justinder Singh Burning Sun 1485.6
82 Douglas Leonard Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy 1425.3
85 92 Adam Simmons Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 1412 142.3
88 38 Andrew Hall Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 1408.9 61.4
103 Cameron Rasmussen F3 Sword Academy 1369.6
105 24 Grant Parrinello Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 1365.9 24.6
107 61 Yanpeng Song Shanghai Historical Martial Arts 1362.6 182.1
117 60 Kristine Konsmo HEMA Riga 1348.8 78.7
126 63 Michael Schachtner Tattershall School of Defense 1327.1 81.5
135 Ciaran Flanagan Kingfisher Historical Fencing Club 1311.1
174 Kai Eva En Garde Fencing 1264
179 115 Tyler Dunham Ars Gladii 1252.1 165.1
190 Kenneth Bostrom N/A 1233.7
193 9 Mark Olsen Blackfriar's School of Fence 1232.4 1.4
207 6 Timothy Magnuson SoCal Swords 1200.9 25.6
216 Joseph Mundo Ars Gladii 1185.1
220 Sid Hess En Garde Fencing 1177.1
223 147 Derek Gill Czort Fencing 1173.7 201.8
232 Gary Ledford Kron Martial Arts 1156.3
254 Cole Sass N/A 1130.5
256 57 Woody Riehl Krieg School 1126.7 110.7
258 100 Fern Pacheco SoCal Swords 1126.5 148.6
286 Max Zimet San Diego Swordfighters 1082.9
290 Jason Salter Iron Gate Swordfighting 1076.5
317 155 David Laudenslager Davenriche European Martial Artes School 1034.1 243.8
329 57 Paul Barolet Academy of Arms 1010.9 58.6
333 56 Kyle Parker Blackfriar's School of Fence 1007.3 57.3
341 Finnian Beazlie En Garde Fencing 985.3
359 Matt Lentzner F3 Sword Academy 968.8
367 61 Kat Fraser En Garde Fencing 955.2 54.8
380 Haesung Kim Kron Martial Arts 929.3
390 Chandler Ryder Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 915.4
391 Christian Killingsworth SoCal Swords 915.4
409 Nathan King True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 880.7
412 Korban Earles Diamond Rose Academie D'Armes 869.6
418 Joel Overly En Garde Fencing 853
423 21 Jordan Watson Kron Martial Arts 847.1 86.7
436 31 Harriet Coates Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 819 15.5
442 Luis Arturo Alba Ramirez Axolotes Fencing Club 808.1
460 Logan Zuniga Kron Martial Arts 741.9
465 20 Jordan Hinckley United Clans Swordsman Association 723.2 18.9
473 Tom Ostrowski Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 682
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
30 27 Anthony Buonomo Austin Historical Weapons Guild 1521 95.7
36 Chandler Brown En Garde Fencing 1480.3
50 Joel Overly En Garde Fencing 1439.8
66 Korban Earles Diamond Rose Academie D'Armes 1385.1
88 Michal Sadowski Poznańska Grupa Fechtunku Salut 1329.3
89 Finnian Beazlie En Garde Fencing 1329.3
94 Ivar Bjornsson En Garde Fencing 1326.9
106 Jonathan Han En Garde Fencing 1299.1
130 David Laudenslager Davenriche European Martial Artes School 1250.4
129 Paul Barolet Academy of Arms 1250.4
142 Derek Gill Czort Fencing 1215.5
152 Justin Moorman N/A 1185.1
153 Nolan Duino South Coast Swords 1185.1
151 Michael Schachtner Tattershall School of Defense 1185.1
160 Sean Dickinson SoCal Swords 1166.3
161 Sid Hess En Garde Fencing 1166.3
164 Erro Greenwood Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy 1159.4
171 Haesung Kim Kron Martial Arts 1144.4
199 Brian Stokes Schola San Marco 1082.9
198 Dimitri Sanborn Bay Area Freifechter 1082.9
212 Daniel Aldridge Diamond Rose Academie D'Armes 1056.5
216 Nishan Jayasinghe Kron Martial Arts 1040.8
243 Woody Riehl Krieg School 962.4
244 Alex Nishimoto Tattershall School of Defense 962.4
253 Emily Humber Diamond Rose Academie D'Armes 944.7
255 Jordan Divinagracia Kron Martial Arts 944.7
256 Alec Villanueva Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy 944.7
257 Christian Killingsworth SoCal Swords 944.7
254 Martha Humber Diamond Rose Academie D'Armes 944.7
273 Dean Flagg Academy of Arms 915.4
276 28 Ashleigh Cote Austin Historical Weapons Guild 909.2 56
280 Chandler Ryder Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 895.2
312 Lily Johnson Diamond Rose Academie D'Armes 747.8
319 Charlton Jackson Schola San Marco 744.9
317 John Knoch Crossroads Swords 744.9
315 Brandon Nguyen Ars Gladii 744.9
316 Kirsten Meredith True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 744.9
318 Jason Woo Chivalry Today 744.9
320 Jack Kiesecker SoCal Swords 744.9
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
9 5 Kristine Konsmo HEMA Riga 1588.7 53.9
11 20 Rashelle DeBolt Noble Science Academy 1578.1 185.1
14 3 Kirsten Meredith True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1541.8 10.4
20 1 Kat Fraser En Garde Fencing 1492.1 1.9
30 5 Harriet Coates Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 1419.6 54.4
31 3 Rachel Van Dyke SoCal Swords 1415.2 13.2
32 36 Jenna Johnson Blackfriar's School of Fence 1408.9 271
34 Katina Dunham Ars Gladii 1385
36 4 Amber Damare Nachreisen Historical Fencing 1368 15.1
39 7 Emily Humber Diamond Rose Academie D'Armes 1343.2 92.4
41 5 Kristen Argyle True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1331.1 71.8
44 28 Victoria Schultz Mordhau Historical Combat 1315.5 200.1
53 Claire Pahle Antelope Valley Kunst des Fechtens 1240.3
59 5 Rebecca Glass L'Arte Della Bellica 1218.1 8.9
69 Lacey Cupp SoCal Swords 1144 7.7
80 Amanda Webber Two Ravens Fencing School 1105.8
83 Linsay Rousseau Academy of European Fighting Arts 1083.3
92 Crystal Ives Tallman Iron Gate Swordfighting 1009.1
98 Ashleigh Cote Austin Historical Weapons Guild 974.3
100 8 Sylvia Lee Kron Martial Arts 962.7 15.8
102 8 Elizabeth Wheeler Kron Martial Arts 939.5 94.5
112 3 Belinda Qualls Mordhau Historical Combat 880 73.3
114 15 Kari Baker Mordhau Historical Combat 864.7 66.3
115 Cassandra Threadgill Mordhau Historical Combat 859
122 Kas Wampler-Goodbee Kron Martial Arts 820.6
130 Janna Datahan True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 749.7
131 Ilyse Kullman Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 726.6