2020 Capitol Clash HEMA Open Warmup #1

Date November 23, 2019
Country United States
State DC
City Washington

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Any Sword & Buckler 49 13

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Stuart Sutphin David Rowe LOSS WIN
Pool 1 James Convery Daniel Daugherty LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Kelly Boger Jason Kumar LOSS WIN
Pool 1 David Rowe Jesse Lambert WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Stuart Sutphin James Convery WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Daniel Daugherty Jason Kumar LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Jesse Lambert Kelly Boger DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 James Convery David Rowe LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Stuart Sutphin Jason Kumar LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Daniel Daugherty Kelly Boger WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Jesse Lambert James Convery LOSS WIN
Pool 1 David Rowe Jason Kumar WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Stuart Sutphin Kelly Boger WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Daniel Daugherty Jesse Lambert WIN LOSS
Pool 1 James Convery Jason Kumar LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Kelly Boger David Rowe LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Daniel Daugherty Stuart Sutphin WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Jesse Lambert Jason Kumar LOSS WIN
Pool 1 James Convery Kelly Boger WIN LOSS
Pool 1 David Rowe Daniel Daugherty WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Jesse Lambert Stuart Sutphin LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Peter Concannon James Darling LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Harvey Haglin Richard Shepro DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Mariana López Rodriguez James Darling LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Harvey Haglin Matthew Rodgers LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Peter Concannon Mariana López Rodriguez WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Richard Shepro Matthew Rodgers WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Harvey Haglin James Darling LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Richard Shepro Peter Concannon WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Harvey Haglin Mariana López Rodriguez LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Matthew Rodgers Peter Concannon LOSS WIN
Pool 2 James Darling Richard Shepro WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Matthew Rodgers Mariana López Rodriguez WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Harvey Haglin Peter Concannon LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Richard Shepro Mariana López Rodriguez WIN LOSS
Pool 2 James Darling Matthew Rodgers WIN LOSS
Round of 16 - 1 Matthew Rodgers Mariana López Rodriguez WIN LOSS
Round of 16 - 2 Harvey Haglin Peter Concannon LOSS WIN
Round of 16 - 3 Daniel Daugherty Kelly Boger WIN LOSS
Round of 16 - 4 Jesse Lambert Richard Shepro LOSS WIN
Round of 16 - 5 James Convery Stuart Sutphin LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals 1 David Rowe Matthew Rodgers WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals 2 Daniel Daugherty Peter Concannon LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals 3 Richard Shepro Jason Kumar LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals 4 James Darling Stuart Sutphin WIN LOSS
Semifinals 1 David Rowe Peter Concannon WIN LOSS
Semifinals 2 Jason Kumar James Darling LOSS WIN
Finals Bronze Peter Concannon Jason Kumar WIN LOSS
Final James Darling David Rowe LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just 2020 Capitol Clash HEMA Open Warmup #1