Crossroads: Longsword 2021

Date June 19, 2021
Country United States
State Ohio
City Columbus

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 120 40
Mixed Steel Longsword 40 16

Fighters in event

Eric King
Matthew Keller
Matthew Maloney
Philip Siewert
Rocky Willis
Lex DeGraaf
Jesse Weber
Lee Montgomery
Caleb Tong
Hayden Krull
Daniel Davis
AJ Trefney
Veronica Young Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Thomas Pifer Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Joe Leszcz Black Bear Historical Fencing
Kristen Bowen Black Bear Historical Fencing
Shane Hillen Centerline Sword School
Ehren Wynder Centerline Sword School
Cameron Metcalf Centerline Sword School
Lindsay Vargo Centerline Sword School
Patrick Fuller Centerline Sword School
Adam Greathouse Centerline Sword School
Frank Zamary Columbus United Fencing Club
Matthew Dicken Columbus United Fencing Club
Dwain Crackel Columbus United Fencing Club
Trevor Pedersen Columbus United Fencing Club
James Schmidt Dartmouth Swordplay Guild
Thomas Kesler Gem City Duelists Society
David Reddy Gem City Duelists Society
J.J. Conlon Gem City Duelists Society
Kent Fagan Gem City Duelists Society
Samuel Peterson HEMA Lexington
Tony Dismukes HEMA Lexington
Micah Huber HEMA Lexington
Addison Foley HEMA Lexington
Christopher Shelton Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club
Ryan Stump Queen City Sword Guild
Jaimi McLean Rochester Historical Fencing
Ian Broderick Royal Arts Fencing Academy
Joseph Castellano Steel City Historical Fencing
Wesley Halstead Steel City Historical Fencing
Joseph Pugnetti Steel City Historical Fencing
Chris Hobbs Steel City Historical Fencing
Mary McConnell Steel City Historical Fencing
Connor Kicmol Steel City Historical Fencing
Brendan Bailey Steel City Historical Fencing
Jonathan Heldenreich Steel City Historical Fencing
Raymond Wolkan Steel City Historical Fencing
Nick Chiappazzi Steelhead Western Martial Arts
Kenneth Martin Steelhead Western Martial Arts
David Pharis The Vanguard Centre
Alphonso Nazario Two Ravens Fencing School
Colin McConnell Two Ravens Fencing School
Brian Stone Two Ravens Fencing School
Matthew O'Donnell Youngstown Historical Fencing
Ethan Hilliard Youngstown Historical Fencing


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Rocky Willis Thomas Pifer WIN LOSS
Pool A Colin McConnell Ryan Stump WIN LOSS
Pool A Rocky Willis Ryan Stump WIN LOSS
Pool A Chris Hobbs Thomas Pifer WIN LOSS
Pool A Ryan Stump Chris Hobbs WIN LOSS
Pool A Colin McConnell Rocky Willis LOSS WIN
Pool A Chris Hobbs Colin McConnell WIN LOSS
Pool A Ryan Stump Thomas Pifer LOSS WIN
Pool A Colin McConnell Thomas Pifer LOSS WIN
Pool A Rocky Willis Chris Hobbs LOSS WIN
Pool B Lee Montgomery Eric King LOSS WIN
Pool B Tony Dismukes Dwain Crackel WIN LOSS
Pool B Lee Montgomery Dwain Crackel LOSS WIN
Pool B Joseph Pugnetti Eric King WIN LOSS
Pool B Dwain Crackel Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pool B Tony Dismukes Lee Montgomery LOSS WIN
Pool B Joseph Pugnetti Tony Dismukes WIN LOSS
Pool B Dwain Crackel Eric King LOSS WIN
Pool B Eric King Tony Dismukes WIN LOSS
Pool B Lee Montgomery Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pool C Wesley Halstead Matthew O'Donnell WIN LOSS
Pool C Addison Foley Ian Broderick LOSS WIN
Pool C Matthew O'Donnell Addison Foley WIN LOSS
Pool C Wesley Halstead Trevor Pedersen LOSS WIN
Pool C Addison Foley Trevor Pedersen LOSS WIN
Pool C Matthew O'Donnell Ian Broderick LOSS WIN
Pool C Trevor Pedersen Ian Broderick WIN LOSS
Pool C Wesley Halstead Addison Foley WIN LOSS
Pool C Ian Broderick Wesley Halstead LOSS WIN
Pool C Trevor Pedersen Matthew O'Donnell WIN LOSS
Pool D Brian Stone Samuel Peterson WIN LOSS
Pool D Mary McConnell David Pharis LOSS WIN
Pool D Samuel Peterson David Pharis LOSS WIN
Pool D Matthew Dicken Brian Stone WIN LOSS
Pool D David Pharis Matthew Dicken LOSS WIN
Pool D Samuel Peterson Mary McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool D Matthew Dicken Mary McConnell WIN LOSS
Pool D Brian Stone David Pharis WIN LOSS
Pool D Mary McConnell Brian Stone LOSS WIN
Pool D Samuel Peterson Matthew Dicken LOSS WIN
Pool E Veronica Young Matthew Maloney WIN LOSS
Pool E Micah Huber Ehren Wynder WIN LOSS
Pool E Ehren Wynder Veronica Young WIN LOSS
Pool E Christopher Shelton Matthew Maloney WIN LOSS
Pool E Ehren Wynder Christopher Shelton LOSS WIN
Pool E Micah Huber Veronica Young LOSS WIN
Pool E Christopher Shelton Micah Huber WIN LOSS
Pool E Ehren Wynder Matthew Maloney WIN LOSS
Pool E Micah Huber Matthew Maloney LOSS WIN
Pool E Christopher Shelton Veronica Young WIN LOSS
Pool F Thomas Kesler Kenneth Martin WIN LOSS
Pool F Lex DeGraaf James Schmidt LOSS WIN
Pool F Kenneth Martin Lex DeGraaf LOSS WIN
Pool F Cameron Metcalf Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
Pool F Lex DeGraaf Cameron Metcalf LOSS WIN
Pool F Kenneth Martin James Schmidt LOSS WIN
Pool F James Schmidt Cameron Metcalf LOSS WIN
Pool F Thomas Kesler Lex DeGraaf WIN LOSS
Pool F James Schmidt Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Pool F Cameron Metcalf Kenneth Martin WIN LOSS
Group G AJ Trefney David Reddy WIN LOSS
Group G Connor Kicmol Matthew Keller LOSS WIN
Group G David Reddy Matthew Keller WIN LOSS
Group G AJ Trefney Frank Zamary WIN LOSS
Group G Matthew Keller Frank Zamary LOSS WIN
Group G David Reddy Connor Kicmol LOSS WIN
Group G Connor Kicmol Frank Zamary LOSS WIN
Group G AJ Trefney Matthew Keller WIN LOSS
Group G Connor Kicmol AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Group G David Reddy Frank Zamary LOSS WIN
Group H Nick Chiappazzi Shane Hillen LOSS WIN
Group H Joseph Castellano Jesse Weber WIN LOSS
Group H Nick Chiappazzi Joseph Castellano WIN LOSS
Group H J.J. Conlon Shane Hillen WIN LOSS
Group H Joseph Castellano J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Group H Jesse Weber Nick Chiappazzi WIN LOSS
Group H J.J. Conlon Jesse Weber WIN LOSS
Group H Joseph Castellano Shane Hillen LOSS WIN
Group H Shane Hillen Jesse Weber WIN LOSS
Group H Nick Chiappazzi J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Table of 64 Matthew Keller Tony Dismukes WIN LOSS
Table of 64 Colin McConnell Jesse Weber WIN LOSS
Table of 64 Matthew Maloney Samuel Peterson WIN LOSS
Table of 64 Matthew O'Donnell Kenneth Martin LOSS WIN
Table of 64 Ryan Stump Joseph Castellano WIN LOSS
Table of 64 Lee Montgomery David Reddy WIN LOSS
Table of 64 Lex DeGraaf Addison Foley LOSS WIN
Table of 64 Mary McConnell Micah Huber WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Chris Hobbs Matthew Keller WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Veronica Young Thomas Kesler LOSS WIN
Table of 32 AJ Trefney Colin McConnell WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Ian Broderick Brian Stone WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Trevor Pedersen Matthew Maloney WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Shane Hillen Connor Kicmol WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Christopher Shelton Kenneth Martin WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Thomas Pifer Eric King LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Ryan Stump Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Table of 32 James Schmidt Ehren Wynder LOSS WIN
Table of 32 J.J. Conlon Lee Montgomery WIN LOSS
Table of 32 David Pharis Wesley Halstead LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Addison Foley Matthew Dicken LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Frank Zamary Nick Chiappazzi WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Mary McConnell Cameron Metcalf LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Dwain Crackel Rocky Willis WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Chris Hobbs Thomas Kesler WIN LOSS
Table of 16 AJ Trefney Ian Broderick WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Shane Hillen Trevor Pedersen LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Christopher Shelton Eric King LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Ehren Wynder Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Table of 16 J.J. Conlon Wesley Halstead LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Matthew Dicken Frank Zamary LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Dwain Crackel Cameron Metcalf LOSS WIN
Table of 8 Chris Hobbs AJ Trefney WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Trevor Pedersen Eric King WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Joseph Pugnetti Wesley Halstead WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Cameron Metcalf Frank Zamary WIN LOSS
Semi-Finals Trevor Pedersen Chris Hobbs LOSS WIN
Semi-Finals Joseph Pugnetti Cameron Metcalf WIN LOSS
Bronze Medal Match Trevor Pedersen Cameron Metcalf WIN LOSS
Gold Medal Match Joseph Pugnetti Chris Hobbs WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Group A Ethan Hilliard Patrick Fuller LOSS WIN
Group A Daniel Davis Raymond Wolkan WIN LOSS
Group A Patrick Fuller Raymond Wolkan WIN LOSS
Group A Daniel Davis Ethan Hilliard WIN LOSS
Group A Patrick Fuller Daniel Davis WIN LOSS
Group A Raymond Wolkan Ethan Hilliard LOSS WIN
Group B Adam Greathouse Alphonso Nazario LOSS WIN
Group B Jaimi McLean Caleb Tong LOSS WIN
Group B Adam Greathouse Jaimi McLean WIN LOSS
Group B Alphonso Nazario Caleb Tong LOSS WIN
Group B Caleb Tong Adam Greathouse LOSS WIN
Group B Jaimi McLean Alphonso Nazario WIN LOSS
Group C Hayden Krull Brendan Bailey WIN LOSS
Group C Joe Leszcz Kent Fagan WIN LOSS
Group C Brendan Bailey Kent Fagan LOSS WIN
Group C Joe Leszcz Hayden Krull WIN LOSS
Group C Brendan Bailey Joe Leszcz LOSS WIN
Group C Kent Fagan Hayden Krull LOSS WIN
Group D Jonathan Heldenreich Kristen Bowen LOSS WIN
Group D Lindsay Vargo Philip Siewert LOSS WIN
Group D Jonathan Heldenreich Lindsay Vargo WIN LOSS
Group D Kristen Bowen Philip Siewert LOSS WIN
Group D Jonathan Heldenreich Philip Siewert WIN LOSS
Group D Lindsay Vargo Kristen Bowen LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Patrick Fuller Lindsay Vargo WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Kent Fagan Caleb Tong LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Alphonso Nazario Joe Leszcz WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Kristen Bowen Ethan Hilliard LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Brendan Bailey Adam Greathouse WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Daniel Davis Philip Siewert WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Jonathan Heldenreich Raymond Wolkan WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Hayden Krull Jaimi McLean LOSS WIN
Table of 8 Patrick Fuller Caleb Tong LOSS WIN
Table of 8 Ethan Hilliard Alphonso Nazario WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Daniel Davis Brendan Bailey WIN LOSS
Table of 8 Jonathan Heldenreich Jaimi McLean WIN LOSS
Semi-Finals Caleb Tong Ethan Hilliard WIN LOSS
Semi-Finals Daniel Davis Jonathan Heldenreich WIN LOSS
Bronze Medal Match Jonathan Heldenreich Ethan Hilliard LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Caleb Tong Daniel Davis LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Crossroads: Longsword 2021

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
19 3 Chris Hobbs Steel City Historical Fencing 1759 12.8
58 49 Joseph Pugnetti Steel City Historical Fencing 1678.1 57.9
78 Trevor Pedersen Columbus United Fencing Club 1646.6
155 20 Christopher Shelton Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 1577.7 13.1
168 47 Cameron Metcalf Centerline Sword School 1567.9 32.3
194 14 Frank Zamary Columbus United Fencing Club 1545.1 5.9
241 98 Eric King N/A 1514.7 52.4
251 68 Matthew Dicken Columbus United Fencing Club 1506.8 32.2
255 37 J.J. Conlon Gem City Duelists Society 1504.5 18.5
333 72 Wesley Halstead Steel City Historical Fencing 1463 33.6
338 220 AJ Trefney N/A 1459.4 80.8
408 Daniel Davis N/A 1425.1
431 2 Thomas Pifer Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1417.4 5.2
480 101 Shane Hillen Centerline Sword School 1396.7 25.8
528 167 Matthew Maloney N/A 1384.2 68.3
611 11 Ryan Stump Queen City Sword Guild 1357.5 7.6
666 Patrick Fuller Centerline Sword School 1329.3
674 Caleb Tong N/A 1326.9
801 16 Dwain Crackel Columbus United Fencing Club 1285.6 0.7
806 48 Matthew Keller N/A 1284 20.6
837 179 Ehren Wynder Centerline Sword School 1272.8 58.7
848 150 Thomas Kesler Gem City Duelists Society 1265.1 45
864 64 David Pharis The Vanguard Centre 1260.3 14.2
892 Joe Leszcz Black Bear Historical Fencing 1250.4
937 647 Rocky Willis N/A 1237.6 191.8
961 Brian Stone Two Ravens Fencing School 1227.8
1000 Ethan Hilliard Youngstown Historical Fencing 1214
1006 Jonathan Heldenreich Steel City Historical Fencing 1212.8
1169 103 Mary McConnell Steel City Historical Fencing 1158.5 25.2
1183 Ian Broderick Royal Arts Fencing Academy 1153.2
1263 264 Philip Siewert N/A 1130.2 67
1342 Colin McConnell Two Ravens Fencing School 1107.8
1426 Adam Greathouse Centerline Sword School 1082.9
1427 Hayden Krull N/A 1082.9
1436 33 Connor Kicmol Steel City Historical Fencing 1081.4 3.7
1439 Lee Montgomery N/A 1080.9
1521 Tony Dismukes HEMA Lexington 1058.6
1567 319 Veronica Young Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1045.1 99.7
1583 Jaimi McLean Rochester Historical Fencing 1040.8
1584 Alphonso Nazario Two Ravens Fencing School 1040.8
1610 Kristen Bowen Black Bear Historical Fencing 1034
1621 17 Kenneth Martin Steelhead Western Martial Arts 1031.5 1.5
1635 James Schmidt Dartmouth Swordplay Guild 1025.3
1676 85 David Reddy Gem City Duelists Society 1008 22.1
1678 61 Nick Chiappazzi Steelhead Western Martial Arts 1006 15.4
1825 Addison Foley HEMA Lexington 960.6
1868 Micah Huber HEMA Lexington 944.9
1882 Jesse Weber N/A 942.6
1930 Joseph Castellano Steel City Historical Fencing 928.2
1949 Lex DeGraaf N/A 922.4
1963 Kent Fagan Gem City Duelists Society 915.4
2014 Brendan Bailey Steel City Historical Fencing 896.5
2045 Matthew O'Donnell Youngstown Historical Fencing 887.1
2104 Samuel Peterson HEMA Lexington 862.9
2304 Raymond Wolkan Steel City Historical Fencing 747.8
2345 Lindsay Vargo Centerline Sword School 728