Wessex League: Bristol Chapter 2017

Date September 16, 2017
Country United Kingdom
City Bristol

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Women's Steel Longsword 15 6
Mixed Steel Longsword 72 26
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger 36 14
Mixed Steel Sabre 36 14
Women's Steel Sabre 15 6

Fighters in event

Alejandro Cortes-Garcia The Iron Door Collective
Thomas Couturier La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne
Viviane Dall'Agnol Waterloo Sparring Group
Sean Jauss Bath Historical Martial Arts
Lech Ciszkiewicz Academy of Historical Fencing
Burak Urgancioglu L’Épée Blanche
Jordan Eyre Academy of Historical Fencing
Joan Romero Academy of Historical Fencing
Guy Emanuel Academy of Historical Fencing
Michael Harrap Academy of Historical Fencing
Chloe Headdon Academy of Historical Fencing
Joshua North Academy of Historical Fencing
Michael Smallridge Auckland Longsword
Pedro San Miguel Ausardia HEMA Club
Nick Laing Edel Fencing Academy
Jo Wimborne Edel Fencing Academy
Tom Daplyn London Historical Fencing Club
Daniel Antrobus Mercian Medieval Fight Club
Amir Sheikh-Warak Schola Gladiatoria
Kieran Neale Taunton Longswords
Elizabeth Kirkpatrick Taunton Longswords
Sam Rasmussen Taunton Longswords
Douglas Mclean Taunton Longswords
Matthew Holden-Williams Tempus Fugitives
Jay Maxwell Tempus Fugitives
Joshua Bywaters-Davis The School of the Sword
Fran Terminiello The School of the Sword
Adrian Faulkner The School of the Sword
Chris Hartley The School of the Sword
Robert Williams The School of the Sword
Mikolaj Krukowski The School of the Sword
Stephen Bourne The School of the Sword
James Barker The School of the Sword
Tim Newark Virtus Sword School
Samuel English Virtus Sword School
Oliver Sutcliffe Virtus Sword School
Mutian Yang Virtus Sword School
Luke Murdock Wardens of the Tor
Maria Makarova Waterloo Sparring Group


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Sam Rasmussen Alejandro Cortes-Garcia LOSS WIN
Sean Jauss Robert Williams WIN LOSS
Sam Rasmussen Sean Jauss LOSS WIN
Robert Williams Lech Ciszkiewicz LOSS WIN
Sean Jauss Alejandro Cortes-Garcia WIN LOSS
Sam Rasmussen Robert Williams LOSS WIN
Lech Ciszkiewicz Alejandro Cortes-Garcia WIN LOSS
Sean Jauss Lech Ciszkiewicz WIN LOSS
Robert Williams Alejandro Cortes-Garcia WIN LOSS
Sam Rasmussen Lech Ciszkiewicz LOSS WIN
Michael Harrap Luke Murdock LOSS WIN
Nick Laing Tim Newark LOSS WIN
Luke Murdock Amir Sheikh-Warak LOSS WIN
Nick Laing Michael Harrap WIN LOSS
Amir Sheikh-Warak Tim Newark DRAW DRAW
Nick Laing Luke Murdock WIN LOSS
Amir Sheikh-Warak Nick Laing DRAW DRAW
Tim Newark Michael Harrap WIN LOSS
Amir Sheikh-Warak Michael Harrap DRAW DRAW
Tim Newark Luke Murdock WIN LOSS
Samuel English Michael Smallridge LOSS WIN
Guy Emanuel Anonymous fighter LOSS WIN
Matthew Holden-Williams Joan Romero WIN LOSS
Guy Emanuel Michael Smallridge LOSS WIN
Samuel English Joan Romero WIN LOSS
Matthew Holden-Williams Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Michael Smallridge Joan Romero WIN LOSS
Matthew Holden-Williams Guy Emanuel WIN LOSS
Samuel English Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Matthew Holden-Williams Michael Smallridge LOSS WIN
Joan Romero Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Samuel English Guy Emanuel WIN LOSS
Michael Smallridge Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Matthew Holden-Williams Samuel English LOSS WIN
Guy Emanuel Joan Romero LOSS WIN
Douglas Mclean Jordan Eyre WIN LOSS
Daniel Antrobus Oliver Sutcliffe LOSS WIN
Jordan Eyre Burak Urgancioglu LOSS WIN
Oliver Sutcliffe Douglas Mclean WIN LOSS
Daniel Antrobus Burak Urgancioglu LOSS WIN
Jordan Eyre Oliver Sutcliffe WIN LOSS
Burak Urgancioglu Oliver Sutcliffe WIN LOSS
Douglas Mclean Daniel Antrobus LOSS WIN
Burak Urgancioglu Douglas Mclean WIN LOSS
Jordan Eyre Daniel Antrobus LOSS WIN
Thomas Couturier Mutian Yang WIN LOSS
Tom Daplyn Kieran Neale WIN LOSS
Thomas Couturier Pedro San Miguel DRAW DRAW
Mutian Yang Tom Daplyn WIN LOSS
Pedro San Miguel Kieran Neale WIN LOSS
Tom Daplyn Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Pedro San Miguel Tom Daplyn WIN LOSS
Mutian Yang Kieran Neale LOSS WIN
Pedro San Miguel Mutian Yang WIN LOSS
Kieran Neale Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Burak Urgancioglu Oliver Sutcliffe WIN LOSS
Matthew Holden-Williams Tim Newark LOSS WIN
Michael Smallridge Joan Romero WIN LOSS
Robert Williams Lech Ciszkiewicz LOSS WIN
Lech Ciszkiewicz Robert Williams WIN LOSS
Jordan Eyre Sean Jauss LOSS WIN
Nick Laing Samuel English LOSS WIN
Amir Sheikh-Warak Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Daniel Antrobus Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Tim Newark Burak Urgancioglu LOSS WIN
Michael Smallridge Lech Ciszkiewicz WIN LOSS
Samuel English Sean Jauss WIN LOSS
Thomas Couturier Pedro San Miguel WIN LOSS
Burak Urgancioglu Michael Smallridge LOSS WIN
Samuel English Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Burak Urgancioglu Samuel English WIN LOSS
Thomas Couturier Michael Smallridge LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Jordan Eyre Stephen Bourne WIN LOSS
Lech Ciszkiewicz James Barker WIN LOSS
Chris Hartley Michael Smallridge LOSS WIN
Fran Terminiello Sean Jauss LOSS WIN
Burak Urgancioglu Adrian Faulkner LOSS WIN
Joshua Bywaters-Davis Alejandro Cortes-Garcia WIN LOSS
Kieran Neale Jay Maxwell LOSS WIN
Joshua Bywaters-Davis Jay Maxwell LOSS WIN
Michael Smallridge Sean Jauss LOSS WIN
Adrian Faulkner Jordan Eyre WIN LOSS
Lech Ciszkiewicz Stephen Bourne WIN LOSS
Burak Urgancioglu Chris Hartley WIN LOSS
Fran Terminiello Alejandro Cortes-Garcia WIN LOSS
James Barker Kieran Neale WIN LOSS
Jay Maxwell Adrian Faulkner DRAW DRAW
Lech Ciszkiewicz Sean Jauss WIN LOSS
Burak Urgancioglu Joshua Bywaters-Davis DRAW DRAW
Fran Terminiello Jordan Eyre WIN LOSS
James Barker Michael Smallridge LOSS WIN
Chris Hartley Kieran Neale WIN LOSS
Stephen Bourne Alejandro Cortes-Garcia WIN LOSS
Jay Maxwell Lech Ciszkiewicz WIN LOSS
Fran Terminiello Adrian Faulkner LOSS WIN
Burak Urgancioglu Michael Smallridge LOSS WIN
Joshua Bywaters-Davis Sean Jauss LOSS WIN
Jordan Eyre Chris Hartley LOSS WIN
Stephen Bourne James Barker WIN LOSS
Kieran Neale Alejandro Cortes-Garcia WIN LOSS
Jay Maxwell Fran Terminiello WIN LOSS
Michael Smallridge Lech Ciszkiewicz WIN LOSS
Stephen Bourne Adrian Faulkner LOSS WIN
Sean Jauss Chris Hartley WIN LOSS
Jay Maxwell Michael Smallridge WIN LOSS
Sean Jauss Adrian Faulkner LOSS WIN
Sean Jauss Michael Smallridge LOSS WIN
Jay Maxwell Adrian Faulkner WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Burak Urgancioglu Thomas Couturier WIN LOSS
Robert Williams Chris Hartley WIN LOSS
Joshua North Michael Smallridge LOSS WIN
Sean Jauss Amir Sheikh-Warak LOSS WIN
Pedro San Miguel Lech Ciszkiewicz WIN LOSS
Guy Emanuel Nick Laing LOSS WIN
Mikolaj Krukowski Jordan Eyre LOSS WIN
Michael Smallridge Amir Sheikh-Warak LOSS WIN
Nick Laing Jordan Eyre LOSS WIN
Burak Urgancioglu Pedro San Miguel WIN LOSS
Robert Williams Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Mikolaj Krukowski Chris Hartley LOSS WIN
Lech Ciszkiewicz Guy Emanuel WIN LOSS
Joshua North Sean Jauss WIN LOSS
Amir Sheikh-Warak Jordan Eyre WIN LOSS
Chris Hartley Burak Urgancioglu LOSS WIN
Michael Smallridge Lech Ciszkiewicz DRAW DRAW
Joshua North Robert Williams WIN LOSS
Thomas Couturier Nick Laing WIN LOSS
Mikolaj Krukowski Pedro San Miguel LOSS WIN
Sean Jauss Guy Emanuel WIN LOSS
Chris Hartley Michael Smallridge LOSS WIN
Nick Laing Lech Ciszkiewicz WIN LOSS
Robert Williams Sean Jauss LOSS WIN
Guy Emanuel Mikolaj Krukowski LOSS WIN
Burak Urgancioglu Amir Sheikh-Warak LOSS WIN
Joshua North Jordan Eyre WIN LOSS
Pedro San Miguel Thomas Couturier WIN LOSS
Joshua North Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Burak Urgancioglu Jordan Eyre WIN LOSS
Amir Sheikh-Warak Nick Laing WIN LOSS
Michael Smallridge Pedro San Miguel WIN LOSS
Burak Urgancioglu Thomas Couturier WIN LOSS
Amir Sheikh-Warak Michael Smallridge WIN LOSS
Thomas Couturier Michael Smallridge WIN LOSS
Burak Urgancioglu Amir Sheikh-Warak WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Wessex League: Bristol Chapter 2017