Battle Royale 2019

Date August 11, 2019
Country United States
State Ohio
City Columbus

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 76 20
Mixed Steel Sabre 27 7

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool David Pharis Random Allen LOSS WIN
Pool Caleb Tincher David Pharis LOSS WIN
Pool Random Allen Caleb Tincher WIN LOSS
Pool David Pharis Ari Toumpas WIN LOSS
Pool Random Allen Ari Toumpas LOSS WIN
Pool Ari Toumpas Caleb Tincher WIN LOSS
Pool David Pharis Aidan Witherspoon LOSS WIN
Pool Random Allen Aidan Witherspoon LOSS WIN
Pool Caleb Tincher Aidan Witherspoon LOSS WIN
Pool Aidan Witherspoon Ari Toumpas LOSS WIN
Pool Frank Zamary David Pharis WIN LOSS
Pool Random Allen Frank Zamary LOSS WIN
Pool Caleb Tincher Frank Zamary LOSS WIN
Pool Frank Zamary Ari Toumpas WIN LOSS
Pool Aidan Witherspoon Frank Zamary LOSS WIN
Pool Jonathan Paulino Robert DeHoff WIN LOSS
Pool Robert DeHoff Chance Cobb LOSS WIN
Pool Jonathan Paulino Chance Cobb WIN LOSS
Pool Robert DeHoff Matthew Dicken LOSS WIN
Pool Jonathan Paulino Matthew Dicken WIN LOSS
Pool Chance Cobb Matthew Dicken LOSS WIN
Pool Joseph Hochadel Robert DeHoff WIN LOSS
Pool Jonathan Paulino Joseph Hochadel WIN LOSS
Pool Chance Cobb Joseph Hochadel LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Dicken Joseph Hochadel LOSS WIN
Pool Dustin Frenton Robert DeHoff WIN LOSS
Pool Jonathan Paulino Dustin Frenton WIN LOSS
Pool Chance Cobb Dustin Frenton LOSS WIN
Pool Matthew Dicken Dustin Frenton WIN LOSS
Pool Dustin Frenton Joseph Hochadel LOSS WIN
Pool Rob Applegate Robert DeHoff LOSS WIN
Pool Jonathan Paulino Rob Applegate WIN LOSS
Pool Chance Cobb Rob Applegate WIN LOSS
Pool Matthew Dicken Rob Applegate WIN LOSS
Pool Rob Applegate Joseph Hochadel LOSS WIN
Pool Dustin Frenton Rob Applegate WIN LOSS
Pool C. Burns David Reddy WIN LOSS
Pool Derek Ray C. Burns WIN LOSS
Pool David Reddy Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pool Jonathan Rose C. Burns WIN LOSS
Pool David Reddy Jonathan Rose WIN LOSS
Pool Jonathan Rose Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Pool C. Burns AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Pool AJ Trefney David Reddy WIN LOSS
Pool Derek Ray AJ Trefney WIN LOSS
Pool Jonathan Rose AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Pool J.J. Conlon C. Burns WIN LOSS
Pool David Reddy J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Pool J.J. Conlon Derek Ray WIN LOSS
Pool Jonathan Rose J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Pool J.J. Conlon AJ Trefney WIN LOSS
Pool C. Burns Jaron Bernstein WIN LOSS
Pool Jaron Bernstein David Reddy LOSS WIN
Pool Derek Ray Jaron Bernstein WIN LOSS
Pool Jonathan Rose Jaron Bernstein LOSS WIN
Pool Jaron Bernstein AJ Trefney WIN LOSS
Pool J.J. Conlon Jaron Bernstein WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Robert DeHoff David Reddy WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Jaron Bernstein Rob Applegate WIN LOSS
Table of 32 Caleb Tincher C. Burns LOSS WIN
Table of 32 Chance Cobb Jonathan Rose LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Jonathan Paulino Robert DeHoff WIN LOSS
Table of 16 AJ Trefney Ari Toumpas WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Derek Ray David Pharis WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Jaron Bernstein Joseph Hochadel WIN LOSS
Table of 16 C. Burns Frank Zamary LOSS WIN
Table of 16 Matthew Dicken Random Allen WIN LOSS
Table of 16 Aidan Witherspoon Dustin Frenton WIN LOSS
Table of 16 J.J. Conlon Jonathan Rose WIN LOSS
Quarters AJ Trefney Jonathan Paulino LOSS WIN
Quarters Jaron Bernstein Derek Ray LOSS WIN
Quarters Matthew Dicken Frank Zamary WIN LOSS
Quarters Aidan Witherspoon J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Semi Jonathan Paulino Derek Ray WIN LOSS
Semi Matthew Dicken J.J. Conlon WIN LOSS
Final Jonathan Paulino Matthew Dicken WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Caleb Tincher Rob Applegate LOSS WIN
Pool Frank Zamary Rob Applegate WIN LOSS
Pool Caleb Tincher Frank Zamary LOSS WIN
Pool Random Allen Rob Applegate LOSS WIN
Pool Caleb Tincher Random Allen LOSS WIN
Pool Frank Zamary Random Allen WIN LOSS
Pool Rob Applegate Joseph Hochadel LOSS WIN
Pool Joseph Hochadel Caleb Tincher WIN LOSS
Pool Joseph Hochadel Frank Zamary WIN LOSS
Pool Random Allen Joseph Hochadel LOSS WIN
Pool Chance Cobb Rob Applegate WIN LOSS
Pool Caleb Tincher Chance Cobb LOSS WIN
Pool Frank Zamary Chance Cobb WIN LOSS
Pool Chance Cobb Random Allen WIN LOSS
Pool Joseph Hochadel Chance Cobb WIN LOSS
Pool Rob Applegate Joseph Streb LOSS WIN
Pool Caleb Tincher Joseph Streb LOSS WIN
Pool Frank Zamary Joseph Streb LOSS WIN
Pool Joseph Streb Random Allen WIN LOSS
Pool Joseph Hochadel Joseph Streb LOSS WIN
Pool Chance Cobb Joseph Streb LOSS WIN
Quarters Chance Cobb Rob Applegate WIN LOSS
Quarters Frank Zamary Random Allen WIN LOSS
Quarters Caleb Tincher Joseph Hochadel LOSS WIN
Semi Joseph Streb Chance Cobb WIN LOSS
Semi Frank Zamary Joseph Hochadel WIN LOSS
Final Joseph Streb Frank Zamary WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Battle Royale 2019