The Might 2019

Date November 2, 2019
Country France
City Marseille

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Any Material Rondell Dagger 19 8
Mixed Steel Longsword 103 30
Women's Steel Longsword 10 4
Mixed Steel Single Sidesword 38 12
Mixed Steel Any Sword & Buckler 50 14

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
1 Pool Alexander Rigby Clément Grilli WIN LOSS
1 Pool Christopher Brouard Laurent Amato WIN LOSS
1 Pool Alexander Rigby Laurent Amato WIN LOSS
1 Pool Christopher Brouard Clément Grilli LOSS WIN
1 Pool Alexander Rigby Christopher Brouard WIN LOSS
1 Pool Laurent Amato Clément Grilli LOSS WIN
2 Pool Alexandre Salvi Quentin Rigal LOSS WIN
2 Pool Matteo Lahaye Lionel Ducamin LOSS WIN
2 Pool Quentin Rigal Lionel Ducamin DRAW DRAW
2 Pool Matteo Lahaye Alexandre Salvi LOSS WIN
2 Pool Matteo Lahaye Quentin Rigal LOSS WIN
2 Pool Alexandre Salvi Lionel Ducamin DRAW DRAW
Final 1/4 Laurent Amato Lionel Ducamin LOSS WIN
Final 1/4 Christopher Brouard Alexandre Salvi LOSS WIN
Final 1/4 Matteo Lahaye Clément Grilli LOSS WIN
Final 1/2 Lionel Ducamin Alexander Rigby LOSS WIN
Final 1/2 Alexandre Salvi Clément Grilli LOSS WIN
Place Third Lionel Ducamin Alexandre Salvi WIN LOSS
Final Alexander Rigby Clément Grilli WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
1 Pool Thierry Lalain Matthieu Dutheil WIN LOSS
1 Pool Thomas Pelosse Mathieu Croze WIN LOSS
1 Pool Tristan Lapouge Marie Canayer WIN LOSS
1 Pool Thomas Pelosse Thierry Lalain LOSS WIN
1 Pool Marie Canayer Mathieu Croze LOSS WIN
1 Pool Tristan Lapouge Matthieu Dutheil DRAW DRAW
1 Pool Marie Canayer Thierry Lalain LOSS WIN
1 Pool Tristan Lapouge Mathieu Croze WIN LOSS
1 Pool Thomas Pelosse Matthieu Dutheil DRAW DRAW
1 Pool Tristan Lapouge Thierry Lalain LOSS WIN
1 Pool Marie Canayer Matthieu Dutheil LOSS WIN
1 Pool Thierry Lalain Mathieu Croze WIN LOSS
1 Pool Thomas Pelosse Tristan Lapouge DRAW DRAW
1 Pool Matthieu Dutheil Mathieu Croze WIN LOSS
1 Pool Marie Canayer Thomas Pelosse LOSS WIN
2 Pool Alexander Rigby Gilles Carriere WIN LOSS
2 Pool Pascal Lombardi Thibaut sikorsky DRAW DRAW
2 Pool Julien Chasson Émilie Hugues-Dutheil WIN LOSS
2 Pool Pascal Lombardi Gilles Carriere LOSS WIN
2 Pool Thibaut sikorsky Émilie Hugues-Dutheil WIN LOSS
2 Pool Julien Chasson Alexander Rigby WIN LOSS
2 Pool Gilles Carriere Émilie Hugues-Dutheil WIN LOSS
2 Pool Thibaut sikorsky Julien Chasson DRAW DRAW
2 Pool Pascal Lombardi Alexander Rigby LOSS WIN
2 Pool Julien Chasson Gilles Carriere LOSS WIN
2 Pool Émilie Hugues-Dutheil Alexander Rigby LOSS WIN
2 Pool Thibaut sikorsky Gilles Carriere LOSS WIN
2 Pool Pascal Lombardi Julien Chasson LOSS WIN
2 Pool Alexander Rigby Thibaut sikorsky WIN LOSS
2 Pool Émilie Hugues-Dutheil Pascal Lombardi LOSS WIN
3 Pool Michel Vollaro Clément Grilli WIN LOSS
3 Pool Marion Bourgogne Lionel Ducamin DRAW DRAW
3 Pool Florian Bagnis Christopher Brouard WIN LOSS
3 Pool Lionel Ducamin Michel Vollaro LOSS WIN
3 Pool Marion Bourgogne Christopher Brouard LOSS WIN
3 Pool Florian Bagnis Clément Grilli LOSS WIN
3 Pool Christopher Brouard Michel Vollaro LOSS WIN
3 Pool Florian Bagnis Marion Bourgogne WIN LOSS
3 Pool Lionel Ducamin Clément Grilli LOSS WIN
3 Pool Florian Bagnis Michel Vollaro LOSS WIN
3 Pool Christopher Brouard Clément Grilli LOSS WIN
3 Pool Michel Vollaro Marion Bourgogne WIN LOSS
3 Pool Florian Bagnis Lionel Ducamin WIN LOSS
3 Pool Clément Grilli Marion Bourgogne WIN LOSS
3 Pool Lionel Ducamin Christopher Brouard WIN LOSS
4 Pool Gabriel Tardio Fabien Goury DRAW DRAW
4 Pool Wilfried Chatelard Matteo Lahaye WIN LOSS
4 Pool Alexandre Salvi Théo Fovet LOSS WIN
4 Pool Matteo Lahaye Fabien Goury LOSS WIN
4 Pool Alexandre Salvi Wilfried Chatelard WIN LOSS
4 Pool Gabriel Tardio Théo Fovet WIN LOSS
4 Pool Alexandre Salvi Fabien Goury LOSS WIN
4 Pool Wilfried Chatelard Théo Fovet LOSS WIN
4 Pool Gabriel Tardio Matteo Lahaye WIN LOSS
4 Pool Fabien Goury Théo Fovet WIN LOSS
4 Pool Gabriel Tardio Alexandre Salvi WIN LOSS
4 Pool Wilfried Chatelard Fabien Goury LOSS WIN
4 Pool Théo Fovet Matteo Lahaye WIN LOSS
4 Pool Wilfried Chatelard Gabriel Tardio LOSS WIN
4 Pool Alexandre Salvi Matteo Lahaye WIN LOSS
5 Pool Paul Chereau Quentin Rigal WIN LOSS
5 Pool Adrien Péchadre Aleksandr Ermolov LOSS WIN
5 Pool Adrien Ala Laurent Amato WIN LOSS
5 Pool Aleksandr Ermolov Quentin Rigal LOSS WIN
5 Pool Laurent Amato Adrien Péchadre WIN LOSS
5 Pool Paul Chereau Adrien Ala LOSS WIN
5 Pool Laurent Amato Quentin Rigal DRAW DRAW
5 Pool Adrien Ala Adrien Péchadre WIN LOSS
5 Pool Aleksandr Ermolov Paul Chereau LOSS WIN
5 Pool Quentin Rigal Adrien Ala LOSS WIN
5 Pool Laurent Amato Paul Chereau LOSS WIN
5 Pool Quentin Rigal Adrien Péchadre WIN LOSS
5 Pool Aleksandr Ermolov Adrien Ala DRAW DRAW
5 Pool Paul Chereau Adrien Péchadre WIN LOSS
5 Pool Laurent Amato Aleksandr Ermolov LOSS WIN
Final 1/16 Alexandre Salvi Aleksandr Ermolov LOSS WIN
Final 1/16 Lionel Ducamin Théo Fovet LOSS WIN
Final 1/16 Marion Bourgogne Clément Grilli LOSS WIN
Final 1/16 Adrien Péchadre Adrien Ala LOSS WIN
Final 1/16 Alexander Rigby Marie Canayer WIN LOSS
Final 1/16 Thomas Pelosse Pascal Lombardi WIN LOSS
Final 1/16 Thibaut sikorsky Matthieu Dutheil LOSS WIN
Final 1/16 Christopher Brouard Julien Chasson LOSS WIN
Final 1/16 Gilles Carriere Émilie Hugues-Dutheil WIN LOSS
Final 1/16 Matteo Lahaye Paul Chereau LOSS WIN
Final 1/16 Florian Bagnis Laurent Amato LOSS WIN
Final 1/16 Mathieu Croze Tristan Lapouge LOSS WIN
Final 1/8 Thierry Lalain Aleksandr Ermolov WIN LOSS
Final 1/8 Clément Grilli Théo Fovet WIN LOSS
Final 1/8 Adrien Ala Alexander Rigby LOSS WIN
Final 1/8 Thomas Pelosse Gabriel Tardio LOSS WIN
Final 1/8 Matthieu Dutheil Fabien Goury LOSS WIN
Final 1/8 Julien Chasson Gilles Carriere LOSS WIN
Final 1/8 Laurent Amato Paul Chereau LOSS WIN
Final 1/8 Tristan Lapouge Michel Vollaro LOSS WIN
Final 1/4 Thierry Lalain Clément Grilli WIN LOSS
Final 1/4 Alexander Rigby Gabriel Tardio LOSS WIN
Final 1/4 Gilles Carriere Fabien Goury WIN LOSS
Final 1/4 Michel Vollaro Paul Chereau LOSS WIN
Final 1/2 Thierry Lalain Gabriel Tardio LOSS WIN
Final 1/2 Paul Chereau Gilles Carriere WIN LOSS
Place Third Thierry Lalain Gilles Carriere WIN LOSS
Final Gabriel Tardio Paul Chereau WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
1 Pool Eléonore Court Émilie Hugues-Dutheil WIN LOSS
1 Pool Marie Canayer Marion Bourgogne LOSS WIN
1 Pool Émilie Hugues-Dutheil Marion Bourgogne LOSS WIN
1 Pool Eléonore Court Marie Canayer LOSS WIN
1 Pool Émilie Hugues-Dutheil Marie Canayer DRAW DRAW
1 Pool Eléonore Court Marion Bourgogne WIN LOSS
Final 1/2 Émilie Hugues-Dutheil Eléonore Court LOSS WIN
Final 1/2 Marie Canayer Marion Bourgogne LOSS WIN
Place Third Émilie Hugues-Dutheil Marie Canayer WIN LOSS
Final Marion Bourgogne Eléonore Court LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
1 Pool Thierry Lalain Gilles Carriere LOSS WIN
1 Pool Lionel Ducamin Laurent Amato LOSS WIN
1 Pool Aleksandr Ermolov Théo Fovet WIN LOSS
1 Pool Laurent Amato Gilles Carriere LOSS WIN
1 Pool Lionel Ducamin Aleksandr Ermolov LOSS WIN
1 Pool Théo Fovet Thierry Lalain LOSS WIN
1 Pool Aleksandr Ermolov Gilles Carriere LOSS WIN
1 Pool Théo Fovet Lionel Ducamin WIN LOSS
1 Pool Laurent Amato Thierry Lalain WIN LOSS
1 Pool Gilles Carriere Théo Fovet WIN LOSS
1 Pool Aleksandr Ermolov Thierry Lalain LOSS WIN
1 Pool Gilles Carriere Lionel Ducamin WIN LOSS
1 Pool Laurent Amato Théo Fovet LOSS WIN
1 Pool Thierry Lalain Lionel Ducamin WIN LOSS
1 Pool Laurent Amato Aleksandr Ermolov DRAW DRAW
2 Pool Dorian Canham Fabien Chartton LOSS WIN
2 Pool Michel Vollaro Thibaut sikorsky WIN LOSS
2 Pool Matthieu Dutheil Pierre Mathon WIN LOSS
2 Pool Fabien Chartton Michel Vollaro WIN LOSS
2 Pool Pierre Mathon Thibaut sikorsky LOSS WIN
2 Pool Dorian Canham Matthieu Dutheil WIN LOSS
2 Pool Pierre Mathon Fabien Chartton LOSS WIN
2 Pool Matthieu Dutheil Thibaut sikorsky WIN LOSS
2 Pool Michel Vollaro Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
2 Pool Matthieu Dutheil Fabien Chartton LOSS WIN
2 Pool Pierre Mathon Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
2 Pool Thibaut sikorsky Fabien Chartton LOSS WIN
2 Pool Matthieu Dutheil Michel Vollaro LOSS WIN
2 Pool Thibaut sikorsky Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
2 Pool Pierre Mathon Michel Vollaro DRAW DRAW
Final 1/4 Théo Fovet Fabien Chartton LOSS WIN
Final 1/4 Laurent Amato Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Final 1/4 Aleksandr Ermolov Thierry Lalain LOSS WIN
Final 1/4 Michel Vollaro Gilles Carriere LOSS WIN
Final 1/2 Dorian Canham Fabien Chartton LOSS WIN
Final 1/2 Gilles Carriere Thierry Lalain WIN LOSS
Place Third Dorian Canham Thierry Lalain WIN LOSS
Final Gilles Carriere Fabien Chartton WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
1 Pool Théo Fovet Gilles Carriere DRAW DRAW
1 Pool Christopher Brouard Marion Bourgogne DRAW DRAW
1 Pool Clément Grilli Gabriel Tardio DRAW DRAW
1 Pool Émilie Hugues-Dutheil Théo Fovet LOSS WIN
1 Pool Gilles Carriere Christopher Brouard WIN LOSS
1 Pool Marion Bourgogne Clément Grilli LOSS WIN
1 Pool Gabriel Tardio Théo Fovet WIN LOSS
1 Pool Émilie Hugues-Dutheil Christopher Brouard WIN LOSS
1 Pool Marion Bourgogne Gilles Carriere LOSS WIN
1 Pool Théo Fovet Clément Grilli LOSS WIN
1 Pool Gabriel Tardio Christopher Brouard DRAW DRAW
1 Pool Gilles Carriere Clément Grilli WIN LOSS
1 Pool Marion Bourgogne Émilie Hugues-Dutheil LOSS WIN
1 Pool Clément Grilli Christopher Brouard WIN LOSS
1 Pool Gilles Carriere Émilie Hugues-Dutheil WIN LOSS
1 Pool Marion Bourgogne Théo Fovet LOSS WIN
1 Pool Émilie Hugues-Dutheil Gabriel Tardio LOSS WIN
1 Pool Théo Fovet Christopher Brouard WIN LOSS
1 Pool Gabriel Tardio Gilles Carriere LOSS WIN
1 Pool Clément Grilli Émilie Hugues-Dutheil WIN LOSS
1 Pool Gabriel Tardio Marion Bourgogne WIN LOSS
2 Pool Matthieu Dutheil Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
2 Pool Adrien Péchadre Pierre Mathon LOSS WIN
2 Pool Quentin Rigal Alexandre Salvi DRAW DRAW
2 Pool Adrien Ala Matthieu Dutheil LOSS WIN
2 Pool Dorian Canham Pierre Mathon WIN LOSS
2 Pool Adrien Péchadre Quentin Rigal LOSS WIN
2 Pool Alexandre Salvi Matthieu Dutheil DRAW DRAW
2 Pool Adrien Ala Pierre Mathon DRAW DRAW
2 Pool Dorian Canham Adrien Péchadre WIN LOSS
2 Pool Matthieu Dutheil Quentin Rigal WIN LOSS
2 Pool Pierre Mathon Alexandre Salvi DRAW DRAW
2 Pool Dorian Canham Quentin Rigal WIN LOSS
2 Pool Adrien Péchadre Adrien Ala LOSS WIN
2 Pool Quentin Rigal Pierre Mathon WIN LOSS
2 Pool Adrien Ala Dorian Canham DRAW DRAW
2 Pool Matthieu Dutheil Adrien Péchadre WIN LOSS
2 Pool Adrien Ala Alexandre Salvi LOSS WIN
2 Pool Matthieu Dutheil Pierre Mathon WIN LOSS
2 Pool Dorian Canham Alexandre Salvi WIN LOSS
2 Pool Adrien Ala Quentin Rigal DRAW DRAW
2 Pool Alexandre Salvi Adrien Péchadre WIN LOSS
Final 1/4 Adrien Ala Gilles Carriere LOSS WIN
Final 1/4 Théo Fovet Matthieu Dutheil LOSS WIN
Final 1/4 Gabriel Tardio Clément Grilli LOSS WIN
Final 1/4 Alexandre Salvi Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Final 1/2 Matthieu Dutheil Gilles Carriere LOSS WIN
Final 1/2 Clément Grilli Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Place Third Matthieu Dutheil Clément Grilli WIN LOSS
Final Dorian Canham Gilles Carriere WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just The Might 2019

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
120 55 Thierry Lalain Les Guerriers du Lendemain 1645 45.7
163 6 Fabien Goury Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon 1612.8 8.5
214 60 Michel Vollaro Frères d'AMHE 1576.2 36.1
253 5 Gilles Carriere École Chevaleresque 1553.7 2
397 272 Paul Chereau La Salle d'Armes 1485.8 83.8
497 609 Gabriel Tardio De Feu et d'Acier 1450.3 164.7
571 216 Alexander Rigby Frères d'AMHE 1423.7 53.2
610 485 Adrien Ala Frères d'AMHE 1415.9 127.7
637 167 Quentin Rigal Ecole d'Escrime Médiévale L'Âme Impetueuse 1410.1 49.2
663 203 Clément Grilli Club Sportif et de Loisirs de la Gendarmerie de GAP 1405.4 57
839 96 Matthieu Dutheil École Chevaleresque 1360.9 32.2
979 196 Julien Chasson WARRIOR BOX 1322.3 52.1
1042 97 Alexandre Salvi École Chevaleresque 1305.2 21.7
1089 75 Florian Bagnis Frères d'AMHE 1293.8 14.8
1131 345 Théo Fovet École Chevaleresque 1281.3 75.7
1159 498 Tristan Lapouge Recherche et Expérimentation du Geste Historique et Technique 1275.6 109.9
1329 Aleksandr Ermolov Lyon AMHE 1239.3
1343 Thomas Pelosse Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon 1236.5
2023 145 Pascal Lombardi Ecole d'Escrime Médiévale L'Âme Impetueuse 1101.8 23.7
2206 998 Laurent Amato Frères d'AMHE 1068.3 197.3
2613 613 Thibaut sikorsky Les Guerriers du Lendemain 989.2 125.7
2701 Wilfried Chatelard Frères d'AMHE 973.8
2706 Lionel Ducamin Frères d'AMHE 972.8
2839 291 Christopher Brouard Ecole d'Escrime Médiévale L'Âme Impetueuse 949.3 60.2
2897 Mathieu Croze De Feu et d'Acier 942.3
3114 Matteo Lahaye Ecole d'Escrime Médiévale L'Âme Impetueuse 904
3226 Marie Canayer Frères d'AMHE 880.2
3259 34 Marion Bourgogne École Chevaleresque 871.2 7.7
3314 Adrien Péchadre De Feu et d'Acier 858
3640 112 Émilie Hugues-Dutheil École Chevaleresque 767.7 18.9
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
103 85 Eléonore Court École Chevaleresque 1338.9 171.8
119 17 Émilie Hugues-Dutheil École Chevaleresque 1305.4 31.9
123 17 Marion Bourgogne École Chevaleresque 1299 36.7
247 Marie Canayer Frères d'AMHE 1063.3
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
103 85 Eléonore Court École Chevaleresque 1338.9 171.8
119 17 Émilie Hugues-Dutheil École Chevaleresque 1305.4 31.9
123 17 Marion Bourgogne École Chevaleresque 1299 36.7
247 Marie Canayer Frères d'AMHE 1063.3