KatzenKampf Octoberfecht 2019

Date October 29, 2019
Country Russia
City Saint Petersburg

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Men's Steel Longsword 42 18
Women's Steel Longsword 15 6

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
1st stage Kirill Cherevko Alexey Perkov LOSS WIN
1st stage Anton Somov Konstantin Zhukov WIN LOSS
1st stage Kirill Cherevko Anton Somov WIN LOSS
1st stage Alexey Perkov Konstantin Zhukov WIN LOSS
1st stage Anton Somov Alexey Perkov LOSS WIN
1st stage Kirill Cherevko Konstantin Zhukov WIN LOSS
1st stage Gleb Malikov Kirill Neumann LOSS WIN
1st stage Аndrey Burykin Daniil Typanov LOSS WIN
1st stage Anton Mavrin Gleb Malikov LOSS WIN
1st stage Daniil Typanov Kirill Neumann LOSS WIN
1st stage Anton Mavrin Аndrey Burykin LOSS WIN
1st stage Gleb Malikov Daniil Typanov LOSS WIN
1st stage Аndrey Burykin Kirill Neumann LOSS WIN
1st stage Anton Mavrin Daniil Typanov LOSS WIN
1st stage Аndrey Burykin Gleb Malikov LOSS WIN
1st stage Anton Mavrin Kirill Neumann LOSS WIN
1st stage Vadim Speshilov Boris Maminov WIN LOSS
1st stage Maxim Danilov Nikita Popov WIN LOSS
1st stage Vadim Speshilov Maxim Danilov LOSS WIN
1st stage Boris Maminov Nikita Popov LOSS WIN
1st stage Vadim Speshilov Nikita Popov WIN LOSS
1st stage Boris Maminov Maxim Danilov DRAW DRAW
1st stage Andrey Nekrylov Аlexey Tatsjak WIN LOSS
1st stage Mikhail Shulga Alexey Petrik LOSS WIN
1st stage Andrey Nekrylov Igor Vinogradov WIN LOSS
1st stage Alexey Petrik Аlexey Tatsjak WIN LOSS
1st stage Mikhail Shulga Igor Vinogradov LOSS WIN
1st stage Andrey Nekrylov Alexey Petrik LOSS WIN
1st stage Igor Vinogradov Аlexey Tatsjak LOSS WIN
1st stage Andrey Nekrylov Mikhail Shulga LOSS WIN
1st stage Igor Vinogradov Alexey Petrik LOSS WIN
1st stage Аlexey Tatsjak Mikhail Shulga LOSS WIN
2nd stage Daniil Typanov Kirill Cherevko WIN LOSS
2nd stage Kirill Neumann Alexey Perkov WIN LOSS
2nd stage Alexey Petrik Maxim Danilov WIN LOSS
2nd stage Vadim Speshilov Mikhail Shulga LOSS WIN
Final Alexey Petrik Mikhail Shulga WIN LOSS
Final Daniil Typanov Kirill Neumann WIN LOSS
Final Alexey Petrik Daniil Typanov WIN LOSS
Final Mikhail Shulga Kirill Neumann LOSS WIN
Final Alexey Petrik Kirill Neumann WIN LOSS
Final Daniil Typanov Mikhail Shulga WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just KatzenKampf Octoberfecht 2019

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
1 Elena Muzurina CounterTime 1895.7 22.2
93 Smirnova Anastasia International Academy of Fencing Arts 1364.3
97 6 Viktoriya Polyakova Ultima Ratio 1346.9 9.3
163 59 Irina Danilina Ultima Ratio 1220.8 130.6
250 Alexandra Soloshchenko Tannenberg 1052
359 Nina Sakhnovskaia CounterTime 846.8
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
1 Elena Muzurina CounterTime 1895.7 22.2
93 Smirnova Anastasia International Academy of Fencing Arts 1364.3
97 6 Viktoriya Polyakova Ultima Ratio 1346.9 9.3
163 59 Irina Danilina Ultima Ratio 1220.8 130.6
250 Alexandra Soloshchenko Tannenberg 1052
359 Nina Sakhnovskaia CounterTime 846.8